Discipline - Ophthalmology - Emergency Clinical Hospital Prof.Dr.Agrippa Ionescu

Professor Stanca Tudor Horia, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Tabacaru Bogdana, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Ranetti Antonia Elena, PhD fixed term

The Discipline of Ophthalmology - Clinical Emergency Hospital "Professor Agrippa Ionescu "works from 2006 since the accepting of the Clinic in the Clinical Department of Ophthalmology Department at the U.M.F. "Carol Davila".

From a professional perspective, the Clinical Department of Ophthalmology is a landmark in the last two decades in terms of intraocular surgery, laser corneal refractive surgery, laser applications in ophthalmology and high tech investigations of ocular pathology.

Over time numerous ophthalmology courses were conducted in the clinic for students, residents, practitioners and primary ophthalmologists and staff, our staff has been involved in the development of numerous professional training programs in collaboration with other university clinics in the country and abroad.

Our teaching staff is part of the governing structures of most professional ophthalmological societies in Romania (Romanian Society of Ophthalmology, the Romanian Retina Society, Romanian Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery, Romanian Society of Glaucoma) is deeply involved in organizing all Conferences and Congresses profile .

In international relations, the actions conducted by teachers of our clinic led to the emergence of ONE Network Ophthalmologic Education program of the American Academy of Ophthalmology, which has become accessible to all Romanian ophthalmologists.

Our Clinical work is predominantly surgical and focused on several subfields of eye surgery:

  • Lens surgery
  • Complex reconstructive surgery of the anterior segment
  • Glaucoma surgery
  • Vitreo-retinal surgery
  • Oculo-plastic surgery
  • Laser eye surgery

We also have a widely recognized experience in ophthalmologic investigations regarding high technology - optical coherence tomography, angiofluorography, ocular ultrasound-orbital topography and corneal tomography.

We also conducted the first national and European laser interventions – YAG laser transluminal embolysis and YAG laser posterior hialodotomy.

The medical activity is performed in four cabinet consultation / investigations / interventions laser and modern operating theater with two operating rooms fully equipped with surgical microscopes operators and last generation equipment.

The Clinic also features high-resolution video systems both in the operating theater and in offices that allow the directly tracking of operations or examinations / investigations.

Ophthalmology internship for students in the sixth year of the Medicine Faculty of U.M.F. "Carol Davila" takes place over a 2-week module. Topics addressed in lectures and practical work include:

  • Anatomy of an ocular globe and Annexes
  • Ocular Refraction
  • Pathology of the orbit
  • Strabismus
  • Pathology of the eyelids
  • Pathology of the lacrimal apparatus
  • Pathology of the conjunctiva
  • Corneal Pathology
  • Glaucoma
  • Pathology of the lens
  • Pathology of the uvula
  • Pathology of the retina
  • Ocular manifestations in diabetes
  • Ocular trauma

Courses are written in PowerPoint format and strongly supported by images.

There are practical demonstrations of the specialty’s area of interest ​​.

There are live-like surgery designed and animations for the suggestive reference chapter.

The work with the students is based on the principle of interactivity and as such is continually tries a bidirectional exchange of information and integration of ophthalmology somewhat more abstract notions in the familiar universe of general medicine.

In the clinic resident doctors conduct their specialty training in ophthalmology (4 years internship) and resident doctors in other medical and surgical specialties (ophtalmology internship as a complementary specialty of basic residency, duration 1-3 months).

Continuing education activity is concerning residents, through their direct daily involvement in all aspects of the clinical activity.

  • The curriculum in order to prepare physicians in the specialty of ophthalmology residents includes the following:
    • Anatomy and physiology of the eye
    • Sense of color, pathophysiology and test methods
    • Ocular Refraction and Sight defects
    • Physiology and pathophysiology of binocular vision; concomitant strabismus
    • Oculomotor Paralysis; nystagmus
    • Pathology of the eyelids
    • Pathology of the lacrimal apparatus
    • Pathology of the conjunctiva
    • Pathology of the orbit
    • Pathology of the sclera and cornea
    • Pathology of the of uvea
    • Pathology of the lens
    • Vascular disease of the posterior pole
    • Retinal tears and vitreous pathology
    • Macular and corioretinian degeneration
    • Glaucomatous disease
    • Neuroophtalmology
    • Traumatology of the ocular globe and its anexes
    • Neoformations of the ocular globe and its anexes
    • Congenital abnormalities of the eye and its anexes
    • Ophtalmological manifestations in general disease

Specialty training is done within the curriculum in Romania, but strongly influenced by training programs in the US or other European countries recognized among the elite global ophthalmology. Romanian eye bibliography preparation is in constant change, and we adhere to generally accepted international treaties. As such "Basic and Clinical Science Course" in 14 volumes of the American Academy of Ophthalmology and "Kańska's Clinical Ophthalmology" are essential lecture for any doctor training to become an ophthalmologist.

