Discipline - Obstetrics Gynecology - Bucharest Emergency University Hospital
- List of academic staff
- Short history of the Discipline
- Description of medical activities
- Research projects
Professor | Cirstoiu Monica Mihaela, PhD | tenured |
Associate Professor | Dumitrascu Mihai Cristian, PhD | tenured |
Lecturer | Grigoriu Corina, PhD | tenured |
Lecturer | Baros Alexandru, PhD | tenured |
Assistant Professor | Campean Doru, PhD | tenured |
Assistant Professor | Albu Elena Simona, PhD | tenured |
Assistant Professor | Albu Andreea Ruxandra, PhD | tenured |
Assistant Professor | Horhoianu Irina Adriana, PhD | tenured |
Assistant Professor | Eremia Monica Eliza, PhD | tenured |
Assistant Professor | Meca Daniela Catalina, PhD | fixed term |
Assistant Professor | Dan Adriana Mihaela, PhD | tenured |
Assistant Professor | Vasilescu Diana Iulia, PhD | fixed term |
Assistant Professor | Potorac Alina, PhD | fixed term |
Assistant Professor | Voicu Diana Ioana, PhD | tenured |
The Discipline of Obstetrics and Gynecology was established in 1978 at the same time with the University Emergency Hospital Bucharest. Thus, given that SUUB is a multidisciplinary emergency hospital able to treat complex cases both gynecological and obstetrical, risk pregnancies often requiring a multidisciplinary approach, the development over time of Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic was particularly complex.
The Discipline of Obstetrics and Gynecology had the status of a university clinic from the beginning. In addition to medical work and research, there is an intense educational activity for VI th year students of “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, training and guidance to resident doctors, as well as courses to obtain competences for doctors specialists and mayors.
The first Head of Clinic was Professor Traian Rebedea, leader of an energic group of academics through which he vigorously promoted modern methods of analgesia in childbirth, surgery and conservative uterine tubal reconstruction by microsurgical techniques. Among his many achievements, include the establishment of the first cabinet of infant gynecology in the capital, in the Clinic of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the University Emergency Hospital Bucharest, having to oversee the development of young girls and prevent adulthood pathology.
From 1991 to 2004, the clinic was headed by Professor Petrache Vartej, who founded the Romanian Society of Endocrinologic Gynecology, organizing annual conferences and having an intense research activity in the field of endocrine gynecology.
From 2004 to 2011 The clinic was led by Professor Valerică Horhoianu. He teamd up with the Department of Interventional Radiology SUUB and introduced for the first time in Romania, the technique of uterine artery embolization as a complementary method of treatment in various gynecological diseases.
From 2011 to February 2016, the The clinic was headed by Professor Florin Alexandru Anca clinician with extensive experience in maternal-fetal medicine and gynecology in casuistry.
Currently (February 29 2016), the Clinic is headed by Professor Dr. Monica Cîrstoiu. Her professional activity is impressive, recognized both nationally and internationally, taking into account the two projects with European funds earned through national competitions, who contributed significantly to the modernization and propel education and research clinic at a high level.
The clinic has at least 140 students from UMPCD attending each year the VI th year gynecology internship or summer internships. Academics coordinate about 20 license and doctoral theses each year, whose coordinators are Prof. MD Cîrstoiu Monica, Prof.MD Vârtej Petrache, Prof.MD Horhoianu Valerică.
There are carried out postgraduate courses: Maternal-Fetal Medicine (coordinator Prof.MD. Cîrstoiu Monica – for primary doctors with competences in ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology), Colposcopy (Coordinator Senior Lecturer MD Vasiliu Cristina - for medical specialists and primary) hysteroscopy (Coordinator Prof. MD Cîrstoiu Monica - for medical specialists and primary) and gynecological laparoscopy (Coordinator Prof. MD Cîrstoiu Monica - sent medical specialists and primary).
Two optional courses for VI th year students of UMPCD, "Introduction in Sexology" and "Pediatric gynecology" make the amphitheater of University Emergency Hospital Bucharest overcrowded. SUUB teaching staff is always present in organizing and conducting admission and license exam of the University, actively participating in the examination boards or university promotion.
