Discipline - Organic Chemistry

Professor Barbuceanu Stefania-Felicia, PhD tenured
Professor Socea Laura-Ileana, PhD tenured
Associate Professor Nicolescu Teodor Octavian, PhD tenured
Associate Professor Apostol Theodora Venera, PhD tenured

Organic Chemistry has been provided in the curriculum since the establishment of the National School of Medicine and Pharmacy, in the course Chemistry and Physics Elements taught by Professor Marin Alexe (1855-1856).

Between 1856-1860, the subject was entrusted to Dr. Carol Davila and then his followers, Professors D. Smith (until 1862) and Emanoil Bacaloglu (until 1869), then the lead returns to Dr. Carol Davila.

In the period 1870-1873, organic chemistry is taught by Professor Adolf Trausch, followed by Professor Cristian Popescu Paşcanu (until 1879).

Between 1880-1887, at the School of Pharmacy in Bucharest, the course is taught by Professor Constantin Istrati, and during 1888-1889, the lead goes to Professor Nicolae Athanasescu.

Subsequently, Organic Chemistry is taught successively by Professors Augustin Poltzer and Mihail Georgescu until 1923, when appointed to the discipline is Professor Stephen Minovici, and in 1934 he was followed by Professor Alexandru Ionescu-Matiu. In 1952, chair of the discipline is Professor Alexander Mavrodin.

Since 1969, Organic Chemistry was taught by Professor Victor Decebal Zotta, followed by Professor Dumitru Cismaru (until 1973), and then by Professor Mircea Iovu.

In 2000 Professor Ioana Şaramet becomes head of the discipline, followed in 2009-2015 by Associate Professor Valeria Radulescu.

The teaching activity of our Discipline takes place in the 2nd year of study. In the classes we aim to present all the main concepts of organic chemistry (according to the topics presented) in a logical sequence so that the students will understand the physical and chemical behavior of organic compounds as a consequence of their structure.

Special attention is also paid to teaching the fundamental mechanisms of chemical reactions so that the student to develop their thinking to the detriment of mechanical learning effort. Another objective is to involve students in understanding the utility of organic chemistry concepts to perceive the link between the structure of organic compounds and their biological properties. In this regard, besides the methods of synthesis and physicochemical properties of organic compounds we have shown the main representatives used as medicines.

Practical lectures focuse on the application of theoretical knowledge by choosing  key experimental parameters of organic synthesis (oxidation, halogenation, acylation, hydrolysis, diazotization, etc.) as well as using data of elemental analysis, functional analysis and spectral analysis (UV, IR, NMR ) to determine the structure of organic compounds.

Learning the main experimental techniques of organic chemistry aims also develop practical skills of students, who will work as a future graduate in synthetic pharmaceutical industry and drug control.

The research activity is a priority for the Discipline of Organic Chemistry, the main research directions are:

  • The production of new compounds with biological potential whitin the class of heterocycles (triazoles, thiadiazoles, oxadiazoles, thiazoles, oxazoles, oxazolone, tioparabani or systems fused to some of them, or the heterocycles pentaatomice, and hexaatomice), amides, thioamides, hydrazides, hidrazincarbotioamidelor , acetanilidelor, xylene, Schiff bases, sulfonamides, N-acyl-α-amino acids, α-acilaminocetonelor, etc.
  • Structural characterization of organic compounds by elemental analysis and different spectral methods
  • The study of the biological activity of organic compounds synthesized.

There are also students involved in research through participation in student scientific circle, scientific sessions, development of graduation thesis, etc. Over time, the research done has been appreciated by granting numerous awards, such as:

  • "Gheorghe Spacu" Award of The Romanian Academy, in the year 1984, for the thesis Condensation of bis-(chlorometyl) Ether with Secondary Amines a New Reaction, Professor Mircea Iovu M.D. Ph.D
  • Romanian Society of Chemistry Award and C.D. Nitescu Award to Professor Mircea Iovu D. Ph.D, in 15 Sept. 2009, for his entire activity
  • In Hoc Signo Vinces Award for outstanding activity in research activity, in  2010, given by The National Council of Scientific Research in Higher Education (CNCSIS),  Associate Professor E~tefania Felicia Barbuceanu M.D. Ph.D
  • CNCSIS Awards through the national project „Rewarding research results" for 18 articles

During our scientific activity, we have completed 42 Ph.D theses and one abilitation thesis (Associate Professor E~tefania-Felicia Barbuceanu M.D. Ph.D).

