Discipline - Internal Medicine - Fundeni Clinical Institute

Professor Iliescu Elena Laura, PhD tenured
Lecturer Micu Laurentiu, PhD tenured
Lecturer Ioanitescu Elena Iulia Simona, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Motoi Otilia, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Simu Razvan Ioan, PhD fixed term
Assistant Professor Dodot Daniel Mihai, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Tanasie Ioana, PhD fixed term
Assistant Professor Toma Letitia Mihaela, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Rusie Adriana, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Isac Teodora, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Franculescu-Bertea Andreea Manuela, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Rababoc Razvan, PhD fixed term
Assistant Professor Istrate Mircea, PhD fixed term

The Internal Medicine Center was established as a strong training base where many renowned specialists in the country or abroad were formed over time. Thus, more than half of the internists in Romania have made one or more training courses in the Internal Medicine Clinic of Fundeni, this being a title of pride for these doctors.

The Center for Internal Medicine has extensive experience and tradition in the important areas of internal medicine: hepatology, gastroenterology, pulmonology, nephrology, immunology, semiology.

Here, vanguard techniques, were introduced in Romania: ultrasound biplane, Doppler ultrasound contrast, programs of antiviral treatment with interferon in chronic hepatitis, monitoring patients with digestive cancers, particularly liver, patients undergoing a protocol investigation and non-surgical therapeutic means.

In the Clinic of Internal Medicine were held internships of gastroenterology, pulmonology and nephrology appropriate to the subsequent academic curriculum of the Faculty of Medicine, III and IV years.

Since 2015 in the Clinic runs the semiology medical internship, according to the program of 3rd year of study in the Faculty of Medicine.

The medical activities undertaken in Internal Medicine Clinic are complex, similar to the specific case studies section. The pathologies we face are mainly in the field of gastroenterology and hepatology, oncology (especially digestive cancers) but also in the field of respiratory medicine, cardiology, hematology, nephrology.

Close cooperation with other clinics of Fundeni Clinical Institute, especially the Clinic of Radiology / Interventional Radiology, General Surgery and Liver Transplantation, Urology and Renal Transplantation and Pathology, streamlines the management of patients admitted in this ward, allowing the making diagnoses and certain regimens according to international guidelines.

We carry on the business of diagnosis and treatment, including diagnosis and multimodal treatment of liver cancer, enjoying a wide range of laboratory explorations: Fibroscan, ultrasound, and contrast ultrasound, Doppler ultrasound, upper and lower gastrointestinal endoscopy.

We are proud to be one of the few centers in the country involved in the national program for the treatment of chronic hepatitis HCV interferon-free.

In the Clinic of Internal Medicine run both courses for students in the Faculty of Medicine curriculum and courses and seminars for doctoral students and resident physicians.

Among the topics addressed in presentations for medical residents and PhD students include: current affairs in the treatment of viral hepatitis, cirrhosis of liver and its complications, the correct choice of anticoagulant drugs according to indications and comorbidities, management of acute pancreatitis and chronic treatment of stable angina, treatment of hypertension.

Studies carried out in the clinic had the following themes:

  • Treatment of asthma
  • Treatment of chronic obstructive bronchopneumopathy
  • Treatment of heart failure
  • The treatment of intestinal disorders
  • Treatment of essential hypertension
  • Treatment of functional dyspepsia
  • Treatment of anemia in chronic kidney disease
  • Chemotherapy of colorectal carcinoma with metastases
  • Treatment of variceal bleeding in cirrhotic patients
  • New therapeutic options fungal infections.

An important part of scientific research constituted of viral hepatitides and their treatment, our clinic participating in the realization of several studies on the efficacy and safety of antiviral therapy with or without interferon in chronic hepatitis. The clinic is currently involved in a study on monitoring of side effects without interferon therapy in HCV chronic infection.

The results of scientific research have resulted in articles published in prestigious medical journals of the country (Acta Endocrinology, Journal of Gastrointestinal and Liver Diseases, Surgery, Pharmacy) and abroad (Ultrasound Quarterly, British Medical Journal, International Journal of Colorectal Disease, Journal of Hepatology). Clinic members attend annually with with oral presentations or poster presentations at scientific congresses and conferences of high level - Congress of the European Association for the Study of the Liver Congress Asia-Pacific Association for the Study of the Liver, the American Association for the Study of the Liver Congress, National Congress of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and digestive Endoscopy, National Congress of Internal Medicine, the Romanian Association for the study of the Liver Congress.

