Discipline - Cellular, Molecular Biology and Histology

Professor Hinescu Mihail Eugen, PhD tenured
Professor Constantinescu Stefan Niculae, PhD tenured
Professor Gherghiceanu Mihaela, PhD tenured
Associate Professor Cretoiu Sanda Maria, PhD tenured
Associate Professor Enciu Ana-Maria, PhD tenured
Associate Professor Ceafalan Laura Cristina, PhD tenured
Lecturer Manole Catalin Gabriel, PhD tenured
Lecturer Popa Maria Linda, PhD tenured
Lecturer Serboiu Sorina Crenguta, PhD tenured
Lecturer Lambrescu Ioana Maria, PhD tenured
Lecturer Fertig Tudor Emanuel, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Adam Mihaela Madalina, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Draghia Alina Catalina, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Curici Antoanela, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Caravia Laura Georgiana, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Pirvulet Viviana Adriana, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Tanca Antoanela, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Pavelescu Luciana Alexandra, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Pavalean Mihai Ioan, PhD fixed term
Assistant Professor Codrici Elena, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Gaina Florina Gisela, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Milanesi Elena, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Coman Teodora, PhD fixed term
Assistant Professor Pavalean Mihaela Cristina, PhD fixed term
Assistant Professor Giuroiu Florin, PhD fixed term
Assistant Professor Niculae Andrei Marian, PhD tenured

Department of Cell Biology,  Molecular and Histology includes 26 academics which provide teaching of two compulsory for both series of students from Romanian and English teaching module (cell biology,  I year/ A  semester, Histology II year / two semesters) and an optional subjects (Molecular Medicine). Teaching activity consists of lectures, demonstrations, tutorials, seminars, practical exam and final oral exam at the end of each semester for compulsory or optional subject test.

The team of the department consists of experienced teachers both in education and in research or medical field, most members of discipline held concurrently with teaching, research in the laboratories of the National Institute of Pathology "Victor Babes" or having clinical integration in different hospitals.

The main direction of action of the discipline collective in education is to improve and diversify the teaching methods of courses and conducting demonstrations and practical work. Academics are working continually to modern design courses in an accessible and effective learning and focusing on health related implications. In practical work the main objective is the acquisition of skills from which students acquire the ability to maneuver easily the optical microscope and recognize examined histological structures.

The discipline team is concerned of regularly updating  courses and practical support by developing a multimedia platform represented by site discipline (www.histology.ro) for making available to students both relevant teaching material, as well as some scientific data and information topical and of great interest.

Development of printed materials, adapted to the requirements and particularities of the present situation, the type of ongoing support, atlas of cell biology / histology are also priority objectives in collective activity.

In scientific research there is a constant concern for developing collaborations and partnerships with other universities and research institutes, as well as exploitation of research results through the development and publication of books / chapters in publishing national and international publishing scientific papers in ISI , journals indexed in international databases or volumes national and international conferences.

The main research directions of team discipline are:

  • The study of interstitial cells of Cajal-like / telocytes in various tissues and organs, with involvement in tissue regeneration;
  • Modulating cellular behavior with real-time monitoring through various experimental modeling;
  • Investigating the therapeutic potential of various natural or synthetic compounds in cell cultures.

Among the achievements of the impact of our discipline research note:

  • The discovery of a new cell type called interstitial cell-kit / telocyte;
  • Description of a new type of intercellular synapse (synapse stromal) made between telocyte and other cell types;
  • Identification of anti-proliferative activity of compounds of transition metal complexes of physiologic

The research is based on confocal and electron microscopy studies, use of equipment for cell culture and biochemical investigations (electrophoresis, spectrophotometry).

Department Staff permanently aims to support students who wish to conduct research in the purview displinei, stimulating their participation in scientific meetings, hiring in drafting publications, etc.

Cell Biology

Syllabus of classes and practical work

(1 semester, class 28 hrs, practical work 42 hrs)

Number of credits: 7


  • Object and cell biology history;
  • General organization of eukaryotic cells. Comparison of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells;
  • The patterns of cell membrane structure. Molecular organization of the membrane;
  • Membrane transport. Transmembrane signaling;
  • Intercellular junctions. Villi flagelii, microvilii;
  • Inclusions cellular lysosomes, peroxizomii;
  • Mitochondria;.
  • Ribosomes, smooth endoplasmic reticulum and rough;
  • Golgi apparatus. Secretory cell cycle;
  • Cytoplasmic matrix. cytosol;
  • Cell nucleus: general organization, nuclear envelope, the nucleolus;
  • Chromatin (chromosomes). The nuclear matrix;
  • The cell cycle and cell division. Cell proliferation and differentiation.

Practical work

  • Subject matter and methods of study of cell biology;
  • Types of optical microscopes;
  • Obtain technical preparation for microscopic optical microscope;
  • Coloring and dyes in optical microscopy;
  • Technical microscopic examination preparation. The main histological staining. Forms cellular organization at the optical microscope of a eukaryotic cell;
  • Histochemistry and histoenzimologie principles;
  •  Modern techniques in cell biology: omogenarea and cell fractionation, cell culture, flow cytometry;
  •  Types of electron microscopes. Obtain technical preparation for transmission electron microscopy;
  • Cell membrane. Cell junctions;
  • Ultrastructural organization of the eukaryotic cell: the membrane organelles delimited;
  • Ultrastructural organization of the eukaryotic cell: the membrane enclosed organelles;
  •  Morphometric analysis of microscopic images;
  • The nucleus: organization highlighted the optical microscope. Types of nuclei;
  • Core: ultrastructural organization;
  • The cell cycle. Cell division;
  • Cell proliferation and differentiation. Cell types found in the human body;

