Discipline - Modern Languages

Professor Sfetea Roxana-Corina, PhD tenured
Associate Professor Andreescu Cristina-Veronica, PhD tenured
Associate Professor Doncu Roxana-Elena, PhD tenured
Head of works Cosconel Cristiana-Ileana, PhD tenured
Head of works Andronache Liliana-Florina, PhD tenured
Head of works Ganea Ionela, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Rusu George-Costin, PhD fixed term
Assistant Professor Cretu Ioana-Mirela, PhD tenured

The work undertaken by the Department of Modern Languages consists mainly of teaching and assessing medical English and Romanian language, as well as general and medical Romanian languafe to first and second-year students of the Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Dental Medicine and Faculty of Pharmacy. For medical students in clinical years, Romanian language courses are optional (third year – English Module) and scientific writing in English (fourth year - "Writing and Presenting Medical Papers")

The Discipline of Modern Languages organizes Medical English courses for the first and second-year students, as well as for the MA of the University Studies Program, Second Cycle - Research and operational interventions in the management of medical social services and public health.

Moreover, the Discipline of Modern Languages organizes language Romanian and English examinatios for the foreigners applicants’ admission to studies.

At the same time, the Discipline of Modern Languages organizes language proficiency exams – Medical English and French Language - for PhD enrollment and for the registration to  the competitions of university teaching promotions positions in the "Carol Davila" University of Medicine and Farmacy.

The members of the Discipline of Modern Languages have an intensive research activity in the linguistic and pedagogical domain, reflected in the numerous participations to congresses and conferences, as well as articles and studies published in the country and abroad.

Among the main objectives of the Discipline of Modern Languages are assimilation and development of lexical and grammatical basic elements necessary for expression in medical English, establishment the habit of fluent and correct expression in English, facilitating the access to specialized materials and participation in national and international scientific events, understanding medical papers with relevant  and to medical vocabulary, comprehension of texts containing general and professional content, communication in various social and professional situations.

The skills acquired by the students are of a great diversity, among the most important being: the ability to go through specialized texts in a critical analysis of the lexical repertoire; being able to draw up abstracts on medical subjects related to the topics studied; the potential to develop medical texts of a significant size respecting the specific requirements; the necessary training for the explaining and  reasoning the patient's treatment options.

However, the jurisdiction with the greatest influence on the future professional and didactic activity of students studying this discipline remains the transfer of competences of studying a foreign language in the study of specialized disciplines.

English and Romanian languages (for foreign students) are studied in the first and second years of medicine, English can be studied by the fourth-year students as an optional course entitled "Writing and Presenting Medical Papers" at the Faculty of Medicine ( 2003- present). The optional course’s topic is as varied as it is necessary for the development of the writing and presentation ability of scientific papers in English, among the course’s topics being found issues relevant to writing scientific papers, their structure and professional correspondence.

Bibliography for Medical English:

  1. Cohen, B.J., DePetris A., Medical Terminology: An Illustrated Guide, J.B. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 7th edition, 2013
  2. Glendining, E., Holmstrom, B., English in Medicine (A Course in Communication Skills), Cambridge University Press, U.K., 1992
  3. Greenhalgh, T., Medicine Today, Longman, 1993
  4. Lisowski F. P., Oxnard, C. E., Anatomical parts and their derivations, World Scientific Publishing, Singapore, 2007
  5. Marieb., E.N., Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology, A. W. Longman, 1997
  6. Myers, A.R., Medicine, 2nd ed., Harwal Publishing, 1994
  7. O'Brien, T., Nucleus – Medicine, Longman, 1993
  8. Ribes, R., Ros P., Medical English, Springer, New York, 2008
  9. Soltesz Steiner, S., Quick Medical Terminology, John Wilez & Sons Inc., 2003
  10. Tiersky, E., Tiersky M., The Language of Medicine in English, Prentice Hall Regents, New Jersey, 1992
  11. Vince M., Advanced Language Practice, Heinemann, 1994
  12. Dorland's Illustrated Medical Dictionary, 32nd edition,. Elsevier Saunders, 2011
  13. Mosby's Medical Dictionary, 9th edition, Mosby, 2012
  14. Stedman's Medical Dictionary, 28th edition, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2013

Bibliography for Romanian language:

