Discipline - Pathological Anatomy

Professor Costache Mariana, PhD tenured
Professor Costache Adrian, PhD tenured
Associate Professor Herlea Vlad, PhD tenured
Associate Professor Becheanu Gabriel, PhD tenured
Associate Professor Ceausu Mihail-Constantin, PhD tenured
Associate Professor Olinca Maria Victoria, PhD tenured
Head of works Poteca Anca-Gabriela, PhD tenured
Head of works Marcu Madalina-Lucia, PhD tenured
Head of works Dumitru Vasile Adrian, PhD tenured
Head of works Georgescu Tiberiu Augustin, PhD tenured
Head of works Iliesiu Andreea, PhD tenured
Head of works Patrascu Oana Maria, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Ionescu Marilena-Doris, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Voinea Oana Cristina, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Curte Ana-Maria, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Stanculescu Mihaela-Viorica, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Petre Nicoleta, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Ali Leila, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Moldovan Valentin Tiberiu, PhD fixed term
Assistant Professor Marghescu Angela Stefania, PhD fixed term
Assistant Professor Popa Manuela, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Florea Maria-Alexandra, PhD fixed term
Assistant Professor Halcu Georgian, PhD fixed term
Assistant Professor Neagu Oana, PhD fixed term
Assistant Professor Mihai Andreea Elena, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Almarii Florina, PhD fixed term
Assistant Professor Duca-Barbu Simona-Alina, PhD fixed term
Assistant Professor Evsei Anca, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Georgescu Antonia-Carmen, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Burcin Miruna Ruxandra, PhD fixed term
Assistant Professor Ciobanoiu Aminia-Diana, PhD fixed term
Assistant Professor Ciongariu Ana-Maria, PhD fixed term
Assistant Professor Tapoi Dana-Antonia, PhD fixed term
Assistant Professor Tomescu Luiza Elena, PhD fixed term
Assistant Professor Rosulescu Alexandra, PhD tenured

Motto: "Everything can be found, if you are not running away from the hassle of searching." (Philemon)

History of the discipline is taken from the reverential volume dedicated to the centennial of "Victor Babes Institute" (1887-1897)    Author: St. I. Niculescu

The scientific research done in the normal and pathologic morphology field in our country is close related to the activity of the academic stuff in the medical higher education. Both anatomy (descriptive and topographic) and histology, embryology, forensic medicine and anatomical pathology were born and made their first steps in the same time with the first forms of medical education. First data appeared on anatomical pathology in the Romanian medical literature is found in the Eforie Civil Hospital regulations from Bucharest (1832) as well as in the Medical Sciences Society documents from Bucharest (1857) under the management of Dr. Nicolae Kretzulescu.

In terms of anatomical pathology, organizational bases of development of this discipline were laid by Dr. Carol Davila, who established this discipline at ColALea Hospital, where Polish anatomopathologist and anthropologist Izidor Kopernicki and Dr. Samuel Scheiber worked. Dr. Kopernicki organized the lectures and the practical sessions of anatomical pathology as follows: at the ground floor of the building were an amphitheater with a capacity of 50 seats and dissecting rooms each having 10 tables, and at the first floor there was a museum. Anatomical pathology discipline is operating inside "Victor Babes" Institute from 1930, having as tenured Constantin Bacaloglu (January 1st 1930- December 15th 1930)-

The oldest Medical Sciences Institute in our country, which today is named after its founder, Professor  Victor Babes, MD, PhD, was opened under the Law no. 1197 published in the "Official Monitor" nr. 21/28.apr.1887 as Bacteriology Institute subordinating the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which at that time had in the charge the issues related to public health.

After V. Babees came to Bucharest in August that same year, the building’s name becomes Institute of Pathology and Bacteriology, which worked under the auspice of Ministry of Public Instruction until 2nd of March 1925, when, through a new law is receiving the name "Dr. Victor Babes" Institute.

The institute’s inauguration/opening took place at the board meeting on the 20th of November 1887, when V. Babes hold the introductory lecture about the causes of infectious disease. "Anti-rabies Institute", part of the same institution, begins its activity in 1888; the 6th of May of the same year, the first treatment made by V. Babes with a fixed virus gets registered. From a chronological point of view, the "Anti-rabies Institute" of Bucharest was the third in the world, and the introduction of rabies treatment in Bucharest followed after less than 3 years from its application on human, in Paris, by Louis Pasteur (July 6th 1885).

