Discipline - Infectious Diseases II - Clinical Hospital Dr. V.Babes

Professor Florescu Simin Aysel, PhD tenured
Associate Professor Oprea Anca Cristiana, PhD tenured
Head of works Vancea Geta, PhD tenured
Head of works Gherlan George Sebastian, PhD tenured
Head of works Lazar Dragos-Stefan, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Vatafu Andreea Ruxandra, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Zaharia Mihaela Florentina, PhD fixed term
Assistant Professor Dirtu Raluca Mihaela, PhD fixed term
Assistant Professor Stoenescu Andreea Florentina, PhD fixed term
Assistant Professor Ianache Irina-Cristiana, PhD tenured

The Hospital for Infectious and Tropical Diseases "Dr. Victor Babes" was founded in the year 1956. Twenty years later, in 1976, the University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Carol Davila", Department of Infectious and Tropical Diseases” was founded and was based in the Hospital for Infectious and Tropical Diseases "Dr. Victor Babes". The one who organized the department in its first years of operation and guided it until 1995 was the late Professor Dr. Ludovic Paun.

Training for infectious diseases takes place within the department with classes being organized annually for 3-4 series of students including tropical diseases classes. Training is provided for Infectious Diseases residents as well as other specialties which cover the subject in their curriculum. Postgraduate courses are also held within the department.

Within the Hospital of Infectious and Tropical Diseases "Dr. Victor Babes" doctors operate in eight clinical departments (Department of HIV / AIDS, two pulmonology sections, two sections of pediatric infectious diseases, two sections of adult infectious diseases and a section of Dermatology) and a clinic for viral hepatitis.

In 2011 the intensive care unit was founded, with a capacity of 9 beds, this increased the efficiency of medical care, ensuring the highest level of therapeutic conditions for patients with severe infectious diseases. The medical activity is supported by the laboratories of bacteriology, parasitology, hematology and biochemistry equipped to the highest standards. At the moment, the hospital is able to treat any infectious pathology at European standards.

Yearly, 3-4 series of 6th year students from the University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Carol Davila"  come into the Infectious Dieseases Clinic at the Hospital of Infectious and Tropical Diseases "Dr. Victor Babes”. Our clinic has also hosted foreign and Erasmus students and organized english lectures for them.

For lecture purposes, the clinic has two amphitheaters with a capacity of  55 or 25 students. The infectious diseases module is organized in two distinct parts: the lecture and the practical lessons. The lectures are interactive, dynamic and permanently being updated to ensure the information presented is the most recent. The practical activity in the clinic takes place under the supervision of the staff in charge of each group. The supervisor will present relevant cases of infectious diseases pathology and then has group discussion with the students to ensure an optimal understanding of each disease.

The Clinic for Infectious and Tropical Diseases "Dr. Victor Babes” colaborates with all the similar clinics nationwide, this activity materializes into the organizing of national congresses and conferences, and in the publishing of the Romanian Magazine for Infectious Diseases.

The reseach activity of our staff can be seen in a number of articles published or presented at national and international scientific gatherings.

Course Curriculum

  1. Infections and infectious diseases. Relationship between microorganisms, macroorganisms, and the environment. Infectious agents. The diagnosis of infectious diseases.
  2. Clinical therapy with antibiotics, antivirals, antifungal, antiparasites.
  3. Scarlet fever.
  4. Measles.
  5. Rubella.
  6. Varicella. Herpes Zoster.
  7. Infectious mononucleosis.
  8. Mumps.
  9. Diphtheria.
  10. Pharyngitis.
  11. Pertussis.
  12. Infectious pneumonias.
  13. Influenza.
  14. Acute infectious diarrhea (etiology, pathogenesis, treatment).
  15. Food Posioning.
  16. Botulism.
  17. Cholera.
  18. Bacterial Dysentery.
  19. Typhoid fever.
  20. 20  Enteroviruses. Poliomyelitis.
  21. Acute viral hepatitis.
  22. Septicemia. Endocarditis. Infective shock.
  23. Leptospirosis, Brucellosis.
  24. Erysipelas.
  25. Anthrax.
  26. Tetanus.
  27. Rickettsiosis,. Typhus.
  28. Lyme’s disease.
  29. Rabies.
  30. Meningitis. Encephalitis.
  31. HIV / AIDS.


