- General Administrative Direction
- Technical Direction
- Public Aquisitions Direction
- Economic and Administrative Direction
- The Compartment for Ensuring Safety and Health at Work
General Administrative Direction
General Administrative Direction is organized and operates at direction level and is subordinated to the Rector of University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Carol Davila”Bucharest
Through its Directions and subordinated services, ensures:
- Promoting a modern management system, strategic, tactical and operational – functional and effective, in accordance with the principles of total quality management
- The functionality of the technical material of UMPCD and proposes measures for modernization and development of the University in order to substantiate the development strategy of the institution’s patrimony
- Diversification and improvement of the service package offered to students
- Developing and protecting intellectual and cultural heritage of the university
General Administrative Director: Ec. Doina Crisan Habean
Contact: doina.crisan@umfcd.ro
Technical Direction
The Technical Director, through the subordinated services, ensures the technical functionality of UMPCD materials.
The main activities are:
- Development of University infrastructure
- Achieving new constructions
- Rehabilitation, strengthening, expanding, refunctionalizing existing buildings
- Capital and current repairs to existing buildings
- Maintenance, service and features for educational facilities and student dormitories
Tehnical Director: Ing. Julieta Afrodita Stroe
Contact: julieta.stroe@umfcd.ro
Public Aquisitions Direction
The Director of Public Aquisitions, through the activity of subordinate organizational structures ensure organization and conduct of public aquisitions in order to ensure the optimum operation of all processes within UMPCD
The main activities are:
- Organize and conduct of public acquisition procedures of goods, services or works in accordance with current legislation and keeping of records by archiving.
- Appointment of the amounts allocated in the annual budget
- Establishing a schedule of annual public aquisitions program implementation deadlines, tasks and responsibilities to each person
- Ensures the schedule of the public aquisitions program approved by the University Management
Public Aquisitions Director: Ing. Eugenia Mihai
Contact: eugenia.mihai@umfcd.ro
Economic and Administrative Direction
The Director of the Economic and Administrative Direction, through the activity of the subordinated organizational structures ensures the organization and conduct of administrative activities to ensure the optimum operation of all processes within UMPCD
The main activities are:
- Organizing an annual inventory of patrimonial assets by initiating the provision of organization, development and exploitation of patrimony inventory, plus the handling of the inventories
- Ensuring the safety of the objectives, goods, values and persons
- Effective management of the patrimony
- Provides emergency management regarding fire safety and civil protection
Economic and Administrative Director: Ec. Adrian Vasilescu
Contact: adrian.vasilescu@umfcd.ro
The Compartment for Ensuring Safety and Health at Work
The main activities are:
- Research work accidents and their record keeping;
- Assessment of the risks to safety and health at work;
- Developing and updating the plan of prevention and protection in health and safety at work;
- Control and verification work places in order to prevent work accidents;
- Perform general introductory training for new employees;
Head of Office: Ing. Luminita Serban
Contact: luminita.serban@umfcd.ro