Detailed articles

CHAPTER I - General Provisions

Art. 1

These Regulations are issued in accordance with the following provisions:

  • a) Nr.1/2011 National Education Act, as amended by the following;
  • b) The Charter of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Carol Davila" - version IV (with legal advice provided by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports on 22.03.2012);
  • c) Other normative acts.

Art. 2

These regulations define the professional relationships that govern didactic activities, as established by the students enrolled in undergraduate study programs (hereafter referred to as students) and the University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Carol Davila” in Bucharest (hereafter referred to as University).

Art. 3

(1) The University offers licentiate studies in the HEALTHCARE field. The study programs offered by the University are:

  1. Specializations regulated divisionally:
  • a) Medicine - 6 years of study/360 credits (Bachelors Degree [BA] and Master’s Degree [MA]);
  • b) Dentistry - 6 years of study/360 credits (BA and MA);
  • c) Pharmacy - 5 years of study/300 credits (BA and MA);
  • d) Midwifery and Healthcare Assistance - 4 years of study/240 credits.

2. Generally regulated specializations, 3 years study duration/180 credits:

  • a) Balneo-physio-kinetotherapy;
  • b) Clinical Laboratory;
  • c) Dental Technician;
  • d) Dental Assistance;
  • e) Pharmacy Assistance.

(2) Considering that medical professions, namely those of doctor, dentist and pharmacist, are governed by specific rules, guidelines or good practices with respect to EU standards, within the faculties of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmacy, cycle I (undergraduate degree) and cycle II (master's degree) are merged into a single program of university studies lasting a total of 5-6 years. Thus the diplomas obtained are equivalent to a Bachelor’s degree and Master's degree.

CHAPTER II - The Student

Art. 4

(1) The status of University student is given to an individual who satisfies the following conditions: is accepted to study at the university, is registered for studies according to the legal provisions, and signs an Individual Contract of Studies with the University; in the case of students admitted without scholarship, it is also mandatory to pay tuition before being considered a University student. Student status is attested by the student card which is stamped annually. The student card demonstrates the eligibility of the student to partake in all University services and activities.

(2) One can become a student by meeting the following requirements:

  • a) after successful participation in the entrance exam in accordance with the rules of admission to the University;
  • b) via transfer from another higher education institution;
  • c) through re-matriculation, following the protocol established in these Regulations. (Students who obtain approval for re-matriculation will preserve their original matriculation number);
  • d) due to mobility from another higher education institution for a limited time;
  • e) with the permission of the Ministry of National Education (MNE);
  • f) candidates can be admitted based on an evaluation of their academic performance and personal achievements;
  • g) admission to graduates of another faculty in the “Healthcare” field, which are pursuing a second degree.

(3) Termination of student status occurs in the following situations:

  • a) successful completion of studies;
  • b) withdrawal from studies;
  • c) in the case of expulsion;
  • d) during a period of suspension of studies;
  • e) at the expiry of tuition payment (until payment is made) in the same academic year;
  • f) failure to complete the first year of studies.

When student status is terminated, the student is obligated to submit to the secretariat of the faculty his/her student card, travel ticket (if applicable) and a winding sheet.


Art. 5

(1) Matriculation is achieved with the approval of the Rector, at the request of the student, after fulfilling all legal requirements based on the proposals submitted by the deans of the faculties. After approval of the application, each student is entered in the Registry under a unique number, valid for their entire study period in the respective faculty. Once enrolled in the higher education institution, each student signs an Individual Study Contract with the Rector, as the legal representative of the University.

(2) For foreign students that benefit from a Romanian state scholarship, matriculation is based on a nominal Order issued by NME, subsequently approved by the management of the University.

(3) For foreign nationals studying with tuition, matriculation is based on the acquisition of provisional matriculation, issued by the pro-rector of the department of foreign students, and a letter of acceptance for studies issued by NME where appropriate. Definitive matriculation of these students is achieved:

  • a) after recognition and equivalence of their high school studies by NME;
  • b) after the verification and approval of the student's personal file by NME;
  • c) by order of definitive matriculation from NME;
  • d) after passing the language proficiency test;
  • e) with the approval of the Rector.

(4) The completed file for each foreign student, prepared by the Bureau of foreign students, is given to the Deanship after review and approval by NME, no later than November 1st of the current academic year.

