Professor Viorel Jinga, MD, PhD


Tel. +40 213.180.721
Tel. +40 213.180.722
Fax +40 213.180.730

Professor Ecaterina Ionescu, MD, PhD

Vice-Rector – for undergraduate and Master’s studies

Tel.: +40 213.180.721 – int. 106
Tel.: +40 213.180.722 – int. 106
Fax +40 213.180.730
Audiences: Tuesday and Thursday, hours: 14.00 - 16.00

Main tasks:

  • ensuring the correlation between the staff of each department and the part that the respective subject plays in the teaching process;
  • centralising undergraduate study plans set up by the Faculty Councils and revising them, in accordance with the University development plan for the near future;
  • ensures the adequacy of the teaching material provided to students;
  • centralising proposals regarding the improvement of department equipment and establishing the priorities, in the form of a report presented to the Administrative Council;
  • carrying out studies regarding the structure and content of study programmes and perspectives for perfecting them;
  • supervising the preparation and organisation of the admission, graduation and diploma exam sessions;
  • analysing and proposing to the Administrative Council the validation of studies completed by students of the University within or outside the country;
  • centralising Master’s degree teaching plans and revising them, in accordance with the University development plan for the near future;
  • ensuring the development of new Master’s degree study programmes and coordinating their recognition by the relevant institutions of the Ministry of Education, Research, Youth and Sports;
  • centralising proposals regarding the improvement of Master’s degree programmes and outlining the priorities in a report presented to the Administrative Council;
  • overseeing the preparation and organisation of admission exam sessions for the Master’s degree programmes;
  • coordinating activities related to the unfolding of Master’s degree studies;
  • verifying the files of the candidates competing for teaching positions or scientific titles;
  • ensuring the timely notification of all departments regarding scholarships, specialisation programmes and other training schemes for members of the University community, within the country or abroad.

Professor Florentina Ligia Furtunescu, MD, PhD

Vice-Rector for institutional strategy, academic evaluation and quality

Tel.: +40 213.180.721 – int. 105
Tel.: +40 213.180.722 – int. 105
Fax +40 213.180.723
Audiences: Tuesday and Thursday, hours: 14.00 - 16.00

Main tasks:

  • Proposes, from the strategic plan for institutional development, the domains which imply collaboration with external partners (local community, employers, health services providers, NGOs);
  • Coordinates the activity of the Evaluation and Quality Control Committee at the level of UMPCD;
  • Ensures quality management  for educational services for initial and continuous training offered by UMPCD;
  • Coordinates and monitors the strategy for the improvement and continuous development of the didactic and non-didactic personnel of UMPCD;
  • Monitors the implementation of the projects and measures with the goal of developing the institutions together with the structures to which they directly belong, as a part of the quality evaluation process.

Professor Bogdan-Ovidiu Popescu, MD, PhD

Vice-Rector for european and international cooperation

Tel.: +40 213.180.721 – int. 105
Tel.: +40 213.180.722 – int. 105
Fax +40 213.180.723
Audiences: Monday and Thursday, hours 14:30 - 16:30

Main tasks:

  • Maintains and develops interuniversitary agreements with other countries;
  • Encourages, organizes and analyzes the mobility of the professors, researchers and students who travel abroad with professional tasks ;
  • Coordinates the European Union programs as well as other international programs in which the University has acceded and designates the representatives for each University;
  • Disseminates in the University information regarding the validation of the study diplomas in the European Union countries and in other countries and participates in the implementation in the University of the measures imposed by the European Union;

Professor Catalina Poiana, MD, PhD

Vice-Rector – for postgraduate studies

Tel.: +40 213.180.721 – int. 111
Tel.: +40 213.180.722 – int. 111
Fax +40 213.180.730
Audiences: Tuesday and Friday, hours 14:30 - 16:30

Main tasks:

  • supervising the activity of the Teaching Staff Preparation Department;
  • coordinating the integration and medical assistance of the teaching staff;
  • overseeing the activity of the Postgraduate Studies and Residency Training Department;
  • supervising the postgraduate studies of Medicine and Pharmacy students;
  • coordinating the residency training programme;
  • ensuring collaboration with the relevant department within the Ministry of Health.

Professor Simona Ruță, MD, PhD

Vice-Rector– scientific research

Tel.: +40 213.180.721 – int. 116
Tel.: +40 213.180.722 – int. 116
Fax +40 213.180.730
Audiences: Monday and Wednesday hours: 14.00 - 16.00

Main tasks:

  • setting the priorities in scientific research, which are to be subsequently approved by the Senate;
  • coordinating the research activity within the University;
  • providing logistic support for scientific sessions dedicated to students;
  • involving the University in the organisation of congresses, conferences or scientific sessions for the teaching staff, researchers, students; ensuring that the University community is informed about national and international scientific events;
  • presenting an yearly report to the Senate, which details the scientific research projects and contracts the University is involved in, including their financial aspect;
  • advising on the involvement in any scientific research contracts and informing the Senate about them;
  • supervising the achievement of microproduction goals;
  • centralising proposals regarding the improvement of department equipment and establishing the priorities, in the form of a report presented to the Administrative Council;
  • is the president of the Scientific Council of the UMPCD Central Library.

Professor Silviu Mirel Pițuru, MD, PhD

Vice-Rector - for student affairs

Tel.: +40 213.180.721 – int. 145
Tel.: +40 213.180.722 – int. 145
Fax +40 213.180.730
Audiences: Monday and Wednesday, hours 14:00 - 16:00

Main tasks:

  • Coordinates student’s scholarships granting activity;
  • Contributes to the well-functioning of the student’s dorms and canteens;
  • Coordinates the activity of the social service of the University;
  • Coordinates the activity of the sport base and students’ club;
  • Coordinates the activity of career orientation of the students.

Associate Professor Busnatu Ștefan-Sebastian, MD, PhD

Vice-Rector - for student affairs

Tel.: +40 213.180.721 – int. 145
Tel.: +40 213.180.722 – int. 145
Fax +40 213.180.730
Audiences: Monday, Thursday and Friday, hours 14:00 - 16:00

Main tasks:

  • coordinates and monitors the activity of the department responsible for IT systems and digital communications;
  • coordinates the activity of the Innovation and e-Health Center;
  • pursues the implementation of innovation strategies and permanent, coherent and unitary development of the infrastructure for information and communication technologies (ICT) at the UMFCD level;
  • manages and monitors the institutional digitization process by implementing administrative and educational applications for a better and more efficient performance of the CDUMP activity;
  • manages and monitors the implementation and creation of the visual identity elements of the university, with the approval of the Senate