Discipline - Ophthalmology

Professor Potop Vasile, PhD tenured
Head of works Ciocalteu Alina-Mihaela, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Dragosloveanu Christiana-Diana-Maria, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Dascalescu Dana-Margareta Cornelia, PhD tenured

Department of Ophthalmology, Faculty of Dentistry has been active in the Faculty of Medicine until 1993,  head of discipline being Assoc. Prof. Mihail Sandu between 1980-1989 and Professor Marieta Dumitrache between 1989-1993.

Since 1993 the discipline of Ophthalmology operates within the Faculty of Dental Medicine and was led by Prof. Dr Marieta Dumitrache from 1989 until 2012.

From 2012 until now Head of the Department of Dentistry is Associate Professor  Potop

Academics at the Discipline of Ophthalmology - Faculty of Dentistry are active in the Clinic of Ophthalmology - Ophthalmology Emergency Hospital. They track, diagnose, treat and perform surgery on inpatients.

Assoc.Prof. V. Potop is working in Section II (fourth floor) of The Clinical Ophthalmology Emergency Hospital with integrated bedside clinical activity, providing daily care of patients with eye diseases and ambulatory hospitalized.

  • has undergone numerous ophthalmic surgery of different complexity with very good results;
  • provide medical and surgical emergencies

Senior Lecturer Mihaela Alina Ciocâlteu performs clinical activity in the Laboratory of Functional Exploration and Lasers (ground floor), performing ophthalmic emergency medical explorations (biometrics, ultrasound, optical coherence tomography, pachimetry, specular microscopy) on  inpatients and ambulatory. Assistant Professor Christiana Celea is a young specialist, trained in Ophthalmology Emergency Clinic Hospital, manifesting interest for congenital glaucoma pathology.

It carries out theoretical and practical guidance for:

  • Faculty of Dental Medicine - Students 3rd Year
  • Specialist in training Ophthalmologists, theoretical training program of residents was ensured by presenting the theoretical concepts of classical and modern elements of ocular pathology.
  • Specialists Ophthalmologists, family physicians for ophthalmology

Academics are concerned with specialized continuing training, participating in numerous scientific events in the country and abroad. Staff is concerned to improve professional performance of the discipline

Academics of the discipline were the team of investigators to exploratory research project presented at NURC (PN II-ID-PCE-2008-2, no 278) - The study of a new therapeutic algorithm and system expert in the diagnosis and treatment of glaucoma open angle.

The project proposes a new term in the literature - ocular pressure in pathophysiological context  and research had an interdisciplinary character uniting ophthalmologists who studied the clinical relevance of this new parameter and IT specialists from Faculty of Automatics Bucharest studying the inclusion of clinical data in a program accessible to each eye; This would have allowed an individualized assessment of risk factors configuration of a disease that never recover. Following the competition, the project has obtained financing and has been recommended for applied research

Academics carry out guidance on practical work and internship students in the theoretical course of ophthalmology at the Faculty of Dentistry.

  • The discipline works in the Emergency Ophthalmology Hospital, the course being supported by Assoc. Prof. V. potop and Lecturer Alina Ciocalteu and practical activity by Lecturer Alina Ciocalteu and Assistant professor Christiana Celea
  • Acquiring notions is aided by presenting images, videos, practical maneuvers (ocular injections, eye drops, slit lamp examination to control IOP examination FO).

Course Syllabus

Course 1: Anatomy and physiology of the eye and annexes. Ocular Refraction.
Course 2: Pathology of the eyelids and lacrimal apparatus.
Course 3: Pathology of the orbit, ocular motility, pathology of the conjunctiva.
Course 4: Corneal pathology, pathology of the uvea.
Course 5: Pathology of the lens.
Course 6: Glaucoma, primary, secondary and congenital.
Course 7: Retina and optic nerve pathology.
Course 8: Injuries of the eyeball and annexes.

The content of practical work

  1. Examination of visual acuity: distance and near. Determination of subjective and objective refraction. Refractions using corrective lenses.
  2. Examination in daylight of annexes of the eyeball and the anterior pole of the eye slit lamp exam.
  3. Examination of the intraocular pressure. Visual field examination. Demonstrations clinical presentation of cases and images
  4. The differential diagnosis of red eye: conjunctivitis, iridocyclitis, acute glaucoma attack.
  5. Demonstrations clinical presentation of cases of ocular traumatology: corneo-conjunctival foreign body, penetrating wounds, bruises, burns.
  6. Presentation of cases with ocular-orbital tumors. Emergency FO vascular pathology.
  7. Relationship oculo-orbital trauma and tumors with oral-maxillofacial pathology.