(5) The enrolment of students admitted based on their performance on the entrance exam and evaluation of their personnel file shall be made within 15 days of the start of the academic year. The Board of Directors may, in exceptional circumstances, extend this deadline.

Art. 6

(1) Upon enrolment in the first year, a personal file is prepared for each student in the school registry at the level of the faculty secretariat, which must contain:

  1. The student’s Baccalaureate degree or its equivalent in the original; for students paying tuition, that are enrolled at another university, a legalized copy and certificate from this university are also acceptable, but these documents must specify that the original high school diploma is at the respective university;
  2. Legalized copy of birth certificate;
  3. The Individual Contract of undergraduate Studies;
  4. Registration sheet, according to the standard format;
  5. Proof of tuition fee payment (for students enrolled with tuition, for transfer students and for university graduates in the same field, enrolled in their second degree)
  6. Approval of the transfer, the academic standing for years of university studies completed at the previous university, the syllabus for these studies (for transfer students)
  7. Approval for enrolment in a second degree, the Bachelor Diploma and corresponding diploma supplement (legalized copies) from the previously attended college/university (for graduates of a university in the "Health" field, following the same type of regulatory program (divisional or general) with the same number of credits)
  8. Medical documents
  9. The entrance examination of the student (with appropriate exceptions)
  10. Other documents (photo ¾ inches, copy of Identity Card, copy of residence permit, the necessary documents for bursary eligibility under the scholarship regulations, any documents by which the applicant is granted certain rights, recognition or sanctions).

(2) Candidates that are approved for admission into the first year of studies and are not enrolled during the period established by the Administration Council lose their right to matriculation.

Art 7

(1) Student registration into the second year and in subsequent years takes place within 10 days of the start of the academic year (or from the end of the credit session for students in this situation).The student’s registration request is approved by the Dean on the basis of passing the preceding academic year and after filling out the relevant form.

(2) Romanian students paying tuition, similarly to foreign students that have to pay academic fees, are responsible for funding their education (paying the school fees), as decided by the Administration Council, and approved by the University Senate.

(3) A student repeating the year will be enrolled, by their request, in the year which he/she did not pass (exception: first year students who are expelled).

Art. 8

The student file contains, along with completed application form signed by the student, a declaration that he/she (the student) knows the contents of this regulation and the contents of the Individual Study Contract.

Art. 9

(1) Student documents during undergraduate studies include:

  • a) the student card - issued by the Deanship;

The student card must bear all the grades from examinations or other forms of knowledge verification (including those that were failed), that the student is required to complete during their degree, as well as entries specifying: passed, repeating or expelled;

  • b) transportation card - issued by the deanship in accordance with certain legal conditions;
  • c) library card - issued after payment by library staff;
  • d) documents granting permission to live and study in Romania - for foreign students - issued by the Bureau of Foreign Students;

(2) In the student documents, it is not permitted to make unjustified corrections, erasures or introduce false data. These acts constitute fraud and are subject to sanctions under applicable law and these regulations.

(3) If a student loses their student documents, they are issued a duplicate after declaring the loss in writing and after payment of a loss fee.

(4) In case of transfer, withdrawal or expulsion from studies, the deanship will withdraw these documents.

(5) Study documents from the personal file are issued upon the student’s request, after termination of the Individual Study Contract, and only after the presentation of the winding sheet, filled in and signed.

CHAPTER IV – Individual Study Contract. TUITION FEES

Art. 10

(1) The Individual Study Contract, signed by the student, is a prerequisite for enrolment in studies.

(2) The Individual Study Contract lists the student’s rights and obligations;

(3) The Individual Study Contract establishes the financial obligations of the student;

(4) In case of cancellation or termination of the Individual Study Contract, as in the termination or completion of studies, the student is required to go through the procedure of settling obligations/debts to the university.

Art 11

Tuition fees are proposed by the Administration Council and approved by the University Senate. Payment procedures are set out in the Individual Study Contract.

Art. 12

The method of allocation of students into scholarship and tuition categories is established annually, by classifying students based on their academic performance in previous years, expressed as a weighted average. The exception to this classification are students who have participated in the credits exam session, transfer students who are enrolled with tuition (for the year of transfer, regardless of the average with which they transferred) and those who have benefited from scholarship financing during another undergraduate degree program.

CHAPTER V - Evaluation of Academic Performance. Examinations.