When Victor Babes arrived in Bucharest, the Romania medicine was represented mostly by the medical school students from Carol Davila who were coping honorably with the current medical practice problems, meanwhile the scientific activity was almost inexistent, and the great progress achieved by the world medical science could not find practical applications in hygiene and prevention of infectious diseases or other diseases with broad social implications, as pellagra.

Romanian public opinion was sensitized by the prospects opened by the glorious discoveries of Pasteur, especially the rabies vaccination. During the meeting of the Assembly of Deputies, on March 10th 1886, Dimitri Sturza and the Prime Minister Ion C. Bratianu insisted on the need for our country to send a doctor "to be made disciple of Pasteur" and whom "to give mister Pasteur a good opinion about our medical service".

In 1976 began the publication of Babes Vincent’s correspondence (1821-1907), distinguished jurist and Romanian academic, one of Banat’s representatives in the Romanian Academy, even from its founding, in 1866, and one of the founders of the Romanian National Party in the former Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, which provides us with significant data on the initiative adopted by Vincent Babes for bringing his son Victor in the country, then professor of pathological histology in Budapest, which became world known in the scientific world for his work in the fields of bacteriology and anatomical pathology. The earliest mention of this initiative is found in the letter to Vincent Babes, dated nov. 11/23 1883, from Vasile Maniu, another representative of Banat in the Academy, but permanently established in Bucharest.

Until the construction, in 1899, of the new Institute on the banks of the Dambovita, the Institute of Pathology and Bacteriology worked in an enormous but dilapidated building, the old Brancoveanu’s palace, a time also being the royal residence of Ruler Gheorghe Bibescu, situated on the current tower block at the end of Victory Boulevard and neighboring the Grand Court building. On that occasion, hastily improvised designs were made, allowing harboring of the laboratories, the rabies vaccination department, the stables, etc.

The new Institute, which included not only the anatomical pathology, bacteriology, serology and chemistry laboratories, several clean rooms, but also the Rabies Institute (with the rabies dispensary), a museum, a library, three practical halls for anatomical pathology and bacteriology for students and doctors, an autopsy room and a yard where there were breeders of small animals, stables, etc., functioned/ worked as such almost the entire duration of the ownership of V. Babes.

The true founder of anatomical pathology education was Victor Babes (1854-1926), who was able to create from these small beginnings a world-renowned Institute, and a tradition of teaching and scientific guidance which applies also nowadays. Encyclopedic personality and eminent student of Carl von Rokitansky, Rudolf Virchow (father of modern pathology") pupil and collaborator of Pasteur, Cornil, Charcot in Paris, Koch’s in Berlin, Arnold’s in Heidelberg and Bollinger in Munich, and Recklinghausen and Waldeyer’s in Strasbourg, Victor Babes was originally professor at the Faculty of Medicine in Budapest.

In 1887, by royal decree, V. Babes is called back from Budapest, and is named professor of experimental pathology and bacteriology, entrusting him at the same time the task of founding an institute of pathology and bacteriology, thing that got materialized in 1899, and from 1925 it was going to bear his name.

The scientific work of Victor Babes was extremely complex and broad. He published over 1300 papers, including 25 monographs, the most famous being Les bacteries et leur role dans l’etiologie, anatomie et histologie pathologique des maladies infectieuses(in collaboration with A. V. Cornil-1885), the world’s first treaty of bacteriology who won the Montyon Award of the French Academy, and which appeared in Paris in three successive editions (1885, 1886 and 1890).

In 1881 he discovered the glanders bacillus confirmed in 1883 by Leoffler. He described in 1889, for the first time in the pathology field, the rabies corpuscles from the cytoplasm of the neurons from Amon’s horn (hippocampus), discovery confirmed by Aldechi Negri in 1902. He also had important contributions in the study of tuberculosis, pellagra, cholera, leprosy, syphilis, babesiosis, the pathology of the nervous system and more.

To understand better the scientific blast brought by V. Babes, through his work to the Romanian medicine, it is enough to mention his students and main collaborators: Gh. Marinescu, C. Levaditi, I. Puscariu, P. Riegler, V. Sian, Gh. Proca, Fr. Rainer, St. Gh. Nicolau, M. Manicatide, C. Bacaloglu, A. Theohari, T. Mironescu, Titu Vasiliu, Aurel Babes et al.

After the death of V. Babes, professor Gheorghe Proca became the head of the Department of Anatomical Pathology until the assignation of professor C. Bacaloglu (1930); during this time, the lectures were held by Aurel Babes (founder of cervical-vaginal cytopathology by both straining mucous smears and systematization of the lesions). In the interwar period, anatomical pathology develops under the ways of Victor Babes, both in anatomic and clinical sides, by C. Bacaloglu and N. Gh. Lupu, and experimental cytopathology and oncology ways by Aurel A. Babes and Emil Craciun.

