Discipline - Marketing and Medical Technology

Professor Purcarea Victor-Lorin, PhD fixed term
Head of works Gherghiceanu Florentina, PhD tenured
Head of works Gheorghe Iuliana-Raluca, PhD tenured
Head of works Virgolici Horia-Marius, PhD tenured
Head of works Radu Andra-Victoria, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Gheorghe Consuela Madalina, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Nistor Raluca-Cristina, PhD fixed term
Assistant Professor Soare Ioan-Traian, PhD fixed term
Assistant Professor Ioachim Marinela Filofteia, PhD tenured

The Discipline “Marketing, Medical Technology and Devices” has formed in 2007, at the initiative of Professor Florian Popa, PhD, Rector of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy ”Carol Davila”, Bucharest, between 2004-2012.

In 2013, it fused with the Discipline of “Medical Informatics and Biostatistics”, forming the Discipline of „Marketing and Medical Technology, Medical Informatics and Biostatistics”. In the academic year 2015-2016 the discipline separated in the two initial disciplines.

The Discipline "Marketing, Technology and Medical Devices" offers the students and its academic staff an amphitheater of 76 seats and a seminar room of 25 seats, equipped with projectors, mobile screens, a magnetic board and markers as well as its own library with specialty books.

Depending on the schedules of the tutors and coordinators of the course, students can use this space to work during the academic year group project or study materials from the library. Also, the discipline has a wireless Internet network.

The final grade is calculated as follows:

  • Written examination (examination session): 60%;
  • Project: 20%;
  • Practical examination : 20%

The written exam contains 2 mini-essays subjects and 3 simple subjects, evaluated by the following score:

  • Subject 1(mini-essay): 3 points
  • Subject 2 (mini-essay): 3 points
  • Subject 3: 1 point
  • Subject 4: 1 point
  • Subject 5: 1 point
  • 1 guaranteed point if the correct identification data of the student are provided. (Name, Surname, Year, Series, Group)

A distribution of the topics by category and subcategory will be timely distributed to the heads of the series.

The project group will be made at group level. The project aims at implementing policies and marketing strategies in opening a medical practice in a specialty that will be drawn by lot during the course of marketing. Each group will be assigned a mentor. A summary of the project will timely be offered to each group by the assigned mentor. In addition, the project will help the group socialize with each other, and, especially, will represent their first contact with the real post-graduate life.

The practical exam consists in the presentation of the project. Specifically, we will evaluate the electronic version of the presentation in Microsoft PowerPoint or Prezi and the synthesizing style, originality and presentation of alternative materials.

  • For the 1st Year, the discipline offers the elective subject "Technology and Medical Devices"
  • For the 2nd Year, the discipline offers the elective subject "Medical Equipment and Devices"

The bibliographic materials for the discipline are found both at the University Library, and at the "Carol Davila"University Press.

These are:

Romanian students:

  • Purcarea V.L (coord.), Marketingul ingrijirilor de sanatate. Manual universitar, Editura Universitara "Carol Davila", Bucuresti, 2010.
  • Purcarea V.L. (coord.). Tehnologie si aparatura medicala, Editura Universitara "Carol Davila", Bucuresti, 2008.
  • Purcarea V.L. (coord.). Aparatura si dispozitive medicale, Editura Universitara "Carol Davila", Bucuresti, 2013

English module students:

  • Purcarea V.L. (coord.). Health care Marketing, Editura Universitara "Carol Davila", Bucuresti, 2010.
  • Purcarea V.L. (coord.). Technology and Medical Equipment, Editura Universitara "Carol Davila", Bucuresti, 2013

All the textbooks are written with the help of the discipline’s staff.

The Discipline "Marketing, Medical Technology and Devices" offers the students and its academic staff a work space equipped with videoprojectors, magnetic boards and markers, as well as a library with specialty books.

The candidates can obtain a PhD in the marketing of health services, health services management, communication in the health systems, informatic systems in health services.

