Discipline - Pathophysiology and Immunology

Professor Arama Stefan Sorin, PhD tenured
Associate Professor Tiliscan Catalin, PhD tenured
Lecturer Croitoru George-Alexandru, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Duport-Dodot Anamaria Irina, PhD fixed term
Assistant Professor Adamescu Aida-Isabela, PhD fixed term
Assistant Professor Ciobanu Sebastian, PhD fixed term

The Discipline of Pathophysiology and Immunology is an integrated part of the Department II , Dental Medicine – University of Medicine and Pharmacy „Carol Davila”, Bucharest, Faculty of Dental Medicine.

Within the discipline, students from the preclinical years (II and III) are provided with general medicine information regarding the pathophysiological mechanism  of disease’s onset, manifestation, as well as the organism’s reaction to certain pathogens.

Understanding and comparing the normal and pathological situations regarding special intermediary pathological metabolism and the progress of the immune system is the foundation of understanding internal medicine and sets a basis for the medical reasoning of the future graduates from the Faculty of Dental Medicine.

Within the Discipline of Pathophysiology and Immunologywe study:

  • Pathophysiology – 2nd Year
  • Electrocardiogram and functional explorari functional explorations– 2nd Year
  • Immunology – 3rd Year
  • Elements of Pathoimmunology – 3rd year

Our students are involved in a number of research activities within the Circle of Pathophysiology,  actively participating at national and international congresses addressed to them and to yound doctors. The results of the research can be found in the resume books of the congresses and the their certification can be concluded from their numerous awards obtained throughout the years.


  1. Aramă. Fiziopatologie. Ed. Cerma (Editură recunoscută CNCSIS), Bucureşti, 1999. Monografia are 332 pagini; ISBN 973-9266-35-5. Datorită epuizării tirajului, cartea a fost ulterior reeditata in anul 2002 şi 2005.
  2. Aramă. Explorări funcţionale – Ed. a II-a revizuită şi adăugită, Ed. CERMAPRINT (Editură recunoscută CNCSIS), Bucureşti 2007. Monografia are 337 pag; ISBN 978-973-7667-90-8. Al. Croitoru– coautor al capitolelor „Explorarea leucocitelor” şi „Metode moderne de explorare în medicina dentară”.
  3. Aramă. Electrocardiografie – noţiuni teoretice şi trasee comentate. Ed. CERMAPRINT (Editură recunoscută CNCSIS), Bucureşti 2007. Monografia are 260 pag; ISBN 978-973-1887-01-2. Al. Croitoru– coautor al capitolelor “Noţiuni de anatomie şi fiziologie cardiovasculară” şi “Electrocardiograma normală”.

Professor Stefan Sorin Arama is the head of the Doctoral Program in the field if  Medicine since 2009. Every year, he is asked for the guidance of postgraduate students in order to obtain their PhD. Some of the papers from previous years are:

  • Raluca Mihăilescu – ”Particularităţi ale sindromului inflamator şi ale echilibrului fluido-coagulant la pacienţii cu infecţie HIV sub terapie antiretrovirală” - – Particularities of the inflammatory syndrome and of the blood clotting equilibrium in the case of HIV-infected pacients undergoing antiretroviral therapy
  • Cătălin Tilișcan – ”Elemente de patogeneză a sindromului metabolic asociat tratamentului antiretroviral la pacienții cu infecție HIV” - – Elements of pathogenesis of the metabolic syndrome associated with the antiretroviral treatment for the HIV- infected patients
  • Alexandru Croitoru– ”Corelații fiziopatologice între boala parodontală, bolile reumatismale autoimune și riscul cardiovascular” - Pathophysiological correlations between the periodontal disease, autoimmune rheumatismal deseases and the cardiovascular risk
  • Daniela Munteanu– ”Studiul unor factori de accelerare a progresiei bolii hepatice la pacienții cu hepatite cronice virale” - The study of some factors with accelerating effects over hepatic disease in the case of viral chronic hepatic diseases
  • rheumatismal disease
  • chronic viral infections
  • periodontal disease
  • inflammatory syndromes
  • cardiac failure
  • Corelarea metodelor de diagnostic privind evaluarea implicării virusurilor hepatitice în limfoproliferările cronice – prevalenţa infecţiei şi identificarea unor mecanisme moleculare implicate în oncogeneză” - Correlating the diagnostic methods regarding the implication of the hepatic viruses in chronic lymphoproliferations - prevalence of infection and identifying of some molecular mechanisms involved in oncogenesis
  • ”Metabolic syndrome and fibrosis evaluation in chronic HCV infection by new biomarkers and their predictive role for prognosis and treatment response”
  • ”Evolution of Chronic Gastritis and Intestinal Metaplasia after eradication of CagA+ Helicobacter pylori Strains”
  • M. Vlădăreanu, V.M. Popov, S.S. AramăAl. Croitoru, “Fluorescence anisotropy could become a suitable thrombocyte investigation option”
  • Aramă, D.I. Munteanu, A. Streinu-Cercel, M. Lazăr, R. Mihăilescu, C. Tilișcan, D. Ion, M. Rădulescu, I.D. Olaru, C. Popescu, A. Hristea, S.S Aramă, ”Correlation between inflammatory markers and bone mineral density in treatment experienced HIV-seropositive patients”
  • Mihăilescu, V. Aramă, C. Tilișcan, A. Streinu-Cercel, D. Ion, S.S. Aramă, ”Inflammation biomarkers in HIV seropositive patients undergoing retroviral therapy”
  • CroitoruC. Tilișcan, C. Mihai, V. Aramă, D. Ion, S.S. Aramă, ”The role of diabetes mellitus in periodontal disease and rheumatoid arthritis pathogenesis – The Dentisit’s point of view”
  • Bojincă, S.S. Aramă, V. Bojincă, M. Milicescu, Al. Croitoru, V. Aramă, A. Câmpean, “Comparative Study of Matrix Metalloproteinases in Synovial Fluid from Rheumatoid Arthritis and Arthrosis Patients”
  • S. AramăC. Tilișcan, C. Negoiță, Al. Croitoru, V. Aramă, C. Mihai, F. Pop, A. Garg, ” Efficacy of 7-Day and 14-Day Triple Therapy Regimens for the Eradication of Helicobacter pylori: A Comparative Study in a Cohort of Romanian Patients”