Discipline - Dermatology I - Colentina Clinical Hospital

Professor Simionescu Dana Olga, PhD tenured
Associate Professor Popescu Catalin Mihai, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Popescu Raluca, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Chitu Virginia, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Suciu Gloria, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Turcu Gabriela, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Grigore Mariana, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Avram Alina Mariana, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Scurtu Gheorghe Lucian Mihai, PhD tenured

1st Clinic of Dermatology is the oldest dermatology clinic in Romania and has a long lasting tradition in both dermatology practice and in training generation after generation of students, medical residents and PhD students.

Since march 2010, the clinic is run by Professor Dr. Olga Simionescu and has 25 beds for continuous hospitalisation, 2 operation theatres and an important daily medical and surgical activity for 24 h hospitalisation patients.

There are more than 5000 diseases in dermatology. The team of the 1st Clinic of Dermatology has a vast area of expertise, dealing on a daily bases with: skin cancers (benign and malign), autoimmune skin diseases, inflammatory skin diseases, bullous diseases, skin infections, hair and nail diseases, genetic disorders, STDs, mucous diseases, skin lesions in systemic diseases.

Among the procedures that can be done in this clinic the most important are: dermatology and venereology consultations and treatments, dermoscopy, skin biopsy, cryotherapy, electro excision, conservatory treatments, phototherapy, skin pathology.

1st Clinic of Dermatology has a long lasting tradition in teaching students, medical residents and PhD students, as well as a constant research activity.

Romanian and/or English Module students of the Faculty of General Medicine undergo their 6th year mandatory dermatology rotation in the clinic.

Each year, the 1st Clinic of Dermatology has the largest number of students assigned per clinic. There are 5-6 modules per year that are assigned here for the dermatology rotation, thus the 1st Clinic of Dermatology has a continuous and constant teaching activity trough out the university year. Lectures are updated constantly with new information from the most reliable and up to date sources in the field and are available for students on electronic support. Each module lasts 3 weeks. Each day of the module has an interactive lecture and a practical seminary at the patient’s bedside or with supporting teaching materials (pictures, digital dermoscopy).

At the end of the module, students are able to recognise and treat the most frequent dermatology diseases. Questions are more than welcomed and our team of doctors is always available for further explanations or more in depth discussions in the areas of interest for students.

All members of the 1st Clinic of Dermatology are also practicing researchers and are constantly involved in important research projects. The list of published papers in both international and national journals and oral presentations alike, are available in each member’s CV.


  1. Anatomy of the skin. Elementary skin lesions.
  2. Viral diseases
  3. Superficial fungal infections.
  4. Bacterial infections. Scabies.Pediculosis.
  5. Bullous diseases
  6. Urticaria. Contact dermatitis.Atopic dermatitis.
  7. Vitiligo. Cutaneous vasculitis.Erythema nodosum.
  8. Psoriazis. Lichen planus.
  9. Connective tissue diseases: lupus erythematous, scleroderma, dermatomyositis.
  10. Acne. Rosacea.Erythema multiforme.Stevens-Johnson syndrome.Lyell syndrome.
  11. Syphilis.
  12. Gonococcal infections. Genital infections with Chlamydia trachomatis.Trichomoniasis.
  13. Benign and malignant cutaneous tumours.


  1. Updated lectures available for students on electronic support at each rotation.
  2. Goldsmith LA editors. Fitzpatrick s Dermatology in General Medicine.8th Edition. McGraw-Hill Medical; 2012
  3. Bolognia LJ editors.Dermatology.Mosby London 2003, 4th Edition, 2017.
  4. Dermatology Atlas. Simionescu O, Forsea D. Ed. Medicala, Bucharest 2001
  1. Simple and digital dermoscopy trainings
  2. Update in cutaneous melanoma


  1. Skin anatomy and function
  2. Skin pathology
  3. Viral infections
  4. Bacterial infections
  5. Fungal infections
  6. Urticaria. Dermatitis
  7. Erythrodrema
  8. Cutaneous Vacuities
  9. Autoimmune disease (lupus, dermatomiosytis, scleroderma)
  10. Bullous disease
  11. Kaposi disease
  12. Mastocitosis
  13. Sarcoidosis
  14. Psoriasis
  15. Lichen planus
  16. Parapsoriasis
  17. Acne. Rosacea.
  18. Benign tumours of the skin
  19. Basal Cell Carcinoma
  20. Squamous cell carcinoma
  21. Melanoma
  22. Syphilis
  23. Serologic diagnosis in syphilis
  24. Syphilis treatment
  25. Gonoccocal infection


