Discipline - Endocrinology and Diabetes, Nutrition and Metabolic Diseases - Elias Emergency University Hospital

Professor Fica Simona Vasilica, PhD tenured
Associate Professor Barbu Carmen Gabriela, PhD tenured
Associate Professor Ioacara Sorin Dorian, PhD tenured
Associate Professor Martin Carmen Sorina, PhD tenured
Associate Professor Sirbu Anca Elena, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Reghina Aura Diana, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Albu Alice Ioana, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Cima Luminita Nicoleta, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Stoian Iulia Simona, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Malinici Elisabeta Andreea, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Popa Miruna Maria, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Mitrache Marius lucian, PhD fixed term

The academic activity consists of teaching and research activities, interlocked with daily healthcare activities for patients with endocrinological or diabetic pathologies. Members of the subject provide theoretical and practical bachelor training to the students at the Faculty of Medicine at UMF Carol Davila or to the students with ERASMUS scholarships, with the Endocrinology courses in Romanian(5th year) 4 modules/year and English(5th year) 2 modules/year, Diabetes courses in Romanian(5th year) 4 modules/year and Scientific Research Methodology courses in English(4th year) 2 modules/year.

It should be remembered that members of the Endocrinology II subject at Elias have started and held courses and practical works for students at the Faculty of Midwives and Nurses from 2006 to 2011. Specialists in training benefit from weekly meetings, case presentations or news in Endocrinology, and are supported to join scientific societies, participate in courses and congresses with scientific papers. Members of our subject conduct national courses for post-academic training, participate in international courses, author/co-author textbooks, books and specialty dissertations. We coordinate bachelor’s degree theses, and Prof. Dr. Simona Fica manages doctorate theses of high scientific value.

Research activity consists of grants, clinical studies, scientific publications in summary and articles in full.

The Endocrinology, Diabetes, Nutrition and Metabolic diseases department at the Elias University Emergency Hospital was founded in 2003 and has 36 beds, consisting of an Endocrinology branch with 20 beds, a Diabetes, nutrition and metabolic diseases branch with 10 beds, and a Pediatric Endocrinology branch with 6 beds. In the department, under the administration of Prof. Dr. Simona Fica, 5 senior specialists in Endocrinology and 3 senior specialists in Diabetes have their practice.

Daily medical activity is carried out through admissions, continuous hospitalizations(about 200 patients/month) and in-hospital/ambulatory consultations for pediatric and adult patients with endocrinological or diabetic pathologies. All endocrinologists have national certification in endocrine echography, international certification in clinical osteodensitometry, and one diabetologist is proficient in general ecography.

The department has a general ecography room, a thyroid echography room where fine-needle thyroid punctures are performed through suction, a room for osteodensitometry, as well as a room for clinical studies. The equipment includes an osteodensitometry device DXA, a “Vascular Screening System VaSera” type vascular screening device, a bio-impedance body composition assessment device, an approved device for monitoring child growth, freezer for preserving biological samples, portable EKG machine, glucometers. In the department, diabetes patients, including children, can receive insulin pumps and continuous glucose monitoring devices, There are weekly training courses for diabetes patients.

The doctors in our discipline are M.D.s and are continuously preoccupied to educate and better themselves, participating in important continuing postgraduate education courses, national and international, organised by The University ( IOF ISCD courses of clinical bone densitometry), both as attendees and lecturers, each  following its own field of interest.

Within the discipline, post graduate preparation courses are held, among which: Obesity (4 modules), carried out in 2 modules a year since 2010, and Oncological Endocrinology (4 modules), carried out in 2 modules a year and organised in collaboration with colleagues from C.I. Parhon National Institute of Endocrinology. Furthermore, in 2014 we organised a post graduate preparation course with international participation „Thyroid Ultrasound and Ultrasound- Assisted Procedures”. In december 2014, we presented our department in the EcholaserNews journal („Welcome to Endocrinology Team of Elias Hospital, Bucharest Romania. A Positive Example of Growing Activity from Diagnostic to Therapy in Endocrinology Field”) in a succinct article”Our journey has just began”.

The members of our discipline are authors and coauthors of monographies, books, manuals, treatises, and other publications presented in summary at national and international scientific events, or articles in full.

