Discipline - Periodontology
- List of academic staff
- Brief history of the discipline
- Description of medical and research activity
- Description of teaching and research activity
- Useful information for residents
- Key-words which describe the subdomains of interest to the research activity
- 5 most representative research projects
- Up to 10 most representative scientific works
Professor | Dumitriu Anca-Silvia, PhD | tenured |
Professor | Paunica Stana, PhD | tenured |
Lecturer | Giurgiu Marina Cristina, PhD | tenured |
Assistant Professor | Mocanu Brandusa-Florina, PhD | tenured |
Assistant Professor | Ismail Fidan-Bahtiar, PhD | tenured |
Assistant Professor | Albu Stefan Dimitrie, PhD | fixed term |
Assistant Professor | Ciongaru Nicolae Dragos, PhD | fixed term |
Assistant Professor | Bodnar Irina, PhD | fixed term |
After the education reform in 1948, Parodontology was studied within the Bucco-Dental Therapy Discipline, later the Odontology and Parodontology Discipline, with a weekly 2-hour lecture over the course of one semester and a 4-week practical stage.
Valuable theoretical and practical contributions to Parodontology were brought by Prof. Andrei Nass, (1897-1988), Prof. Memet Gafar (1923-2003), Dr. Ana Sireteanu, Dr. Florica Motas and Prof. Horia Traian Dumitriu.
In 1996, in Bucharest, the first Department of Parodontology in Romania was founded, under the leadership of Assoc. Prof. Horia Traian Dumitriu, who, in 1998, becomes, by competition, the first Parodontology Professor in the country, author of the "Parodontologie" reference work, published in 5 editions, and of the first Treatise of Parodontology. Prof. Horia Dumitriu, member of the Academy of Medical Sciences, was and advisor for many doctoral theses and, along with the members of the Discipline, founded in 2003 the "Romanian Society of Parodontology" Association, affiliated to the European Federation of Periodontology.
Presently, the Discipline of Parodontology is being led by Prof. Anca Silvia Dumitriu, who also co-ordinates the residency in Parodontology, as well as the parodontology training of the 5th and 6th year students of the Faculty of Dentistry.
Description of medical activity: consultations, prophylaxis, prevention of periodontal disorders, establishing diagnosis and individualized and complex treatment plan: antimicrobial treatment, surgical treatment, occlusion rebalancing, biostimulation and relapse prevention treatment, and treatment of all periodontal afflictions in relation with local periodontal and systemic physiological and pathological status of the patients.
Teaching activity with 5th and 6th year students: permanently actualized practicums, seminars, and lectures.
Teaching and clinical activity with Parodontology residents (3 years of specialty training), case presentations, studying national and international up-to-date literature and all specialty information correlated with the newest national and international data.
Clinical and teaching activity with residents from other specialties: Endodontics, Dental Prosthetics, Dental-Alveolar Surgery.
Carrying out research project in the field of Parodontology which involve the academics of the Discipline as well as the residents.
The training curriculum is periodically updated with notions pertaining to etiology, diagnosis and therapeutic principles, based on valuable bibliographic sources:
TREATISE OF PARODONTOLOGY, author: Prof. Horia Traian Dumitriu, coauthors: Prof. Silvia Dumitriu, Prof. Anca Silvia Dumitriu, collaborators: Cojan Loredana, Funieru Cristian, Giura Ana, Giurgiu Marina, Prof. Dr. Bogdan Marinescu, Paunica Stana, Qorri Erda, Virtej Anca. Ed. ViaALa Medicala Romaneasca, 2015. ISBN 978-973-160-088-8.
GINGIVAL VOLUME INCREASE- CLINIC AND TRATAMENT – 2nd edition, revised and enlarged – Anca Silvia Dumitriu, Stana Paunica, Marina-Cristina Giurgiu, Magdalena Cureu – Ed. Didactica si Pedagogica R.A. 2013. ISBN 978-973-30-3550-3.
JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PERIODONTOLOGY – European Parodontology Federation magazine, Impact factor: 3.915, ISI Journal Citation Reports © Ranking: 2015: 6/89 (Dentistry Oral Surgery & Medicine) Online ISSN: 1600-051X.
- Parodontopatii,
- etiopatogenie,
- diagnostic,
- principii de profilaxie şi de tratament,
- investigaţii clinice şi paraclinice: imunologice, microbiologice, statistice.
- Studii pentru realizarea de echipamente dentare modulare mecatronice – soluţii ergonomice pentru buna prevenţie a afecţiunilor – Ergomecadent -contract CEEX 2006 nr.116/2006 (valoare 1330 000 lei), durata 24 luni.
- Identificarea prin analiza genomică a microflorei patogene în leziunile combinate endo-parodontale, CNCSIS 2007, Catedra de Anatomie şi Embriologie, UMF „Carol Davila”, Bucureşti, România.
