Discipline - Obstetrics Gynecology - Clinical Hospital of Obstetrics and Gynecology Prof.Dr. P.Sirbu

Professor Bratila Elvira, PhD tenured
Lecturer Mitran Mihai, PhD tenured
Lecturer Carp-Veliscu Andreea Marilena, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Neagu Manuela Stefana, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Botezatu Bogdan, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Maier Calina, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Comandasu Diana Elena, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Coroleuca Ciprian Andrei, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Manu Andrei, PhD fixed term
Assistant Professor Bausic Alexandra Irma Gabriela, PhD tenured

The building was built between 1921 and 1925 destined to be an apprentice school.

From 1928 it operated as a C.F.R. apprentice school, with dormitories on the second floor, classrooms on the first floor and gym (amphiteater) on the ground floor.

On the 17th of February 1943 (with 64803 registry number)  the building land registry is drawn– at that time it had a surface of 2787 mp.

From 1949 to 1951, the school of apprentices changed its profile, turning into the school of midwives.

Since January 1951 it became a registered hospital at the financial section under the name “State Hospital Nr. 15”- maternity.

In July of the same year it acquired the name "Hospital of Obstetrics and Gynecology Unified Giulesti. Subsequently, in March 1955 the hospital gets the name "Giulesti Hospital for Women."

On 1 December 1957 U.M.F. line, Dr. Panait Sarbu, obstetrics and gynecology physician arrived in the hospital, who between 1969 and 1983 was also director of the hospital.

Following the decree of 1966 which prohibits abortions, the hospital receivedfrom the townhall of the 6th sector (then 7) Two blocks of flats, which were converted into hospital wards.

The first block was called Pavilion B1 (septic), the second was called Pavilion B2 (aseptic), the two pavilions communicating through a tunnel connection.

Since 1983, after the death of Prof. Dr. Panait Sarbu, Dr. Bogdan Marinescu (Prof. Dr. Bogdan Marinescu currently) was appointed director of the hospital; in 1990 he changed its name from "Giulesti Hospital for Women" in "Clinical Hospital Obstetrics and Gynecology Prof. Dr. Panait Sarbu ".

Also in February 1990 the Center for Family Planning and Contraception is founded, representing the first office of its kind in the country. The initial location was in the maternity building, the basement, in a relatively small space, which eventually became too small and unfit for the work done. Since 1997 the work unfolds in a new building, which was built on land (owned by the hospital) located between the pavilions B1 and B2.

Throughout time, The “Prof. Dr. Panait Sirbu” Clinical Obstetrics-Gynecology Hospital has enjoyed great addressability, here operating important medical personalities, such as:

  • Prof. Dr. Panait Sirbu (1914-1983)

He began his training at the Filantropia  Clinic of Obstetrics and Gynecology, led by Prof. Savulescu

1953-1957  medic head of the department at the Polizu hospital

From 1957 he led the Giulesti Maternity for 26 years

1967: Associate professor

1969 :Professor

1982-vicepresident FIGO (International Federation of Obstetrics and Gynecology),

President of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Society,

Chief editor of the Obstertric and Gynecology Magazine

From 1976 correspondent member of the French Academy of Medicine

Distinct contributions in the editing and promotion of innovative surgical techniques in obstetrics and gynecology (volume VII “Tratatul de Chirurgie”, “Chirurgiafuntionala a uterului”)

Founder of a school with obstetrics and gynecology tradition

Preoccupation and distinct realisations in the problem of infertile couples

Professor Sirbu remains the lead figure in gynecological surgery in our country. Generations of residents and specialists still consult the techniques presented by him.