We actively participate, within the University, in the scientific coordination of degree and PhD theses, of high scientific quality, as highlighted by marks obtained by those. In addition, we have each time participated in evaluation and examination committees, as solicited by the University.

Research activity follows the interests of the members of the discipline: obesity, osteoporosis, polycystic ovary syndrome, neuroendocrine tumours, thyroid pathology, pediatric endocrine pathology, diabetes mellitus.

We carry out clinicals studies, participate as project coordinators or research team members in national grants, obtained following a contest, one of which still ongoing. Besides, the members of our team were involved in human resources development projects and in raising POSDRU competitivity.

Our research activity has wide national and international visibility, each of the discipline’s members being main authors of many abstracts and articles, published constantly in recent years, some of which having been awarded. This is reflected by the Hirsch index and the number of citations each of the discipline’s members receives.

The doctors of our department are reviewers, members in editorial boards of specialty journals and active members of national and international scientific societies.

The Endocrinology module takes place over 3 weeks and ends in a practical exam and a written, multiple-choice one. The Diabetes module lasts one week, and ends in a multiple-choice written exam. The lectures last 2 hours, and clinical practice 3 hours. During these, students are presented with clinical cases and are guided into acquiring practical skills.

Students are encouraged to create a theoretical presentation, on a certain endocrinology theme, and discuss it in class. For a smooth running of the exam, students receive lecture materials in electronic format. We maintain the unity of learning through using the same manual as our collegues from C.I. Parhon National Institute of Endocrinology: «Endocrinologie pentru studenţi şi rezidenţi». Edited by: Cătălina Poiană, Simona Fica. Editura Universitară "Carol Davila", Bucuresti 2015, ISBN 978-973-708-814-7. Additionally, a diabetes mellitus manual is in work, in collaboration with colleagues from N. Paulescu National Institute of Diabetes, Nutrition and Metabolic Diseases.

In our department are educated residents in endocrinology, diabetes mellitus, cardiology, internal medicine, nephrology, general practice, gynecology, geriatrics and dermatology, for their first or second specialty.

Resident doctors undergoing the endocrinology and diabetes module have the weekly occasion to participate in special training sessions, which comprise micro lectures, practical demonstrations, clinical case presentations, clinical guides, brief literature reviews and recent finds in endocrinology and diabetology.

Residents are encouraged to undergo research activity within the department, which they should present as abstracts or articles at various scientific events.

Within the discipline, we organise postgraduate education courses, among which: Obesity (4 modules), carried out in 2 modules a year since 2010, and Oncological Endocrinology (4 modules), carried out in 2 modules a year and organised in collaboration with colleagues from C.I. Parhon National Institute of Endocrinology.

Furthermore, we participate as lecturers in education courses organised by other disciplines.

PhD. candidates receive direct support in creating their thesis through careful guidance, both to develop research capacities and to realise specific research activities.

