Discipline - Surgery - Coltea Clinical Hospital

Professor Burcos Traean, PhD tenured
Professor Cristian Daniel Alin, PhD tenured
Associate Professor Grama Florin-Andrei, PhD tenured
Lecturer Berevoescu Nicolae-Iustin, PhD tenured
Lecturer Dimitriu Vladimir Constantin, PhD tenured
Lecturer Bordea Adrian, PhD tenured
Lecturer Scaunasu Razvan-Valentin, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Aslan Denis, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Chitul Andrei, PhD fixed term

In the Surgery Clinic of the Coltea Hospital we approach a wide variety of surgical diseases, with emphasis on laparoscopic and oncologic surgery and special interest on oncologic surgery of the breast, colon and rectum.

We treat surgical diseases such as:

  • surgery of abdominal wall defects – open and laparoscopic;
  • breast surgery – benign pathology and malignant conservative, radical, oncoplastic pathology;
  • varicose veins surgery – classical treatment, endovenous, sclerotherapy under VeinLite control;
  • hepatic surgery – open and laparoscopic;
  • gallbladder and biliary tract surgery - open, laparoscopic and videoendoscopic;
  • hepatic hydatid cyst surgery – open and laparoscopic;
  • surgery of the pancreas (chronic and acute pancreatitis, cancer, subtotal and total resections, pancreatic-digestive derivatives);
  • surgery of esogastric junction for benign afflictions (gastroesophageal reflux, hiatal hernia, achalasia) or malignant – open and laparoscopic;
  • surgery of benign and malignant afflictions of the stomach, duodenum, small intestine, colon and rectum – open or laparoscopic;
  • spleen surgery – open or laparoscopic;
  • surgery of benign and malignant gynecological diseases – open or laparoscopic;
  • surgery of anal and perianal regions;
  • surgery of soft tissue infections.

Moreover, the Surgery Clinic benefits from a core of diagnostic and therapeutic digestive endoscopy, with 7 of the surgeons being competent at endoscopy.

The ultrasound explorations on patients hospitalized in the Surgery Clinic are performed by surgeons with competence in breast and abdominal ultrasound.

The theoretical and practical training for students in the IVth and Vth year is conducted according to the specific curricula established by the 10th Department and includes basic surgical knowledge regarding patient care, surgical clinical examination, surgical techniques and available treatment methods.

The scientific research training for students focuses on guidance of the teaching staff in writing papers and presenting them at different student scientific conferences. Also, students can work on their graduation thesis on topics related to surgical diseases encountered in practice.

During residency, we give young physicians from surgical specialties the opportunity to develop both professionally and academically.

In the Surgery Clinic there has been developed a series of research programs and clinical studies, as a continuous preoccupation VIASAN, RELANSIN and CEEX programs:

  • VIASAN 348 – The role of the sentinel lymph node in staging and prognostic of colorectal cancer; 2004-2006;
  • VIASAN 346 – Advanced methods of administration for long-term pharmaceutical treatments by subcutaneous implant with vascular access; 2004- 2006;
  • CEEX 95 – Family screening, genetic analysis and monitoring of people with breast cancer risk; 2006-2008;
  • CEEX 96 – Integration of molecular biology techniques and cytogenetic exams in the diagnosis of tumoral splenomegaly - etiopathogenic factors, prognostic and therapeutic implications 2006-2008;
  • RELANSIN 2001 – The study of morphological and functional endothelial heterogeneity in heart failure. Hemodynamic relevance; 2004–2006;
  • CEEX 55 – The correlation between endothelial dysfunction and myocardial damage in patients with diabetes; 2005–2008;
  • PN II 41- 093 – The expression of molecules associated with cell signal and gene rearrangement –clonal molecular markers identified in cell B lymphoproliferative development. Establishment of the national registry of follicular lymphomas 2007–2010;
  • PN II 42 – 158 – Molecular markers – common screening ground in malignant epithelial tumors  2008–2012;
  • PN II 42 – 161 – Development and testing of a complex method of investigating the predisposition for obesity and breast cancer, based on the analysis of  bioimpedance and genomic regions 5q and 16q. 2008–2012.

