Discipline - Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

Associate Professor Rad Florina, PhD tenured
Head of works Mateescu Laura Andreea, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Grozavescu Raluca Tarsita Veronica, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Moise Mihaela, PhD fixed term
Assistant Professor Andrei Lucia Emanuela, PhD fixed term
Assistant Professor Buica Alexandra Mariana, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Mihailescu Ilinca, PhD tenured

In UMF ´´Carol Davila´´ the subject of infantile neuropsychiatry exists since 1984. In 1996, once with the separation of the Infantil Neuropsychiatry specialty between Pediatric Psychiatry and Pediatric Neurology, The Psychiatry of Child and Teenager exists as an individual subject. The module of Psychiatry of Child and Teenager, lasting one week, is a part of the 6th year subject list of the General Medicine Faculty, along with Psychiatry.

The children and teenagers (1-18years old)  with mental instabilities are evaluated in the Pediatric Psychiatry Clinic of the Psychiatric Clinical Hospital ´´Prof. Dr Alexandru Obregia´´. The development disorders (Autisic disorders, Speech Impairment disorders, Dificulties in aquiring scolar abilities), Retardation, Behavioural and Emotional disorders established during childhood (ADHD, Oppositional defiant disorder, Behavioural disorders, Emotional Disorders), Anxiety Disorders, Affectional Disorders, Schizophrenia.

The Patients benefit from a complex evaluation from a multidisciplinary team.The clinical evaluation is based also on standard testing of various affections (ADOS, ADI-R ,NEPSY, KID SCID, RAVEN, WISC).

During the therapeutic process, depending the patology, the patient and his family are entitled to psychoeducation, counciling, intruction with psychoeducational techiques, and the initiation ot the specific psychoeducational techiques. During the hospitalisation, the patient and his family participate in occupational therapy, game therapy, and group therapy.

Lectures and practical laboratories for the students of General Medicine Faculty, 6th year (romanian and english section)

The coordination of clinical and scientifical activities of the Pediatric Psychiatry, Psychiatry, Pediatry and Pediatric Neurology residents.

Organisation of lectures, case presentations, presentations of specialised articles for residents.

Coordinating the degrees of the students

Editing specialised books of Pediatric Psychiatry

Manual of Psychiatry of Child and Teenager (Prof. Dr. Iuliana Dobrescu) – first edition 2010, second edition - revised and expanded, 2016

"The frisky, agitated and inattentive child" (coordinator: Prof. Dr . Iuliana Dobrescu-2005)

  • Editing of textbooks specialized in pediatric psychiatry:
    • „Manual de Psihiatrie a Copilului si Adolescentului" ("Textbook of Psychiatry of Child and Adolescent") (edited by Prof. Dr. Iuliana Dobrescu) – first edition 2010, second edition revised and expanded 2016
    • „Copilul neastamparat, agitat si neatent" ("The restless, agitated and inattentive child") (coordinator Prof. Dr. Iuliana Dobrescu) – 2005
    • „Actualitati in psihofarmacologia copilului si adolescentului – ghid practic" ("News in psychofarmacology of child and adolescent – practical guide") (coordinator Prof. Dr. Iuliana Dobrescu) 2004
    • „Psihiatria copilului si adolescentului" ("The Psychiatry of child and adolescent") (Prof. Dr. Iuliana Dobrescu), 2003
  • Articles in speciality journals indexed in international databases;
  • Organisation of mental health conferences (13th edition in 2016) and Congresses of Psychiatry of Child and Adolescent and Associated Professions (ARPCAPA), professional association which intends to promote mental health of child and adolescent, modernize professional training in psychiatry of child and adolescent;
  • In 2007 the members of the chair founded the Romanian Journal of Psychiatry of Child and Adolescent, journal which is currently indexed in international databases;
  • Management and development of local and international research grants as well as applications for research grants;
  • Participation of members of the chair as experts in the mental health programs of the health ministry.


  • During the internship and under the supervision of members of the chair, the students have acces to pacients of the pediatric psychiatry clinic, Clinical Hospital of Psychiatry "Dr. Alex. Obregia". Each case in the internship is discused so that the needed information for general medical practice (screening of mental health disorders, symptoms, positive and differential diagnosis, principles of psychopharmacological and psychotherapeutic treatment) is highlighted;
  • The course support consists of powerpoint materials (in romanian and english), video recordings and the course is held in an interractive manner;
  • The curricula is offered on electronic support in a format made accesible for the sixth year student and is constituted based on the bibliography of the subject;
  • There were proposed elective courses such as:
  • Screening principles and early intervention in neurodevelopment disorders among children
  • Use of european community norms in comunication with the child and adult patient as well as his family within the romanian health system
  • there were proposed courses of postgraduate formation with the following topics in the subject:
  • autism spectrum disorder (identification, diagnosis and early intervention);
  • psychotic disorders with early onset;
  • affective disorders of child and adolescent;
  • principles of intervention in mental disorders of child and adolescent;
  • the sudents benefit of courses (in powerpoint format and video recordings) and case reports as well as the curricula in electgronic format
  • Dr. Iuliana Dobrescu is currently PhD supervisor in the chair of Psychiatry of Child and Adolescent;
  • In the period between 2009 and 2016, under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Iuliana Dobrescu, PhD theses were finished on various topics like autism spectrum disorder, somatization disorders in children and adolescents, schizophrenia, obsessive compulsive disorder, theses of which articles were published in journals indexed CNCSIS and in international databases;
  • Doctors specialized in pediatric psychiatry or psychiatry but also psychologists can acces the program for PhD studies.
  • Autism spectrum disorders
  • ADD
  • Schizophrenia with early onset
  • Affective disorders
  • Eating disorders


