University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Carol Davila" Bucharest, as a public institution of higher education ensures free and unhindered access of the public and media to public information. In order to achieve its objectives in the best conditions, the University promotes the principle of transparency and the citizen's right to information.

Free and unrestricted access to any kind of public information is one of the fundamental principles of relations between persons and public authorities / institutions, according to the Romanian Constitution and international documents ratified by the Romanian Parliament.

The university communicates certain information by default, according to the Law no 544/2001 regarding the free access to public information. These can be accessed directly by accessing the information presented on the university's website.

At University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Carol Davila" Bucharest access to public information is based on:

  • Procedure for access to public information
    Regulations of organization and functioning of the University.

According to the Law No. 544/2001 written request for public information will include:

  • a) the authority to which the request is addressed
  • b) the requested information
  • c) the name, the signature and the address to which the answer will be sent

The request for obtaining public information is submitted to the University Registry or sent by e-mail at:

To request public information you can use the following models:

According to Law 544/2001:

  • a) public authorities and institutions have the obligation to respond in writing to request public information within 10 days or, if applicable, within 30 days of filing the request, depending on the difficulty, complexity, volume of documentary works and emergency request. If the duration necessary to identify and provide the requested information exceeds 10 days, the answer will be communicated to the applicant within 30 days, provided notice thereof in writing about this within 10 days;
  • b) refusal to disclose requested information is motivated and communicated within 5 days of receipt of petitions;
  • c) requesting and obtaining information of public interest can be achieved if the necessary technical conditions are met, and in electronic format.

Ways of contesting the decision of the public authority or institution in case the person considers about the right of access to information of public interest - included in the announcement on public information

  • Art. 21
    (1) explicit or implicit refusal of the appointed employee of an authority or public institutions for implementation of this law is punished by disciplinary misconduct and of the guilty.
    (2) Against the refusal provided under par. (1) may submit a complaint to the head of the institution or public authority concerned within 30 days of becoming aware of the person injured.
    (3) If after the administrative investigation complaint proves justified, the individual shall receive an answer within 15 days from the filing of the complaint and shall contain both the initially requested information of public interest, and disciplinary sanctions taken against mentioning the guilty.

Administrative complaint form

  • Art. 22
    (1) Where a person considers the rights stipulated in this Law, it can file a complaint at the department administrative tribunal in whose territorial jurisdiction resides or in whose jurisdiction the authority is located or of public institution. The complaint is made within 30 days of the deadline stipulated in Article 7.
    (2) The court may oblige the public authority or institution to provide the requested public information and pay moral damages and / or property.
    (3) The Court's decision is subject to appeal.
    (4) The Court of Appeal decision is final and irrevocable.
    (5) Both the complaint and the appeal shall be heard in court in an emergency procedure, and are exempt from stamp duty.

For aditional informations please contact:

Office for public interest information

Ec. Roxana Voicu