  • obesity
  • osteoporosis
  • polycystic ovary syndrome
  • diabetes mellitus ( autoimmunity and pediatric pathology)
  • thyroid pathology
  • neuroendocrine tumours
  • pediatric endocrine pathology
  1. Grant "Real Time quantitative PCR Evaluation of differentiation, drug sensitivity and prognosis of Neuro-Endocrine Tumors" (RENET), 2011-2016, in the PCCA programme, financed by UEFISCDI, contract PN-II-PT-PCCA-2011-3.2.0623, Coordinator Victor Babes Institute
  2. Grant ANCS (BAROFAT) "Factori predictivi ai raspunsului serologic, imagistic si imuno-histologic la pacientii cu obezitate morbida si steatoza hepatica non-alcoolica supusi interventiilor de chirurgie bariatrica" 2009 – 2011, financed by Autoritatea de Management inside of PNCDI Parteneriate in domeniile prioritare, contract nr 42-162/2008, Coordinator Fundeni Clinical Hospital
  3. Grant ANCS (GENOBINT) "Integrarea particularitatilor genetice si clinico-biologice intr-un algoritm decizional asistat informatic pentru diagnosticul si tratamentul obezitatii"2009 – 2011 financed by CNMP in the "Parteneriate in domeniile prioritare" programme, contract nr 62-058 / 2008, Coordinator UMF Carol Davila
  4. Grant AMCSIT –Politehnica (TRASALIM) "Dezvoltarea unui sistem de trasare alimentara destinat producatorilor regionali Trasalim" (TRASALIM) in the PNCD II` 2007-2009 programme.
  5. Grant tip A ConsorALiu finanALat de CNCSIS cod 73 "Particularitati genetice in modularea mediatorilor hormonali ai stresului metabolic. Legatura patogenica cu reactivitatea cardiovasculara", Coordonator UMF Carol Davila 2006-2009
  1. Albu A, Florea S, Fica S. Is prolactin the missing link in adipose tissue dysfunction of polycystic ovary syndrome patients? Endocrine (2016) 51:163–173 DOI 10.1007/s12020-015-0655-1
  2. Barbu CG, Teleman MD, Albu AI, Sirbu AE, Martin SC, Bancescu AA, Fica SV. Obesity and eating behaviors in school children and adolescents -data from a cross sectional study from Bucharest, Romania. BMC Public Health 2015; 15:206 doi:10.1186/s12889-015-1569-9 ISSN: 1471-2458. Impact factor 2.26
  3. Albu A, Radian S, Fica S, Barbu C. Biochemical hyperandrogenism is associated with metabolic syndrome independently of adiposity and insulin resistance in Romanian polycystic ovary syndrome patients. Endocrine (2015)48:696–704 DOI 10.1007/s12020-014-0340-9
  4. Martin CS, Blaga C, Lambrescu IM, Fierbinteanu-Braticevici C, Fica S. Iatrogenic Cushing’s syndrome related to the interaction between oral budesonide with fuvoxamine: a case report. J Clin Pharm Ther. 2015 Aug 6. doi: 10.1111/jcpt.12312. [Epub ahead of print]. Impact factor 1.668
  5. Sirbu A, Nicolae H, Martin S, Barbu C, Copaescu C, Florea S, Panea C, Fica S. IGF-1 and Insulin Resistance Are Major Determinants of Common Carotid Artery Thickness in Morbidly Obese Young Patients. Angiology 2015 Jun 17. pii: 0003319715586499. [Epub ahead of print]. Impact factor 2.970
  6. Lambrescu IM, Martin S, Cima L, Herlea V, Badiu C, Fica S. Primary Hepatic Neuroendocrine Tumor after 4 years Tumor-free Follow-up. J Gastrointestin Liver Dis. 2015; 24(2): 241-244. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/ 10.15403/jgld.2014.1121.242.4yrs. Impact Factor: 2.202.
  7. D.Reghina, S. Florea, M. Constantin, S. Fica. The impact of thyroid autoimmunity on the clinical and diabetes parameters of patients with latent autoimmune diabetes in adults. Exp Clin Endocrinol Diabetes, DOI 10.1055/s-0035-1555764, epub first 27 Jul 2015. IF=1.55
  8. Ioacara S, Guja C, Reghina A, Martin S, Sirbu A, Fica S. Cardiovascular Mortality in Type 2 Diabetes Patients with Incident Exposure to Insulin Glargine. J Diabetes Res 2015; 2015:962346. doi: 10.1155/2015/962346. Epub 2015 Jun 14. Impact factor 2.164
