Discipline - Urology - Central Military Emergency Hospital Dr.Carol Davila
Professor | Mischianu Dan Liviu Dorel, PhD | tenured |
Lecturer | Spinu Arsenie Dan, PhD | tenured |
Assistant Professor | Madan Victor Lucian, PhD | tenured |
Assistant Professor | Nicodin Tudor Petre, PhD | fixed term |
Assistant Professor | Paun Andrei Alexandru, PhD | fixed term |
Assistant Professor | Amza Radu Andrei, PhD | fixed term |
Professor | Bratu Ovidiu Gabriel, PhD | tenured |
Assistant Professor | Cherciu Alexandru Ionut, PhD | fixed term |
Assistant Professor | Arbunea Dragos Mihail, PhD | fixed term |
- Extensive surgery of urogenital cancers
- Urogenital reconstructive surgery
- Percutaneous renal surgery
- Urogenital laparoscopic surgery
- Urethrocystoscopy
- Genital and urologic examinations
- Full diagnosis and treatment (medical or surgical) of the benigne prostatic hypotrophy
- Full diagnosis and treatment of the masculine sexual
- Diagnosis and monitorization of urothelial
- Urethral dilations
- Internal(Double J probe) and external urinary drainage
- echography of the urinary apparatus in black and white, Doppler-in colour and echoguided punctions (renal and prostatic)
- high endourology (endoscopic solution of urethral CALCULI using custom methods: ultrasounds, electro- pneumatic , pulsed LASER)
- low endurology (endoscopic solution of urethral, bladder, prostate pathology)
- complete urodynamic evaluation of neuropathic bladder , urinary incontinence and appropriate therapy
- complex urologic ultrasound exploration (including transrectal,intraoperatory and Doppler ultrasound
- full endourological exploration, low and high, rigid and flexible
- extracorporeal litothropsy
- prostate massage and sampling of prostatic secretion
- percutaneous nephrostomy
- solving malformations of the urogenital apparatus and of the urethra
- treatment of urinary incontinence and genital prolapse in women
- minimally invasive therapy of renourethral lithiase
- complex treatment of urinary incontinence and male infertility and impotence
- BRATU OVIDIU – project managerSPINU DAN – member of the research team
- BRATU OVIDIU – project managerMISCHIANU DAN – member of the research team
improvement of the diagnosis and therapeutical medical process by using an integrated management system of the clinical and paraclinical data (usmed)
- BRATU OVIDIU – responsible of the project
OPTIMIZATION OF THE EARLY DIAGNOSIS IN PROSTate adenocarcinoma of patients with metabolic syndrome by correlating genetical, pathological and biochemical factors
- MISCHIANU DAN – project managerBRATU OVIDIU – member of the research team
nk-cd56 bright, nk-cd56 dim cellular subpopulations and glycoproteins from the tetraspanin family: immunomodulators involved in tumor invasion (nk-span)
- BRATU OVIDIU – member of the research team
- Editorial comment on: Ureteral obstruction: is the full metallic double-pigtail stent the way to go? - Ilie CP,Mischianu D., Eur Urol. 2010 Mar;57(3):486-7. doi: 10.1016/j.eururo.2009.02.005. Epub 2009 Feb 10
- Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Cu(II), Pd(II) and Pt(II) Complexes with 8-Ethyl-2-hydroxytricyclo(,7))tridecan-13-one-thiosemicarbazone: Antimicrobial and in Vitro Antiproliferative Activity. - Pahontu E, Paraschivescu C, Ilies DC, Poirier D, Oprean C, Paunescu V, Gulea A, Rosu T,Bratu O. Molecules. 2016 May 21;21(5). pii: E674. doi: 10.3390/molecules21050674.
- Uterus neuroendocrine tumor - a severe prognostic factor in a female patient with alcoholic cirrhosis undergoing chronic hemodialysis. - Sinescu RD, Niculae A, Peride I, Vasilescu F, Bratu OG, Mischianu DL, Jinga M, Checherita IA., Rom J Morphol Embryol. 2015;56(2):601-5.
- Calcific uremic arteriolopathy in hemodialyzed patients. - Checherita IA, Smarandache D, Radulescu D, Peride I,Bratu O, CiocAclteu A, Sebe I, Lascar I., Chirurgia (Bucur). 2013 Sep-Oct;108(5):736-40
- Transobturator urethral suspension surgical treatment of urinary incontinence in men. - Bratu O, Mischianu D, Constantinoiu S., Chirurgia (Bucur). 2013 Mar-Apr;108(2):250-5.
- Paraneoplastic syndrome in primitive retroperitoneal tumours. - Bratu O, Mischianu D, Spanu D, Barla R, Hoara P, Constantinoiu S., Chirurgia (Bucur). 2013 Jan-Feb;108(1):26-31.
- Difficulties in diagnosis and surgical treatment of a giant retroperitoneal lipoma. - Constantinoiu S, Birla R, Iosif C, Cociu L, Gindea C, Hoara P,Bratu O, Rusitoru L., Chirurgia (Bucur). 2009 May-Jun;104(3):363-7
- Routine day-case laparoscopic pyeloplasty: a paradigm shift? - Ilie CP, Luscombe CJ, Smith I, Boddy J,Mischianu D, Golash A., J Endourol. 2011 May;25(5):797-801. doi: 10.1089/end.2010.0486. Epub 2011 Apr 8
- Day case laparoscopic nephrectomy. - Ilie CP, Luscombe CJ, Smith I, Boddy J,Mischianu D, Golash A., J Endourol. 2011 Apr;25(4):631-4. doi: 10.1089/end.2010.0503. Epub 2011 Mar 17.
- Determining factors of diuresis in chronic kidney disease patients initiating hemodialysis. - Nechita AM, Radulescu D, Peride I, Niculae A, Bratu O, Ferechide D, Ciocalteu A, Checherita IA,Mischianu D., J Med Life. 2015 Jul-Sep;8(3):371-7.