  • Prof. Dr. Bogdan Marinescu

Activity: Member of the Romanian Academy of Medical Sciences

2012-2014 - Vicepresident of the Romanian Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology

2010-2012 – President of the Romanian Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology

2009 → 2012 President of the Committee of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Ministry of Health (Romania)

2007 → President GTL Ministry of Health (Romania)

2007 → Head of Department Obstetrics and Gynecology M105 University of Medicine and Pharmacy Carol Davila Str. Dionisie Lupu, nr. 37, Bucharest (Romania), 020022 Bucharest (Romania)

"Prof. Dr. Panait Sarbu" Clinical Hospital Calea Giulesti nr 5, 060274 Bucharest (Romania)

2000 → Professor at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Carol Davila” Str. Dionisie Lupu, nr. 37, 020022 Bucharest (Romania)

1996 - 2000 Senator at the Parliament of Romania

1996 - 2000 Associate Professor at the “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy Str. Dionisie Lupu, nr. 37, 020022 Bucharest (Romania) university medical education

1992 - 1996 Representative at the Parliament of Romania

1990 - 1991 Minister of Health, the Government of Romania

1983 - 2006 General Manager at the "Prof. Dr. Panait Sarbu" Clinical Hospital, CaleaGiulesti, nr. 5, 060274 Bucharest (Romania)

1983 - 1996 Head of works at the “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy

1983 → Senior specialist in obstetrics and gynecology at the "Prof. Dr. Panait Sarbu" Clinical hospital

1974 - 1983 University Assistant at the “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy

1974 - 1983 Main Doctor at the "Prof. Dr. Panait Sarbu" Clinical Hospital

1974 - 1976 Intern University at the “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy

From 1975 he was part of the Giulesti Hospital collective, with 5 published books, 12 clinical trials as main investigator, doctorate studies leader, 15 distinctions, member of editorial committees, author of over 100 articles published nationally and internationally, .etc . He has inspired and is still inspiring countless generations of residents.

He is the founder of the Department of Assisted Human Reproduction (in 2006, a new Guinness World Record – the oldest mom – Adriana Iliescu, 66 years and 320 days)

He laid the foundation for the first in Vitro fertilization Centre in Bucharest, with results comparable to the clinics in Europe.

  • Cringu Mircea – He stood out in fields such as colonoscopy and echography
  • Anca Cioltei – author of the first treaty of Fighting Sterility – under the editorial Prof. Dr. Panait Sirbu
  • Dr Niculescu Mihail – head of the department of infertility between 2004-2015. He published in “Tratatul de Chirurgie” volume VII.


  • Chief of Medicine and Head of the Clinic: Head of works Dr Albu Dinu Florin, senior specialist, doctor of medical sciences
  • Manager: Dr Moisa Ovidiu Marcel, senior specialist, doctor of medical sciences
  • Associate prof. dr. Cristina Neagu, Head of department OG1 , senior specialist, doctor of medical sciences
  • Dr Carp Veliscu Andreea medic head of department OG2e, senior specialist university assistant, doctor of medical sciences
  • Cristescu Ciprian head of department OG3, senior specialist, doctor of medical sciences
  • Ion Ionut Adrian, head of department OG4, senior specialist

OG Courses

Obstetrics courses

  1. Brief history. Gametogenesis. Ovulation. Fecundation. Implantation. Placentation. Physiology of the placentaDeterminismul travaliului. Contractia Uterina. Mecanismul nasterii. Distocia la nastere. Proba de travaliu.
  2. Breech, transverse and deflected presentations - presentations, position, variety of positionsFiziologia materna- modificarie adaptative ale organismului matern in sarcina
  3. Physiological lauze. Pathological lauze. Lactation and breastfeeding
  4. Fetal Medicine. Notions of ethics in obstetrics and gynecology.
  5. Ultrasonography notions in pregnancy: biometrics, Doppler markers.
  6. Infectious diseases associated with pregnancy.
  7. Diabetes and pregnancy.
  8. Gestational hypertension. Preeclampsia. Eclampsia. Sdr. HELLP
  9. Bleeding in early pregnancy - abortion. An ectopic pregnancy.
  10. Bleeding in the second half of pregnancy - placenta inserted below. Normal inserted placenta, premature takeoff (abruptio placentae). Uterine rupture. CID in obstetrics.
  11. Bleeding from periodicals III and IV. Pathology of amniotic fluid.
  12. The incompatibility of Rh and group.
  13. Multiple Pregnancy.
  14. Premature birth. Stillbirth
  15. Restriction of fetal growth in utero. Fetal death in utero.
  16. Acute fetal distress.
  17. New born at term. New born prematurely. Neonatal pathology. Principles of treatment and recovery
  18. Gestational trophoblastic disease.

