UMPCD Publisher

UMPCD Publisher functions as a distinct compartment in the organizational system of University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Carol Davila" Bucharest, without legal personality, directly subordinated to the Rector of the University.

The publishing house is recognized by the National Council of Scientific Research in Higher Education and the Romanian College of Physicians.

The activities are:

  1. The actual editorial component refers to the selection, the proposal and the preparation for the appearance of the works - books, publications and merchandising.
  2. The typographic component refers to the printing and (or) multiplication of the contracted works.
  3. The marketing-commercial component refers mainly to:
    3.1 Identification of the editorial and typographical needs of the academic body and of the students from UFM.
    3.2 Estimate the funds needed to cover editorial, printing, expenditure on attendance at salons and book fairs, at congresses, exhibitions and other scientific or academic activities, as well as the salary costs incurred for their realization.
    3.3. Centralizing the results obtained and submitting them for approval in C.A.
  4. The logistics-multiplication component refers to solving the need for scanning, copying and multiplying students and administrative staff.
  5. The image-communication component refers to all the university's representation activities at congresses, conferences, fairs and university bookstores and communication between UMF and the academic and social environment both internally and externally

Director: Prof. univ. dr. ing. Victor Lorin Purcărea
