History of UMPCD

Bucharest medical and pharmaceutical high education dates for over a century.

Carol Davila, a Romanian doctor of French origins, in collaboration with Nicolae Kretzulescu has started the medical education in our country, by forming, in 1857, The National School of Medicine and Pharmacy.

Due to his activity, in our country were born several scientific societies:

  • “The Medical Society” (1857)
  • “The Red Cross Society” (1876)
  • “The National Sciences Society” (1876)

and two medical journals:

  • “Monitorul Medical” (1862)
  • “Gazeta Medicala” (1865)

During the War of Independence (1877 – 1878), he lead the military service.

The construction of the Faculty of Medicine has been completed and inaugurated on October 12th1903, the day that Carol Davila’s statue has been inaugurated. The initiative of building a monument for Davila was taken at the first national medical congress, held in Bucharest in October 1884. The statue, valuable work of Carol Stork, was cast in bronze in the studios of the Bucharest School of Arts and Crafts.

The inauguration of the Palace represents an important date in the evolution of the medical education in Bucharest. The new place has brought great improvements to the functioning of the laboratories, the organizing of the practical works and the entire didactical activity. For a while, it also hosted a part of the Pharmacy section.

Despite of the difficulties encountered, the national School of Medicine and Pharmacy has developed gradually, and on November 12th1869, the establishment of the Bucharest Faculty of Medicine became possible. The Faculty opened its courses on November 22nd1869. It was the first faculty of medicine from the University of Bucharest, and, at the same time, in our country; through it, the medical science managed to impose itself both in Romania and outside its borders.

Among its esteemed professors that contributed to the development of the Medical education in Bucharest, can be found: Carol Davila, Iacob Felix (1832 – 1905), the founder of the School of Hygiene,  with concerns in general medicine; Alexandru Marcovici (1835 – 1886), the founder of the medical clinic; Nicolae Turnescu (1819 – 1890) and Constantin Dumitrescu – Severeanu (1840 – 1930), the founders of the surgical clinic; Zaharia Petrescu (1841 – 1901), the founder of the medical therapeutics; Alexandru Sutzu (1837 – 1919) who founded the legal medicine and he pharmacy.

A major event in the orientation of the therapies and pharmacy was the appearance, at the beginning of 1863, of the first Romanian Pharmacopoeia. One of the most important figures in the making of this work of art was, besides Carol Davila, the erudite pharmacist Constantin C. Hepites (1804 – 1890), a former professor of the Medical School.

In 1873, the support of the first Ph.D theses takes place at the Faculty of Medicine of Bucharest. Until 1888, a number of 19 bachelor degrees are supported in parallel with the Ph.D theses. Starting from 1885, students without a baccalaureat diploma are not admitted to the faculty anymore, and after 1888, the faculty graduates have to sustain a Ph.D thesis, thus obtaining the title of doctor in medicine and surgery.

The founding of Students Society of Medicine in Bucharest on 1st of January 1875, at the initiative of future professor Nicolae Manolescu, was another important event in the faculty’s life which had the purpose of improving the studying conditions.

The year 1887 marked another stage in the development of the Faculty of Medicine of Bucharest and also a notable date in the history of Romanian science. In that year, three eminent scientists were named professors in order to lead some of the main faculty’s chairs. Victor Babes (1854-1926), one of the greatest bacteriologists and anatomopathologists of his time; George Assaky (1855-1899), the founder of the experimental surgery school and Nicolae Kalinderu (1832-1902), eminent clinician, the promoter of anatomo-clinical orientation in Romanian medicine.

After 1890, some other scientists complete the teaching staff of the Faculty of Medicine from Bucharest; in 1895, Thoma Ionescu (1860-1926), the founder of modern Romanian surgery and innovator in the archianesthesia field, is named professor of topographic anatomy and of clinical surgery; in 1899, Gheorghe Marinescu (1863-1938), the founder of Romanian school of neurology; in 1901, Ion Cantacuzino (1863-1934), bacteriologist and biologist, immunologist and epidemiologist, the founder of Romanian school of experimental medicine.

After the First World War, some other impressive personalities who consolidated the faculty’s prestige joined the teaching staff.  Among them we can mention the following: Professor Ion Nanu Muscel (1862-1938), clinician and school creator; Anibal Theohari (1873-1933), the creator of experimental therapeutics and of balneology; professor Ernest Juvara (1870-1933), innovator in surgical and instrumental technique; professor Alexandru Obregia (1860-1937), who illustrated psychiatry science; professor Mina Minovici (1858-1933), the creator and organizer of forensic medicine in Romania; Francisc Rainer (1874-1944), erudite anatomist and anthropologist; Constantin I. Parhon, promoter of endocrinology and of biochemistry;  Dimitrie Bagdasar (1893-1946), the founder of neurosurgery school; Constantin Ionescu-Mihaiesti (1883-1962), representative of Romanian school of microbiology, organizer of serum production practice, one of the founders of “Dr.I.Cantacuzini” Institute.

In 1898, the Pharmacy School becomes section of the Faculty of Medicine, being thus recognised as a higher education institution. The school functions like this until 1923, when the Faculty of Pharmacy is established, as a separate institution of the University of Bucharest. Stefan Minovici (1867-1935) had an important role in the forming of the Faculty of Medicine and in the pharmaceutical scientific research simulation.

Below you can watch short documentaries on the personality of the medical world who contributed to the history UMPCD

History of UMPCD