Research is also conducted by involving residents. This is reflected in papers published in national and international journals and presentations at scientific congresses held national and international in which we participate.

We run graduate type and documentation visit type training courses. We are asked for demonstration sessions of intraocular surgery (anterior and posterior segment) and high-tech eye investigative techniques use (optical coherence tomography, ultrasound oculo-orbital) training  and Therapeutic Ophthalmic Lasers.

Postgraduate courses are sustained annually and the theme of this academic year include:

  1. Diabetic retinopathy: screening, diagnosis, treatment options of this.
  • duration 1 week
  • suggested date: 13.03 - 17.03.2017
  • specialist and senior ophtalmologists
  1. Current methods of investigation and treatment of macular pathology
  • duration 2 days
  • suggested date: 13.04 - 14.04.2017
  • specialist and senior ophtalmologists
  1. Cataract surgery by phacoemulsification: standard situations and complications solutions.
  • duration 1 week
  • suggested date: 05.06 - 09.06.2017
  • specialist and senior ophtalmologists
  • Lasers in ophthalmology
  • Diabetic macular edema
  • Microcapsulated lasers
  • Refractory glaucoma
  • Choroidal neovascularization
  • Intraocular surgery
  • Cataract surgery
  • Vitreo-retinal surgery
  1. "Age-related macular degeneration, neovascular form elements, current diagnostic and therapeutic"? (monography); authors – Cristian Celea, Horia T. Stanca, "Carol Davila"? University Press, Bucharest, 2011, ISBN: 978-973-708-575-7.
  2. "Age-related macular degeneration" - T. Stanca, CHAPTER in Ophtalmology Treaty, under the redaction of Professor Marieta Dumitrache MD, pg.1085-1135, University Publishing House "Carol Davila" Bucharest, 2012, ISBN : 978-973-708-610-5 // 978-973-708-612-9
  3. "De ce prefer tomografia în coerență optică în diagnosticul și monitorizarea glaucomului?" – Horia T. Stanca, CHAPTER in the volume “Actualități și controverse în Glaucom”, under the redaction of Professor Dorin Chiseliță, MD, “Gr.T. Popa” Publishing House, U.M.F. Iași, 2014, ISBN 978-606-544-206-1
  4. "Tratamentul în degenerescența maculară legată de vârstă (DMLV)" – T.Stanca, CHAPTER in the volume “Tratament medical în bolile oculare”, under the redaction of Professor Marieta Dumitrache, pg. 495-518, Medical Publishing House Bucharest, 2014, ISBN:978-973-39-0768-8
  5. "Retinian vascular disease"Horia Stanca, CHAPTER in the volume Tratat de Chirurgie / under the redaction of Irinel Popescu, Constantin Ciuce. – Ed. A 2-a.- Bucharest: Romanian Academy Publishing House, 2012 – vol. ISBN 978-973-27-2185-8, 4: Ophtalmology / Cristina Vladuțiu, Dorin Chiseliță (coord.). – 2013, pg.311-330, ISBN 978-973-27-2309-8
  6. "Terapia LASER in bolile retinei" – Horia Stanca, CHAPTER in the volume Tratat de Chirurgie / under the redaction of Irinel Popescu, Constantin Ciuce. – 2nd edition.- Bucharest: Romanian Academy Publishing House, 2012 – vol. ISBN 978-973-27-2185-8, 4: Oftalmologie / Cristina Vlăduțiu, Dorin Chiseliță (coord.). – 2013, pg. 349-356, ISBN 978-973-27-2309-8
  7. "Transluminal Nd:YAG laser embolysis – a reasonable method to reperfuse occluded branch retinal arteries" - Horia T. Stanca, Zarko Petrovic, Mihnea Munteanu – Vojnosanit Pregl 2013; OnLine-First December (00): 56–56; ISSN 0042-8450; Indexat in MedLine&PubMed&Index Medicus cu: JRLD : 8277, ISI  Impact Factor 0.21
  8. "The Amniotic Membrane– whyand how to use it in ophthalmology" – Stanca T.H., Baltă F, Brănişteanu D., Munteanu M., Therapeutics, Pharmacology and Clinical Toxicology, Vol XVII, Number 1, March 2013:Pages 27-30; CNCSIS B+ (cod 605) ISSN 2066-0170
  9. "The surgical tehniques of using amniotic membrane in ophthalmology" – Stanca T.H., Therapeutics, Pharmacology and Clinical Toxicology Vol XVII, Number 2, June 2013: Pages 80-82; CNCSIS B+ (cod 605) ISSN 2066-0170
  10. "Actualități și principii de tratament în fotocoagularea retiniană" (monografie); autori – Horia T. Stanca, Mihnea Munteanu, Editura Eurostampa, Timisoara, 2015, ISBN 978-606-569-956-4