Professional Activity


In order to pass the year, students are required to obtain the 60 credits assigned to one academic year, at the latest by the 15th of October of the following academic year.


In the University, the professional activity of the student shall take the form of: courses, tutorials, seminars, clinical-study, coaching/consulting, scientific circles, etc.


The theoretical course and practical seminar program must be completed in its entirety by each student.


The curriculum material includes compulsory and optional subjects. Credits for elective subjects can be attributed to the student’s choice of optional subjects through attendance and successful completion of the course, with the exception of the 2014 and 2015 promotions at the Faculty of Medicine.


The teaching method is as follows:

  • a) linear education;


  • b) modular education (at the Faculty of Medicine, for certain clinical disciplines).


The student’s academic performance is evaluated throughout their studies; during seminars, practicals and other curriculum activities, as well as final exams, written during the exam sessions established according to the structure of the academic year.


For linear education, exam sessions take place as follows:

Session I - during winter, at the end of semester I - for the subjects covered in the first semester;

Session II - during summer, at the end of Semester II - for subjects covered in semester II. During session II, students cannot be examined on subjects covered in session I;

Session III - during the rest period - between the 1st and 25th of September (during the final years, this session takes place in the first week after the second session);

Session IV - credit session - between the 1st and 15th of October.

Art. 20

(1) Students who meet the examination requirements, established by the regulations of each individual discipline, approved by the Department Council and approved by the University Council, may attend exam sessions I and II (hereinafter referred to as examination requirements).

(2) Students may attend exam session III if they meet the examination requirements after sessions I and II and have no more than 30 outstanding credits. Students missing 31 or more credits after the sessions I and II may not advance to the next academic year.

(3) Session IV - students may attend this session after exam session III if they meet examination requirements and have no more than 12 outstanding credits. Students with 13 or more credits remaining after session III are not promoted to the next academic year.

Art. 21

For modular education, exams will be sustained:

  • -at the end of each module;
  • -during exam sessions III and IV.

Art. 22

Students that after exam session IV (linear or modular education) still have outstanding credits will repeat the year. After October 15th no more makeup exams will be allowed.

Art. 23

(1) In the case of linear education, the student can participate in an exam a maximum of 3 times (as long as he/she meets all the requirements, including Art. 20 (2) and (3) as follows:

  • -the first attempt is during the first exam session following the teaching semester (session I or session II);
  • -the second attempt is during the session for makeup exams (session III);
  • -the third attempt is during the credit session (Session IV).

(2) In the case of modular education, the student can participate in an exam a maximum of 3 times (as long as he/she meets the all the requirements, including Art. 20 (2) and (3)) as follows:

  • -the first attempt after completion of the module;
  • -the second attempt is during the makeup exam session (session III);
  • -the third attempt is during the credit session (session IV).

(3) Failure to appear for an exam during the scheduled time for the student’s respective group is a lost opportunity to take the exam during that exam session, therefore reducing the total number of possible attempts.

Art. 24

At the university, only enrolled students may participate in exams. Students are admitted into an exam only based on the Catalogue (Student Roster) issued by the deanship, which officially attests the enrolment of the student and up-to-date payment of academic fees.

Art. 25

(1) At the beginning of the school year, each discipline must post the syllabus, course and practical lesson objectives, exam subjects, reference bibliography as well as the assessment and grading methods. These will remain valid for the entire academic year.

(2) Assessment of knowledge can be done through an exam, a partial test, a control test, etc. The grading system consists of whole numbers from 1 to 10; 5 being the minimum passing score.

(3) Scoring below a 5 requires the student to repeat the exam during the session for failed exams. Students who fail to pass precursory steps for the exam will not be allowed to participate in the final exam.

Art. 26

(1) The rules of teaching and examination have to be known and followed by the entire academic community.

(2) Classes and examinations will be conducted in Romanian; respectively, these will be conducted in English for the English module, for the years of study in which the courses are taught in that language, according to the Study Contract.

(3) a. Examination requirements and structure will be presented to the students during the first class by the lecturer. The type of assessment associated with a discipline must be approved by the Faculty Council, by September 15th and can be written, oral, practical or any other method of knowledge assessment.

b. For each course, the exam subjects will be decided by the lecturer, together with the heads of the discipline and they will be approved by the Department Council, according to the syllabus and the content of the course/practical lessons.

c. For courses that are offered by multiple disciplines in the same academic year, the examination curriculum and methodology need to be the same.

d. In the case of multiple subjects receiving one cumulative grade (a complex examination):

  • -it is mandatory that each of the subjects have a percentage in the examination and the final grade; the percentage/weight of each subject must be directly proportional with the amount of material taught (the number of hours taught);
  • -the heads of each department will come to an agreement as to how the examination will take place.

