Discipline - Oncological Surgery - Oncological Institute Prof.Dr.Al.Trestioreanu

Professor Blidaru Alexandru, PhD tenured
Associate Professor Voinea Silviu Cristian, PhD tenured
Lecturer Bordea Cristian Ioan, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Noditi Aniela Roxana, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Andrei Ioan Razvan, PhD fixed term
Assistant Professor Kanaan Linda, PhD tenured

The medical activity takes place in the Oncologic Institute Prof. Dr. Al. Trestioreanu, Bucharest, Oncologic Surgery Ward II, Head of the department Prof. Dr. Al. Blidaru.

Ward: 80 beds from which 28 represent compartments of Gyneco-Oncology.

There are preformed approximately 2800 interventions per year for diagnosing and treating mammary cancer, uterine cervix cancer , uterine cancer , ovarian cancer, vulvar cancer, vaginal cancer, malignant melanoma , soft tissue tumors and for malignant pathology of the digestive system.

Surgical interventions:

  • identification and biopsy of the sentinel ganglion in the mammary cancer, malignant melanoma and cancer of the cervix, uterus and vulva;
  • localization and biopsy of the infra-clinical mammary lesions
  • oncoplastic surgery
  • immediate and ulterior reconstruction of the breast after mastectomy
  • camera installment for the cytostatic treatment
  • laparoscopic surgery for diagnosing and treating oncologic afflictions
  • histeroscopy for diagnostic and therapeutic use
  • biopsic uterine curettage
  • electroresection with diathermic uterine cervix loop
  • lymphadenohisterocolpectomy
  • axillary, inguinal, femural, obturator, iliac lymphadenectomies, large resection of soft tissue tumors
  • cytoreduction in ovarian cancer
  • surgical interventions for colon and rectal cancer

Didactic activity

  • courses and practical internships for Romanian and foreign students from the 4th year in the University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Carol Davila" Bucharest and for residents of General Surgery, Gynecology and Radiotherapy.
  • postgraduate specialization courses for surgeons and gynecologists, medical oncologists and radiotherapy, general practitioners
  • coordination of PhD candidates
  • courses and practical internships for the certificates in complementary studies in the oncologic surgery and oncologic gynecology

Research activity

  • presentations in national and international scientific manifestation
  • publishing scientific papers in specialty magazines
  • annual international conference of the Romanian Breast Surgery and Oncology Society
  • invited speaker
  • organization of conferences and other scientific manifestations
  • members and members of the board of some national and international societies
  • research contracts


  • Curs de chirurgie pentru studenti – anii IV si V – Vol. I, Editura ILEX, Bucuresti, 2013 (Surgery Course for students - 4th and 5th years)
  • Curs de chirurgie pentru studenti – anii IV si V – Vol. II, Editura ILEX, Bucuresti, 2014 (Surgery Course for students - 4th and 5th years)
  • Manual de semiologie si lucrari practice de chirurgie pentru studentii din anul IV si V, Editura ILEX, Bucuresti, 2015 (Semiology handbook and practical lessons of surgery for students of 4th and 5th years)
  • Conservatory treatment of the cancer of the mammary gland
  • Therapeutic indication in uterine cervix cancer
  • Sentinel ganglion in oncologic surgery
  • The surgery of the cutaneous malignant melanoma
  • The oncologic surgery of the breast
  • The treatment of ovarian cancer
  • Reconstruction of the breast post-mastectomy using an implant
  • Modern techniques for puncture - biopsy
  • Oncologic surgery course
  • Oncologic Gynecology course