- European Research Area in Ageing, ERA-AGE, FP6 al Comisiei Europene , ERA-NET- proiect international (13 ţări) în proiect internaţional (12 ţări) CNCSIS-UEFISCSU; participă 13 organizaţii reprezentative (2004-2009).
- Proiect de cercetare exploratorie, Modul IDEI, Programul PN II, Contract CNCSIS 1015/ 2007 „Actual şi perspectivă în auditul financiar al instituţiilor publice din domeniul sanitar”, derulat prin ASE Bucureşti.
- Metode de realizare a diagnosticului prezumtiv parodontal în vederea ergonomizarii tratamentului complex stomatologic- Contract nr. 2/2013, Societatea de Ergonomie Dentară.
- Corelaţii cerebrale existente între procesele sexuale şi cele psiho-somatice ce ar putea sta la originea a doua profile distincte biopsihosexuale la om, PN-II-ID-PCE-4-0404, NR Contract 28/30.08.2013, partener Rectorat UMF Carol Davila.
- TRATAT DE PARODONTOLOGIE, autor: Prof. Dr. Horia Traian Dumitriu, coautori: Prof. Dr. Silvia Dumitriu, Prof. Dr. Anca Silvia Dumitriu, colaboratori: Cojan Loredana, Funieru Cristian, Giura Ana, Giurgiu Marina, Prof. Dr. Bogdan Marinescu, Paunică Stana, Qorri Erda, Vîrtej Anca. Ed. Viaţa Medicală Românească, 2015. ISBN 978-973-160-088-8.
- MĂRIRI DE VOLUM GINGIVAL CLINICĂ ŞI PRINCIPII DE TRATAMENT – ediţia a II-a revizuită şi adăugită – Anca Silvia Dumitriu, Stana Păunică, Marina-Cristina Giurgiu, Magdalena Cureu – Ed. Didactică şi Pedagogică, R.A. 2013. ISBN 978-973-30-3550-3.
- MANIFESTĂRI GINGIVO-PARODONTALE ÎN LEUCEMII - autor Stana Păunică, Editura Didactică şi Pedagogică 2008. ISBN 978-973-30-2100-1.
- The evaluation of the periodontium in patients with leukemia using termographic imaging.Stana Paunica, Anca Dumitriu, Mihai Mogos, Otilia Georgescu and Ioan Mogos, Hematology, vol 14, nr.6, dec 2009, ISSN 1024-5332, citat Pubmed. Factor de impact 1,393.
- Oral Complications Associated with D-Penicillamine Treatment for Wilson disease: A Clinicopathologic Report.Tovaru S, Parlatescu I, Dumitriu AS, Bucur A, Kaplan I. J Periodontol. 2010 Apr 12. citat Pubmed. Factor de impact 2,679.
- Periodontal disease – a covert source of inflammation in chronic kidney disease patients-Gener Ismail, Horia Traian Dumitriu, Anca Silvia Dumitriu, Fidan Bahtiar Ismail Journal of Nephrology, ID 515797, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/515796.-2013. Factor de impact 2,015.
- Biotechnological value of the hyaluronic acid in periodontal treatment Giurgiu Marina Cristina, Paunica Stana, Georgeta Maniu, Dumitriu Horia Traian, Dumitriu Anca Silvia, Nr. 4/2013 al Revistei Romanian Biotechnological Letters, Vol. 18. No. 4, 2013, ISSN 1224-5984, scor relativ de influenţă 0,16, IF 0,363.
- Doxycycline versus Tetracycline in the treatment of periodontal disease,Anca Silvia Dumitriu, Marina Cristina Giurgiu, Horia Traian Dumitriu, Manuela Anda Radu-Popescu, Stana Paunica. Romanian Biotechnological Letters Vol. 19, no.3, 2014, ISSN 1224 – 5984, scor relativ de influenţă 0,16, CNCSIS A+, (ISI), IF 0,363.
- The place of azithromycin in the treatment of periodontal disease,Marina Cristina Giurgiu, Stana Paunica, Horia Traian Dumitriu, Anca Silvia Dumitriu, Romanian Biotechnological Letters Vol. 20, no.2, 2015, ISSN 1224 – 5984, scor relativ de influenţă 0,16, CNCSIS A+, (ISI), IF 0,363.
- EFP Delphi study on the trends in Periodontology and Periodontics in Europe for the year 2025.Madianos P, Papaioannou W, Herrera D, Sanz M, Baeumer A, Bogren A, Bouchard P, Chomyszyn-Gajewska M, Demirel K, Gaspersic R, Giurgiu M, Graziani F, Jepsen K, Jepsen S, O’Brien T, Polyzois I, Preshaw PM, Rakic M, Reners M, Rincic N, Stavropoulos A, Sutcu S, Verner C, Llodra JC. J Clin Periodontol 2016; 43: 472–481. doi: 10.1111/jcpe.12551 IF 3.915.