(4) Students have the right to attend the final exam for a course only if all their professional obligations (projects, practical lessons, essays, etc) have been fulfilled, as well as their financial obligations (tuition fee, examination fee, fees for absence recovery, etc.).

Art. 27

(1) Theoretical exams will take place in the presence of at least two teachers: the lecturer or a person designated by them and another teacher who was part of the teaching staff for the course for that specific series, at the time and date previously established, between the hours of 7:30 and 20:00. Exceeding 20:00 for an exam is not allowed, regardless of the examination method.

(2) Replacement of examiners can occur with a justified request approved by the Dean.

Art. 28

In linear education, for exam sessions I, II and III, there must be at least a two day gap between successive examinations. Session IV, for credits, is exempt from this rule.

Art. 29

(1) For exam sessions I and II, the date, time and place for each exam are established by the deanship, based on suggestions from the students, after consulting the teaching staff of the respective discipline; this occurs throughout the first half of each semester/ module. These will be displayed in front of the department secretariat, before the beginning of the exam session.

(2) The schedule for session III exams will be established before the end of Session II and will be displayed at each department.

Art. 30

For the courses which have only one final exam, after a semester of teaching, partial exams can be organized, by agreement between the head of the department and the students. The scheduling of the partial exam will be approved by the Deanship. Participation in the partial exam is not mandatory. The material covered in the partial exam will not be tested in the final exam. The grade obtained in the partial will be noted in the student grade book and in provisional catalogues. Taking into consideration the grade obtained in the partial exam and the final exam grade, the examiners will take an average of the two and write the final grade in the official catalogue. If at the final exam the student fails to receive a passing grade, they will have to take the exam again, covering the material that was failed. Partial exams can be sustained the first tenth of each semester.

Art. 31

Regardless of the examination method, the examination for each subject needs to be uniform, with respect to difficulty as well as the method and the volume of material tested. This responsibility falls on the head of the discipline (if there are multiple teachers for the course) or on the head of the department (if the exam is for multiple disciplines which cover the same material).

Art. 32

(1) Students have the responsibility to show up for the exam at the established time and place.

(2) Entrance into the exam will be granted on the basis of valid proof of identity (passport or identity card) and a student grade book with a current stamp from the Faculty secretary (or a temporary certificate from the Deanship).

Art. 33

(1) During an exam, students are not allowed to carry a cell phone or other electronic devices which may allow them to communicate or consult data. Cell phones need to be powered off when entering the examination room and remain that way throughout the exam.

(2) Bags, coats and cell phones will be stored in a place indicated by the attending teacher and not beside the students.

(3) Failure to respect the examination rules and conditions will lead to exclusion from the exam.

Art. 34

(1) For written exams, students are assigned to an examination room based on the decision of the teachers.

(2) For written exams, students need to bring pens and all the permitted, necessary tools for the exam.

Art. 35

(1) During the examination, communication between students is forbidden. Any question or request may only be addressed to the professor, out loud.

(2) The supervising teaching staff must have an attitude that discourages any cheating attempt; the head of the department and the course lecturer are directly responsible for this aspect of academic conduct.

(3) Before exiting the room, students must turn in the exam and any scratch papers.

Art. 36

For oral exams, the student will be granted thinking time and a maximum of 20 minutes to answer.

Art. 37

For any type of exam, the last 3 students need to remain in the room until the examination is completed for all students.

Art. 38

In order for an exam to take place on a Saturday or a Sunday it is necessary to have an agreement between the teachers and the students.

 Successful completion of an examination

 Art. 39

Any exam should be objective and should evaluate the professional performance of the student.

Art. 40

Oral exam results will be communicated to the student on the same day and will be marked in the catalog, as well as the student grade book. In the case of written exams, the grades will be announced within a maximum of 3 working days from the exam day.

Art. 41

(1) A student can contest their grade within 1 working day from the time the grades were posted by filing a written request with the department’s secretariat.

(2) The contestation can only refer to the student’s own grade.

(3) The request must be answered within 2 working days from when it was filed.