  1. Brancus, G. si colab., Manual de limba romana pentru studentii straini, Editura Universitatii din Bucuresti, 2003.
  2. Gheorghevici, A., Culegere de texte medicale in limba romana prelucrate cu exercitii lexicale si gramaticale, U.M.F. "Carol Davila" Bucuresti, 1995.
  3. Balanescu, O., Limbaj medical romanesc pentru straini, Editura Ariadna ’98, Bucuresti, 1999.
  4. Doca, Gh., Learn Romanian, Course for English Speakers, Niculescu, 2008.
  5. Ispas, A.T., Anatomia AYi fiziologia omului, Editura Didactica si Pedagogica, Bucuresti, 2000.
  6. Vasilescu, A., (coordonator), Limba romana ca limba straina. Dosare pedagogice, Editura
    Universitatii din Bucuresti, 2006.
  7. Manual de chirurgie pentru studenti, sub redactia Eugen Bratucu, vol. 1 si 2, editura Universitatii Carol Davila, Bucuresti, 2009

At the level of this discipline, there are organized English language courses for the first and second-year students, as well as for the MA of the University Studies Program, Second Cycle - Research and operational interventions in the management of medical social services and public health.

  • linguistic proficiency
  • medical terminology
  • medical text analysis
  • written and oral communication
  • fluent speech in a foreign language
  • heuristic conversation
  1. Observation in the classroom – research method for the benefit of all stakeholders, Coşconel C., Sfetea R., in the "Security and Defense in the European Union, Section no. 12: Plurilingualism and interculturalism”, Publishing House of "Carol I" National Defence University, Bucharest, 2008, pag. 259-264, ISSN 1844-3087
  2. Different names for the same “disease”, Andreescu C.V., Andronache L.F., in "Education and Creativity for a knowledge-based society”, Edition no. 5, Publishing House of Titu Maiorescu University, Bucharest, 2011, pag. 7-8, ISBN 978-606-8002-62-0, ISSN 2248-00048
  3. Synonymy in the English medical vocabulary, Andreescu C.V, în „Interdisciplinary Research in the 21st century, Modern Approaches to Linguistics, Literature and Cultural Studies”, vol. 2, Ecko House Academic Publishing, Sandy, Utah, SUA, 2012, pag. 185-196, ISBN: 978-1-4276-5388-8
  4. Is Medical English a Specialized Language with its own Terminology?, Sfetea R., in „Challenges of education and research in the future society", Militans Didactic Publishing House, Casa Teaching Staff of Oradea, 2013, p. 86, ISBN 978-606-8270-32-6
  5. Challenges in Teaching Medical Terminology, Doncu R.E., Andreescu C.V., Sfetea R.C., în „Studii de Ştiinţă şi Cultură”, vol. IX, nr. 4, decembrie 2013, pag. 63-67, ISSN (online): 2067-5134
  6. Major domains „invaded” by English loan-words,Andronache L.F., Andreescu C.V, în “Language and Literature – European Landmarks of Identity”, nr. 14/2014, University of Piteşti Press, Piteşti 2014, pag. 16-23, ISSN 2344-4894, ISSN-L 1843-1577
  7. 7. A new approach of the Romanian genitive, Guşatu I., Sfetea R., în “Communication, Context, Interdisciplinarity”, volume III, Section Language and Discourse, ”Petru Maior” University Press, Tîrgu-Mureş, 2014, pag. 813-819, ISSN 2069 –
  8. Challenges of teaching Romanian to first year foreign medical students, Sfetea R.C., Andreescu C.V., în “Conference Proceedings – Interdisciplinary Approaches in Linguistics, Literature, Education and Research RTMLE 2015”, Vol. 3 „Humanities, Cultural Studies and Interdisciplinarity”, Aardvard Global Publishing (USA), Sandy, Utah, USA, 2015, pag. 29-36, ISBN: 978-1-4276-9642-7
  9. Medical Ethics in Stanislaw Lem’s Hospital of the Transfiguration, Doncu R.E., în „Debates on Globalization. Approaching National Identity through Intercultural Dialogue. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference “Globalization between Intercultural Dialogue and National Identity”, Editura ARHIPELAG XXI , Tîrgu-Mureş, 2015, pag. 313-319, ISBN 978-606-93692-5-8