Discipline - Internal Medicine and Cardiology - Clinical Hospital Prof.Dr. Th.Burghele

Professor Nanea Ioan Tiberiu, PhD tenured
Professor Iliesiu Adriana-Mihaela, PhD tenured
Associate Professor Nicolae Camelia, PhD tenured
Head of works Zaharia Ion Relu Ondin, PhD tenured
Head of works Hodorogea Andreea-Simona, PhD tenured
Head of works Paun Nicolae, PhD tenured
Head of works Balahura Ana-Maria, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Teodorescu Valeriu, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Buhociu Pompilia, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Bolohan Mihaela Paula, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Uscoiu Gabriela, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Ciobanu Ana, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Portelli Giovanni Paul, PhD fixed term
Assistant Professor Arvunescu Alexandru Mircea, PhD fixed term
Assistant Professor Grigore Mihai, PhD fixed term

The Clinic of Medical Semiology was founded in 1972, under the leadership of Prof. Dr. Pompiliu Popescu, a student of Prof. Dr. Basil Teodorescu at Colțea Clinical Hospital in Bucharest. In 1990, Prof. Dr. Pompiliu Popescu became the Rector of UMPh Bucharest.

In 1993, Prof. Dr. Dinu Mircea Cruțescu became the head of the Clinic, and in the year 2000, Prof. Dr. Ioan Tiberiu Nanea, who remained the head of the clinic to this day.

After fusing with the Internal Medicine and Cardiology Clinic from Caritas Clinical Hospital in 2002, which was under the leadership of Acad. Prof. Dr. Alexandru Câmpeanu at the time, the Clinic began teaching the 4th year internal medicine course (for the cardiovascular and respiratory modules) in addition to 3rd year medical semiology courses, and starting with 2014, taught the medical semiology course in english as well.

Various medical activities are conducted in the Internal Medicine, Cardiology and Carsiovascular Intense Therapy Sections, such as highly techonolical investigations:

  • bidimensional echography
  • vascular Doppler
  • tissular Doppler
  • Speckle-tracking imagining
  • echocardiography under physical or pharmacological stress
  • tridimensional echocardiography
  • vascular echocardiography
  • abdomino-pelvic echography
  • thyroid echography
  • ECG stress testing
  • continuous Holter ECG monitoring for 24 hours – 7 days, outpatient monitoring of arterial blood pressure
  • CT scan and MRI.
  • 4th year courses – respiratory and cardiovascular modules
  • 3rd year courses – medical semiology in romanian and medical semiology in english
  • Part of the courses and practical lessons of students from the Faculty of Midwifry and Medical Assistants and Physiokinetotherapy
  • Weekly courses with medical residents of internal medicine and cardiology
  • Clinical case presentations by professors, students and medical residents
  • Student scientific group
  • The presentation of research projects at scientific student congresses (national and international)
  • Licentiate projects
  • Doctoral studies
  • Post-graduate courses in the domain of Internal Medicine and Cardiology
  • Projects/grants which have placed in competitions (national and international teams)
  • International clinical research: CIBIS The Cardiac Insufficiency Bisoprolol Study, CITAS, AMISTAD Acute Myocardial Infarction Study Of Adenosine Trial, BRAVO Blockade Of The Glycoprotein IIb/IIia Receptor To Avoid Vascular Occlusion, EVEREST Efficacy Of Vasopressin Antagonism In Heart Failure: Outcome Study With Tolvaptan, CMEX839BDE03, IRIS Isostent For Restenosis Intervention Study, ROCKETT Rivaroxaban Once Daily Oral Direct Factor Xa Inhibition Compared with Vitamin K Antagonism for Prevention of Stroke and Embolism Trial in Atrial Fibrillation, MICHELLANGELO Fondaparinux in ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction, PARSIPHAL A randomized, multicenter, open-label, phase II trial to evaluate the efficacy and safety of palbociclib in combination with fulvestrant or letrozole in patients with HER2 negative, ER+ metastatic breast cancer, TAK, BEAUTIFUL Effects of Ivabradine in Patients With Stable Coronary Artery Disease and Left Ventricular Systolic Dysfunction, ARISTOTLE Apixaban for Reduction in Stroke and Other Thromboembolic Events in Atrial Fibrillation, RELAX AHF Serelaxin, recombinant human relaxin-2, for treatment of acute heart failure, RELAX-AHF-2 A multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase III study to evaluate the efficacy, safety and tolerability of Serelaxin when added to standard therapy in acute heart failure patients, TREVENA A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, adaptive, ascending dose-titration study to evaluate the safety, tolerability, pharmacokinetics, and invasive hemodynamics of TRV120027 in patients with stable heart failure
  • Original works presented at scientfic Congresses, both national and international or published in scientific journals
  • Books and chapters redacted by our academic personnel
  • Leadership of the Bucharest branch of the Romanian Society of Cardiology since 2009 (President Prof. Dr. Ioan Tiberiu Nanea, Secretary Senior Lecturer Dr. Gabriela Silvia Gheorghe 2009-2012, Teaching Assistant Dr. Andreea Simona Hodorogea 2012-present). Branch activities comprise monthly scientific meetings about topics of interest, both interdisciplinary and in the domain of cardiology, with national and international guests. Prof. Dr. Ioan Tiberiu Nanea founded the magazine "Foaie de Informare Medicala" in 2010, in which summaries of the works presented during monthly meetings are published, together with an interesting clinical case, illustrated by imagistic data.
  • 4th year courses – respiratory and cardiovascular modules
    • Bibliografy: the Clinic has prepared a course handout for students in 4th year from the respiratory and cardiovascular modules (Carol Davila publishing company)
  • 3rd year courses – medical semiology taught in the romanian language and medical semiology taught in the english language
    • Bibliografy: lecture materials redacted from Bates, Ion Bruckner, Dan Georgescu
  • Part of the courses and practical lessons of students from the Faculty of Midwifry and Medical Assistants and Physiokinetotherapy
  • Clinical case presentations by professors, students and medical residents
  • Student scientific group
  • The presentation of research projects at scientific student congresses (national and international)
  • Licentiate projects
  • Post-graduate courses in the domain of Internal Medicine and Cardiology available to medical specialists and MDs of internal medicine, cardiology or family medicine:
    • The use of electrocardiographic and echocardiographic stress tests in diagnosing ischemic cardiopathies
    • Acute coronary syndromes. Current methods of diagnosis and treatment.
    • Electrocardiography in cardiovascular emergencies

Currently, there are 2 doctoral students enrolled in our program (Prof. Dr. Ioan Tiberiu Nanea, Prof. Dr. Alexandru Campeanu), and starting with the 2016-2017 academic year also Prof. Dr. Adriana Iliesiu

  • Students are expected to periodically report their research results to the Clinic and at various scientific meetings
  • Results from original research projects will be published in both national and international scientific journals, and presented at scientific congresses, both nationally and internationally
  • Variations in sinus rhythm
  • Dispersion of ventricular depolarization and repolarization
  • Valvulopathies
  • Echocardiography in arrhythmias
  • Identification of oxidative stress through experimental studies
  • Involvement of uric acid in oxidative stress and the role of allopurinol in arterial hypertension and heart failure

National Grants/Projects

  • Efectele allopurinolului asupra stresului oxidativ, acidului uric seric, remodelării și funcției cardiace la bolnavi cu insuficiență cardiacă cronică Acronim: ALLO-HF Program Idei (PN II) – proiecte de cercetare exploratorie Cod proiect CNCSIS:1451
  • Evaluarea viabilității miocardice în cardiomiopatia ischemică utilizând modificările morfofuncționale cardiace induse de aritmiile ce realizează umplere ventriculară variabilă Acronim:VIVA ProgramIdei (PN II) – proiecte de cercetare exploratorie Cod proiect CNCSIS: 587/2008
  • Studiu asupra relaţiei cantitative între eliberarea în ser a lanţurilor uşoare lc1 şi lc2 şi a lanţurilor grele hc ale miozinei cardiace şi extinderea necrozei miocardice după infarctul miocardic. Colaborare Clinica Medicală “Prof. Dr. Th. Burghele” şi Institutul Cantacuzino. Finanţat de:UMF Carol Davila

