Discipline - Virology

Professor Ruta Simona Maria, PhD tenured
Associate Professor Sultana Madalina-Camelia, PhD tenured
Associate Professor Popescu Corneliu Petru, PhD tenured
Head of works Temereanca Aura, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Marineata Stefania, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Paraschiv Simona Florina, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Mihai Simona, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Neagu Ana-Iulia, PhD tenured

Acad. Stefan S Nicolau founded in 1942, at the Faculty of Medicine in Bucharest, the first discipline in the world dedicated exclusivly to the study of viruses (Inframicrobiology). Stefan S Nicolau, a close associate of Constantin Levaditi-one of the pioneers of virology, was the author of a baseline study related to the etiology of viral hepatitis, the oncogenic potential of viral nucleic acids and the idea of viral oncolysis. Around the newly created discipline, the current Virology Institue was arisen. Since 1967, the Department and the Institute were led by Acad. Nicolae Cajal, an outstanding personality of the medical and social life in Romania. Under his guidance, major studies were conducted on attenuated strains used in the prophylaxis of viral diseases and the evolution of persistent viral infections. Since 1992, the department was headed by his disciple, Dr. Costin Cernescu, with whom he started producing diploid cells of live attenuated measles vaccine and has conducted studies on the etiology of SSPE. Prof. Cernescu and his collaborators (including current members of the discipline) developed programs of research into viral diseases that are of major public health importance (HIV, viral hepatitis, emerging arboviruses) and in formulating new prophylactic and therapeutic antiviral and antitumor strategies. Since 2006, the discipline has been headed by Prof. Dr. Simona Ruta.

Diangnosis and virological monitoring in:
- Viral infection mainly transmitted parenterally (HIV , hepatitis )
- including genotyping and antiviral resistance testing,
-  Sexually transmitted viral infections,
- Maternal-Fatal transmitted viral infections
- Respiratory transmitted viral infections
- Persistent viral infections
- Neuroviruses

The discipline ensures courses and practical work for 3rd year medical students of the Faculty of Medicine (all series including English language module) and systematically organizes summer school and training courses devoted to recent advances in clinical virology. 

DOWNLOAD The program of the virology course, the bibliography, and the examination method 

The discipline provides internships and virology courses for medical residents in the specialty of Laboratory Medicine and Infectious Diseases, the complex training enables learning advanced virological diagnostic techniques, starting with virus isolation in cell culture, characterization of antigens, sequencing and methods for testing antiviral susceptibility. The discipline has access to the biological database of the Institute of Virology and a laboratory with biosafety level III for the study of viral vectors.

DOWNLOAD The theme of virology module for the residency of Laboratory Medicine and Infectious Diseases

The discipline makes a connection between education and applied medical research, presenting the latest data on emerging viruses, viral infections pathogenesis and new therapeutical and prophylactic methods in viruses.

DOWNLOAD The topics of the 2016-2017 courses - in the attached document 

Prof. Dr. Simona Ruta is the PhD conductor in the field of Medicine, in the Doctoral School of the Romanian Academy. They are addressed to interdisciplinary subjects in collaboration with specialty clinics both in the field of infectious diseases and neurological diseases, as well as cardiovascular diseases and cancer of viral etiology.

  • HIV
  • Viral hepatitis
  • Viruses and cancer
  • Arboviruses
  • Emerging viruses
  • Genotyping, sequencing
  • Resistance to antiviral
  • Viruses in non-infectious diseases

Members of the discipline unfolds, at the Institute of Virology Stefan S Nicolau, research projects with national and international funding.