Participation in international multicenter studies:

  1. The role of Aurograb in the treatment MRSA infections;
  2. Multicenter, randomized, double-blind study for establishing the efficient and safe dose of TZP-101 administered as an IV infusion for 30 minutes, for postoperative ileus in patients with major abdominal surgery;
  3. Prospective, multicenter, randomized, double-blind study for estimating the safety, efficiency and tolerability of NXL104/Ceftazidime plus Metronidazol vs. Meropenem in treatment of complicated intra-abdominal infections in hospitalised adults

I. Course syllabus for IVth year students:

  1. History of surgery;
  2. Basic knowledge of sepsis;
  3. Localized surgical infections;
  4. Generalized surgical infections;
  5. Hand and fingers infections;
  6. Infections on immunocompromised organisms; Antibiotic therapy in surgery;
  7. General knowledge of trauma: wounds, pressure sores, scars, soft tissue trauma;
  8. Frostbites;
  9. Burns;
  10. Polytrauma;
  11. Arterial pathology: trauma, aneurysms, arteriovenous fistulas, acute peripheral ischemia;
  12. Arterial pathology: chronic peripheral ischemia;
  13. Venous pathology: varices, varicocele;
  14. Thromboembolic disease. Lymphedema;
  15. Chest trauma. Diaphragmatic hernias. Diaphragmatic trauma;
  16. Pulmonary hydatid cyst. Purulent pleurisies;
  17. Benign pathology of the breast: trauma, infections, benign tumors, precancerous states;
  18. Malignant pathology of the breast;
  19. Hernias: generalities, inguinal, femoral, white line, Spiegel hernias;
  20. Rare hernias: internal, obturatory, lumbar. Eventrations, eviscerations;
  21. Thyroid pathology: general knowledge, thyroiditides, goiters;
  22. Thyroid pathology: hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, thyroid cancer;
  23. Esophagus pathology: trauma, diverticula, esophagitides, caustic esophagitides;
  24. Esophagus pathology: gastroesophageal reflux disease, benign tumors, esophageal cancer;
  25. Ulcer disease: gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, acute ulcer, endocrine ulcer;
  26. Complications of ulcer: perforation, hemorrhage, penetration. Pathology of the operated stomach;
  27. Gastric tumors: benign, malignant;
  28. Small intestine diseases: diverticula, Meckel diverticulum, tuberculosis, radiation enteritis;
  29. Mesentery diseases: entero-mesenteric infarction, chronic ischemia.

II. Practical course syllabus for IVth year students:

  1. Clinical observation sheet: details, clinical examination, surgical examination;
  2. Asepsis-antisepsis in surgery wards and operating rooms;
  3. Surgical instruments;
  4. Injections, punctures, biopsies;
  5. Wound cleansing, dressing;
  6. Drainage, lavage;
  7. Hemorrhage, hemostasis, hemostasis techniques;
  8. Incisions, sutures, suture materials, fixation materials;
  9. First aid. Pleurostomy;
  10. Blood type. Traheostomy;
  11. Digestive endoscopy, endoscopic hemostasis;
  12. Preoperative care;
  13. Postoperative care;

III. Course syllabus for Vth year students:

  1. Cecal appendix pathology;
  2. Surgical pathology of the colon: megadolicocolon, colonic diverticulosis, colon nonspecific inflammatory diseases;
  3. Surgical pathology of the colon: benign tumors, malignant tumors;
  4. Surgical pathology of the rectum: rectal prolapse, benign tumors, malignant tumors;
  5. Anal and perianal pathology: hemoroids, anal fissure, infections (abscesses, phlegmons, fistulas), tumors;
  6. Surgical pathology of the liver: injuries, liver abscesses;
  7. Surgical pathology of the liver: hepatic hydatid cyst, benign tumors, malignant tumors;
  8. Surgical pathology of the biliary tract: biliary lithiasis and complications, chronic alithiasic biliary diseases;
  9. Surgical pathology of the biliary tract: biliary tumors, mechanical jaundice, common bile duct lithasis, acute cholangitis, common bile duct tumors, vaterian ampulloma;
  10. Surgical pathology of the pancreas: injuries, acute pancreatitis, chronic pancreatitis;
  11. Surgical pathology of the pancreas: cysts/pseudocysts, pancreatic tumors;
  12. Surgical pathology of the spleen: trauma, splenomegalies, hypersplenism, portal hypertension, splenectomy indications, benign and malignant tumors;
  13. Surgical acute abdomen: abdominal trauma;
  14. Surgical acute abdomen: localized acute peritonitides, generalized acute peritonitides;
  15. Surgical acute abdomen: internal and externalized (digestive) abdominal hemorrhage;

The postgraduate courses at the Coltea Surgery Clinic are for residents, physicians and specialists:

  1. Therapeutical techniques in superior and inferior digestive endoscopy. (IVth and Vth year residents, specialists, physicians)
  1. Basic techniques in laparoscopic surgery. (specialists, physicians)
  1. Therapeutical techniques in biliopancreatic ducts endoscopy. (IVth and Vth year residents, specialists, physicians)
  1. Therapeutical techniques in superior and inferior digestive endoscopy. (IVth and Vth year residents, specialists, physicians)
  1. Diagnostic of breast tumors (specialists, physicians)
  1. Current treatment of breast tumors (specialists, physicians)
  1. PN II 41- 093 – The expression of molecules associated with cell signal and gene rearrangement –clonal molecular markers identified in cell B lymphoproliferative development. Establishment of the national registry of follicular lymphomas 2007–2010;
  2. PN II 42 – 158 – Molecular markers – common screening ground in malignant epithelial tumors 2008–2012;
  3. PN II 42 – 161 – Development and testing of a complex method of investigating the predisposition for obesity and breast cancer, based on the analysis of bioimpedance and genomic regions 5q and 16q. 2008–2012.
  1. ANALYSIS OF SEVERAL BRCA1 AND BRCA2 MUTATIONS IN A HOSPITAL-BASED SERIES OF UNSELECTED BREAST CANCER CASES - Burcos T, Cimponeriu D, Ion DA, Spandole S, Apostol P, Toma M, Radu I, Popa I, Stanilescu S, Popa E - Chirurgia (Bucur). 2013 Jul-Aug;108(4):468-72. ISI 2013 Impact Factor: 0,67.
  1. MTRR POLYMORPHISM AND THE RISK FOR COLORECTAL AND BREAST CANCER IN ROMANIAN PATIENTS – A PRELIMINARY STUDY. - Burcos T, Toma M, Stavarachi M, Cimponeriu D, Apostol P, Popa E, Stanilescu S, Popa I, Radu I, Serafinceanu C, Panduru N, Belusica L, Gavrila L. - Chirurgia (Bucur). 2010 May-Jun;105(3):379-82.
  1. THE SENTINEL LYMPH NODE TECHNIQUE IN COLORECTAL CANCER USING IN VIVO DYE – UTILITY AND LIMITS - Burcos T, Popa E, Stanilescu S, Cristian D, Jitea N, Barbulescu M, Tudor C, Popa I, Angelescu N. - Chirurgia (Bucur). 2007 May-Jun;102(3):281-8
  1. LE TRAITEMENT CHIRURGICAL DU CANCER GASTRIQUE LOCAL AVANCE' - Stanilescu, D. Cristian, N. Jitea, E. Popa, T. Burcos, N. Angelescu - Archives of the Balkan Medical Union, 2012, vol. 47, no. 1, pp. 5‐10, CNCSIS B+
  1. Temporary Protective Loop Ileostomy in Open Low Rectal Resection – an Alternative Technique - Daniel Alin Cristian, Florin Andrei Grama, Traean BurcoAY, A. Bordea - Chirurgia (2014) 109: No. 2, March-April, ISSN: 1221-9118, ISSN (online): 1842-368X, CNCSIS B+
  1. PAROXYSMAL POSTPRANDIAL ATRIAL FIBRILATION SUPPRESSED BY LAPAROSCOPIC REPAIR OF A GIANT PARAESOPHAGEAL HERNIA COMPRESSING THE LEFT ATRIUM - Daniel Cristian, Alin S. Constantin, Mariana Barbu, Dan Spataru, Traean Burcos, Florin A. Grama - Journal of Gastrointestinal and Liver Disease, vol. 24, no. 1, March 2015, JGLD on line 1842-1121 ; ISSN JGLD print 1841-8724, ISI 2013 Impact Factor: 1.849; Influence score: 0.518;
  1. Low-Grade Appendiceal Mucinous Neoplasm Mimicking an Adnexal Mass - Cristian, F. Grama, G. Becheanu, I. Popa, T. Burcos, V. Surlin, S. Stanilescu - The ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF MORPHOLOGY AND EMBRYOLOGY, vol.56, no.2, suppl., ISI Thomson Reuters (2013 JCR Science Edition - available July 29, 2014), Impact Factor: 0.723.
  1. Hernia ombilicalAL (HO) la adult: plasa de prolene montatAL laparoscopic este un procedeu eficace - Jitea, D. Cristian, T. Burcos, V. BActcAL, S. Voiculescu, N. Angelescu - Chirurgia, 2008, 103 (2): 175-179, ISSN: 1221-9118, ISSN (online): 1842-368X, ISI 2008 Impact Factor 0,375.
  1. PAROXYSMAL POSTPRANDIAL ATRIAL FIBRILATION SUPPRESSED BY LAPAROSCOPIC REPAIR OF A GIANT PARAESOPHAGEAL HERNIA COMPRESSING THE LEFT ATRIUM - Daniel Cristian, Alin S. Constantin, Mariana Barbu, Dan Spataru, Traean Burcos, Florin A. Grama - Journal of Gastrointestinal and Liver Disease, vol. 24, no. 1, March 2015, JGLD on line 1842-1121 ; ISSN JGLD print 1841-8724, ISI 2013 Impact Factor: 1.849; Influence score: 0.518;