International Grants/Projects

  • Epidemiologia genetica a cancerului în România / Genetic epidemiology of cancer in Romania Acronim: ROMCAN Program: Mecanismul Financiar Spațiul Economic European(SEE)/ Contract nr.: 7SEE/2014
  • Periodicitatea circadiană a concentraţiei serice de digoxin în condiţii de repaus şi efort la pacienţii cu insuficiență cardiacă cronică în corelaţie cu parametrii endocrini şi cardiovasculari. Parteneri:colaborare Spitalul Clinic “Prof. Dr. Th. Burghele”, Institutul St. PaulRamsey, Medical Center (USA) şi Institutul I. C. Parhon
  • Ioan Tiberiu Nanea, Echocardiography in Arrhythmias in Cardiac Arrhythmia-from Basic Mecanism to State of the Art Management, ed Springer, 2014, p 165-186, ISBN 978-1-4671-5316-0
  • Ioan Tiberiu Nanea, Gabriela Silvia Gheorghe Microcirculation in graft failure, chap 34, 415-419, in Coronary Graft Failure-State of Arts, ed Ion Țintoiu, Molcom J Underwood et al, Ed Springer, 2016, ISBN 978-3-319-26513-1
  • Ioan Tiberiu Nanea. Ecocardiografia în aritmii,. Diagnostic și hemodinamică. Atlas, Ioan Tiberiu Nanea, Ed Carol Davila 2011 ISBN 978-973-708-561-0
  • Ioan Tiberiu Nanea. Exigenţă şi excelenţă în BPCO. Cap 23 Afectarea cardiacă în boala pulmonară cronică obstructivă. Sub redacţăia Florin Mihălţan, Roxana Nemeş ISBN 978-606-8284-01-9, ed 2011
  • Gabriela Silvia Gheorghe. Electrocardiografia de la teorie la practică, ed ETNA 2015 Gheorghe Gabriela Silvia, ISBN 978-973-1795-79-9
  • Ioan Tiberiu Nanea, Eduard Apetrei. Cardiologie clinică cap 23 Angina pectorala, p 451-475, ed. Callisto 2015 Eduard Apetrei, ISBN 9786068043180
  • Adriana Mihaela Ilieșiu, Eduard Apetrei. Cardiologie clinică cap 20.2, Insuficiența mitrală. Callisto 2015 Eduard Apetrei, ISBN 9786068043180
  • Adriana Mihaela Ilieșiu, Eduard Apetrei. Cardiologie clinică cap 20.3, Stenoza aortică, p 378-387 ed. Callisto 2015 Eduard Apetrei, ISBN 9786068043180
  • Dorobantu, O-F.Tautu, A.Fruntelata, L.Calmac, G.Tatu Chitoiu, V.Bataila, D.Dimulescu, E.Craiu, T. Nanea, A. Istvan, K. Babes, C. Macarie, C. Militaru, E. Cenko, and O. Manfrini. Hypertension and acute coronary syndromes in Romania: data from the ISACS-TC registry EuropeanHeartJournal EuropeanHeartJournal Supplements Supplements Volume 16 Supplement A January 2014A20
  • Adriana Ilieşiu, Alexandru Câmpeanu, Daciana Marta, Gabriela Uscoiu, Irina Pârvu, Ana Ciobanu, Mariana Jinga, Gabriela Gheorghe. Effects Of High Doses Of Allopurinol On Serum Uric Acid And Cardiac Biomarkers In Chronic Heart Failure. Farmacia 2015, 63 (4): 561-567
  • Adriana Ilieșiu, Alexandru Câmpeanu, Daciana Marta, Irina Pârvu, Gabriela Gheorghe. Uric Acid, a Marker of Oxidative Stress and Inflammation in Chronic Heart Failure. Romanian Review of Laboratory Medicine 2015, Nr. 23(4)/2015: 397-40