  1. Boli InfecALioase, 2003, Prof.Dr.M.Chiotan.
  2. Boli InfecALioase, 2000, Prof.Dr.Ileana Rebedea.
  3. Taught lectures.

The following thesis were undertaken and supported by our deparment

Under the guidance of  Prof. Dr. Ludovic Paun

  1. Dr.Emanoil CEAUŞU: “Meningita meningococică, epidemiologie, clinică, tratament”, sustained in the year 1993.
  1. Dr. Khaled Abdo Thabet al SELWI: “ Situaţia malariei în R.Yemen”, sustained in the year 1994.
  1. Dr. Zahir SURAN: “ Infecţia cu Mycobacterii (tipice şi atipice în cursul infecţiei cu virusul imunodeficienţei umane (HIV/SIDA)”, sustained in the year 1996.
  1. Dr. Simona ERSCOIU: “Aspecte relevante ale infecţiei HIV/SIDA la copii care au supravieţuit după vârsta de 3 ani (contribuţii la istoria infecţiei naturale a infecţiei HIV în România”, sustained in the year 1997.
  1. Dr. Petre CALISTRU: “Consecinţele metabolice ale infecţiei cu HIV la copii”, sustained in the year 1999.
  1. Dr. Mariana HOMOŞ: “Meningita meningococică şi sindromul Waterhouse-Friderichsen”, sustained in the year 1999.
  1. Dr. Elena VOLOSCIUC: “Corelaţii clinico-evolutive în hepatitele cu AgHBs la copii”, sustained in the year 1999.
  1. Dr. Dan DUICULESCU: ”Corelaţii clinice şi imunologice ale antigenului p-24 HIV-1 decelat din complexe imune la pacienţii cu infecţie HIV-1”, sustained in the year 1999.
  1. Dr. Valentina SIMION: “Manifestări neurologice în infecţia cu HIV/SIDA la adult şi copil”, sustained in the year 2000.
  1. Dr. Cristea CRISTIANA: “Aspecte particulare clinice şi microbiologice ale infecţiilor streptococice actuale”, sustained in the year 2000
  1. Dr. Hamdi Abdelaziz HAMIMI: ”Febra tifoidă în Emiratele Arabe Unite”, sustained in the year 2000.
  1. Dr. Bogdan CÎRCIUMARU: “Infecţiile sistemice în secţiile de terapie intensivă”,sustained in the year 2002.
  1. Dr.Sheikh A.Hafed Fadhel SHOTARI (Yemen): ”Malaria cerebrală, aspecte clinice şi terapeutice în Republica Yemen”, sustained in the year 2003.
  1. Dr. Stela HALICHIDIS: “Infecţiile bacteriene ale meningelui (modalităţi evolutive, prognostic)”, sustained in the year 2004.
  1. Dr. Cristina CALOMFIRESCU: “Răspunsul imun în hepatitele virale cu virus B”, sustained in the year 2004
  1. Dr. Elena TURCU: “Infecţia asociată HIV/Mycobacterii la copii”, sustained in the year 2004.
  1. Dr. Anca Cristiana OPREA: “Aspecte clinico-evolutive la copiii cu infecţie HIV/SIDA transmisă pe cale orizontală”, sustained in the year 2004.
  1. Dr. Liviu TRĂILĂ: “Modalităţi evolutive în hepatita virală acută de tip B –evaluări actuale”, sustained in the year 2005.
  1. Dr. Simin Aysel Florescu (Geamai): “Profilul citokinelor în hepatitele virale acute”, sustained in the year 2006
  1. Dr. Geta COZMA: „Meningitele purulente (bacteriene) la copii (0-14 ani)”, sustained in the year 2006.
  1. Dr. Cristina PĂTRU: “Citokinele în infecţia HIV/SIDA la copil”, sustained in the year 2008.
  1. Dr. Petronela IONESCU: “Patogenia infecţiei HIV/SIDA-modificări anatomo-patologice ale ganglionului limfatic şi splinei”, sustained in the year 2008.
  1. Dr. Simona BUŞE: “Sarcomul Kaposi în infecţia HIV/SIDA, clinică, diagnostic”, sustained in the year 2009
  1. Dr. Adriana MOŢOC: “Infecţia cu virusul hepatitic C şi diabetul zaharat” sustained in the year 2011.
  1. Manuela MANOLESCU: „Prevenirea şi răspunsul la atacul cu arme biologice, atacul bioterorist – abordare juridică”, sustained in the year 2011.
  1. Biochimist Mihaela COMĂNICI: “Antigenul P-24 (determinat prin metode hipersensibile) în diagnosticul şi evoluţia infecţiei HIV/SIDA”, sustained in the year 2014
  1. Dr. Adrian COMĂNICI: „Aspecte endocrinologice în infecţia HIV/SIDA la copii. Studiul hormonilor de creştere”, sustained in the year 2014.