Bibliography Cell Biology

  1. Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter. Molecular Biology of the Cell. 6th edition, Garland Science, 2014
  2. Harvey Lodish, Arnold Berk, Chris A. Kaiser, Monty Krieger, Matthew P. Scott, Anthony Bretscher. Molecular Cell Biology, 7th edition, H.W. Freeman & Co., New York, 2012
  3. Ivan R. Nabi. Cellular Domains 1st edition, Wiley-Blackwell, 2011
  4. Gerald Karp, Cell and Molecular Biology: Concepts and Experiments, 7th edition, Wiley, 2013
  5. Steven R. Goodman. Medical Cell Biology. 3rd edition, Academic Press, 2007.
  6. Thomas D. Pollard, William C. Earnshaw, Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz, Cell Biology, with Student Consult Online Access, 2nd edition, Saunders, 2008

Themes for the Cell Biology, Molecular and Histology Discipline

  1. The cell membrane: molecular organization, functions, specialties surface, intercellular junctions, receptors and second messengers systems;
  2. The nucleus: structure, ultrastructure, functions;
  3. Cytoplasmic organelles: the mitochondria, Golgi complex, endoplasmic reticulum, lysosomes, peroxizomii, cytoskeleton;
  4.  Epithelial tissue: covering epithelia, glandular epithelia;
  5. Connective tissue: connective cells, the extracellular matrix;
  6.  Smooth muscle tissue, skeletal and heart;
  7. Bone marrow: hematopoiesis;
  8. Lymphoid organs: the lymph node, spleen, thymus, tonsils;
  9. Cardiovascular system: endocardium, pericardium, myocardium, arteries, veins, capillaries;
  10. Excretory system: general structure of kidney, nephron, tubule uriniferi, filtration barrier, ureter, urinary bladder.


  • Anthony Mescher.  Junqueira's Basic Histology: Text and Atlas, 14th edition McGraw-Hill Medical, 2016
  • Wojciech Pawlina.  Histology  A Text and Atlas, 7th edition, 2016
  • Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter. Molecular Biology of the Cell. 6th edition, Garland Science, 2014
  • Don Fawcett, Ronald Jensh. Bloom and Fawcett: Concise Histology, Ed. Arnold, 2002
  • Thomas D. Pollard, William C. Earnshaw, Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz. Cell Biology, with Student Consult Online Access, 2nd edition, Saunders, 2008
  • William K. Ovalle PhD and Patrick C. Nahirney. Netter's Essential Histology, Ed. Elsevier, Ed. 1, 2008; Ed 2, 2013
  1. Expression of 1, 2 and 3 caveolins in pancreatic cancers;molecular targets for diagnosis and therapy2006-2008 CEEX I
  1. Cartografierea celulelor interstiţiale Cajal-like in sistemul cardiovascular2006-2008 CEEX I
  1. The role of interstitial cells in skeletal muscle regeneration2011-2014 UEFISCDI PN-II-RU-TE-2011-3-0206 Ctr. TE32/2011
  1. Telocitele în regenerarea cardiacă (NEWHEART)2012-2016 UEFISCDI IDEI- PN-II-ID-PCE-2011-3-0134
  1. Înainte de boala Alzheimer: un nou mecanism de semnalizare a proteinei precursoare a amiloidului în creierul adultului sănătos2015-2017 PN II-RU-TE-2014-4-1531
  1. Manole CG, Cismaşiu V, Gherghiceanu M, Popescu LM. Experimental acute myocardial infarction: telocytes involvement in neo-angiogenesis. J Cell Mol Med. 2011;15(11):2284-96.
  1. Gherghiceanu M, Popescu LM. Cardiac telocytes – their junctions and functional implications. Cell Tissue Res. 2012;348(2):265-79.
  1. Cruceru ML, Neagu M, Demoulin JB, Constantinescu SN. Therapy targets in glioblastoma and cancer stem cells: lessons from haematopoietic neoplasms. J Cell Mol Med. 2013;17(10):1218-35.
  1. Cretoiu SM, Cretoiu D, Marin A, Radu BM, Popescu LM. Telocytes: ultrastructural, immunohistochemical and electrophysiological characteristics in human myometrium. 2013;145(4):357-70.
  1. Laura Cristina Ceafalan, Bogdan Ovidiu Popescu, Mihail Eugen Hinescu. Cellular players in skeletal muscle regeneration BioMed Reasearch International, 2014: 957014. doi: 10.1155/2014/957014.
  1. Gheorghiu M, Enciu A-M, Popescu BO, Gheorghiu E. Functional and Molecular Characterization of the Effect of Amyloid-β42 on an in vitro Epithelial Barrier Model. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease. 2014;38(4):787-98.
  1. Gheorghisan-Galateanu AA, Hinescu MEEnciu AM. Ovarian adult stem cells: hope or pitfall? J Ovarian Res. 2014;7:71. doi: 10.1186/1757-2215-7-71.
  1. Leabu M, Nicolson GL. Cell secretion and membrane fusion: highly significant phenomena in the life of a cell. Discoveries. 2014;2(3): e30. DOI: 10.15190/d.
  1. Popescu LM, Curici A, Wang E, Zhang H, Hu S, Gherghiceanu M. Telocytes and putative stem cells in ageing human heart. J Cell Mol Med, 2015; 19(1):31-45.
  1. Niculite CM, Regalia TM, Gherghiceanu M, Huica R, Surcel M, Ursaciuc C, Leabu M, Popescu LM. Dynamics of telopodes (telocyte prolongations) in cell culture depends on extracellular matrix protein. Mol Cell Biochem. 2015;398(1-2):157-164.