(4) If it can be proven beyond reasonable doubt that the examination did not conform to regulations or the evaluation was unfair, the Dean of the University can cancel the grade and request a new examination. This examination will be supervised by a commission formed by at least 3 academic personnel, and will follow the examination procedure of that department.

Art. 42

(1) Passing an exam implies receiving the full number of credits for that subject.

(2) Student written exams belong to each department and will be kept for one year.

 Re-examination for grade increase

Art. 43

Re-examinations for grade increase require approval from the Deanship based on the following principles:

(1) A student cannot attend more than 3 re-examinations for grade increase per academic year;

(2) Re-examinations for grade increase take place between September 15th-25th.

(3) In order to request re-examination for grade increase, the student must have passed all their classes in the previous academic year (both exam sessions) with no outstanding credits.

Art. 44

If the grade received during the re-examination for grade increase is lower than the original grade, the original grade will be marked in the grade book.

Liability and sanctions

Art. 45

If one student poses as another for an exam, it will result in repercussions for both the impersonating student and the student who asked to be impersonated.

Art. 46

Any academic dishonesty or attempt to cheat will be punished regardless of the modality: oral communication, written materials, electronic devices, or student impersonation.

Art. 47

(1) Discovery of any electronic devices, in the possession of a student, aimed at receiving information is considered an attempt to cheat, even if the device has not been used.

(2) Students with hearing deficits, which require a hearing aid, must inform the presiding professor at least 72h before the exam and present medical documents to prove that it is necessary.

Art. 48

Students caught cheating or attempting to do so will be removed from the exam room immediately.

Art. 49

(1) Any academic dishonesty will be recorded in a written report, which will be signed by all the supervising academic personnel and the student caught cheating or attempting to cheat. If the student involved refuses to sign, this will also be recorded in the report.

(2) The written report will be forwarded to the Dean’s Office within 24h from when it was created or within the first business day (if the exam took place on a weekend) in order for it to be analyzed and resolved.

 Art. 50

Before a sanction is applied, both the academic personnel and the student involved will be interviewed by a commission appointed by the Faculty Administration.

Art. 51

The sanctions proposed by the appointed commission must be submitted for approval by the Faculty Council and carried out by the appropriate authorities.

Art. 52

(1) Students have the right to report any violation of these Regulations committed by either academic personnel or other students.

(2) If students witness cheating or an attempt to cheat during an exam they must notify academic personnel right away.


 Art. 53

Absences for practical lessons/lectures/clinical internships will be recovered in the following way:

  • a) For up to 10% absences (using the whole number before the decimal, and rounding down), recovery is not required if there student presents a valid reason. Free of charge.
  • b) For 11-25% absences (using the whole number before the decimal, rounding down), all absences need to be recovered, with the approval of the head of the department, during the preparatory semester or the academic year, as appropriate.
  • c) For over 25% absences (using the whole number before the decimal, rounding down), it is necessary to repeat the entire practical lesson/lecture/clinical internship, with approval from the Deanship, following notice from the head of the department.
  • d) Recovery of absences over 25% will incur additional charges.

 Art. 54

(1) The student has an obligation to attend all forms of education mentioned in the curriculum. Absenteeism without a valid reason is considered a deviation from academic discipline.

(2) Leave of absences may be permitted, as needed, by the head of the department or by the University’s Administrative Council, after consulting with the lecturer for that discipline. This will be done based on justification documents and the individual request made by the student within two weeks from returning to their academic activity.

(3) To excuse a medical absence that amounts to more than 14 days, the student will need to provide a hospital exit ticket or proof of a medical consult from the head of a medical department or from a medical committee approved by university officials.

(4) Any proof submitted outside of the above-mentioned deadline will not be taken under consideration and the absences in that period of time will be considered unjustified.

 Art. 55

Failing to recover absences during practical activity will automatically prevent the student from being admitted to the final exam.

 Art. 56

(1) Justification for absences will be accepted in the following circumstances:

  • (a) In cases of illness, demonstrated by adequate medical proof. Only official medical documentation, proving illness and justifying exemption from attending classes, will be taken under consideration. The medical documentation and the official request will be consequently added to the personal file of the student.
  • (b) For well-founded reasons which are submitted to the deanship as soon as the student resumes their academic activity.
  • (c) Other special circumstances: blood donations, attending research programs in compliance with official university activity, scientific student demonstrations, volunteering; other special situations, justifiable through official university representatives, will have to be excused and recovered. For all the above-mentioned, approval from the deanship will be required before the student is excused.