  9. Martin S,Duțescu MI, Sîrbu A, Barbu C, Albu A, Florea S, Fica S. The clinical value of human leukocyte antigen HLA-DRB1 subtypes associated to Graves’ disease in Românian population, S. Immunol Invest. 2014; 43(5):479-90. doi: 10.3109/08820139.2014.886261. Epub 2014 Mar 24. Impact Factor 1.731 ISSN: 0882-0139 (print), 1532-4311 (electronic)
  10. Albu A, Barbu CG, Antonie L, Vladareanu F, Fica S. Risk factors associated with hypogonadism in β-thalassemia major patients: predictors for a frequent complication of a rare disease. Postgrad Med. 2014 Sep;126(5):121-7. doi: 10.3810/pgm.2014.09.2806.
  11. Martin CS, Ionescu LN, Barbu CG, Sîrbu AE, Lambrescu IM, Lacau IS, Dimulescu DR, Fica SV, Takotsubo cardiomyopathy and transient thyrotoxicosis during combination therapy with Interferon-alpha and Ribavirin for chronic hepatitis C. BMC Endocr Disord. 2014 Feb 3;14(1):1 doi: 10.1186/1472-6823-14-10. Impact Factor 2.65 ISSN: 1472-6823
  12. Ioacara S, Guja C, Ionescu-Tirgoviste C, Fica S, Roden M. Cancer Specific Mortality in Insulin-Treated Type 2 Diabetes Patients. PLoS ONE 2014 9(3): e93132
  13. Barbu CG. DXA applications beyond bone densitometry – something old, something new, something borrowed. ACTA ENDOCRINOLOGICA nr 3/2014; doi: 10.4183/aeb.2014.X. ISSN: 1841 – 0987 (ISI Thomson Scientific Master Journal List), (CNCSIS Categoria A) IF:0.2
  14. Noora Wael Rasheed, Carmen Gabriela Barbu, Suzana Florea, Gabriela Branceanu, Simona Fica, Niculina Mitrea, Andreea Letitia Arsene. Biochemical markers of calcium and bone metabolism in the monitoring of osteoporosis treatment. Farmacia, nr 4/2014; ISSN (print): 0014-8237, ISSN (online): 2065-0019, (ISI Thomson Scientific Master Journal List), (CNCSIS Categoria A), IF:0,578; revistafarmacia.ro
  15. Sîrbu A, Gologan S, Arbănaș T, Copăescu C, Martin S, Albu A, Barbu C, Pîrvulescu I, Fica S. Adiponectin, body mass index and hepatic steatosis are independently associated with IGF-I status in obese non-diabetic women. Growth Horm IGF Res. 2013 Feb-Apr;23(1-2):2- doi: 10.1016/j.ghir.2012.10.001. Epub 2012 Oct 27. Impact Factor 2.256
  16. Petak S, Barbu CG, Yu EW, Fielding R, Mulligan K, Sabowitz B, Wu C-H, Shepherd JA: The official positions of the international society for clinical densitometry: body composition analysis reporting. Journal of Clinical Densitometry 2013, 16(4):508-519.ISSN: 1094-6950. (ISI Thomson Scientific Master Journal List), IF:1.6
  17. Bachmann C, Abramovitch H, Barbu CG, Cavaco AM, Elorza RD, Haak R, Loureiro E, Ratajska A, Silverman J, Winterburn S: A European consensus on learning objectives for a core communication curriculum in health care professions. Patient education and counseling 2013, 93(1):18-26. ISSN: 0738-3991. (ISI Thomson Scientific Master Journal List), IF:2.5. http://www.journals.elsevier.com/patient-education-and-counseling/
  18. Aura Diana Reghina, Alice Albu, Nicoleta Petre, Maria Mihu, Suzana Florea, Simona Fica. Thyroid autoimmunity in 72 children with type 1 diabetes mellitus: relationship with pancreatic autoimmunity and child growth. J Pediatr Endocr Met 2012; 25(7-8); 723-726. DOI 10.1515/jpem-2012-0090. IF=0.9
  19. Vasic, T. Petranova, N. Dzerovych, CG Barbu, M. Karadzic, F. Gojkovic, R. Winzenrieth, D. Hans, J. Elez, V. Culafic Vojinovic, C. Poiana, V. Povoroznyuk, R. Rashkov, A. Dimic. Evaluating spine micro-architectural texture (via TBS) discriminates major osteoporotic fractures from controls both as well as and independent of site matched BMD: THE EASTERN EUROPEAN TBS STUDY”. JBMM, ISSN (print): 0914 – 8779, ISSN (online): 1435 – 5604, (ISI Thomson Scientific Master Journal List), IF: 2,219; http://www.springer.com /medicine/internal/journal/774
  20. Ioacara S, Lichiardopol R, Ionescu-Tirgoviste C, Cheta D, Sabau S, Guja C, Farcasiu E, Tiu C. Improvements in life expectancy in type 1 diabetes patients in the last six decades. Diab Res Clin Pract 2009; 86:146-151