Discipline - Internal Medicine - Ilfov County Emergency Clinical Hospital

Professor Tribus Laura Carina, PhD tenured
Lecturer Angelescu Gabriela Anca, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Costache Corina, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Calapod Andreea-Maria, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Bach Francisc-Iohann, PhD tenured

The Discipline of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Dental Medicine has a tradition of over 40 years. The first clinical unit was at the Brancovenesc Clinical Hospital, where it functioned until the year 1983 when, because of the demolition of the hospital, the clinic was moved, fir less than a year, in the former Stanca Maternity on Pantelimon Way. Simultaneously, another clinical unit functioned under the leading of Assistant Professor Mainea Iordan, MD, at the current Bucur Maternity.

In the mentioned period, The Head of the Chair belonged to Professor Brauner, Professor Galea and Professor Bucur, chronologically.  From the end of 1983 until 1993, the Chair held their activities within Titan Hospital. From 1993, the Chair will move in the Constructors’ Clinical Hospital, which will change its name in 1993 to “Professor Ovidiu Marina, MD” Clinical Hospital.

The two clinics belonging to the Chair were headed by Professor Poppa I. Aureliu and Professor Anghel Varlas. Simultaneously with the retirement of the two heads of clinical, and the unification of the two clinics, the Assistant Professor Balan Horia, MD was named head of the chair. This happened at the same time the Chair would move in the “Titan” Clinical Hospital, lately named “Holy Emperors Constantin and Elena”  Ilfov County Clinical Hospital, and,nowadays, Ilfov County Emergency Clinical Hospital.

Curative and diagnostic activity - internal medicine cases + interdisciplinary consults – other clinical sections;

The research activity was oriented towards national competitions, winning 9 research grants, resulting in the acquisition of 2 ultrasounds, 3 note-books, 1 PC, and various consumables, dripping stands, separators, archive furniture for the wards, and also participation fees for abroad supraspecialization courses (Ferrara, 2007 – IBUS: International Breast Ultrasound School).

Regarding the medical activity, the approximate number of in-patients/year is 2.000 (summing up the academic staff’s cases and non-academic doctors working in the clinical section), the academic staff of the discipline playing a major contribution regarding the paraclinical diagnostic: abdominal, thyroid, mammary and soft tissue ultrasounds; cardiac, ABI ultrasounds, inferior/superior digestive endoscopy, automated ambulatory arterial tension monitoring sessions.

Every semester, the discipline conducts and supervises courses and practical internships for 3 series of students (2nd and 3rd year – summing up to approximately 330 students, but it should be mentioned that the teaching conditions are not the best: each academic has a large number of assigned students, because of the lack of new academics willing to take the remaining jobs.

The research activity was oriented towards national competitions, winning 9 research grants, resulting in the acquisition of 2 ultrasounds, 3 note-books, 1 PC, and various consumables, dripping stands, separators, archive furniture for the wards, and also participation fees for abroad supraspecialization courses (Ferrara, 2007 – IBUS: International Breast Ultrasound School).

  • The syllabus comprises all the chapters regarding the signs and symptoms ( major ones) which a future doctor should be familiar with (medical semiology), and the essential data regarding the clinical and paraclinical diagnostic of the main ailments Internal Medicine deals with. We consider it to be a very big problem that, although the syllabus has not changed, the number of hours assigned to the discipline has been dramatically decreased (to 50%=14 hours), and 9 days for the internship.
  • This is the reason why we offer students the short version of the courses (printable formats), because the in-extenso versions of the courses, published relatively recently, at the Medical Publishing House ( Editura Medicala) has already been sold-out.
  • Students can find information regarding the syllabus, recommended bibliography , as well as information about the final exam, at the discipline’s center.
  • The specialists in training have the possibility of getting familiar with an extremely wide range of pathology, and also with many types of approaches for the complex associated pathologies, specific to the vast majority of patients, most of them old and associating an incredible precarity of health/living standards.
  • We offer them the possibility to gain theoretical knowledge and practical skills regarding paraclinical investigations such as: abdominal, thyroid, mammary and soft tissue ultrasounds, digestive endoscopy, automated ambulatory arterial tension monitoring sessions.
  • There are no doctoral fellows in the discipline.
  • Mammary gland ultrasound diagnostic.
  • Automated ambulatory arterial tension monitoring sessions.
  • Multi-allergic correlations between cardio-vascular disease and periodontal disease.
  • Studies on establishing the reliability of digestive endoscopy in the diagnosis of gastro-entherological diseases and specific therapy


MCT Contract – Automated Ambulatory Arterial Tension Monitoring Sessions.– diagnostic reliability and utility.MCT Contract – Studying the influence on the quality of life in hypertensive patients with automated ambulatory arterial tension monitoringMCT Contract _ „ Comparing the short-term anatomical and functional echocardiographical changes, induced by various blood pressure reducing medication, secodary to different circadian profiles.

MED-INTEL 41-060 An integrativ prediction model for the spreading of medicated mammary cancer through satellite lymph nodes, with the use of artificial inteligence techniques (INTELCAN), Contract 41-060 / 2007
ROMANIA-SOUTH AFRICA BILATERAL COOPERATION PROGRAM Mammary Malignancy Modelling using artificial intelligence (MAMMA); contract 101/2008
program brancusi - aide au diagnostic du cancer du sein par raisonnement a partir de cas et genie decisionnel - cod 14923 WK
Artificial intelligence used in the analysis and diagnosis of mammary cancer (MED-INTEL), Contract CEEX181/2006
  1. HORIA BALAN – Hipertensiunea arteriala din perspectiva cronobiologica (High blood pressure from a chronobiological point of vue) – Ed. Infomedica, Bucuresti, 2002
  2. Balan H. – Monitorizarea ambulatorie automata a tensiunii arteriale (ABPM) – argumente in favoarea sa – Ed. Universitara, „Carol Davila”, Bucuresti, 2010
  3. Vol. 1 Cronobiologia si medicina – Steflea D. (ed.) – Ed. Medicala, Bucuresti, 1986Coautor al capitolului: Bioritmuri in sistemul endocrineAutor al capitolelor: Mecanisme nervoase centrale ale sistemului oscillator;Glanda pineala – organ foto-neuroendocrin cu functionalitate ritmica; Variatii ritmice ale functiilor tiroidiene
  1. Vol. 2 Cronobiologia si medicina – Steflea D. (ed.) – Ed. Medicala, Bucuresti, 1986Coautor al capitolului: Bioritmuri in sistemul cardio-vascularAutor al subcapitolului: Tensiunea arteriala – parametru cu variabilitate temporala
  1. Sef lucr. Dr. Balan Horia, Prof. Dr. Popa I. Aureliu, Prof. Dr. Varlas Gh. Anghel – Subiecte teoretice si teste de medicina interna – Ed. Univers Educational, Bucuresti 1999
  2. Conf. Dr. Balan Horia, Prof. Dr. Poppa I. Aureliu, Sef lucrari Delia Donciu, asist. univ. Elena Popescu – Curs de semiologie medicala – Ed. Cerma, 2003
  3. Balan H., Iordache N. (sub red.) – Urgente medico-chirurgicale – Ed. Medicala, Bucuresti 2005
  4. Balan H., Delia Donciu (sub red.) – Semiologie medicala – Ed. Medicala, Bucuresti, , 2010
  5. Balan H. – 555 teste de anatomie pentru admiterea la Universitate – Ed. Univers Educational, Bucuresti 1999.
  6. CD-ROM – Ghid ilustrat de patologie mamara – Coautor cu Prof. Dr. BLIDARU ALEXANDRU – 2001