(2) Students who are absent and have a justification will have to fulfill their academic obligations until completion of the respective subject/activity.

(3) The recovery of these absences will be exempt from taxation.

 Art. 57

In case of exceptional circumstances, including personal events (marriage, birth, death, etc.), students may receive leave of absence for a period of maximum 5 working days. These students are required to fill out an official request and provide proof of the events to the Deanship.


 Medical extension of the academic year

Art. 58

(1) Request for an extension of the academic year for medical reasons will be allowed in the following situations: hospitalization for a period longer than 60 calendar days or medical treatment for a period longer than 60 calendar days, out of which at least 20 consecutive days were spent in the hospital.

(2) A student requesting extension of the academic year for medical reasons will not be considered as having failed the year, and they will be re-enrolled in the same study year. The student in this situation has the right to receive scholarships in accordance with official scholarship regulation.

(3) During a medical extension of the academic year, the student will maintain the same taxpayer status he/she had in the last year of normal schooling.

 Art. 59

(1) The request for medical extension of academic studies must be submitted to the university’s secretariat 2 weeks before the end of the medical exemption period mentioned in the medical certificate, and no later than September 20th of each year.

(2) Approval of the medical extension will be submitted to the Administration Council, based on Deanship proposal.

 Art. 60

(1) Medical extension of academic studies cannot be granted for two years in a row.

(2) In exceptional circumstances, the Council may approve further extension of the academic year.

 Art. 61

During medical extension of academic studies, student academic obligations will be limited to the failed subjects and to the new disciplines, in case of a curriculum change.


 Suspending studies

 Art. 62

(1) The Administration Council may approve a request of study suspension for a maximum of two years during the entire academic program.

(2) The exams passed before the suspension of studies will be recognized when studies are resumed.

 Art. 63

(1) Students paying tuition have the obligation to pay their fees up to date, including the full fee corresponding with the month in which the suspension of studies was requested.

(2) Students suspending their studies before the end of the term for which they paid tuition fees do not benefit from any tuition refund.

 Art. 64

(1) Students who suspend their studies must meet the obligations of any curriculum modification, when they resume their studies, by attending newly introduced courses and by completing any additional exams.

(2) Students who suspended their studies for reasons other than medical ones will be re-enrolled with tuition paying status, once they resume their studies, regardless of their status (scholarship/tuition) at the time of the suspension.

 Student transfer

 Art. 65

(1) Student transfer within the University, from one specialty to another or from/to other academic institutions with identical or similar specialties is only possible for students who passed all their credits with a minimum grade point average of 8.50 for each year of study.

Student transfers for specialties of General Medicine and Dentistry are possible for years II, III and IV, for the Specialty of Pharmacy for the years II and III and for Midwifery and Healthcare Assistance specialties for the year II (3 year academic programs) and for the years II and III (4 year academic programs).

Student transfers will not be permitted to students in their last or penultimate year of study in the specialties of General Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmacy and in final year of study in the Midwifery and Healthcare Assistance.

(2) A transfer can only take place at the beginning of the academic year.

(3) Transfers during the academic year will not be permitted.

 Art. 66

Students can only transfer to the University from other educational institutions if they passed all their exams in the previous academic year, according to the University’s academic rules as stated in the Regulations.

 Art. 67

(1) Students that are transferring to the University from another authorized university, where they were registered without an admission exam, will have to pay tuition for the entire academic program. They cannot benefit from the scholarships program.

(2) Students who have taken an entrance exam to get into their University and wish to transfer to Carol Davila must pay the fee for the academic year that they transfer into. Afterward, these students are eligible for a scholarship.

 Art. 68

(1) The fees for transferring schools can be found under “School Fees”

 Art. 69

(1) The application for a transfer must be made before the academic year begins and no later than September 20th.

(2) In order for the transfer request to be accepted the student must have already paid all debts to the University.

 Art. 70

(1) The deanship sets the questions for the differential exam based on the subjects and material relevant to the year that students are transferring into. The student must take this exam during the year of study into which they transferred.

(2) The fee for this exam can be found under the section “School Fees”

 Withdrawal from studies

 Art. 71

(1) Students have the right to withdraw from studies, after they have placed an application with the Deanship of the university.