  1. “INCLEN-Epidemiologic Research on Autism in Romania – Pilot (IN-ERAR)”  – studiu pilot în parteneriat cu University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth)
  2. SANCO/2014/C2/035 ASDEU: Autism Spectrum Disorders in the European Union
  3. COST Action BM1004: „Enhancing the scientific study of early autism: A network to improve research, services and outcomes”;
  4. CAMHEE – Child and Adolescent Mental Health in Enlarged European Union : Development of Effective Policies and Practices – International Project under the Coordination of State Mental Health Center, Vilnius, Lithuania
  5. COSIP – Preventive Intervention in Children with a Parent with a Terminal Somatic Illness – International Project, under the Coordination of Hamburg University – final phases.
  1. Rad, F., Buică, A., Dobrescu, I. (2015) “Autistic traits in general population – myth or reality?” Analele Universităţii “Dunărea De Jos” din Galați, Fascicula XVII, Medicină. 2015:2 ISSN-L: 1583 – 2074 (CNCSIS B+,EBSCO, WorldCat, DRJI, CiteFactor, Universal Impact Factor).
  2. Anghel, C.G., Rad, F., Dobrescu I. (2014) “Antipsychotic treatment and weight gain in adolescence with very early and early onset schizophrenia”, Romanian Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, vol 2, Issue 1, ISSN-L 2360-185X (EBSCO, GIF – Global Impact factor, Index Copernicus, Info Base Index ).
  3. Rad, F., Mihailescu, I., Tocaci, G., Buica, A., Dobrescu, I. (2014) “Hyper-systemizing theory in parents of children with autistic spectrum disorder”, Romanian Journal of Psychiatry, vol XVI, nr 2, June 2014, pg 61-67, ISSN 1454-7848 (CNCSIS B+, Index Copernicus)
  4. Dobrescu, I., Trutescu, C., Kobylinska, L., Rad, F., Petrescu-Ghenea, C., Anghel, G.C., Mihailescu, I. (2014) – “Prolactinemia and clinical outcome following second generation antipsychotics in early onset schizophrenia”. Abstract in Endocrine Abstract, 16th European Congress of Endocrinology 2014, vol 35, Wrocław, Poland, ISSN 1479-6848
  5. Rad, F., Mihailescu, I., Tocaci, G., Dobrescu I. (2014) “Risk factors associated with autism spectrum disorder”, Analele Universitatii “Dunarea de Jos” Medicina, Fascicula XVIII, nr 1, 2014, pg 69-76, ISSN-L: 1583 – 2074 (CNCSIS B+,EBSCO, WorldCat, DRJI, CiteFactor, Universal Impact Factor).
  6. Coogan A.N., Dobrean A., Donev R.M.,Mateescu L., Muller U., Thome J., Voinescu B.I. (2010) – Adult attention Deficit hyperactivity disorder: translating research into practice. Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorders, DOI 10.1007/s12402-012-0073-7, ISSN 1866-6116
  7. Trutescu, C.I., Petrescu Ghenea, C., Rad, F., Anghel C.G., Mihailescu, I., Nedescu, L., Dobrescu, I. (2013) „Are adolescents with Asperger Syndrome more likely to be involved in criminal activities”, , Romanian Journal of Psychiatry, vol XV, nr 3, pg 92-94, ISSN 1454-7848 (CNCSIS B+, Index Copernicus).
  8. Mihailescu, I., Kobilinska, L., Rad, F., Petrescu Ghenea, C., Dobrescu, I. (2013) „Asperger Syndrome: convergence with other psychiatric disorders”, Romanian Journal of Psychiatry, vol XV, nr 3, pg 99-103, ISSN 1454-7848 (CNCSIS B+, Index Copernicus).
  9. Rad, F., Petrescu-Ghenea, C., Tudorache, E., Trutescu, C., Anghel, C.G., Dobrescu, I. (2013) „Is arousal a valid theory in explaining psychiatric illness?” Romanian Journal of Psychofarmacology, vol 13, Issue 1, ISSN 1582-7674 (CNCSIS B+, Index Copernicus).
  10. Khan, N.Z., Gallo, L.A., Arghir, A., Budisteanu, B., Budisteanu, M, Dobrescu, I, Donald, K., El-Tabari, S., Hoogenhout, M., Kalambayi, F., Kawa, R., Lemus Espinoza, I., Lowenthal, R., Malcolm-Smith, S., Montiel-Nava, C., Odeh, J., de Paula, C.S., Rad, F., Tarpan, A.K., Thomas, K.G.F., Wang, C., Pateu, V., Baron-Cohen, S., Elsabbagh, M. (2012) Autism and the Grand Challenges in Global Mental Health, Autism Research, vol. 5, issue 3, pg 156-159, ISSN: 1939-3806 (ISI Journal Citation Reports, Impact Factor: 4,33)