The relationship between infectious ocular diseases and inflammatory dental pathology


BREVIAR DE OFTALMOLOGIE, V. Potop, Alina Ciocalteu, Ed Universitara Carol Davila, 2013, ISBN: 978-973-708-662-4

  • Treatment and monitoring of glaucoma, Prof. V Potop
    Addressability: resident physicians, specialists and ophthalmologists
  • Diagnosis and therapy of functional disorders of the ocular surface, Prof. V Potop
    Addressability: resident physicians, specialists and ophthalmologists.
  • Updates in ocular biometry, University Lecturer Alina Ciocalteu
    Addressability: resident physicians, specialists and ophthalmologists
  • The ultrasonic diagnostic criteria in ocular pathology, University Lecturer Alina Ciocalteu
    Addressability: resident physicians, specialists and ophthalmologists primary


  1. Atta HR, Ophthalmic ultrasound. A practical guide, Ed Churchill, Livingstone, 1996
  2. Byrne SF, Green RL. Ultrasound of the Eye and Orbit. 2ndSt. Louis, Mo: Mosby Year Book; 2002.
  3. Coleman DJ, Silverman RH, Lizzi FL, Rondeau MJ. Ultrasonography of the Eye and Orbit. 2ndLippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2006.
  4. Koos Marie Jeanne – Ecografia in oftalmologie, Editura Solness, TimiAYoara 1998
  5. Potop V.Arsurile oculare Tratat de oftalmologie vol.II sub red Marieta Dumitrache Ed.Univ.Carol Davila Bucuresti 2005.707-724.

Professor Marieta Dumitrache is the doctoral supervisor, currently supervising 4 Ph.D students in the final stages of training and preparing doctoral theses

  • Glaucoma
  • Risk factors for glaucoma
  • Congenital Glaucoma
  • Ultrabiomicroscophy
  • Ocular Ultrasound

Course for students

  1. BREVIAR DE OFTALMOLOGIE, V. Potop, Alina Ciocalteu, Ed Universitara Carol Davila, 2013, ISBN: 978-973-708-662-4

Books and chapters in scientific publications

  1. Explorări funcţionale în oftalmologie – Marieta Dumitrache, Editura Universitară Carol Davila, Bucureşti, 2011, ISBN 978-973-708-526-9, Alina Mihaela Ciocâlteu capExamenul ultrasonografic in oftalmologie p 305-340
  2. Traumatisme oculare,Marieta Dumitrache, Magdalena Aniţescu, V.Potop ” Ed.Univ.”Carol Davila, 2009 ISBN”978-973-708-403-3
  3. Urgenţe oculare netraumatice,Marieta Dumitrache, Magdalena Aniţescu, Alina Mihaela Ciocalteu Ed.Univ.”Carol Davila”, 2009 ISBN978-973-708-394-4
  4. V.Potop Capitol. GLAUCOAME SECUNDARE CU UNGHI DESCHIS p 228-240. TRATAT DE CHIRURGIE Ed 2  Vol IV.OFTALMOLOGIE Edit ACADEMIEI ROMANE  Bucuresti 2012. ISBN 978-973-27-2309-8.

Scientific papers

  1. Hipema postcontuzivă cu glaucom secundar (Posttraumatic hiphema with secondary glaucoma), Marieta Dumitrache, Alina Mihaela Ciocâlteu, Miruna Cioboată, V. Potop, Oftalmologia 2011; 55(1):50-3ISSN 1220-0875, Cod CNCSIS 650, categoria B+
  2. Rolul examenului ecografic in cazul tumorilor oculo-orbitare, Alina Mihaela Ciocalteu, St. Ardeleanu, I. Al. Checherita, sub tipar, Revista Medico-chirurgicala a Societatii de Medici si Naturalisti, Iasi, nr 4, vol 115/2011, ISSN: 0048-7848, cod CNCSIS 158, categoria B
  3. Glaucomul cu tensiune normala sau paradigma iluziei de normalitate (Normal tension glaucoma), V.Potop, M.Dumitrache, A.Ciocalteu.” Oftalmologia 2010; 54 (2):11-4  PMID 20827906,Pubmed indexată MedlineISSN 1220-0875, Cod CNCSIS 650, categoria B+
  4. The surface of the eye a superficial entity with deep repercussions,V.Potop, Marieta Dumitrache,Alina Mihaela Ciocalteu–Journal of Medicine and Life, 2009 Jan-Mar; 2(1):66-71 PMID 201108493 Pubmed indexată Medline, Online ISSN 1844-3117, Online ISSN 1844-3109, Print ISSN 1844-122x, Cod CNCSIS 852, categoria C
  5. V.Potop.From the target pressure to the individual normal ocular pressure, a step forward in the glaucoma treatment.OFTALMOLOGIA nr.2 volLVI 2012 21-25(Medline) www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23424758
  6. .V. Potop. Cornea between constant and parameter in glaucoma diagnosis and treatment.OFTALMOLOGIA nr3 vol LVII.2013 3-9 link www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24701808