For any other information, do not hesitate to contact the discipline or the head of the department.

  • health services marketing
  • consumer behavior health services
  • communication in the field of health services
  • the reputation of medical organizations
  • internal marketing of the medical organizations
  • medical branding
  • medical devices
  • medical equipment
  1. Externally funded scientific research contract:, No.245/208, with the firm: "Centre de Broqueville-medical Check Up", Bruxelles - Belgium, won through competition, worth 8.500 euro; Title: " Le developpement d’une relation de marketing avec un partenaire convenable  sur le marche des soins de sante de la Roumanie dans le but d’ouvrir de nouvelles  pratique  medicales";
  2. Externally funded scientific research contract, NO. 69/30/04/2008 with the firm: "Frutifresh master in fresh solution" from Lot, Belgium, won through competition, worth 10.000 EUR, The title of the project: "La construction de la relation de marketing avec le partener convenable sur le marche de la Roumanie des fruits frais en constituant un composant critique  d’une diete saine";
  3. Externally funded scientific research contract, NO. 1/2011, with the firm: „Faith" AFCH, 635 SE 11 th Place  Hillsboro, OREGON 97123, USA, won through competition, worth 100.000 USD, The title of the project:  "Construirea unei relatiei parteneriale de marketing cu scopul gasirii unui partener potrivit pe piata serviciilor de sanatate din Romania" "Creating a marketing partnership with the purpose of finding a suitable partner on the market of healthcare services in Romania"
  4. Externally funded scientific research contract, TSHL 01/11/2015, with the firm: „TAKE SHAPE FOR LIFE" , Owings Mills, Maryland 21117, USA, won through competition, worth 65.000 USD, The title of the project:"Implementarea activitatii si produselor firmei Take Shape for Life" in Romania si Europa. "How to Implement the Take Shape for Life activity and products in Romania and Europe"-Main Investigator
  5. Scientific research contract 31/05/03/2008 with the Excellence Research Center CIMR- Bucuresti , worth 15.000 RON, The title of the project:"Studiu privind modelarea afectiunilor sistemului vizual uman in cadrul imagisticii medicale"


  • Popa Fl., Purcarea Th., Purcarea V.L., RaALiu M.P. Marketingul ingrijirilor de sanatate – Healthcare marketing, "Carol Davila" University Press, Bucharest, 2007.
  • Purcarea V.L., Managementul sistemului informational spitalicesc – Hospital informatic system marketing, Bucharest, "Carol Davila" University Press, 2007.
  • Purcarea V.L (coord.), Marketingul ingrijirilor de sanatate. Manual universitar – Healthcare marketing, University manual, "Carol Davila" University Press, Bucharest, 2010.
  • Purcarea V.L. (coord.). Healthcare Marketing, "Carol Davila" University Press, Bucharest, 2010.
  • Purcarea V.L. (coord.). Tehnologie si aparatura medicala – Medical Devices and Technology, "Carol Davila" University Press, Bucharest, 2008.
  • Purcarea V.L. (coord.). Technology and Medical Equipment, "Carol Davila" University Press, Bucharest, 2013
  • Purcarea V.L. (coord.). Aparatura si dispozitive medicale – Medical Devices and Equipment, "Carol Davila" University Press, Bucuresti, 2013.
  • Purcarea V.L., Vargoloci H.M., Sisteme informationale spitalicesti. Note de curs, - Hospital Informatic Systems "Carol Davila" University Press, Bucharest, 2014.
  • Purcarea V.L. (coord.). Managementul proiectului de accesare a fondurilor structurale ale uniunii europene, - European Union Structural Fund Access Project Management "Carol Davila" University Press, Bucharest, 2009
  • Purcarea V.L., Gheorghe IR, Gheorghe CM (2015). Investigating the Theory of Planned Behavior in the health care environment. A sender’s perspective, England and Ireland Marketing Academy