Under the guidance of Prof Dr. Petre Iacob Calistru

  1. Dr. Iuliana Luminiţa APOSTOL de JONG: “Cercetări privind imunosenescența și infecțiile respiratorii la vârstnici”, sustained in the year 2013.
  1. Dr. George Sebastian GHERLAN: ”Evaluarea nonivazivă a fibrozei, activităţii inflamatorii şi steatozei în hepatitele cronice virale”, sustained in the year 2013.
  1. Dr. Angelica NOUR – DINCĂ : “ Afectarea vasculară în infecția cu virusul hepatitic C”, sustained in the year 2013.
  1. Dr. Iustinian Horatiu TEODORESCU: “Implicaţiile administrării de probiotice în sindromul de intestin iritabil”, sustained in the year 2013.
  1. Dr. Simona BUCŞE: “Polipeptidul natriuretic tip B (BNP) – indice de prognostic în exacerbările bronhopneumopatiei cronice obstructive”, sustained in the year 2014.
  1. Dr. Corina-Olimpia GROSU: “Evaluarea indicaţiei operatorii în endocardita bacteriană cu interesare valvulară”, sustained in the year 2015.
  1. Dr. Mădălina Alina DUŢU: “Indicatori de prognostic în sepsis”, sustained in the year 2015.
  1. Dr. Silvius Ioan NEGOIŢĂ: „Pneumonia asociată ventilatiei mecanice epidemiologie locală si strategii de tratament”, sustained in the year 2015.
  1. Dr. Dragoş Ştefan LAZĂR: “Aspecte clinico-evolutive ale coinfecțiilor cu virusuri hepatitice (B și C) la pacienții hiv pozitivi”, sustained in the year 2015.
  2. Dr. Oana STREINU-CERCEL (SĂNDULESCU): „Identificarea amprentelor  genetice microbiene         remanente”,  sustained in the year 2015
  1. Dr. Cristian BALAHURA: „Infecţiile biliare asociate colestazei şi stentării endoscopice a căilor biliare”, sustained in the year 2015
  1. Dr.Claudia Daniela ŞTEFĂNESCU:“Studiul leziunilor preneoplazice la pacientele infectate cu serotipuri hpv cu risc înalt oncogen”, sustained in the year 2015.
  • hepatitis
  • antibiotic resistance
  • virus, bacterium, microbiology
  • HIV / AIDS
  • meningoencephalitis
  • pneumonia
  • epidemiology
  2. GRANT USA – 1R01MH094159-01 (CRISTIAN L ACHIM) – Long Term Effects of Chronic HIV Infection on the Developing Brain    Sponsor: National Institute of Mental Health (2011- 2016)
  3. CONTRACT NCI 5P30 CA 23100/2011 PROGRESSION OF HPV INFECTION IN WOMEN WITH CHILDHOOD AQUIRED HIV, finanţat de UCSD Center for AIS Research: NIAID 5 P30 AI36214 and Moores UCSD Cancer Center (2011- 2013)
  5. GRANT – European research Infrastructure on Highly Pathogenic Agents- ERINHA , grant agreement nr 262042, Call 6 FP7-INFRASTRUCTURES-2010-1 (2006- 2010)
  1. Calistru P, Iftimovici R, Constantinescu I, Mutiu AP. Oncogeneza virală. Bucuresti: EDITURA ACADEMIEI  (2015), ISBN: 973-27-2512-2
