Discipline - Surgery - Emergency Clinical Hospital Dr.Bagdasar-Arseni

Professor Grigorean Valentin Titus, PhD tenured
Associate Professor Badiu Dumitru Cristinel, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Popescu Cristian Gabriel, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Stoian Alexandru-Rares, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Coman Elena-Violeta, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Coman Ionut Simion, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Erchid Anwar, PhD fixed term

General Surgery Clinic is a clinical department with academic profile. Surgeons of the clinic are teachers of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Carol Davila".

Medical activity on the ward and operating theater runs concurrently with both university teaching activity in the Faculty of Medicine and postgraduate training of young surgeons in the residency program

  • Surgical activity covers the whole range of surgery in general surgery, both classical and laparoscopic:
  • Surgical pathology of the abdominal wall: hernias, incisional hernias.
  • Benign digestive surgical pathology: achalasia, gastroesophageal reflux disease, esophageal diverticulum, esophageal benign stenosis, hiatal hernia, surgical complications of peptic ulcer, benign pyloric stenosis, benign gastric tumors.
  • Surgical benign pathology of the duodenum and small intestine, appendicitis, surgical complications of Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, diverticula, megadolicocolon, benign tumors of the colon prolapse anorectal abscess liver, hepatic hydatid cyst, benign liver tumors, lithiasis vesicle bile, bile duct lithiasis, biliary alithiasic, benign surgical pathology of the pancreas.
  • Proctology: hemorrhoids, anal fissures, perianal abscesses and fistulas, video-assisted endoscopic treatment. Digestive oncologic surgery: cancer of the esophagus, cancer of the stomach, cancer of liver and biliary, pancreatic cancer, colorectal cancer with the possibility of carrying out "sphincter saving" with  the colorectal mechanic anastomosis (for medium rectal cancer) or colo-anal or ileo-anal  (in the lower rectum cancers).
  • Breast surgery: Benign breast cancer.
  • Surgical pathology of the spleenretroperitoneal tumors
  • Phlebology: varicose veins and chronic venous insufficiency of the lower limbs. Laparoscopic surgery: laparoscopic cholecystectomy, laparoscopic treatment of the hiatal hernias, laparoscopic treatment of the achalasia, laparoscopic colorectal surgery, laparoscopic appendectomy, laparoscopic treatment of the parietal defects (hernias, eventrations), laparoscopic treatment of the hepatic hydatid cyst, splenectomy, laparoscopic adrenalectomy, laparoscopic explorers and biopsy of the annexes (fallopian tubes, ovaries).
  • Laparoscopic bariatric surgery: longitudinal gastrectomy - Gastric Sleeve, adjustable gastric band.
  • Endocrine surgery: benign thyroid pathology, thyroid cancer, parathyroid, thyroid surgery / invasive parathyroid assisted scopes.
  • Vascular surgery: peripheral vascular pathology

General Surgery Clinic is part of the Department 10 - General Surgery - University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Carol Davila", performing through its  academics specialized preparation for both the students and the specialists in training. Thereby:

  • Series of senior year students are repatizated anually;
  • At the moment - the clinic has 10 general surgery specialists in training, years of study I - VI and specialists in training of other specialties, all being in general surgery internship, all are engaged in scientific and clinical activity à "surgical school."

Scientific research is a significant component of the academic activity of equivalent importance and volume with the teaching activity. Scientific research conducted by teachers of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Carol Davila" is a concern of major interest and its main core of activity is done by the specialized research departments.

This activity is conducted within university research centers and through individual scientific concerns, on freely chosen topics which are capitalized through publications, scientific, research grants or patents. Interests of the General Surgery Discipline in terms of medical research folds those of UMF Carol Davila of conducting cutting edge research in the biomedical field, directions related to the health and biotechnology, to contribute to scientific-based knowledge in patients and society as a whole. Use organizational resources to meet major societal health and to provide solid scientific instruments and solutions for the benefit of human health, patients, families, and professionals that.

The main mission is to expand knowledge in the field of biomedical sciences and those related through research and innovation, training, and by developing and providing quality health care, constructively influencing quality of life and health services.