  1. PubMed and other international data bases for the most recent discoveries in the field.
  2. Goldsmith LA editors. Fitzpatrick s Dermatology in General Medicine.8th Edition.McGraw-Hill Medical 2012.
  3. Bolognia LJ editors.Dermatology.4th Edition, Mosby London 2017.
  4. Rook's Textbook of Dermatology: Theory, Function, and Strategy, Editors: C. Griffiths, J. Barker, T. Bleiker, R. Chalmers, D. Creamer, 9th Edition, Wiley 2016.
  • skin cancer
  • melanoma
  • autoimmune dissease
  • dermoscopy
  • prevention
  • screening
  • dysplastic nevus
  • psoriasis
  • skin tumour
  1. Research Excellency programme EPIDAR 59/2005, between 2005-2008, won 1st place incompetition for attribution, contracting authority - UMF "Carol Davila" Bucharest. Project manager: Prof. Dr Olga Simionescu.
  2. Immunohistochemical and cytogenetic analysis of poor prognosis markers in skin melanoma. Project PNCDI2 – Programme4 ,year 2007, 41-056, 15.09.2007-15.09.2010; Project manager: Prof. Univ Dr Olga Simionescu, project run through Colentina Hospital.
  3. Genetic engineered tumour stem cells for modifying imune response in cancers of non-viral origin ONCOSTEM Project no. 41-019.
  1. The Cutaneous Telocytes. Catalin Gabriel Manole, Olga Simionescu. AdvExp Med Biol. 2016;913:303-323.
  2. Learning from mistakes: errors in approaches to melanoma and the urgent need for updated national guidelines. Olga Simionescu, Andreas Blum, Mariana Grigore, Mariana Costache, AlinaAvram, AlesandroTestori. Int J Dermatol. 2016 Sep;55(9):970-6.
  3. Telocyte dynamics in psoriasis. Catalin Gabriel Manole, Mariana Gherghiceanu , Olga Simionescu . J Cell Mol Med. 2015 Jul;19(7):1504-19.
  4. FIB-SEM tomography of human skin telocytes and their extracellular vesicles. Dragos Cretoiu, Mariana Gherghiceanu, Hummel E, Zimmermann H, Olga Simionescu, Mircea Laurentiu Popescu. J Cell Mol Med. 2015 Apr;19(4):714-22.
  5. Mucosal Lesions in Atlas of Dermoscopy. Andreas Blum, Olga Simionescu, ed. AsfhaqA.Marghoob, Ralph P. Braun, Alfred W. Kopf, Taylor and Francis Group, 2nd edition, 2012.
  6. Unclear clinical change on the glans penis leads to different dermoscopic diagnosesBlum A, Kittler H, Zalaudek I, Simionescu Olga, Marghoob AA, Hofmann-Wellenhof R, Argenziano G, Soyer HP. Hautarzt. 2013 Oct;64(10):768-9.
  7. Recurrent Melanocytic Nevi and Melanomas in Dermoscopy: Results of a Multicenter Study of the International Dermoscopy Society. Blum A, Hofmann-Wellenhof R, Marghoob AA, Argenziano G, Cabo H, Carrera C, Costa Soares de SA! B, Ehrsam E, GonzA!lez R, Malvehy J, Manganoni AM, Puig S, Simionescu Olga , Tanaka M, Thomas L, Tromme I, Zalaudek I, Kittler H. JAMA Dermatol. 2013 Nov 13.
  8. Dermoscopic evaluation of nodular melanoma. Menzies SW, Moloney FJ, Byth K, Avramidis M, Argenziano G, Zalaudek I, Braun RP, Malvehy J, Puig S, Rabinovitz HS, Oliviero M, Cabo H, Bono R, Pizzichetta MA, Claeson M, Gaffney DC, Soyer HP, Stanganelli I, Scolyer RA, Guitera P, Kelly J, McCurdy O, Llambrich A, Marghoob AA, Zaballos P, Kirchesch HM, Piccolo D, Bowling J, Thomas L, Terstappen K, Tanaka M, Pellacani G, Pagnanelli G, Ghigliotti G, Ortega BC, Crafter G, Ortiz AM, Tromme I, Karaarslan IK, Ozdemir F, Tam A, Landi C, Norton P, Kacar N, Rudnicka L, Slowinska M, Simionescu O, Di Stefani A, Coates E, Kreusch J. JAMA Dermatol. 2013 Jun;149(6):699-709.
  9. Telocytes in human skin--are they involved in skin regeneration? Ceafalan L, Gherghiceanu M, Popescu LM, Simionescu Olga. J Cell Mol Med. 2012 Jul;16(7):1405-20.
  10. Apoptosis in seborrheickeratoses: an open door to a new dermoscopic score. Simionescu Olga, Popescu BO, Costache M, Manole E, Spulber S, Gherghiceanu M, Blum A. J Cell Mol Med. 2012 Jun;16(6):1223-31