Gynaecology courses

  1. Menstrual cycle anomalies. Genital haemorrhage.
  2. Genital infections and pelvic inflammatory disease.
  3. Urinary incontinence and pelvic static.
  4. Uterine fibroids.
  5. CIN and cervical cancer.
  6. Cancer of the endometrium. Endometriosis.
  7. Ovarian tumors - benign and malignant.
  8. Benign and malignant mammary pathology.
  9. Female infertility and assisted reproduction notions.
  10. Contraception. Menopause.

Practical works

  1. Observation sheet in obstetrics and gynecology. Obstetrical clinical examination. Gynecological clinical examination. Examination with valves. Vaginal exam.Digital rectal exam
  2. Clinical examination of breast and armpits.
  3. Anatomy, histology and functions of the ovary. Anatomy, histology and physiology of the uterus
  4. Anatomy, histology and physiologyof the tubes. Anatomy, histology and physiology of the vagina, Anatomy, histology and physiology of the vulva .Vascularization of the female genitalia. Innervation of the female genitalia.
  5. Embryogenesis of female genitalia. Birth
  6. Obstetrical Basin: Basin bone, Soft Basin
  7. The Fetal mobile - fetus to term
  8. Definition, signs and diagnosis of pregnancy: Clinical diagnosis of pregnancy, Laboratory diagnosis, laboratory investigations, biological constants of pregnancy. The concept of "pregnancy with unspecified location"
  9. Flexed craniana parturition assistance. Deflected presentations. Obstetric analgesia
  10. Assist breech birth. Obstetrical maneuvers
  11. Deliverance and attitudes in deliverance. Postpartum haemorrhage. The shock in obstetrics.
  12. Episiotomy. Indications, technique, accidents, incidents
  13. Markers of the first quarter to the second quarter Markers
  14. Elements of echographic diagnosis. First and second trimester.
  15. Elements of ecographic diagnosis in the third quarter and labor.Monitorizarea fetala – miscarile active fetale, NST, profil biofizic, monitorizarea in travaliu
  16. Intervention in IT - trophoblast biopsy, amniocentesis - indications. Genetic counseling. Karyotype in maternal blood. Fetoscopy and intrauterine interventions.
  17. Fetal malformations - meaning, malformation syndromes
  18. Caesarean section
  19. Lauze surveillance. Lauze pathology. Puerperal infection
  20. Prenatal visit. Drugs in pregnancy: teratogenicity.
  21. Pregnancy with high obstetrical risk.
  22. Vaginal biocenosis. Vaginitis. Vaginosis. Vaginal cytology.
  23. Algorithm for diagnosis of cervical lesions. HPV infection. Colposcopy notions.
  24. Algorithm for the diagnosis of bleeding
  25. Algorithm for the diagnosis of urinary incontinence in women
  26. Diagnostic algorithm of subfertility couple
  27. Family planning - clinical cases
  28. Preparation in pre-surgery for gynecologic patient. Specific techniques in obstetrics gynecology investigations
  29. Techniques and operatory principles in obstetrics and gynecology - open pelvic surgery, laparoscopy, hysteroscopy, robotic surgery, external ablation methods


  • CURRICULUM 2015-2016


  • Physiological obstetrics
  • Objective, history and development of the discipline
  • Generalities:

–   Morphology of the female genitalia

Þ  Embriology notions

Þ  Anatomy, histology and functions of the ovaries, uterus, vagina, tubes, vulva

  • Fundamental characteristics of human reproduction:

Sperm and spermatogenesis, oogenesis, ovulation, Fecundation, migration, implantation. Embryogenesis, Organogenesis, egg membranes, placenta, morphophysiology of the placenta, umbilical cord, amniotic fluid

  • The fetus:
  1. The term fetus in obstetrical terms
  2. Laws of accommodation of the fetus in the womb
  3. Presentations and positions
  • Morphofunctional changes of the human organism during pregnancy:

Þ  General modifications

Þ  Local modifications, morphophysiology of the pregnant uterus

Þ  Uterine contractions

  • Definition, signs and diagnosis of pregnancy:

Þ  Clinical diagnosis of pregnancy

Þ  Laboratory diagnosis, paraclinical investigations, pregnancy biological constants.