Curricula for students fifth year - Faculty of Medicine of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Carol Davila" includes the following milestones in surgical pathology:

  • pathology of the appendix
  • pathology of the colon
  • pathology of the rectum
  • anal and perineal pathology
  • liver pathology
  • pathology of the gallbladder I jaundice
  • pathology of the pancreas
  • spleen pathology
  • acute abdomen

and the bibliography follows the recommendations of Department 10 - General Surgery.

Since 2013 the Clinic for General Surgery has organized every year postgraduate courses.


  1. Gastric and duodenal ulcers - gastrointestinal bleeding (3, 4, 5, 6)
  2. Gastric cancer (3, 4, 5, 6)
  3. Colon (3, 4, 5, 6)
  4. Peritonitis (3, 4, 5, 6)
  5. Intestinal occlusions (3, 4, 5, 6)
  6. Hepatic hydatid cysts (1, 3)
  7. Gallstone (3, 4, 5, 6)
  8. Acute pancreatitis (3, 4, 5, 6)
  9. Solid tumors of the spleen (2)
  10. The multiple injury (3)


  1. Surgery of the liver, vol. 1, under the editorial of Irinel Popescu, Ed. Univ. Carol Davila, Bucharest, 2004
  2. Surgical splin pathology, under the editorial of Florian Popa, Victor StrAcmbu, Valentin Titus Grigorean, Ed. Univ. Carol Davila, Bucharest, 2011 (cap. VII, pag. 122-210)
  3. Surgery dissertation, under the editorial of Irinel Popescu, Ed. Romanian Academy, 2008
  4. Schwartz Principles of surgery (Romanian edition), Ed. Teora 2007
  5. Schwartz's Principles of Surgery, 10th edition, 2014 (English edition), by Charles Brunicardi, Dana K. Andersen, Timothy R. Billiar, David L. Dunn, John G. Hunter, Jeffrey B. Matthews, Raphael E. Pollock

Sabiston Textbook of Surgery: The Biological Basis of Modern Surgical Practice, 19th edition, by Courtney M. Townsend Jr., R. Daniel Beauchamp, B. Mark Evers, Kenneth L. Mattox

The research activity concerning the Clinic of Surgery of the Clinical Emergency Hospital "Bagdasar-Arseni" subscribes the directions of research of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Carol Davila".