Academics of our discipline are active in  Integrated Research-Innovation Centre for Organic Synthesis and Analysis, Biological and Pharmacological Evaluation (http://erris.gov.ro).

Activitatea de cercetare constituie o prioritate a colectivului Disciplinei Chimie Organică, principalele direcţii de cercetare fiind:

  • obținerea de noi compuși cu potențial biologic din clasa heterociclurilor (triazoli, tiadiazoli, oxadiazoli, tiazoli, oxazoli, oxazolone, tioparabani sau sisteme condensate ale unora dintre aceștia, fie cu heterocicluri pentaatomice, dar și hexaatomice), amidelor, tioamidelor, hidrazidelor, hidrazincarbotioamidelor, acetanilidelor, xilenilor, bazelor Schiff, sulfamidelor, N-acil-α-aminoacizilor, α-acilaminocetonelor, etc
  • caracterizarea structurală a compușilor organici prin analiza elementală și diferite metode spectrale
  • studiul acțiunii biologice a compușilor organici sintetizați.

În activitatea de cercetare sunt antrenaţi şi studenţii prin participarea la Cercul ştiinţific studenţesc, sesiuni de comunicări ştiinţifice, elaborare de lucrări de licenţă, etc.

De-a lungul timpului,  activitatea de cercetare desfășurată a fost apreciată prin acordarea de numeroase premii, ca de exemplu:

  • Premiul “Gheorghe Spacu” al Academiei Române, pe anul 1984, pentru lucrarea Condensation of bis-(chlorometyl) Ether with Secondary Amines a New Reaction, acordat dr. Mircea Iovu
  • Premiul Societăţii de Chimie din România şi Medalia C.D. Neniţescu acordat dr. Mircea Iovu , la 15 sept. 2009, pentru întreaga activitate
  • Premiul In Hoc Signo Vinces acordat pentru activitatea deosebită de cercetare ştiințifică, în anul 2010, de Consiliul Naţional al Cercetării Ştiinţifice din Învăţământul Superior (CNCSIS), comisia de Ştiinte Medicale, Prof. dr. Ștefania Felicia Bărbuceanu
  • Premii CNCSIS prin Programul naţional „Premierea rezultatelor cercetării” pentru un număr de aproximativ 18 articole

În cadrul activităţii de cercetare ştiinţifică s-au finalizat la catedră 42 teze de doctorat și o teză de abilitare (Prof. dr. Ștefania-Felicia Bărbuceanu).

Cadrele didactice activează în cadrul Integrated Research-Innovation Centre for Organic Synthesis and Analysis, Biological and Pharmacological Evaluation (http://erris.gov.ro).

Currently, Associate Professor Stefania Felicia Bărbuceanu is workig within the Doctoral School

