With a history of 160 years, the University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Carol Davila” Bucharest remains one of the most titrated academic institutions, positioning the Romanian medical education in the hierarchy of world values. Today, a new generation, bearing the name of the creator of the Romanian Anthropological School, Francis Rainer, will open the doors of the academic year 2017-2018.
Names such as Carol Davila and Nicolae Kretzulescu, the founders of the National School of Medicine and Pharmacy in 1857, Victor Babeş, Francis Rainer, Ciparhon, Thoma Ionescu, Nicolae Paulescu, Ion Cantacuzino or the 1974 Nobel Prize winner George Emil Palade, over the 160 years since the establishment of UMPCD, the medical scientific research and the Romanian medicine as a whole on the European and world map of value and professionalism. “We and the generations to come, have the duty to assume not only the remarkable achievements of our ancestors but also the efforts that they have made in their professional accomplishment and the Romanian medicine and, by appropriating and deepening their vast works, we can go in the same direction of the performance, the Romanian medical school” said the Rector of UMPCD Acad. I. Sinescu.
At the opening ceremony of the new academic year, which will take place on Monday, 2 October 2017, starting at 9:00, there will be present, together with the approximately 11,000 University students, the rector of UMPCD, Acad I.Sinescu and many other personalities from academia and universities. The event will take place at the “George Emil Palade” Amphitheater of the Faculty of Medicine. “We are entering the academic year 2017-2018 with new perspectives aimed at positioning Romanian medicine on the map of performance and professionalism under the same impulse of the Hippocratic oath and at the same time, with new projects of great importance, including one of the most important for our University, the development of a new student campus integrated according to the model of the ones belonging to the major universities of medicine in the world “, added the Rector of UMPCD, Acad.I.Sinescu. He mentioned that “if you want the future to be credible, put the past into it,” said great American director and screenwriter Stanley Kubrick, and this memorable thought hopes to be a benchmark for the 2017-2018 promotion in his professional endowment all the more the name of the great professor Francis Rainer “.
Currently, through the four faculties: Medicine, Dental Medicine, Pharmacy and Midwifery and Nursing, the University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Carol Davila” educates 10,778 students in the cycle of undergraduate studies, of which 2,030 will be the first steps of the University. Today, the Faculty of Medicine has 7,199 students, Dental Medicine, 1,891, Pharmacy 1,064, and FMAM, 674 students. Moreover, over 1,600 teachers provide training for a considerable number of undergraduate, master, doctoral, postgraduate or continuing medical education students.