  1. Intelligent multifunctional surgical devices and accessories (CHINTEH)
  • Contractor: ICTCM
  • Subcontractor: SCUBA
  • Period: 02.08.2006-02.10.2008
  1. Research on the development of mechatronic systems stimulating specific movements driving, to recover disabled persons (SIMESIM)
  • Contractor: Academy of Medical Sciences
  • Subcontractor: Polytechnic University of  Bucharest
  • Period: 28.07.2006-28.08.2008
  1. Analysis System for tracking digital radiology images of orthopedic prostheses (SADIRUPO)
  •  Contractor: Academy of Medical Sciences
  • Subcontractor: Polytechnic University of  Bucharest
  • Period: 20.07.2006-20.07.2008
  1. Integrated system for real-time assistance of surgical imaging and 3D reconstruction by synchronizing playback with spoken commands (SIATRACH)
  • Director proiect: Prof. Dr. Florian Popa
  • Period: 2008-2011
  • Registration number: 27609/26.09.08
  1. CSD-III / PC / 226 Working Without Obstacles: Analysing the Policies of EU and Turkey Concerning Rights of Employees with Disabilities
  • Registration number: TR2010/0135.01-01/226
  • Period: 15.10.2014-15.10.2015
  1. Hipertensiunea arterială de origine renală: simptome şi manifestări. Studiu clinic pe 20 pacienți G Burnei, VT Grigorean, M Iacobini, Ș Duțescu, Ș Gavriliu, Ileana Georgescu, C Vlad, AR Stoian, CM Neacșu, D Hodorogea, Daniela Dan – Chirurgia, Vol. 103, Nr. 3, 2008, p. 301-307 (indexat Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE), Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI), Arts and Humanities Citation Index (AHCI), Medline (PubMed, Index Medicus): PMID:18717279, JrID: 2937, ISSN: 1842 – 368X, ISSN:  1221-9118 ISO, Nlm Unique ID: 9213031; CNCSIS A (ISI), cod 392)
  2. Considerații teoretice și comentarii privind fiziopatologia hipertensiunii arteriale de origine renovasculară G Burnei, VT Grigorean, Ș Gavriliu, Ș Duțescu, I Georgescu, M Iacobini, C Vlad, AR Stoian, A Burnei, CM Neacșu – Chirurgia, Vol. 103, Nr. 6, 2008, pag. 673-676 (indexat Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE), Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI), Arts and Humanities Citation Index (AHCI), Medline (PubMed, Index Medicus): PMID: 19274913, JrID: 2937, ISSN: 1842 – 368X, ISSN:  1221-9118 ISO, Nlm Unique ID: 9213031; CNCSIS A (ISI), cod 392)
  3. Dynamic ileus secondary to spinal cord injury VT Grigorean, G Onose, M Popescu, V Strambu, RA Stoian, AM Sandu, P Vintila, CM Neacsu, VE Radu – The Proceedings from the National Conference Of Neurosurgery and Neurorehabilitation with International Participations, 2nd edition, 9th-12th September, 2009, Mamaia, Romania – Supplement of Industria Textila Magazine, pag. 17-21 (ISSN 2067-2322, ISI rated magazine, included in the ISI Master Journal List of the Institute of Science Information, Philadelphia, USA, ISSN 2067-2322 ISI Thomson Reuters; indexată Science Citation Index Expanded (SciSearch), Materials Science Citation Index, Journal Citation Reports/ScienceEdition, World Textile Abstracts, Chemical Abstracts, VINITI)
  4. Acute pancreatitis: the onset digestive manifestation, in a patient with adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma M Popescu, Viola Popov, G Popescu, Camelia Dobrea, Aurelia Sandu, VT Grigorean, V Strâmbu, IE Pleșea – Romanian Journal of Morphology and Embryology, Vol. 53, No. 3 Supplement, 2012, pag. 847-850 (print ISSN 1220-0522, on-line ISSN 2066-8279, indexat Thomson Reuters, National Library of Medicine, Medline, PubMed, SciVerse Scopus, Embase, SJR, Index Copernicus, National Research Council; CNCSIS A (ISI), impact factor 0,523)
  5. Materiale protetice şi răspunsul organismului gazdă la implantarea acestora în tratamentul chirurgical al herniilor inghinale şi al altor defecte parietale AR Stoian, M Popescu, V Strambu, G Onose, VT Grigorean – Industia textilă, Vol. 63, Nr. 3, 2012, pag. 151-158 (revistă cotată ISI, inclusă în ISI Master Journal List a Institutului pentru Știința Informării, Philadelphia, USA; indexată Science Citation Index Expanded (SciSearch®), Materials Science Citation Index®, Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition, World Textile Abstracts, Chemical Abstracts, VINITI, Scopus; ISSN 1222-5347; CNCSIS A, factor impact 0,853)
  6. Tumorile sacrului Florian Popa, Valentin Titus Grigorean, Editura Universitară „Carol Davila”, Bucureşti, 2010, (ISBN: 978-973-708-460-6)
  7. Splenopatii chirurgicale Florian Popa, Victor Strâmbu, Valentin Titus Grigorean, Editura Universitară „Carol Davila”, Bucureşti, 2011, (ISBN: 978-973-708-511-5)
  8. Defectele paretelui abdominal Valentin Titus Grigorean, Ruxandra Diana Sinescu, Editura Medicală, București, 2014
  9. Hemoragiile digestive superioare survenite la pacienţii cu patologie neurochirurgicalăGrigorean Valentin Titus, Editura Universitară „Carol Davila”, Bucureşti, 2007 (ISBN: 978-973-708-204-6)
  10. Patologia secundară traumatismelor vertebromedulare Valentin Titus Grigorean, Editura Universitară „Carol Davila”, Bucureşti, 2009, (ISBN: 978-973-708-390-6)