Important Announcement

Dear students,

I want to thank you for the effort to protect yourself, your loved ones, your colleagues and teachers. "Carol Davila" University of Medicine and Pharmacy puts your safety and health first, while fighting in every way to achieve the strategic objectives of learning and development in these difficult times.

I convey to you all my respect and admiration for the maturity, the patience and the perseverance you have shown during these times when we have faced many obstacles and restrictions.

We will start a new academic year together; it will not be the same, but we can use this opportunity to make things better. There are many examples of innovative discoveries born in difficult times: Newton's historical works were created under the quarantine conditions imposed by the seventeenth century plague epidemic.

The lectures of our university will start on Monday, 5th of October and will take place online. The practical activities and laboratories will take place in a dual system, online and face to face, according to an adapted program to each discipline of study.

You, the future healthcare professionals, cannot be absent from your patients, because along with clinical knowledge, thinking, logic and clinical abilities you must also learn the compassion, the communication and the tenacity of the fight for life.

Let's build a successful academic year together, using your youthful enthusiasm and the experience of our teachers!

I conclude by emphasizing that the health of all is the most precious thing. Let's start working together to turn tomorrow into what we want.

For freshers and for the entire academic community, welcome to UMF “Carol Davila” in the academic year 2020-2021!


Professor Viorel Jinga, PhD