Discipline - Cardiology - Emergency Institute for Cardiovascular Diseases Prof. Dr. C.C.Iliescu
- List of academic staff
- Brief history of the discipline
- Describing the medical activity
- Describing the didactic and research activities
- Useful information for the students
- Useful information regarding postuniversitary studies
- 5 to 10 keywords that describe subdomains of interest for research
- 5 most representative research projects carried out
- Up to 10 most significant scientific papers
Professor | Popescu Bogdan Alexandru, PhD | tenured |
Professor | Chioncel Dragomir Ovidiu, PhD | tenured |
Professor | Jurcut Ruxandra Oana, PhD | tenured |
Associate Professor | Rosca Monica, PhD | tenured |
Associate Professor | Beladan Cristiana Carmen, PhD | tenured |
Lecturer | Calin Andreea, PhD | tenured |
Lecturer | Gurzun Maria Magdalena, PhD | tenured |
Lecturer | Mereuta Adrian, PhD | tenured |
Lecturer | Enache Roxana, PhD | tenured |
Assistant Professor | Rotareasa Monica, PhD | tenured |
Assistant Professor | Matei Costel, PhD | tenured |
Assistant Professor | Calin Dan-Cosmin, PhD | tenured |
Assistant Professor | Geavlete Dana-Oliviana, PhD | tenured |
Assistant Professor | Predescu Lucian-Marius, PhD | tenured |
Assistant Professor | Antohi Elena-Laura, PhD | tenured |
Assistant Professor | Radu Razvan Ilie, PhD | tenured |
Assistant Professor | Botezatu Beatrice Simona, PhD | tenured |
Prof. Dr. C.C. Iliescu has established training school of cardiologists in 1950, in modern conditions, the coronarian unit room, catheterization tests to assess and recovery services. Among those who gave the cardiology school a prestigious name are included: Prof. Dr. Aurel Moga, Assoc Prof. Dr. Lazar Kleinerman, Assoc Prof. Dr. Matei Iliescu, Prof. Dr. Ioan Orha, Conf. Dr. Radian Petrescu, Dr. V. Cunescu, Dr. Petronela Vintila, Dr. Radu Enescu, Dr. Dinu Draghici, Dr. Doina Rogozea, Dr. Dumitru Petre, Dr. Roman, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Emil Viciu, Prof. Dr. Vintila Mihailescu, Dr. Marcel Efraim (radiologist), Dr. Lobel (electrocardiografist), Dr.Bradu Fotiade (catheterisation). Prof. Dr. Costin Carp separated in 1991, the Cardiology Institute from the Fundeni Hospital, under the name "Institute of Cardiology" Prof. Dr. C.C. Iliescu. Professor Eduard Apetrei promoter echocardiography in Romania, was the next chief of cardiology clinic. Next was Head of Clinical Professor Caesar Macarius, the initiator of modern therapy coronary units. Currently, cardiology clinic headed since 2004 by Prof. Carmen Ginghina.
It should be noted that most cardiologists in Romania were trained in Cardiology, taking benefit from close cooperation between the cardiology and cardiac surgery. Emergency Institute "Prof. Dr. C.C. Iliescu "is achieved over 40% of cardiovascular interventions in Romania, becoming the main center of cardiovascular disease in our country (http://www.cardioiliescu.ro). In addition, at the Institute of Emergency "Prof. Dr. C.C. Iliescu "are trained future doctors who in cardiology, cardiac surgery, vascular and interventional cardiology. And because only studies bring progress in the institute, clinical and fundamental research is a priority.
This takes place on several areas:
- competition for national and international grants
- participation in multicenter clinical trials
- participation in international registries
- coordination of national registries
- own research projects in the Cardiology Clinic
The activity includes nursing care hospitalized patients, ambulatory care, and afternoon bed-side visit, guards, and takes place within the four clinical sections, in close collaboration with the Department of cardiac catheterization, electrophysiology and Clinical Cardiac Surgery.
More information at:
More than 90% of hospitalized patients have heart surgery or interventional procedures. Emergency Institute "Prof. Dr. C.C. Iliescu "has medical professionals with highly qualified professional and scientific and specialized abroad. In the Cardiology Clinic the following can be found: Euroecolab, simulation laboratory and USTACC, which are recently upgraded. Modern technology that endows allow for extremely complicated operations, including assisted mechanical circulation (VAD, ECMO) and percutaneous aortic valve implantation (TAVI). The hospital is a reference center for the diagnosis and surgical treatment of acute dissection of the aorta.
In the Cardiology Department we organize courses for students (Romanian and English module), residents, practical and theoretical courses to obtain certificates of complementary studies and courses to obtain skills. Beyond the formal activities, department of cardiology is involved in organizing educational programs under the aegis of the Romanian Society of Cardiology. These include courses, but the laborious process of implementing the medical practice guidelines. Edited by Prof. Carmen Ginghina every year the "Compendium of Guidelines abbreviated ESC", comes both in print and electronical version.