1 Polytrauma Tratat de Chirurgie sub redacţia Irinel Popescu – volumul VIII, partea I A,  Editura Academiei Române, 2008, pag: 609 – 632
2 Hepatic trauma Tratat de Chirurgie sub redacţia Irinel Popescu – volumul VIII, partea I A,  Editura Academiei Române, 2008, pag: 644 – 654
3 Cancer of esophago-gastric junction Tratat de Oncologie Digestiva sub redacţia Mircea Grigorescu, Alexandru Irimie, Mircea Beuran – volumul I, Editura Academiei Române, 2013, pag: 277-285
4 Gastric cancer Tratat de Oncologie Digestiva sub redacţia Mircea Grigorescu, Alexandru Irimie, Mircea Beuran – volumul I, Editura Academiei Române, 2013, pag: 307-548
5 Vesicular litiasis Tratat de Chirurgie sub redacţia Irinel Popescu – volumul IX, partea a II-a, Editura Academiei Române, 2009, pag: 841-853
6 Rectal and colon cancer Tratat de Oncologie Digestiva sub redacţia Mircea Grigorescu, Alexandru Irimie, Mircea Beuran – volumul III, Editura Academiei Române, 2015, pag: 133-498
7 Uterine leiomyomatosis Tratat de Chirurgie sub redactia Irinel Popescu – volumul V A, Ginecologie, Editura Academiei Române, 2008, pag: 90-100.
8 Extrauterine pregnancy Tratat de Chirurgie sub redactia Irinel Popescu – volumul V A, Ginecologie, Editura Academiei Române, 2008, pag: 43-52
9 Urinary litiasis Tratat de Urologie sub redacţia Ioanel Sinescu, Gabriel Gluck – volumul II, Editura Medicală, 2008, pag: 1025-1266
10 Acute aortic dissection Tratat de Chirurgie sub redacția Irinel Popescu – vol VII, Chirurgie Cardiovasculară, Editura Academiei Române, 2009, pag: 389-401
  • breast cancer
  • oncoplastic surgery
  • malignant melanoma
  • uterine cervix neoplasm
  • sentinel ganglion
  1. Protocol for validation of the technique for the entinel ganglion using a vital dye and radioactive tracer in the cancer of the mammary gland after the neoadjuvant systemic treatment , malignant melanoma and gynecologic cancers.
  2. Utilization of the cutaneous, muscular and musculo-cutaneous lambeau in the oncoplastic surgery
  3. The oncologic patient's nutrition
  4. Diagnosis of the genetical modifications in the cancer of the mammary gland and the surgical prophylactic treatment of them.
  5. Analysis of the postmastectomy drained fluid.
  1.  Validation protocol of sentinel node biopsy for breast cancer using radioactive tracer at the Institute of Oncology Bucharest „Prof. Dr. Alexandru Trestioreanu” (Blidaru A, Bordea C, Voinea S, Condrea I, Albert P, Houcheimi B.;Chirurgia (Bucur). 2006 Jul-Aug;101(4):391-9. Romanian. )
  2. Types of radical hysterectomies : From Thoma Ionescu and Wertheim to present day. (Marin F, Plesca M, Bordea CI, Moga MA, Blidaru A.; J Med Life. 2014 Jun 15;7(2):172-6. Epub 2014 Jun 25)
  3. Survival rates of patients with metastatic malignant melanoma.( Sandru A, Voinea S, Panaitescu E, Blidaru A., J Med Life. 2014 Oct-Dec;7(4):572-6.)
  4. Peculiarities of lymphatic drainage in cutaneous malignant melanoma: clinical experience in 75 cases.(Voinea S, Sandru A, Gherghe M, Blidaru A.; Chirurgia (Bucur). 2014 Jan-Feb;109(1):26-33)
  5. Evolution of radical mastectomy for breast cancer. (Plesca M, Bordea C, El Houcheimi B, Ichim E, Blidaru A.; J Med Life. 2016 Apr-Jun;9(2):183-6.)
  6. Clinical significance of the lymphoscintigraphy in the evaluation of non-axillary sentinel lymph node localization in breast cancer. (Gherghe M, Bordea C, Blidaru A.; Chirurgia (Bucur). 2015 Jan-Feb;110(1):26-32)
  7. Occult breast lesion localization and concomitant sentinel lymph node biopsy in early breast cancer (SNOLL). (Bordea C, Plesca M, Condrea I, Gherghe M, Gociman A, Blidaru A.; Chirurgia (Bucur). 2012 Nov-Dec;107(6):722-9.)
  8. CD-ROM  multi-media “Atlas de patologie mamara” – 2000 (Editie in romana/ engleza/ germana) si “Melanomul malign” 2012
  9. Melanomul malign, Autor Alexandru Blidaru, Editura Universitara “Carol Davila” Bucuresti 2003