Topics and Bibliography for the doctoral admissions exam

1. Determination of the chemical structure of organic compounds by physico-chemical methods Şaramet I., Rădulescu V., The theoretical foundations of organic chemistry, vol. 1, Ed. Tehnoplast Company, Bucureşti, 2006, pag: 24-82
2. Hydrocarbs Şaramet I., Rădulescu V., The theoretical foundations of organic chemistry, vol. 1, Ed. Tehnoplast Company, Bucureşti, 2006, pag: 101-109; pag: 114-124; pag: 127-137; pag: 144-152; pag: 155-162; pag: 165-168; 174-185.
3. Hydroxy compounds Şaramet I., Rădulescu V., The theoretical foundations of organic chemistry, vol. 1, Ed. Tehnoplast Company, Bucureşti, 2006, pag: 226-262.
4. Carbonyl compounds Şaramet I., Rădulescu V., The theoretical foundations of organic chemistry, vol. 1, Ed. Tehnoplast Company, Bucureşti, 2006, pag: 286-316.
5. Carboxylic acids and functional derivatives of carboxylic acids Şaramet I., Rădulescu V., The theoretical foundations of organic chemistry, vol. II, Ed. Tehnoplast Company, Bucureşti, 2006, pag: 6-23; pag: 32-39; pag: 41-43; pag: 46-60; pag: 62-67; pag: 69-72; pag: 77-78.
6. Stereoisomers of organic compounds. The importance of chirality in getting synthetic drugs Şaramet I., Rădulescu V., The theoretical foundations of organic chemistry, vol. II, Ed. Tehnoplast Company, Bucureşti, 2006, pag: 90-110
7. Organic nitrogen compounds: nitro compounds and amines Şaramet I., Rădulescu V., The theoretical foundations of organic chemistry, vol. II, Ed. Tehnoplast Company, Bucureşti, 2006, pag: 111-118; pag: 124-138
8. Organic compounds with mixed functions: hydroxy acids, phenols, oxiacizi, amino acids Şaramet I., Rădulescu V., The theoretical foundations of organic chemistry, vol. II, Ed. Tehnoplast Company, Bucureşti, 2006, pag: 188-197; pag. 207-229.
9. Carbohydrates Şaramet I., Rădulescu V., The theoretical foundations of organic chemistry, vol. II, Ed. Tehnoplast Company, Bucureşti, 2006, pag: 230-260.
10. Heterocyclic compounds Şaramet I., Rădulescu V., The theoretical foundations of organic chemistry, vol. II, Ed. Tehnoplast Company, Bucureşti, 2006, pag: 262-318; pag. 320-362.
  • Fine Organic Synthesis
  • Structural analysis
  • Biologically active organic compounds
  1. Young Researchers Project - Internal Competition 2013 contract no. 28 331 / 4.11.2013, funded by University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Carol Davila" 2013 entitled "Research on obtaining, physical-chemical and biological screening of new compounds with antimicrobial class dibenzo [a, d] [7] ", project director: Senior Lecturer Ileana Laura-Socea , the Contracting Authority: University of Medicine and Pharmacy" Carol Davila ", activity period: 24 months (November 2013 - November 2015)
  2. Young Scientists project - international competition in 2012, contract no. 28 492 / 30.10.2012, funded by University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Carol Davila" 2013 entitled: "We heterocyclic compounds of biological interest obtained by cyclization of new Hydrazinecarbothioamide" project director Senior Lecturer Barbuceanu-Felicia Stefania. Contracting Authority: University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Carol Davila", activity period of 24 months (October 2012 - October 2104)
  3. Postdoctoral studies project (admission by competition), contract research postdoctoral fellowship funded by the European Social Fund by the Intermediate Body for Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resources Development 2007-2013, under the "Scholarships Doctoral and Postdoctoral to support innovation and competitiveness in R (InnoRESEARCH) "to the number 13869 / 05.30.2014, according to the financing Contract HRD / 159 / 1.5 / S / 132 395, Contractor: Bucharest Polytechnic University, Partner 1 UMP " Carol Davila " Bucharest, research theme:" Synthesis and evaluation of new antimicrobial compounds from the class of 1,3,4-oxadiazoles ", activity period: 18 months (June 2014 - October 2015)
  4. Postdoctoral studies project (admission by competition), contract No. 7301/171 / 24.06.2010 financed from the European Social Fund - Sectorial Operational Programme Human Resources Development 2007-2013, under the Contract financing HRD / 89 / 1.5 / S / 64109, postdoctoral studies Project title: "Supporting research by training specialists postdoctoral studies in the program". Contractor:" Carol Davila " UMP, Bucharest, research theme:" research in the class of new heterocyclic compounds 1,2,4-triazole ring, 1,3,4-thiadiazole or potential pyrazole biological action ", activity period: 34 months (June 2010 - March 2013)