Þ  Prenatal consultation for identifying and tracking high-risk pregnancy

  • Obstetrical basin:

Þ  Bone basin, soft basin

  • Parturition:

–   Physiology of birth

Þ  Determinism of labor, basic phenomena of birth

–   The clinic of labor:

Þ  Nosologic framework. Pre-labor, periods of birth, birth mechanism, conduct in normal birth, partograph

Þ  Obstetric analgesia

Þ  The first newborn care

  • Birth in various presentations and positions: cranial presentation

Þ  Deflected cranial presentation

Þ  Breech

Þ  Cross presenter– Sarcina gemelară şi multiplă

–   Deliverance

  • Physiological lauze. Pregnancy hygiene
  • Pathological obstetrics
  • Maternal pathology associated with pregnancy. Diabetes and pregnancy, infectious diseases and pregnancy, other medical conditions and pregnancy
  • Diseases of pregnancy, pregnancy specific pathology:
  • Dis-pregnancies

- Early Dis-pregnancies

- Eclamptic late (pregnancy hypertension)

  • Bleeding during pregnancy

- Bleeding in early pregnancy: abortion, ectopic pregnancy

- Bleeding in the second half of pregnancy and labor

  • anomalies regarding the duration of gestation:

- Spontaneous birth

- Prolonged Pregnancy

  • pathology of parturition:

- dynamic Dystocia and expansion dystocia, bone dystocia

  • Product design pathology:

- Fetal pathology

- Incompatibility of blood and pregnancy

- Fetal hypotrophy

- Fetal distress

- obstetrical trauma of the newborn

- Intrauterine fetal death

- Resuscitation and intensive care of the newborn

- The concept of perinatal and fetal medicine

  • pathological Lauze
  • severe obstetric complications

- Shock in obstetrics

  • Maneuvers and obstetric surgery
  • gestational trophoblastic disease


  • Major symptoms of genital disease diagnosis orientation: pain, bleeding, leucorrhea
  • Reproductive physiopathology. Gynecological pathology
  • Sexual cycles. Menstrual cycle. menstruation
  • Disorders of menstrual flow:
  • Physiology and pathophysiology of the biological stages of a woman's life: puberty, menopause
  • Genital prolapse. Incontinence of urine during exercise.
  • Genital infections.
  • An ectopic pregnancy.
  • Uterine fibroids.
  • Infertility
  • Infant and adolescent gynecology notions.
  • Normal and pathological sexuality. Sex education.
  • Diagnosis and treatment of genito-mammary cancer

Þ  Cancer of the cervix. Precancerous cervical lesions

Þ  Cancer of the endometrium.

Þ  Ovarian cancer.

Þ  Fallopian tube cancer.

Þ  Breast cancer.