(2) Students who ask for withdrawal from their studies must pay the school fees before they leave.

(3) The students’ documents will be handed over only when they present the Deanship with a signed and completed liquidation form.


 Art. 72

After finishing their studies, all graduates should have followed the same educational plan and have completed the same classes in order to obtain their degree.

 Art. 73

These current regulations refer to degree equivalency for studies completed in other medical universities, by students requesting transfer in a year different from the first and last.

 Art. 74

These rules apply to foreign students wanting to transfer to this university as well as Romanian students that studied in another medical institution in Romania who want a transfer or equivalency.

 Art. 75

(1) Only higher education studies completed in a medical or pharmaceutical specialty can be taken into consideration for a degree equivalency.

(2) For registration into the specialty of medicine or dentistry, the following studies are not accepted for equivalency: biology, chemistry, veterinary medicine, medical assistance, medical colleges, or masters’ studies.

(3) The Dean and Vice-Dean have the right and responsibility to decide the method of degree equivalency for programs such as pharmacy, medical assistance, midwifery, and other programs.

 Art. 76

(1) The time elapsed since the previous degree was obtained and the student’s request to the university for degree equivalence cannot be more than twice the length of program to which the student is applying.

(2) Degree equivalency will not apply to studies completed more than 6 years ago.

 Art. 77

Conditions for degree equivalency:

(1) The subject matter studied (based on course descriptions) and length of the studies (confirmed through the curriculum) must correspond with the standards set by the university by at least 70%.

(2) The subjects taken into consideration are those in which the final exam was passed in the university where the studies took place.

 Art. 78

(1) The file regarding degree equivalency, whether transferring or being accepted into the university, must be handed into the Rectorate before the start of the academic year and no later than September 20th.

(2) For degree equivalency, the applicant must have all the original documents in the file.

(3) All the documents must be submitted at once. Later submission of documents will not be accepted.

 Art. 79

(1) The evaluation of the equivalency file is conducted by a Commission of equivalency from every faculty.

(2) The evaluation will be completed in less than 14 days from the time the file was handed into the university.


 Art. 80

(1) Student rankings based on academic performance are done every year in order to award scholarships.

(2) The following rules apply to all the specialties in the University

 Art. 81

(1) Scholarship distribution is based on the funding available for each year.

(2) For each year, scholarships are treated unitarily and distribution is not affected by series.

(3) Scholarships are distributed to students currently enrolled in the university, as well as those transferring to the university (receiving the scholarship the year after their transfer based on their academic performance) and for those who come from an institute with graduate programs in medicine and pharmacy, recognized in Romania as stated in Art. 68, points (1) and (2).

(4) Students admitted based on their status as academic Olympians, without writing the entrance exam, secure their scholarship for the first year and then they enter the same competition for a scholarship.

 Art. 82

Students admitted to the University with special scholarship positions, those paying tuition (Romanian or foreign currency), or those with an order or letter from the Ministry of National Education that covers the fees of the University, do not benefit from the present decision.

Art. 83

(1) Students who obtain a scholarship to study abroad for a year will maintain their status (scholarship or tuition) that they had before leaving for the year abroad.

(2) Students who obtain a scholarship to study abroad for a semester: if they leave in the first semester, they are subject to the same conditions as students that have not obtained a scholarship to study abroad in terms of getting a school issued scholarship for the academic year; however, if they leave in the second semester then they maintain the status they had before leaving (scholarship or tuition).

 Art. 84

The performance standard utilized for the distribution of scholarships in a given academic year is the students’ academic transcripts at the end of the re-examination session (session III) of the previous academic year.

 Art. 85

The grade point average considered for the distribution of scholarships consists of the weighted average of the student’s grades, calculated after the re-examination session.

 Art. 86

In the situation in which there is equality between grade point averages, the selection criteria changes to the grades from the subjects of that current academic year, in the descending order of the number of credits allocated to each subject.

 Art. 87

The classification of students in regard to the distribution of scholarships is carried out by the secretarial staff of the Dean’s Office, verified by the designated representatives of each faculty’s student organizations and certified through the signature of the head of each faculty.


The classification is announced and posted at the Dean’s office of each faculty by October 20th.

 Art. 89

(1) Students can appeal the classification within 2 working days from its publication.

(2) The appeal is submitted in writing at the Dean’s office.