  5. Exploratory Research Project / Program PN II - IDEAS, contract no. 301/2007, entitled "Synthesis and evaluation of new antimicrobial activity of organic compounds condensed heterocyclic systems class nitrogen bridge"; Project director: Professor Ioana Saramet. Contracting Authority: UEFISCDI - NURC; Contractor: University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Carol Davila"; development period 2007-2010.
  1. Stefania-Felicia Barbuceanu, Constantin Draghici, Florica Barbuceanu, Gabriela Bancescu, Gabriel Saramet, Design, synthesis, characterization and antimicrobial evaluation of some heterocyclic condensed systems with bridgehead nitrogen from thiazolotriazole class, Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 2015, 63 (9), 694-700; Online ISSN 1347-5223, Print ISSN 0009-2363; factor de impact: 1,164/2014
  2. Laura-Ileana Socea, Gabriel Saramet, Constantin Draghici, Bogdan Socea, Vlad Denis Constantin, Manuela Anda Radu Popescu, „Synthesis of New Derivatives of Hydrazinecarbothioamides and 1,2,4-Triazoles and Evaluation of Their Antimicrobial Activity", Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, 2015, 80 (12), 1461-1470, ISSN, 0352-5135, factor de impact: 0,97/2015
  3. Stefania-Felicia Barbuceanu, Diana Carolina Ilies, Gabriel Saramet, Valentina Uivarosi, Constantin Draghici, Valeria Radulescu, Synthesis and antioxidant activity evaluation of new compounds from hydrazinecarbothioamide and 1,2,4-triazole class containing diarylsulfone and 2,4-difluorophenyl moieties, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2014, 15 (6), 10908-10925; ISSN 1422-0067, factor de impact: 2,862/2014
  4. Cristian Ionescu, Isabela Tarcomnicu, Matei A. Ionescu,Teodor O. Nicolescu, Daniel Boda, Florica Nicolescu - The Identification and Characterization of the Methanolic Extract of Hellebrigenin 3-acetate from Hellbori Rhizomes. II. Mass Spectrometry, Revista de Chimie, 65 (8), 2014, 972-975, factor de impact: 0,81/2014
  5. Stefania-Felicia Barbuceanu, Gabriel Saramet, Gabriela Laura Almajan, Constantin Draghici, Florica Barbuceanu, Gabriela Bancescu, New heterocyclic compounds from 1,2,4-triazole and 1,3,4-thiadiazole class bearing diphenylsulfone moieties. Synthesis, characterization and antimicrobial activity evaluation, European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2012, 49, 417-423, ISSN 0223-5234, factor de impact: 3,499/2012
  6. Laura-Ileana Socea, Theodora Venera Apostol, Gabriel Saramet, Stefania-Felicia Barbuceanu, Constantin Draghici, Mihaela Dinu,"Synthesis and root growth activity of some new acetylhydrazinecarbothioamides and 1,2,4-triazoles substituted with 5H-dibenzo[a,d]annulene moiety", Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, 2012, 77 (11), 1541-1549, ISSN 0352-5139 (Print), ISSN 1820-7421 (Online); factor de impact: 0,912/2012
  7. Theodora-Venera Apostol, Ioana Saramet, Constantin Draghici, Stefania-Felicia Barbuceanu, Laura Ileana Socea, Gabriela Laura Almajan, Synthesis and characterization of new 5-aryl-2-[para-(4-chlorophenylsulfonyl)phenyl]-4-methyloxazoles, Revista de Chimie, 2011, 62 (5), 486-492; ISSN 0034-7752; factor de impact: 0,599/2011
  8. Gabriela Laura Almajan, Stefania-Felicia Barbuceanu, Gabriela Bancescu, Ioana Saramet, Gabriel Saramet, Constantin Draghici, Synthesis and antimicrobial evaluation of some fused heterocyclic [1,2,4]triazolo[3,4-b][1,3,4]thiadiazole derivatives, European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2010, 45 (12), 6139-6146; ISSN 0223-5234; factor de impact: 3,193/2010
  9. Stefania-Felicia Barbuceanu, Gabriela Laura Almajan, Ioana Saramet, Constantin Draghici, Ana Isabela Tarcomnicu, Gabriela Bancescu, Synthesis, characterization and evaluation of antibacterial activity of some thiazolo[3,2-b][1,2,4]triazole incorporating diphenylsulfone moieties, European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2009, 44 (11), 4752-4757; ISSN 0223-5234; factor de impact: 3,269/2009
  10. Gabriela Laura Almajan, Alessio Innocenti, Luca Puccetti, Gheorghe Manole, Stefania Barbuceanu, Ioana Saramet, Andrea Scozzafava, Claudiu T. Supuran, Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors. Inhibition of the cytosolic and tumor-associated carbonic anhydrase isozymes I, II, and IX with a series of 1,3,4-thiadiazole- and 1,2,4-triazole-thiols, Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 2005, 15 (9), 2347-2352; ISSN 0960-894X, factor de impact: 2,478/2005