  1. HIVERA Joint Transnational Call 2014 - HIV-NANOVA4/2016: Rationally designed therapeutic vaccine against HIV-1 based on a novel formulation of nanoparticle-protected mRNA, 2016-2019 PI: Joeri AERTS, Vrije Universiteit Brussel; consortiul: Guido Vanham, ITM Antwerp; Bernard Verrier, CNRS Lyon; Simona Ruta, Stefan S. Nicolau Institute of Virology Felipe Garcia, Hospital Clinic Barcelona;
  2. Grant NIH- 5R01MH094159-04; 2011-2016 Long Term Effects of Chronic HIV Infection on the Developing Brain IP: Cristian Achim, : University of California, San Diego, USA , Partners:  Virology Institue „Stefan S Nicolau":  IP Simona Ruta and Clinical Hospital of Infectious and Tropical Diseases „Dr. Victor Babes": IP Dr.Luminita Ene
  3. Grant NIH 5P30 AI036211. Virological research Center for pediatric HIV infection 2008-2015 IP: ith Baylor College of Medicine; Texas Children’s Hospital, Houston, USA Janet Butell/Mark Kline; Partner Romania- Virology Institute Stefan S Nicolau-Simona Ruta
  4. PN-II-PT-PCCA-2011-proiect nr 88/2012, HepGen, Investigation of viral and host markers of non-response to anti-viral treatment in chronic hepatitis C IP: National Research and Development Institute of Microbiology and Immunology IC Cantacuzino- Dr Gabriela Oprisan; Partner Virology Institute Stefan S Nicolau - Simona Ruta
  5. European Commition- Executive Agency for Health and Consumers. Grant No 20091102 AURORA "An European network on cervical cancer surveillance and control in the new Member States", 2010-2013 IP: N.Da. (OSSERVATORIO NAZIONALE SULLA SALUTE DELLA DONNA – ASSOCIAZIONE) Italy. Partner Romania: Virology Institute Stefan S Nicolau - Simona Ruta
  1. Rosca A, Anton G, Botezatu A, Temereanca A, Ene L, Achim C, Ruta S. miR-29a associates with viro-immunological markers of HIV infection in treatment experienced patients. J Med Virol. 2016 May 27. doi: 10.1002/jmv.24586. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 27232693. FI= 2.347
  2. Ruta S, Sultana C, Oprea C, Vagu C, Ceausu E, Cernescu C. HCV non-1b genotypes in injecting drug users from Romania. J Infect Dev Ctries. 2016;10 (5):523-7. doi: 10.3855/jidc.7019. PMID: 27249529. FI= 1.3
  3. Popescu CP, Ceausu E, Florescu SA, Chirita D, Ruta S. Complications of Varicella in Unvaccinated Children from Romania, 2002-2013 – A Retrospective Study. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2016, 35(2), 211-212, doi:10.1097/INF.0000000000000969.PMID: 26544989. FI=2.72
  4. Dinu S, Pănculescu-Gătej IR, Florescu SA, Popescu CP, Sîrbu A, Oprişan G, Bădescu D, Franco L, Ceianu CS. Molecular epidemiology of dengue fever cases imported into Romania between 2008 and 2013 . Travel Med Infect Dis. 2015;13(1):69-73. FI=2.19
  5. Ozaras R, Corti G, Ruta S, Lacombe K, Mondelli M, Irving W, Puoti M, Khalighi A, Santos ML, Harxhi A, Lazaravic I, Soriano V, Gervain J, Leblebicioglu H, Salmon D, Arends J, on behalf of ESCMID Study Group for Viral Hepatitis, Differences in Availability of Diagnostics and Treatment Modalities for Chronic Hepatitis B Across Europe. Clin Microbiol Infect. 2015,21(11):1027-32. doi: 10.1016/j.cmi.2015.07.002, PMID:26166544. FI=5,768
  6. Ruta S, Cernescu C. Injecting drug use: A vector for the introduction of new hepatitis C virus genotypes. World J. Gastroenterol. 2015 14;21(38):10811-23. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v21.i38.10811. PMID: 26478672. FI=2.36
  7. Temereanca A, Ene L, Mehta S, Manolescu L, Duiculescu D, Ruta S. Transmitted HIV drug resistance in treatment-naive Romanian patients. J Med Virol. 2013; 85(7): 1139-47. doi: 10.1002/jmv.23572, PMID: 23592112. FI=2,21
  8. Sultana C, Oprişan G, Szmal C, Vagu C, Temereanca A, Dinu S, Teleman MD, Ruta S. Molecular Epidemiology of Hepatitis C Virus Strains from Romania. J Gastrointestin Liver Dis., 2011, 20(3) 261-66, PMID: 21961093. FI=1.88.
  9. Cernescu C, Nedelcu I., Tardei G., Ruta S, Tsai T. Continued transmission of West Nile virus to humans in southeastern Romania 1997 – 1998. J Inf Dis 2000,18 (2):710-2, PMID: 10669359. FI= 36
  10. F. Tsai, F. Popovici, C. Cernescu, G.L. Campbell, N.I. Nedelcu and the investigative team: V. Laurentia, L. Spantulescu, V. Chitu, Ruta S, G. Tardei, D. Craciun, D. Nicolaiciuc, D. Pitigoi, C. Ceianu, G. Nicolaescu, A.Ungureanu, L.A. Vladimirescu, V. Deubel,B. Leguenno, L. Han, H. Savage, L. Tengelsen, E. A. Henchal, F. Knauert, J. A. Mangiafico, C. Rossi West Nile encephalitis epidemic in southeastern Romania, Lancet 1998, 352, 9130, 767-71; PMID: 9737281. FI=17.49
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