Legal and Contentious Office


 Realization of all activities related to the representation of   UMPCD in front of the courts and the various bodies with judicial activities jurisdiction, and other specific activities, such as drawing up legal documents, drafting contracts and negotiation of contractual clauses, advising the Rector, the Board of Trustees and the departments legally, granting the legality visa, compliance with legal requirements etc.


  • undertakes necessary steps for ensuring the existance of adequate documentation for developing the activity;
  • draws up documents and represents UMPCD in cases pending before the courts, so as to achieve an effective defense;
  • prepares legal documents, contracts and negotiates contract terms;
  • legally advises the Departments and the Management of UMPCD;
  • grants legal visa after verifying that all legal conditions are met;
  • studies laws, government decrees, ministerial orders, internal regulations of the University, jurisprudence;
  • monitors and communicates to the Departments of UMPCD, the emergence of new legislation in the Official Gazette.

Head of Office:  Legal Adviser Raluca-Andreea Gavrilă


Legal Adviser:  Florina Adina Ion


Tel. +40 (21).318.07.26
Fax. +40 (21).318.07.26