In the past 10 years in the clinic they were developed more than 20 treaties, monographs, brochures. In addition, the clinic has become a tradition of involvement in the educational process cardiology residents and publishing. The case studies written by residents, are included in the book "Imaging in cardiac patients", which appears annually under the coordination of Prof Dr Carmen Ginghina.
In terms of research activity, it watched the fruition of experience and expertise of medical and scientific members of the Cardiology Clinic. Involvement in research is conducted on several levels: national and international competition for grants, participation in multi-center clinical trials, registries participating in the international coordination of national registries, research projects within their Cardiology Clinic.
In the past 10 years, the Institute of Emergency "Prof. Dr. C.C. Iliescu ", has conducted over 40 international multi-center clinical trials. In addition, members of the department are responsible for coordinating national registries and European Society of Cardiology registries: Heart Failure Registry (Dr Ovidiu Chioncel) and Cardiotoxicity / oncology Registry (Prof Dr Bogdan Popescu). Importantly, the Cardiology Clinic is achieved national epidemiological data management and coordination Romanian national registers: the Register of acute heart failure Roman, Roman Registry of Acute aortic dissection, cardiomyopathy Register and the Register of Rare Diseases.
It is worth mentioning that in the department Cardiology III there is a modern echocardiography laboratory, European accredited “Euroecolab”, which runs numerous research projects. In the last 5 years, people working in this lab have published over 50 articles ISI.
The courses take place within the module of cardiology in the fourth year of study for both modules: Romanian and for the English, during 8 weeks (including one week courses Cardiovascular Surgery), last week was reserved for the final exam . Total number of course hours: 42 hours for each series of student. Total number of practical work hours: 143 hours. See pdf.
„C. C. Iliescu" Cardiology Clinic is the only clinic in Bucharest that has a long tradition in terms of organization and practical training for residents in the specialty of cardiology- see pdf .
In the clinic 20-30 residents are trained annually in the course of a number of both theoretical and practical activities: assistance to hospitalized patients, healthcare outpatient guards, theoretical and practical internships electrocardiography, echocardiography, exercise ECG testing, electrophysiology, invasive cardiology, and activity and scientific research: theoretical courses cardiology that aim the exam topics for specialist in cardiology such as: electrocardiography, undergoing echocardiography and vascular ultrasound, active participation in the presentation of papers, case presentations (prepared above and "exam ' type) and presentations of clinical trials. Also, permanent residents in didactic activities are included:
Clinical case presentation- Clinical residents supervised by doctors show cases whose holders participated in clinical care, either through special pathology, difficulty of differential diagnosis, investigation and treatment. The brief case presentations are held two days a week at 8:20 in the library of the Clinic. Best case presentations are subsequently published either in journals or in volumes "Imaging in cardiovascular disease" - Prof Dr Carmen Ginghina, richly illustrated electronical book.
Essays- weekly sessions of lectures held by resident physicians of the clinic, supervised by physicians hold that addresses a current topic, always in step with scientific novelties of the moment.Cardiology clinic provides training in doctoral programs. See pdf. In the clinic they are organized and these theoretical and practical courses are included in training programs for obtaining certificates of complementary studies
Echocardiography level I : The course addresses to cardiologists, internal medicine, anesthesiologists and cardiac surgeons. It includes theoretical lectures and practical: practical demonstrations and activities in ultrasound laboratories of the Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases "Prof. C.C. Iliescu. " At the end of the course participants say a final assessment exam. Number of seats – 20
Echocardiography level II : The course addresses to cardiologists, internal medicine, anesthesiologists and cardiac surgery. Number of seats - 20
Vascular Doppler Echo level I and level II: The course addresses to cardiologists and internal medicine physicians. Number of seats: 20
Transesophageal echocardiography: The course addresses to cardiologists and intensive care physicians. Number of seats - 20 to see pdf.
Interventional cardiology: The course addresses to cardiologists. Number of seats 5-10 . see pdf.
- echocardiography
- heart failure
- epidemiology
- cardiomyopathies
- dissections
- Grant PN-2, program CAPACITĂŢI, competiţia 2007 „Program de dezvoltare a unui laborator de ecocardiografie la standardele impuse de acreditarea europeană” (Acronim: EUROECOLAB). Director de proiect: Prof. Dr. C. Ginghină. Director stiinţific al proiectului si sef al laboratorului: Dr. B. A. Popescu.