After 1949, the teaching and scientific activities are promoted in turn by: Augustin Muresanu, Grigore Pambuccian, Stefan I.Niculescu, Constantin Tasca, Ioan Moraru, Paul Nicolescu, Florin Halalau and Carmen Ardelean.

Anatomical pathology, “backbone of evidence based medicine” is the science that studies the causes (etiology), mechanism of appearance (pathogenesis) and establishing the final diagnosis of the disease based on the study of structural and functional macroscopic changes of the organs, tissues, cells and subcellular structures till the molecular level, resulting from an affliction/illness, all in the light and completing the clinical data.

Anatomical pathology provides a wide range of investigations: cytological examinations, including cervical-vaginal smears Babes-Papanicolaou (taken conventionally/made in the traditional way or in a liquid medium), histopathological examinations (extemporaneously examination, fragments of tissue in paraffin processed in conventional and special coloring and single or dual immunohistochemistry exams, etc.) at the highest standards, members of this discipline being always/continuously working to ensure quality of the medical investigations did in order to develop an accurate final diagnoses.

Departments of Anatomical Pathology provide diagnostic services for all types of aspirated specimens, biopsy and excisions, and a complete and complex examination of biological specimens. Also, in the services of anatomical pathology are included the necropsies for determining the final diagnosis/ cause of death, a method of great value also in the university and post university educational system.

The courses are taught by teachers, senior lecturers and lecturers of the discipline in accordance with the syllabus constantly updated with current pathology information, using the broad contributions of Victor Babes, E. Craciun and I. Moraru, as well as the experience of the academic staff. Over the time, the courses were accompanied by extensive iconographic documentation whether belonging to the department’s collection or taken from scientific papers approved by WHO or academic staff’s personal collections.

The practical sessions are taking place at the INCD "Victor Babes" and in the hospitals where the academic staff are pursuing their clinical work.

At the end of each semester, the examination comprises of a practical exam and only after passing it students can take the theoretical exam.

Ways of evaluating the student:

  • Practical exam includes the analyzation of two histopathological slides: First Semester- one slide from general pathology and on from tumor pathology. For the Second Semester- two histopathological slides from body systems pathology.
  • Theoretical Exam (2 subjects*): – knowledge for mark 5: defining lesions presented at the lecture and practical sessions- knowledge for mark 10: understanding of the lesions and the ability to demonstrate a medical thinking based on gained knowledge.

*exam topics are displayed at the secretary of the department and are prepared in accordance with the subjects approved by UMF "Carol Davila" complying with the syllabus of anatomical pathology

Teaching method and materials:

  • "Ioan Moraru" Amphitheatre (ground floor of Victor Babes National Institute)- capacity approx. 100 seats
  • INCD "Victor Babes" Amphitheatre (first floor of Victor Babes National Institute)- capacity approx. 210 seats
  • Amphitheatre of I. Cantacuzino Clinical Hospital – capacity approx. 200 seats
  • Three halls for practical work (first floor of INCD "Victor Babes") – facilities: 15 Nikon Eclipse E100-LED microscopes, projectors, 20 Nikon SE microscopes, laptops
  • Practical work hall "Prof. dr. Constantin Tasca’’- Emergency University Hospital of Bucharest, capacity 30 seats- Anatomical Pathology Department – facilities: 15 Nikon Eclipse E100-LED microscopes, 10 Nikon SE microscopes, Nikon e200 microscope with projection, projector, Nikon research microscope with digital image/analog, microscopy room, modern investigation, where students can participate at demonstrative autopsies.
  • Practical work room "St. Ioan" Clinical Emergency Hospital- Anatomical Pathology Department, capacity 30 seats, Nikon microscope, macroscopic pieces’ room, autopsy room
  • Practical work room "I. Cantacuzino" Clinical Hospital Anatomical Pathology Department, capacity 20 seats, Nikon microscope.
  • Bibliography of Anatomical Pathology Department- UMF Carol Davila Bucharest
  1. Anatomical Pathology Textbook. 2nd edition revised and enlarged by Maria Sajin, Adrian Costache, Ed. Cermaprint, 464 pag Bucharest 2005, ISBN973-87012-9-5;
  2. Robbins Pathology: Bases of Morphological and Physiopathological diseases, 9th edition, Vinay Kumar, Abul K. Abbas, Editura: Medicala CALLISTO, 2015, ISBN: 9786068043166
  3. Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease, Professional Edition (IX), Vinay Kumar & Abul Abbas & Jon Aster, Editura: Elsevier, 2014, ISBN: 9780323266161
  4. Rubin’s Pathology Clinicopathologic Foundations of Medicine,editia a VII-a, David S Strayer MD, PhD , Emanuel Rubin MD, Editura: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2014, ISBN: 9781451183900
  5. Anatomical Pathology Textbook- Carmen Ardeleanu, Florin Halalau, Mihai CeauAYu, ed. "Cartea Universitara", Bucharest, 2004
  6. Anatomical Pathology – under the editorial of Prof. Florin F. Halalau, Editura Medicala, Bucharest, 2003. ISBN 973-39-0495
  7. Morphology practical sessions guide – general edition, Mariana Costache, Gabriel Becheanu, Ed.Universitara "Carol Davila", Bucharest, 2007, ISBN:978-973-708-233-6
  8. Morphology practical sessions guide – special edition, Gabriel Becheanu, Mariana Costache, Ed.Universitara "Carol Davila", Bucharest, 2007
  9. Histology Breviary (textbook and atlas for practical sessions for students), Carmen Ardeleanu, Mihai Ceausu, Ed. Universitara Carol Davila, Bucharest, 2005
  10. Pathology secrets, Ivan Damjanov, Ed. Elsevier Mosby, Copyright 2002, 2008