We are proud to transmit to young doctors we work with the passion for scientific work and research, having already published papers and presented at scientific meetings, among which biennial thematic conferences of the European Association for the Study of the Liver, symposia Falk Congress of the Romanian Association for the Study of Liver.

The clinic performs the following postgraduate courses:

  1. Liver biopsy
  2. Updates in the diagnosis and treatment of liver fibrosis
  3. News in the diagnosis and treatment of internal diseases - How we treat the pulmonary heart? - stable angina vs. unstable angina
  4. Updates in the diagnosis and treatment of chronic HBV and HCV infections
  5. Diagnosis and treatment of immunological liver

Bibliography for doctorate admission- Internal medicine and Rheumatology discipline- 2016

  1. Chronic obstructive bronchopneumonia
  2. Asthma
  3. Stable ischemic coronary disease. Angina
  4. Other forms of cardiac ischemic disease
  5. STEMI acute coronary syndromes
  6. Non STEMI acute coronary syndromes
  7. Arterial hypertension
  8. Inflammatory intestinal disease
  9. Hepatic cirrhosis
  10. Iron deficiency anemia
  11. Acquired hemolitic anemia
  12. Vitamin B12 and folic acid deficiency
  13. Acute viral hepatitis
  14. Chronic kidney disease
  15. Rheumatoid polyarthritis
  16. Ankylosing spondylitis and axial arthrospondylitis
  17. Psoriasic arthritis
  18. Systemic Lupus erythematosus


„Medical and Surgical specialty brief" vol 1 & 2, coord. Victor Stoica, Viorel Scripcariu – Bucharest: Medical Publishing House, 2016

Bibliography for doctorate students:

  • chronic viral hepatitis
  • autoimmune hepatitis
  • HCC
  • liver cirrhosis
  • hepatic steatosis
  • Gastritis / Ulcer
  • digestive tract neoplasms
  • COPD
  1. POSDRU/161/2.1/G/135802 : „Partnership for a successful career in medical specialties involved in renal pathology"
  2. "The study of non-invasive diagnosis and prognosis markers of non-alcoholic hepatic steatosis". 2008 – 2011 Domain: 6 – Biotechnologies. Contract nr: 62083/2008
  4. Multicenter open Label Expanded Access Program of Peginterferon alfa-2a (Ro 25-8310) Monotherapy and Combination Therapy with Ribavirin (Ro 20-9963) in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C. Faza IV: 2002-2004
  5. A multicenter, randomized, double-blind, parallel group, active-controllled study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of LCZ696 compared to enalapril on morbidity and mortality in patients with chronic heart failure and reduced ejection fraction
  1. Hepatocellular carcinoma. Author: Laura Iliescu; ISBN 978-973-712-673-3
  2. Vademecum of internal medicine. Author: Laura Iliescu; ISBN 978-973-712-804-1
  3. EFSUMB – European Course Book. Student Edition. Editors: Jan Tuma, Radu Badea, Christoph F. Dietrich. Ultrasound of the spleen Simona Ioanitescu, Laura Iliescu, Mihai Harza, Gener Ismail, Ionel Copaci;
  4. A cross-sectional epidemiological study of HBV, HCV, HDV and HEV prevalence in the SubCarpathian and South-Eastern regions of Romania. Voiculescu M, Iliescu L, Ionescu C, Micu L, Ismail G, Zilisteanu D, Radasan A, Micu G, Pertache I. J Gastrointestinal Liver Dis. 2010 Mar;19(1):43-8
  5. Management of Hepatocellular carcinoma- experience of a single center. Laura Iliescu, Eugenia Mindrut, M. Grasu, Carmen Orban, Alina Tanase, Letitia Toma, I. Popescu. Chirurgia, ISSN : 1221-9118, 2014,
  6. Early viral response in 1220 patients with HCV (genotype lb) chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis treated with PegInterferon plus Ribavirin. Pascu O, Voiculescu M, Gheorghe L, Micu L, Seicean A, Iliescu L, Mocan T, CeauAYu E, Mateescu B. Rom J Intern Med. 2011;49(2):105-12. PMID: 22303601
  7. Triple therapy in HCV chronic hepatitis. Iliescu Laura, Toma Letitia, Minzala Georgiana. Therapeutics Pharmacology and Clinica Toxicology. Volume XVII, issue 4, December 2013
  8. Immunological and molecular mechanisms in NAFLD , I. Copaci. J. Transl. Med. Res 2015;20(4):206-214
  9. Noninvasive Markers of Improvement of Liver Steatosis Achived by Weight Reduction in Patients with Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease, I. Copaci. Romanian Journal Of Internal Medicine, Volume 53, Issue 1 (Mar 2015)