  2. Erscoiu S, Popa IC, Burcoş O, Loghin R, Mehedinţi AM and Ceauşu E. Impact of HIV 1 infection on mortality among new diagnosed cases in a hospital  in Bucharest, 7th National Congress HIV/AIDS, 29-31 May 2014, Sibiu http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2334/14/S4/P12, BMC Infectious Diseases 2014, Volume 14 Suppl 4
  3. Zeuzem S, Flisiak R, Vierling JM, Mazur W, Mazzella G, Thongsawat S, Abdurakhmanov D, Van Kính N, Calistru P, Heo J, Stanciu C, Gould M, Makara M, Hsu SJ, Buggisch P, Samuel D, Mutimer D, Nault B, Merz M, Bao W, Griffel LH, Brass C, Naoumov NV; ESSENTIAL II Study Group. Randomised clinical trial: alisporivir combined with peginterferon and ribavirin in treatment-naïve patients with chronic HCV genotype 1 infection (ESSENTIAL II). Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2015 Oct;42(7):829-44. doi: 10.1111/apt.13342. Epub 2015 Aug 4. PubMed PMID: 26238707.
  4. Oprea C, Ianache I, Radoi R, Erscoiu S, Tardei G, Nicolaescu O, Nica M, Calistru P, Ruta S, Ceausu E. Alarming increase in tuberculosis and hepatitis C virus (HCV) among HIV infected intravenous drug users. J Int AIDS Soc. 2014 Nov 2;17(4 Suppl 3):19625. doi: 10.7448/IAS.17.4.19625. eCollection 2014. PubMed PMID: 25394129; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4224862.
  5. Florescu SA, Popescu CP, Calistru P, Ceausu E, Nica M, Toderan A, Zaharia M, Parola P. Plasmodium vivax malaria in a Romanian traveller returning from Greece, August 2011. Euro Surveill. 2011 Sep 1;16(35). pii: 19954. PubMed PMID: 21903043.
  6. Melinte V, Zaharia M, Stoica O, Cristea C, Nica M, Simion V, Homoş M, Florescu SA, Ceauşu E, Calistru P. Aspecte etio-patogene în osteodiscite. Revista Română de Boli Infecţioase, Vol. XV, Nr.3, 2012; 213.
  7. Gherlan GS. Liver ultrasound elastography: More than staging the disease. World J Hepatol. 2015 Jun 28;7(12):1595-600. doi: 10.4254/wjh.v7.i12.1595. PubMed PMID: 26140079
  8. Bucsa S.S, Calistru P.I, Voinea C. Modificari ale nivelului seric de BNP (polipeptid natriuretic tip B) asociate exacerbarilor bronhopneumopatiei cronice obstructive, Revista Romana de Boli Infectioase, Vol:XVI ,Nr: 3 /2013,161-169
  9. Vancea G, Rusu R, Arsene G, Scurtu G, Calistru PI, Ceauşu E. Particular Cytomegalovirus Infection in Infants – Case Presentation Zilele Ştiinţifice ale Institutului Naţional de Boli Infecţioase “Prof. Dr. Matei Balş”, 17-20 Octombrie 2012, Bucureşti The Journal of Gastrointestinal and Liver Diseases (JGLD), Vol.21, S.4, Oct. 2012, p.32, ISSN 1842-1121, 2011
  10. Cristea C, Popescu C, Voicu M, Mereuta S, Nica M, Ceausu E. Disseminated tuberculosis in a pregnant HIV negative woman with 12 weeks of pregnancy obtained through in vitro fertilization.  Romanian Journal of Infectious Diseases 2015; vol. XVIII:164-170