Practical works

  1. Observation sheet in obstetrics and gynecology. Obstetrical clinical examination. Gynecological clinical examination. Examination with valves. Vaginal exam.Digital rectal exam
  2. Clinical examination of breast and armpits.
  3. Anatomy, histology and functions of the ovary. Anatomy, histology and physiology of the uterus
  4. Anatomy, histology and physiologyof the tubes. Anatomy, histology and physiology of the vagina, Anatomy, histology and physiology of the vulva .Vascularization of the female genitalia. Innervation of the female genitalia.
  5. Embryogenesis of female genitalia. Birth
  6. Obstetrical Basin: Basin bone, Soft Basin
  7. The Fetal mobile - fetus to term
  8. Definition, signs and diagnosis of pregnancy: Clinical diagnosis of pregnancy, Laboratory diagnosis, laboratory investigations, biological constants of pregnancy. The concept of "pregnancy with unspecified location"
  9. Flexed craniana parturition assistance. Deflected presentations. Obstetric analgesia
  10. Assist breech birth. Obstetrical maneuvers
  11. Deliverance and attitudes in deliverance. Postpartum haemorrhage. The shock in obstetrics.
  12. Episiotomy. Indications, technique, accidents, incidents
  13. Markers of the first quarter to the second quarter Markers
  14. Elements of echographic diagnosis. First and second trimester.
  15. Elements of ecographic diagnosis in the third quarter and labor.Monitorizarea fetala – miscarile active fetale, NST, profil biofizic, monitorizarea in travaliu
  16. Intervention in IT - trophoblast biopsy, amniocentesis - indications. Genetic counseling. Karyotype in maternal blood. Fetoscopy and intrauterine interventions.
  17. Fetal malformations - meaning, malformation syndromes
  18. Caesarean section
  19. Lauze surveillance. Lauze pathology. Puerperal infection
  20. Prenatal visit. Drugs in pregnancy: teratogenicity.
  21. Pregnancy with high obstetrical risk.
  22. Vaginal biocenosis. Vaginitis. Vaginosis. Vaginal cytology.
  23. Algorithm for diagnosis of cervical lesions. HPV infection. Colposcopy notions.
  24. Algorithm for the diagnosis of bleeding
  25. Algorithm for the diagnosis of urinary incontinence in women
  26. Diagnostic algorithm of subfertility couple
  27. Family planning - clinical cases
  28. Preparation in pre-surgery for gynecologic patient. Specific techniques in obstetrics gynecology investigations
  29. Techniques and operatory principles in obstetrics and gynecology - open pelvic surgery, laparoscopy, hysteroscopy, robotic surgery, external ablation methods

OG Courses

Obstetrics courses

  1. Brief history. Gametogenesis. Ovulation. Fecundation. Implantation. Placentation. Physiology of the placentaDeterminismul travaliului. Contractia Uterina. Mecanismul nasterii. Distocia la nastere. Proba de travaliu.
  2. Breech, transverse and deflected presentations - presentations, position, variety of positionsFiziologia materna- modificarie adaptative ale organismului matern in sarcina
  3. Physiological lauze. Pathological lauze. Lactation and breastfeeding
  4. Fetal Medicine. Notions of ethics in obstetrics and gynecology.
  5. Ultrasonography notions in pregnancy: biometrics, Doppler markers.
  6. Infectious diseases associated with pregnancy.
  7. Diabetes and pregnancy.
  8. Gestational hypertension. Preeclampsia. Eclampsia. Sdr. HELLP
  9. Bleeding in early pregnancy - abortion. An ectopic pregnancy.
  10. Bleeding in the second half of pregnancy - placenta inserted below. Normal inserted placenta, premature takeoff (abruptio placentae). Uterine rupture. CID in obstetrics.
  11. Bleeding from periodicals III and IV. Pathology of amniotic fluid.
  12. The incompatibility of Rh and group.
  13. Multiple Pregnancy.
  14. Premature birth. Stillbirth
  15. Restriction of fetal growth in utero. Fetal death in utero.
  16. Acute fetal distress.
  17. New born at term. New born prematurely. Neonatal pathology. Principles of treatment and recovery
  18. Gestational trophoblastic disease.

Gynaecology courses

  1. Menstrual cycle anomalies. Genital haemorrhage.
  2. Genital infections and pelvic inflammatory disease.
  3. Urinary incontinence and pelvic static.
  4. Uterine fibroids.
  5. CIN and cervical cancer.
  6. Cancer of the endometrium. Endometriosis.
  7. Ovarian tumors - benign and malignant.
  8. Benign and malignant mammary pathology.
  9. Female infertility and assisted reproduction notions.
  10. Contraception. Menopause.