The Department of Anatomical Pathology of UMF Carol Davila is benefiting of an e-learning platform which can be accessed for free at: http://www.epathology.ro. The platform is addressed to the students and residents interested in studying Anatomical Pathology and aims to modernize and effectively improve the teaching-learning process. (Main scientific coordinator: Associate Professor Mihail Constantin Ceausu, PhD.). A virtual histopathology atlas can be accessed via the platform (http://morfopat.medicalstudent.ro/). Members of Anatomical Pathology Department are encouraging and recommend the active participation in the professional associations and societies in the Pathology field:


Specialization in Pathology is conducted in the Departments of Pathology in the Faculty of Medicine, recognized by the Ministry of Public Health under the leadership of a professor (or associate professor) in Pathology (theoretical and practical activities), respectively the Clinical Services in Pathology and Anatomical Pathology Services which are well-equipped in the large hospitals, under the supervision of an experienced anatomical pathology physician. The main training centers in Bucharest are: Bucharest University Emergency Hospital, INCD "Victor Babes", Colentina Clinical Hospital, I. Cantacuzino Clinical Hospital and "Mina Minovici" National Forensic Institute.

Duration of residency:

5 years. Choosing the place of Residency is made after passing the residency exam. For some modules, the venue can be another well-equipped center in the country or abroad. The title of Specialist in Pathology is given after a training period of 5 years and after passing a final written and practical exam.

During the 5 years of residency is mandatory to pass all stages of preparation and daily attendance at the morgue which are specially equipped to provide adequate theoretical and practical training.

Pathology services include: Necropsy Room (morgue), Cyto – Histopathology Laboratory, Immunohistochemistry Laboratory, possibly Electron Microscopy and Molecular Biology. More details on the methodology of conducting the stages, the specialty training curricula, structure and duration of training stages as well as details about the specialty exam. can be found on the official website of the Ministry of Health: http://www.ms.ro. In the Anatomical Pathology Department are conducted training courses also for residents in specialties: dermatology, oncology, radiotherapy and urology.

Admission to doctoral studies in Pathology is made after obtaining the academic’s agreement and depending on availability. For the doctoral studies in budgeted system (including the scholarship) admission is based on a written exam with 10 topics of Pathology.

For doctoral studies with tuition admission the system is based on a file and depending on availability, approved by UMF Carol Davila for the current year. More details on the methodology and timing of admission exams can be accessed at: http://www.umfcd.ro/

