Discipline - Cardiology - Emergency Clinical Hospital Prof.Dr. Bagdasar Arseni

Professor Andrei Catalina Liliana, PhD tenured
Associate Professor Chioncel Valentin Puiu, PhD tenured
Head of works Busnatu Stefan Sebastian, PhD tenured
Head of works Ion Alexandru Cristian, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Catana Andreea, PhD fixed term
Assistant Professor Serbanoiu Liviu-Ionut, PhD fixed term
Assistant Professor Jercalau Cosmina Elena, PhD fixed term
Assistant Professor Ciomag Raluca Mihaela, PhD tenured

The history of the Cardiology Department, begins early in 1994 under the leadership of Professor MD. Crina Sinescu, just a year after the foundation of the Bagdasar Arseni Emergency Hospital.

This is one of the most important hospitals in Bucharest, serving a population of approx. 4 million people in the capital and the neighboring counties.

The Cardiology Department consists of 62 beds divided into wards comprising 52 beds and coronary intensive care unit (Utica) with 10 beds.

Since its establishment, the section was equipped with the latest technology that allows the investigation and complete treatment of patients with cardiovascular disease, with advanced capabilities such as the possibility of installation of temporary pacemakers, invasive and noninvasive hemodynamic monitoring, oxygen facilities in every room and telemonitoring on entire department.

Educational activities are:

  • training in cardiology for resident MDs
  • training centre for students within Emergency Medicine and Cardiology

Research activities:

  • cardiovascular imaging in heart failure and ischemic heart disease
  • telecardiology and its role for cardiovascular patient
  • optimal treatment for pulmonary embolism
  • hypertension and its impact on organs
  • cardiovascular disease and nutritional disorders
  1. Emergency Medicine teaching module
  2. Cardiology teaching module
  • Postgraduate course in emergency medicine
  • echocardiography
  • cardiac catheterization
  • cardiac rehabilitation
  • telemedicine
  • intensive care
  1. Proiect International din FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME 7: Titlul: “Future Internet Social and Technological Alignment Research” – 604691-FP7-2012-ICT-FI www.fi-star.eu
  2. Excellent scientific research, interdisciplinary doctoral and postdoctoral, economic, social and medical domains – EXCELIS, POSDRU/159/1.5/S/138907  www.excelis.ase.ro
  3. ”Designing specific cause mortality and cardiovascular pathology on standardized nosological entities in Romania, within the elderly population, in comparison with the Eastern Europe and Western trends”
  4. Research projects: VIASAN - "Constructive functional and conceptual developments in assistive medical technologies to optimize quality of life to elderly patients, severe locomotor disabilities or neuro-cardio-respiratory afections” Contract: 191/2006)
  5. Research project: CEEX - " Financial analysis models of the impact of measures to reform the public health system” Contract 2-CEEX-06-8-86
  1. Interrelation Between the Theoretical Approach, Statistics and Practice in Emrgency Cardiac  Pathology” p. 374 – 378, vol 28/2011 – Cătălina Liliana Andrei, Crina Sinescu, Bogdan Oancea, Andreea Iacob Procedia – Social and Behavioral SciencesVolume 28, 2011, Pages 374–378
  2. Methods Used by Students for Development of Socio-Economics Barriers in Heart Failure  Management” Procedia – Social Behavioral Sciences, p.1272- 1276, vol. 9/2010 – Cătălina Liliana Andrei, Crina Sinescu, Bogdan Oancea, Andreea Iacob
  3. Successful Management of Ostial Left Main Thrombus by Systemic Thrombolysis – Alexandru Mischie, M. Nazzaro, Crina Sinescu, R.Violini – European Heart Journal, November 2010
  5. THE BORDERLINE ISSUE OF ETHICS IN THE FUTURE MEDICINE: PRIVACY SOLUTIONS FOR THE COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS IN TELEMEDICINE, – Mihaela Raileanu, Stefan Busnatu, Crina Sinescu, ISSN(Online): 2320-9801; ISSN (Print): 2320-9798, International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, Vol. 3, Issue 8, August 2015
  6. Lethal pulmonary thromboembolism associated with decreased thyroid hormone levels – S Hostiuc, CO Capatina, CJ Sinescu, M Hostiuc, Archives of endocrinology and metabolism 59 (4), 355-358, 2015
  7. NT PRO BNP – AN IMPORTANT DECISION FACTOR IN PREVENTING HEART FAILURE, Autori: I. Dimitriu, M. Raileanu, C. Andrei, M. Dorobantu, C. Sinescu; European Journal of Clinical Investigation- ISI Proceding = Volume, July 2015, ISBN: 978-88-7587-7194-4
  8. HYPERTENSIVE EMERGENCIES MAY CAUSE NONFATAL CARDIOVASCULAR EVENTS ? – Andrei, D. Mincu, O. Dina, I. Gabor, Crina Sinescu – Journal of Hypertension, Vol. 28, e-Supplement A, June 2010 ISSN: 0263-6352 (Print) / ISSN: 1473-5598 (Online) Impact Factor: 4,988
  9. SOCIO-ECONOMICS FACTORS WHO INFLUENCE THE ARTERIAL HYPERTENSION MANAGEMENT Andrei, Crina Sinescu, I. Gabor Journal of Hypertension, Vol. 27, e-Supplement A, June 2009 ISSN: 0263-6352 (Print) / ISSN: 1473-5598 (Online) Impact Factor: 4,988
  10. RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN DEPRESSIVE SYNDROME AND LIFESTYLE IN HYPERTENSIVE PATIENTS WITH METABOLIC SYNDROME – Andrei, Crina Sinescu, O. Dina Journal of Hypertension, Vol. 27, e-Supplement A, June 2009 ISSN: 0263-6352 (Print) / ISSN: 1473-5598 (Online) Impact Factor: 4,988