- Grant PN-2, program IDEI (PCE), competiţia 2012 „Evaluarea integrată a funcţiei cardiovasculare pentru predicţia evoluţiei pacienţilor cu stenoză aortică severă: rolul ecocardiografiei de efort”. Director de proiect: Conf. Dr. B. A. Popescu
- Program “PN 15”- Ordonator de credite: MINISTERUL SANATATII SI AL FAMILIEI, Executant:Institutul de Boli Cardiovasculare “ Prof. Dr. C.C. Iliescu”- 2001 – 2003; “Proiect de screening populational pentru estimarea prevalentei insuficientei cardiace in populatia sectorului 3 din Municipiul Bucuresti cu substudiul de screening al insuficientei cardiace la batranii institutionalizati din Municipiul Bucuresti”; Director de proiect: Prof. Dr. Cezar Macarie; Coordonator de proiect:Dr. Ovidiu Chioncel, Dr. Iulia Kulcsar
- Program “PN 15”- Ordonator de credite: MINISTERUL SANATATII SI AL FAMILIEI, Executant:Institutul de Boli Cardiovasculare “ Prof. Dr. C.C. Iliescu”- 2001 – 2003; “Studiul Urziceni – Studiu populațional prospectiv de depistare a factorilor de risc pentru bolile cardiovasculare și intervenție în populație, depistartea precoce a bolilor cardiovasculare”. Director de proiect:Prof. Dr. Eduard Apetrei; Coordonator de proiect:Dr. Iulia Kulcsar
- Grant tip At cod CNCSIS 696: “ Reversibilitatea remodelarii ventriculare in insuficienta cardiaca . Rolul markerilor bioumorali si al citokinelor proinflamatorii” Director de proiect: Dr. Ovidiu Chioncel ; Responsabil de proiect: Dr. Andrei Selaru, Dr. Iulia Kulcsar
- Shigeo Satomura: 60 years of Doppler ultrasound in medicine. Coman IM, Popescu BA. Cardiovasc Ultrasound. 2015 Dec 23;13:48. doi: 10.1186/s12947-015-0042-3
- Updated standards and processes for accreditation of echocardiographic laboratories from The European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging. Popescu BA, Stefanidis A, Nihoyannopoulos P, Fox KF, Ray S, Cardim N, Rigo F, Badano LP, Fraser AG, Pinto F, Zamorano JL, Habib G, Maurer G, Lancellotti P, Andrade MJ, Donal E, Edvardsen T, Varga A. Eur Heart J Cardiovasc Imaging. 2014 Jul;15(7):717-27.
- Imaging of myocardial fibrosis in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: what is the gold standard? Popescu BA, Roşca M. Heart. 2014 Apr;100(8):605-6
- Left ventricular twist dynamics: principles and applications. Beladan CC, Călin A, Roşca M, Ginghină C, Popescu BA. Heart. 2014 May;100(9):731-40
- The Romanian Acute Heart Failure Syndromes (RO-AHFS) Registry. Ovidiu Chioncel, Dragos Vinereanu, Mihai Datcu, Dan Dominic Ionescu, Radu Capalneanu, Ioan Brukner, Maria Dorobantu, Andrew Ambrosy, Cezar Macarie, Mihai Gheorghiade. American Heart Journal Vol. 162, Issue 1, Pages 142-153.e1
- Patterns of intensive care unit admissions in patients hospitalized for heart failure: insights from the RO-AHFS registry. Ovidiu Chioncel, Andrew P Ambrosy, Daniela Filipescu, Serban Bubenek, Dragos Vinereanu, Antoniu Petris, Sean P Collins, Cezar Macarie, Mihai Gheorghiade. Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine –May 2015; 16(5):331-340
- Correlation between global longitudinal strain and QRS voltage on electrocardiogram in patients with left ventricular hypertrophy. Beladan CC, Popescu BA, Calin A, Rosca M, Matei F, Gurzun MM, Popara AV, Curea F, Ginghina C. Echocardiography. 2014 Mar;31(3):325-34
- Images in cardiovascular medicine: Primary cardiac leiomyosarcoma: when valvular disease becomes a vascular surgical emergency.Jurcut R, Savu O, Popescu BA, Florian A, Herlea V, Moldovan H, Ginghina C. Circulation. 2010 Jun 1;121(21):e415-8.
- Morphological and functional adaptation of the maternal heart during pregnancy.Savu O, Jurcuţ R, Giuşcă S, van Mieghem T, Gussi I, Popescu BA, Ginghină C, Rademakers F, Deprest J, Voigt JU. Circ Cardiovasc Imaging. 2012 May 1;5(3):289-97
- Different patterns of adaptation of the right ventricle to pressure overload: a comparison between pulmonary hypertension and pulmonary stenosis. Jurcut R, Giusca S, Ticulescu R, Popa E, Amzulescu MS, Ghiorghiu I, Coman IM, Popescu BA, Voigt JU, Ginghina C. J Am Soc Echocardiogr. 2011 Oct;24(10):1109-17