  • Pathology
  • Anatomical Pathology
  • Histopathology
  • Microscopy
  • Macroscopy
  • Immunohistochemistry
  • Molecular Biology
  • Sajin Maria : membre of the research team PN-II-PT-PCCA-2013-4-1097, nr: 1949; "Multimode type microsensors based on micro and nanostructured materials, with applications in biomedical analysis" between 2014 – 2017
  • Sajin Maria : tutore in the project POSDRU/159/1.5/S/141531 – "Human resource development- PhD students and postdocs- for excellence research in Heath and Biotechnologies", between 2014-2015, closed between the Inetermediate Body for Sectorial Operational Programme Human Resources Development Ministry of National Education and the National Institute for Research and Development in Pathology and Biomedical Sciences "Victor Babes" having as partner UMF "Carol Davila" Bucharest.
  • Sajin Maria : Lecturer in training the trainers in the specialties of anatomical pathology (4) and leboratory medicine (8), in the project POSDRU / 63 / 3.2 / S /20596 "Teaching and Prevention for a Healthy Life" Training program for screening cervical cancers, breast cancer si colorectal cancer, between 2012 – 2013.
  • Costache Mariana: Project Leader, PNCDI2 42-162 "Predicted factors in the serologic, imaging and histologic liver responses in the patients with morbid obesity and nonalcoholic fatty liver who underwent bariatric surgery", between 2008 – 2011.
  • Costache Mariana: Project Leader PNCDI2 62-055 "Biomedical aplications of THZ spectroscopy: Early diagnosis of cancer" between 2008 – 2011
  1. Sajin M., A. M. Lazaroiu, E, Chefani, G. Simion, M. Costache, M. Georgescu, I. D. Caruntu, D. Secara, M. Carstoiu; Evaluating the malignancy potential in endometrial hyperplasia through proliferation markers ki-67 and PCNA and tumor suppressor gene designated pten (108); 3-rd Intercontinental Congress of Pathology, Barcelona, Spania, 17-22 mai 2008, published in Virchows Archiv, ISSN 0945-6317, Cotat ISI, IF=2,082
  2. Sajin , C. Luchian, A. Hodorogea Prisacaru, A. Dumitru, O. M. Patrascu, D. Costache, D. Dumitrescu, O. Simionescu, A. M. Oproiu, M. Costache; Trichilemmal carcinoma – a rare cutaneous malignancy; a report of two cases; Romanian Journal of Morphology and Embryology vol. 55 number 2, suppl. / 2014, IF=0,620
  3. Ceausu, S. Hostiuc, Sajin, G. Roman, O. Nicodin, D. Dermegiu. Gestational Lung Adenocarcinoma: Case Report. International Journal of Surgical Pathology 22(7) · April 2014, DOI: 10.1177/1066896914531816
  4. G Becheanu, M Manuc, M Dumbrava, V Herlea, M Hortopan, M Costache. The evaluation of interstitial Cajal cells distribution in non-tumoral colon disorders. Rom J Morphol Embryol. 2008;49(3):351-5.
  5. Costache M., L. T. Desa, L. Elena Mitrache, M. Patrascu, A. Dumitru, D. Costache, E. Albu, M. Sajin, O. Simionescu; Cutaneous verrucous carcinoma – a report of three cases with review of literature; Romanian Journal of Morphology and Embryology vol. 55 number 2 / 2014, ISSN 1220-0522, IF=0,620;
  6. O Simionescu, BO Popescu, M Costache, E Manole, S Spulber, M Gherghiceanu, A Blum; Apoptosis in seborrheic keratoses: an open door to a new dermoscopic score; J.Cell.Mol.Med.2012Jun;16(6):1223-31.doi:10.1111/j.1582-4934.2012.01558.x. IF=4,8
  7. M Costache, O. M.Patrascu, A. Dumitru, D. Costache, L M. Voinea, O. Simionescu, Sajin M.; Histopathological findings concerning ocular melanomas; Romanian Journal of Morphology and Embryology vol. 55 number 2 suppl. /2014, ISSN 1220-0522, IF=0,620
  8. G Bassotti, V Villanacci, D Cretoiu, SM Cretoiu, G Becheanu. Cellular and molecular basis of chronic constipation: taking the functional/idiopathic label out. World J Gastroenterol. 2013 Jul 14;19(26):4099-105. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v19.i26.4099.
  9. F Magro, C Langner, A Driessen, A Ensari, K Geboes, GJ Mantzaris, V Villanacci, G Becheanu, P Borralho Nunes, G Cathomas, W Fries, A Jouret-Mourin, C Mescoli, G de Petris, CA Rubio, NA Shepherd, M Vieth, R Eliakim; European Society of Pathology (ESP); European Crohn’s and Colitis Organisation (ECCO). European consensus on the histopathology of inflammatory bowel disease. J Crohns Colitis. 2013 Nov;7(10):827-51. doi: 10.1016/j.crohns.2013.06.001. Epub 2013 Jul 17
  10. Stanescu AD, Nistor I, Poteca A.G., DiALescu D, Comanescu M. Prognostic biomarkers in endometrial adenocarcinoma. Rom J Morphol Embryol. 2014;55(4):1339-44