Discipline - Urology - Central Military Emergency Hospital Dr.Carol Davila

Professor Mischianu Dan Liviu Dorel, PhD tenured
Lecturer Spinu Arsenie Dan, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Madan Victor Lucian, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Nicodin Tudor Petre, PhD fixed term
Assistant Professor Paun Andrei Alexandru, PhD fixed term
Assistant Professor Amza Radu Andrei, PhD fixed term
Professor Bratu Ovidiu Gabriel, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Cherciu Alexandru Ionut, PhD fixed term
Assistant Professor Arbunea Dragos Mihail, PhD fixed term

  • Extensive surgery of urogenital cancers
  • Urogenital reconstructive surgery
  • Percutaneous renal surgery
  • Urogenital laparoscopic surgery
  • Urethrocystoscopy
  • Genital and urologic examinations
  • Full diagnosis and treatment (medical or surgical) of the benigne prostatic hypotrophy
  • Full diagnosis and treatment of the masculine sexual
  • Diagnosis and monitorization of urothelial
  • Urethral dilations
  • Internal(Double J probe) and external urinary drainage
  • echography of the urinary apparatus in black and white, Doppler-in colour and echoguided punctions (renal and prostatic)
  • high endourology (endoscopic solution of urethral CALCULI using custom methods: ultrasounds, electro- pneumatic , pulsed LASER)
  • low endurology (endoscopic solution of urethral, bladder, prostate pathology)
  • complete urodynamic evaluation of neuropathic bladder , urinary incontinence and appropriate therapy
  • complex urologic ultrasound exploration (including transrectal,intraoperatory and Doppler ultrasound
  • full endourological exploration, low and high, rigid and flexible
  • extracorporeal litothropsy
  • prostate massage and sampling of prostatic secretion
  • percutaneous nephrostomy
  • solving malformations of the urogenital apparatus and of the urethra
  • treatment of urinary incontinence and genital prolapse in women
  • minimally invasive therapy of renourethral lithiase
  • complex treatment of urinary incontinence and male infertility and impotence



  1. BRATU OVIDIU – project managerSPINU DAN – member of the research team


  1. BRATU OVIDIU – project managerMISCHIANU DAN – member of the research team

improvement of the diagnosis and therapeutical medical process by using an integrated management system of the clinical and paraclinical data (usmed)

  1. BRATU OVIDIU – responsible of the project

OPTIMIZATION OF THE EARLY DIAGNOSIS IN PROSTate adenocarcinoma of patients with metabolic syndrome by correlating genetical, pathological and biochemical factors

  1. MISCHIANU DAN – project managerBRATU OVIDIU – member of the research team

nk-cd56 bright, nk-cd56 dim cellular subpopulations and glycoproteins from the tetraspanin family: immunomodulators involved in tumor invasion (nk-span)

  1. BRATU OVIDIU – member of the research team
  1. Editorial comment on: Ureteral obstruction: is the full metallic double-pigtail stent the way to go? - Ilie CP,Mischianu D., Eur Urol. 2010 Mar;57(3):486-7. doi: 10.1016/j.eururo.2009.02.005. Epub 2009 Feb 10
  2. Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Cu(II), Pd(II) and Pt(II) Complexes with 8-Ethyl-2-hydroxytricyclo(,7))tridecan-13-one-thiosemicarbazone: Antimicrobial and in Vitro Antiproliferative Activity. - Pahontu E, Paraschivescu C, Ilies DC, Poirier D, Oprean C, Paunescu V, Gulea A, Rosu T,Bratu O. Molecules. 2016 May 21;21(5). pii: E674. doi: 10.3390/molecules21050674.
  3. Uterus neuroendocrine tumor - a severe prognostic factor in a female patient with alcoholic cirrhosis undergoing chronic hemodialysis. - Sinescu RD, Niculae A, Peride I, Vasilescu F, Bratu OG, Mischianu DL, Jinga M, Checherita IA., Rom J Morphol Embryol. 2015;56(2):601-5.
  4. Calcific uremic arteriolopathy in hemodialyzed patients. - Checherita IA, Smarandache D, Radulescu D, Peride I,Bratu O, CiocAclteu A, Sebe I, Lascar I., Chirurgia (Bucur). 2013 Sep-Oct;108(5):736-40
  5. Transobturator urethral suspension surgical treatment of urinary incontinence in men. - Bratu O, Mischianu D, Constantinoiu S., Chirurgia (Bucur). 2013 Mar-Apr;108(2):250-5.
  6. Paraneoplastic syndrome in primitive retroperitoneal tumours. - Bratu O, Mischianu D, Spanu D, Barla R, Hoara P, Constantinoiu S., Chirurgia (Bucur). 2013 Jan-Feb;108(1):26-31.
  7. Difficulties in diagnosis and surgical treatment of a giant retroperitoneal lipoma. - Constantinoiu S, Birla R, Iosif C, Cociu L, Gindea C, Hoara P,Bratu O, Rusitoru L., Chirurgia (Bucur). 2009 May-Jun;104(3):363-7
  8. Routine day-case laparoscopic pyeloplasty: a paradigm shift? - Ilie CP, Luscombe CJ, Smith I, Boddy J,Mischianu D, Golash A., J Endourol. 2011 May;25(5):797-801. doi: 10.1089/end.2010.0486. Epub 2011 Apr 8
  9. Day case laparoscopic nephrectomy. - Ilie CP, Luscombe CJ, Smith I, Boddy J,Mischianu D, Golash A., J Endourol. 2011 Apr;25(4):631-4. doi: 10.1089/end.2010.0503. Epub 2011 Mar 17.
  10.  Determining factors of diuresis in chronic kidney disease patients initiating hemodialysis. - Nechita AM, Radulescu D, Peride I, Niculae A, Bratu O, Ferechide D, Ciocalteu A, Checherita IA,Mischianu D., J Med Life. 2015 Jul-Sep;8(3):371-7.