(3) An appeal may only apply to the student’s own results.  The student must explain the motives for which they consider the classification incorrect and present arguments and evidence in this regard.

 Art. 90

(1) The appeal must be addressed by the Dean and the Vice Dean designated for academic activity, within 5 working days from the submission.

(2) The decision taken regarding the appeal is final.


 Art. 91

For outstanding achievements obtained through academic activities, scientific activities or for other special merits, a student may be awarded by the Administration Council through:

(1) Acknowledgement at the level of the year of study, the specialty, or the university;

(2) Merit Diploma;

(3) Yearly or occasional awards;

(4) Financial support from the University or tuition exemptions;

(5) Merit scholarship;

(6) Special University scholarships.

 Art. 92

For violation of the rules of academic conduct, a student may receive the following sanctions:

(1) Written warning;

(2) Cessation of scholarship for a period of 30-90 days;

(3) Suspension or withdrawal of rights to certain facilities from which the student benefits (accommodation at the dormitory, transportation permit, etc.);

(4) Expulsion.

Art. 93

(1) An attempt at academic dishonesty is sanctioned with:

  • a) Removal of the student from the examination;
  • b) Failure to pass the examination.

(2) The second cheating attempt is sanctioned as cheating.

 Art. 94

Academic dishonesty, regardless of the form in which it is manifested, with the exception of impersonation, is sanctioned as following:

(1) At the first offense, the student:

  • a) Is suspended from their current academic year;
  • b) Is registered with tuition status in the academic year following that in which they committed the offense, regardless of the academic transcripts they possessed at the time of the offense, with recognition of the credits obtained up to the time in which they committed fraud;
  • c) Loses permanently their right to scholarships and accommodation at the university dormitory
  • d) Is permanently withdrawn of the right to benefit from a ministry scholarship, for the whole duration of their studies at the university;

(2) With the second offense of this type, the student is expelled without the right to re-enroll into the university.

 Art. 95

Expulsion from the university is determined by the Administrative Council, at the proposal of the Deanship and is applied:

(1) For violations of academic conduct: academic dishonesty or attempted cheating during examinations through impersonation – expulsion without the right to re-enroll into the university;

(2) For the second event of cheating/attempted cheating - expulsion without the right to re-enroll into the university;

(3) For serious violations of co-existence rules, outside or inside the univerisity - expulsion without the right to re-enroll into the university;

(4) For not acquiting the financial obligations (tuition) to the University, before the deadline mentioned in the specific regulations– temporary withdrawal of the student title, with the possibility of re-enrolling within maximum two years from that date;

(5) For dropping out (complete absence of the student from academic activities for a time period of at least 2 consecutive months, without the approval of the deanship) – cessation of the student position with the possibility of re-enrolling within maximum two years from the expulsion date;

(6) Doubling the normal study duration of the specialisation in which that student is enrolled – expulsion without the possibility of re-enrolling in the year of study from which he was expelled.

Art. 96

Appeals regarding the applied sanctions must be adressed to the University Senate within 5 working days from the date the sanction notification was received.


Art. 97

(1) The present Rules and Regulations, approved by the University Senate starting with 23.04.2013, comes into effect starting with the 2013-2014 academic year.

(2) The present Rules and Regulations are mandatory for all students.

(3) Along with the coming into effect of the present Rules and Regulations, the following are annuled:

  • The didactic and professional activity regulations of the students;
  • Any other conflicting dispositions from the Univeristy’s regulations or Senate Decisions.

(4) Modifications and additions to the present Rules and Regulations are done by decision of the University Senate.


Addition regarding the limitations of the right of taking the final exams for undergraduate and graduate studies, approved by Senate’s Decision no.1/30.01.2014:

  • Graduates of licentiate studies will sit the licencing exam within maximum 5 years from completing their studies.
  • Graduates of master’s studies will present their disseratation within maximum 2 years from completing the studies.


  • Completion of art. 65 regarding the prohibition of student transfers in the second to last year of study (exception: The Faculty of Midwifery and Health Assistance) – approved by Senate’s Decision no. 2/08.04.2015;
  • Completion of art. 65 regarding the conditioning of transfers only for students who have passed all their exams in their previous year of study – approved by Senate’s Decision 2/08.04.2015.
  • Completion of art. 65 regarding the conditioning of transfers only for students with a minimum weighted average of 8.50/study year – approved by Senate’s Decision 3/28.04.2015.