Social Direction

Social Direction is an administrative structure subordinated to the Rector, coordinated by the Prorector with Student’s Problems and led by the Social Director.

Social Direction manages specific activities within UMPCD through two services, Accomodation-Canteen Sercive and Scholarship Service.

Accomodation-Canteen Sercive:

  • Is responsible with organizing and functioning of students dormitories and canteen, ensuring the accommodation places and repartition of UMPCD students in University’s dormitories, and also ensuring a meal for them at the canteen.

Scholarship Service:

  • Is responsible with making the payrolls for scholarships and deduction of public transportation subscriptions for the eligible students of the University.

Other activities conducted by the Social Direction specific for students:

  • Student Camps – assigning appropriate number of camp places for each faculty in accordance with the Methodology on establishing and developing the National Programme “Students Camps”, centralization lists communicated by the faculties and transmission to the issuing institution of requested documentation in accordance with the methodology specified above;
  • Passes for reducing transport / booklets with CFR coupons issued by M.E.N.C.S. – distributing them to faculties and years of study according to the eligible number of students;
  • Social programs run by M.E.N.C.S. for students, etc.

 Social Director: Valentin Nastasescu


Contact person:

Head of Accomodation Service – Constantina Nastase

Tel.: 021.315.75.17