In the Clinic, in 2017 work 28 primary physicians, 7 specialists and 30 resident doctors are being formed. Of these 13 are academics , 6 scientific researchers. The clinic is divided into three wards with 114 beds and three operating units that provide immediate access at any time in the operating room. In 2010 the clinic had more than 5,000 births, recording the highest number of births in Bucharest. There are carried out over 400 laparoscopic interventions per year and more than 1500 elective gynecological surgery or emergency.
The ER Obstetrics and Gynecology are over 80 presentations per day. Motherhood has a unique profile due to the fact that it is part of a large multidisciplinary performant hospital. In this context, The Disciplines of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Neonatology have the exceptional experience.
In the Clinic is achieved diagnosis and treatment of endocrine-gynecological cases from puberty to menopause, through individualized hormonal treatment. An important area is the vaginal surgery, including urogynaecological, this area is developing through the involvement of Prof. MD Cîrstoiu, vice president of Urogynaecological Association, which organized in April last year a course for operatory urogynaecological intervention, course with international participation, which aims to be repeated in 2017. During the course, 12 patients were operated in two days, all operations being filmed and broadcasted in real time in the Grand Amphitheatre of University Emergency Hospital Bucharest.
Thus, doctors were able to watch the live covering of the most modern urogynecological techniques; the courses were conducted by a team of five professors: Prof. MD Brătilă Petre, Senior Lecturer Brătilă Elvira, Prof. MD Cîrstoiu Monica, Prof. MD Andrei Müller Funogea and Prof. MD Klaus Goeschen. At the end of the course, it was released the monograph "The floor in Female Pelvic", in which are detailed modern surgery techniques in this field. Within gynecological surgery, it addresses all pelvic benign tumor pathology and malignancies pathology.
There are being practiced enlarged necessary interventions in cervical cancer, the endometrium, ovary, vulva, vagina and breast.
The areas of interest in gynecology consist of therapy and postintervention follow of precancerous cervical lesions, treatment of menstrual disorders in puberty and adolescence and treatment of menopausal disorders; is practiced hysteroscopy diagnostic and operative, classical gynecological surgery for benign affections, alternative conservative therapies (uterine artery embolization in collaboration with the Department of Angiography and endovascular therapy - Clinic of Radiology), laparoscopic gynecologic surgery and oncologic surgerey in collaboration with experts from the Institute of Oncology Fundeni.
An important aspect in addressing obstetrical pathology associated with pregnancy in collaboration with ICU, Pathology, Cardiology, Surgery, Internal Medicine, Neurology, Hematology, Laboratory Medicine, Orthopaedics, Ophthalmology. Collaboration with the Intensive Care Unit of Neonatology Clinic allows the birth and care of extreme prematurity in SUUB Clinic.
The Discipline of Obstetrics and Gynecology is a reference center for maternal-fetal medicine. In addition to complex cases transferred to us from Bucharest and almost all over the country, here are also pursued postgraduate training courses in this field, whose coordinator is Prof. MD Cîrstoiu.
In 2009, Prof. MD Cîrstoiu Monica won by international competition, along with Prof. MD Cătălin Cîrstoiu, the project bearing the acronym Molimagex (structural development of translational research in molecular pathology and imaging), financed by EU structural funds, and ended in 2011.
Endowing the Clinic with technical research equipment and improving medical imaging gynecology facilitated the creation of 10 jobs in research at SUUB and allowed the development of the training activities for students, residents and PhD.
The Clinic has introduced the concept of translational medicine, concept that helps the patient and equally doctors, due to the accessibility of turning scientific research results from clinical trials in a easier way to select the therapy and a prompt and clear assessment of clinical response.
In 2015 it began the implementation of RO 19.10: "Improving health care in high-risk pregnancy, premature birth and hematologic diseases" project financed by Norwegian funds. The project objectives were to improve health care received in high-risk pregnancy.
Thus, they introduced new screening tests for hereditary and acquired thrombophilia, pregnant women benefiting from modern imaging exploration during specialized consultancy and high performance CTG monitoring. Also, birth analgezia techniques were improved by introducing Entonox.
Project spaces have been completely renovated and improved medical services for patients with hematological diseases. At the same time, the staff experiences and knowledge were increased by participating in various training programs and through their involvement in project development.