Practical works

  1. Observation sheet in obstetrics and gynecology. Obstetrical clinical examination. Gynecological clinical examination. Examination with valves. Vaginal exam.Digital rectal exam
  2. Clinical examination of breast and armpits.
  3. Anatomy, histology and functions of the ovary. Anatomy, histology and physiology of the uterus
  4. Anatomy, histology and physiologyof the tubes. Anatomy, histology and physiology of the vagina, Anatomy, histology and physiology of the vulva .Vascularization of the female genitalia. Innervation of the female genitalia.
  5. Embryogenesis of female genitalia. Birth
  6. Obstetrical Basin: Basin bone, Soft Basin
  7. The Fetal mobile - fetus to term
  8. Definition, signs and diagnosis of pregnancy: Clinical diagnosis of pregnancy, Laboratory diagnosis, laboratory investigations, biological constants of pregnancy. The concept of "pregnancy with unspecified location"
  9. Flexed craniana parturition assistance. Deflected presentations. Obstetric analgesia
  10. Assist breech birth. Obstetrical maneuvers
  11. Deliverance and attitudes in deliverance. Postpartum haemorrhage. The shock in obstetrics.
  12. Episiotomy. Indications, technique, accidents, incidents
  13. Markers of the first quarter to the second quarter Markers
  14. Elements of echographic diagnosis. First and second trimester.
  15. Elements of ecographic diagnosis in the third quarter and labor.Monitorizarea fetala – miscarile active fetale, NST, profil biofizic, monitorizarea in travaliu
  16. Intervention in IT - trophoblast biopsy, amniocentesis - indications. Genetic counseling. Karyotype in maternal blood. Fetoscopy and intrauterine interventions.
  17. Fetal malformations - meaning, malformation syndromes
  18. Caesarean section
  19. Lauze surveillance. Lauze pathology. Puerperal infection
  20. Prenatal visit. Drugs in pregnancy: teratogenicity.
  21. Pregnancy with high obstetrical risk.
  22. Vaginal biocenosis. Vaginitis. Vaginosis. Vaginal cytology.
  23. Algorithm for diagnosis of cervical lesions. HPV infection. Colposcopy notions.
  24. Algorithm for the diagnosis of bleeding
  25. Algorithm for the diagnosis of urinary incontinence in women
  26. Diagnostic algorithm of subfertility couple
  27. Family planning - clinical cases
  28. Preparation in pre-surgery for gynecologic patient. Specific techniques in obstetrics gynecology investigations
  29. Techniques and operatory principles in obstetrics and gynecology - open pelvic surgery, laparoscopy, hysteroscopy, robotic surgery, external ablation methods


  • CURRICULUM 2015-2016


  • Physiological obstetrics
  • Objective, history and development of the discipline
  • Generalities:

–   Morphology of the female genitalia

Þ  Embriology notions

Þ  Anatomy, histology and functions of the ovaries, uterus, vagina, tubes, vulva

  • Fundamental characteristics of human reproduction:

Sperm and spermatogenesis, oogenesis, ovulation, Fecundation, migration, implantation. Embryogenesis, Organogenesis, egg membranes, placenta, morphophysiology of the placenta, umbilical cord, amniotic fluid

  • The fetus:
  1. The term fetus in obstetrical terms
  2. Laws of accommodation of the fetus in the womb
  3. Presentations and positions
  • Morphofunctional changes of the human organism during pregnancy:

Þ  General modifications

Þ  Local modifications, morphophysiology of the pregnant uterus

Þ  Uterine contractions

  • Definition, signs and diagnosis of pregnancy:

Þ  Clinical diagnosis of pregnancy

Þ  Laboratory diagnosis, paraclinical investigations, pregnancy biological constants.

Þ  Prenatal consultation for identifying and tracking high-risk pregnancy

  • Obstetrical basin:

Þ  Bone basin, soft basin

  • Parturition:

–   Physiology of birth

Þ  Determinism of labor, basic phenomena of birth

–   The clinic of labor:

Þ  Nosologic framework. Pre-labor, periods of birth, birth mechanism, conduct in normal birth, partograph

Þ  Obstetric analgesia

Þ  The first newborn care

  • Birth in various presentations and positions: cranial presentation

Þ  Deflected cranial presentation

Þ  Breech

Þ  Cross presenter– Sarcina gemelară şi multiplă

–   Deliverance

  • Physiological lauze. Pregnancy hygiene
  • Pathological obstetrics
  • Maternal pathology associated with pregnancy. Diabetes and pregnancy, infectious diseases and pregnancy, other medical conditions and pregnancy
  • Diseases of pregnancy, pregnancy specific pathology:
  • Dis-pregnancies

- Early Dis-pregnancies

- Eclamptic late (pregnancy hypertension)

  • Bleeding during pregnancy

- Bleeding in early pregnancy: abortion, ectopic pregnancy

- Bleeding in the second half of pregnancy and labor

  • anomalies regarding the duration of gestation:

- Spontaneous birth

- Prolonged Pregnancy

  • pathology of parturition:

- dynamic Dystocia and expansion dystocia, bone dystocia

  • Product design pathology:

- Fetal pathology

- Incompatibility of blood and pregnancy

- Fetal hypotrophy

- Fetal distress

- obstetrical trauma of the newborn

- Intrauterine fetal death

- Resuscitation and intensive care of the newborn

- The concept of perinatal and fetal medicine

  • pathological Lauze
  • severe obstetric complications

- Shock in obstetrics

  • Maneuvers and obstetric surgery
  • gestational trophoblastic disease


  • Major symptoms of genital disease diagnosis orientation: pain, bleeding, leucorrhea
  • Reproductive physiopathology. Gynecological pathology
  • Sexual cycles. Menstrual cycle. menstruation
  • Disorders of menstrual flow:
  • Physiology and pathophysiology of the biological stages of a woman's life: puberty, menopause
  • Genital prolapse. Incontinence of urine during exercise.
  • Genital infections.
  • An ectopic pregnancy.
  • Uterine fibroids.
  • Infertility
  • Infant and adolescent gynecology notions.
  • Normal and pathological sexuality. Sex education.
  • Diagnosis and treatment of genito-mammary cancer

Þ  Cancer of the cervix. Precancerous cervical lesions

Þ  Cancer of the endometrium.

Þ  Ovarian cancer.

Þ  Fallopian tube cancer.

Þ  Breast cancer.

Practical works

  1. Observation sheet in obstetrics and gynecology. Obstetrical clinical examination. Gynecological clinical examination. Examination with valves. Vaginal exam.Digital rectal exam
  2. Clinical examination of breast and armpits.
  3. Anatomy, histology and functions of the ovary. Anatomy, histology and physiology of the uterus
  4. Anatomy, histology and physiologyof the tubes. Anatomy, histology and physiology of the vagina, Anatomy, histology and physiology of the vulva .Vascularization of the female genitalia. Innervation of the female genitalia.
  5. Embryogenesis of female genitalia. Birth
  6. Obstetrical Basin: Basin bone, Soft Basin
  7. The Fetal mobile - fetus to term
  8. Definition, signs and diagnosis of pregnancy: Clinical diagnosis of pregnancy, Laboratory diagnosis, laboratory investigations, biological constants of pregnancy. The concept of "pregnancy with unspecified location"
  9. Flexed craniana parturition assistance. Deflected presentations. Obstetric analgesia
  10. Assist breech birth. Obstetrical maneuvers
  11. Deliverance and attitudes in deliverance. Postpartum haemorrhage. The shock in obstetrics.
  12. Episiotomy. Indications, technique, accidents, incidents
  13. Markers of the first quarter to the second quarter Markers
  14. Elements of echographic diagnosis. First and second trimester.
  15. Elements of ecographic diagnosis in the third quarter and labor.Monitorizarea fetala – miscarile active fetale, NST, profil biofizic, monitorizarea in travaliu
  16. Intervention in IT - trophoblast biopsy, amniocentesis - indications. Genetic counseling. Karyotype in maternal blood. Fetoscopy and intrauterine interventions.
  17. Fetal malformations - meaning, malformation syndromes
  18. Caesarean section
  19. Lauze surveillance. Lauze pathology. Puerperal infection
  20. Prenatal visit. Drugs in pregnancy: teratogenicity.
  21. Pregnancy with high obstetrical risk.
  22. Vaginal biocenosis. Vaginitis. Vaginosis. Vaginal cytology.
  23. Algorithm for diagnosis of cervical lesions. HPV infection. Colposcopy notions.
  24. Algorithm for the diagnosis of bleeding
  25. Algorithm for the diagnosis of urinary incontinence in women
  26. Diagnostic algorithm of subfertility couple
  27. Family planning - clinical cases
  28. Preparation in pre-surgery for gynecologic patient. Specific techniques in obstetrics gynecology investigations
  29. Techniques and operatory principles in obstetrics and gynecology - open pelvic surgery, laparoscopy, hysteroscopy, robotic surgery, external ablation methods