Discipline - Pneumophysiology II - Institute of Pneumophysiology Marius Nasta

Professor Mihaltan Florin Dumitru, PhD tenured
Associate Professor Mahler Beatrice, PhD tenured
Lecturer Deleanu Oana Claudia, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Chiotan Radu Alexandru, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Dragomir Justina Antonela, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Constantin Ancuta Alina, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Butnaru Teodora, PhD tenured

The courses and practical activities are conducted within the Marius Nasta Pneumology Institute, Bucharest. The topic addressed in the pulmonology module is directly related to the training curricula. Practical works are conducted in clinical wards with beds in the laboratories of functional exploration, sleep studies, bronchology, tabacology.

Within the practical courses, the student is guided in learning the algorithm evaluation and diagnosis of patients with lung disease. Thus, the aim is the improvement of respiratory clinical examination and interpretation of radiological, spirometric, bronchology bulletins algorithm.

Students assist at all stages of diagnosis of lung diseases, the algorithm monitoring the effect of treatment in the evaluation of patients with non-invasive ventilation therapy and minimal invasive application of different methods, such as puncture and pleural biopsy. During pneumology, the aim is to integrate concepts taught in class within the hours of practical works.

The Department of Pneumology II of the Cardiothoracic department has as main objective to educate students of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy Carol Davila, fourth year. Thus, the information the department has taught in courses is designed to expand the information already available - it is the most important psychological condition of understanding.

Teaching skills training aims at analyzing information exposed and empowerment, networking, developing research capacity, capacity assessment and comparative interpretation of scientific data. Approached teaching style is flexible, with availability in addressing new practices, new ideas.

We encourage freedom of thought, establish collaborative links with students, guiding repeatedly the summer practice in our clinic, attending their circle of pneumology and guidance in various papers presented at student congresses.

The teaching method seeks easy assimilation of the topic, splitting the logical thematic teaching units, unitary and compact study: thematic sequences, chapters and subchapters.

Presentation of the work was carried out by exposing the free information with flowcharts, by using electronic support - presentations in ppt., Use of teaching materials - X-rays, test reports, spirometers, pulse oximeter, peck-flowmeter, non-invasive ventilation , and so on. However the final purpose is the development of the syndrome and disease diagnostic algorithm, specific to the level of knowledge accumulated in the 4th year of college.

The chair of our entire staff conducts with students who have the ability to build an educational environment, stimulating and efficient. Effective communication with the student is a primary goal of the educational activity.

The purpose of teaching is to instill our students the desire and the opportunity to acquire this knowledge through active and intense study. Rapid changes in medicine, require students, future doctors, permanent availability for the renewal of knowledge and work techniques; accumulated concepts related to the respiratory system will be integrated into a whole joining and possible information about other comorbidities. The physician should be prepared to learn continuously. "Learning" is one dimension of the whole life of the physician. Faculty aims to transform education in the subject of self-education, the educated student in one who educates himself in self-training.

Last but not least, we follow student rights and the manifestation of an attitude of sensitivity to their needs and interests. The ability to see themselves as active members of our university.

The research aims guidance of licensed projects and works; rigorously follow the steps of scientific research and bringing quality of its results in the scientific community through publications or communications of students, residents and specialists.

1 Anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system
2 Investigations in pulmonology
5 Asthma
6 Pleural pathology
7 Pneumonia
8 Bronchiectasis. Bronchopulmonary suppurations
9 Lung cancer
10 Respiratory failure
11 Sleep apnea
12 Interstitial pneumopathies
13 Pulmonary Hypertension. Chronic pulmonary heart
14 Smoking
15 MediastinaI pathology
16 Thoracic surgery I
17 Thoracic Surgery II



Nr Course
1 Tuberculosis - introductory notions
2 Tuberculosis - child and adult clinical forms
3 Extrapulmonary tuberculosis
4 Treatment of tuberculosis



  • Pneumology – under the editorial of Miron Alexandru Bogdan, Ed. Univ. “Carol Davila” 2008.
  • Pneumology therapy algorithm – under the editorial of F. Mihaltan, R. Ulmeanu. Ed. Medicala 2016.
  • Guidelines for implementation of the National Programme for Prevention, Surveillance and Control of Tuberculosis – 2015.
  • Harrison – Principles of Internal Medicine, vol 1+2, 14 edition, 2nd edition in romanian– Teora 2003.
  1. Pathology of sleep
  2. Obstructive pathology in pneumologic practice
  1. Respiratory system anatomy and birth defects.
  2. Physiology and pathophysiology of respiration.
  3. Asthma.
  4. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.
  5. Acute respiratory infections.
  6. Bronchiectasis and lung abscess.
  7. Immunosuppressed respiratory pathology.
  8. Pulmonary tuberculosis and lung mycobacteriosis.
  9. Parasitic pulmonary pathology.
  10. Pulmonary mycoses.
  11. Pleural pathology.
  12. Diffuse interstitial pneumopathies and pulmonary determined vasculitis.
  13. The pathology of pulmonary thromboembolism.
  14. Chronic pulmonary heart and pulmonary arterial hypertension.
  15. Sleep apnea syndrome.
  16. Acute respiratory distress syndrome. Acute and chronic respiratory failure.
  17. Benign lung tumors.
  18. Malignant lung tumors (primitive and secondary).
  19. Mediastinal pathology.
  20. Pulmonary Pathology of professional nature.


  • Pneumology – under the editorial of Miron Alexandru Bogdan, Ed. Univ. “Carol Davila” 2008.
  • Pneumology therapy algorithm – under the editorial of F. Mihaltan, R. Ulmeanu. Ed. Medicala 2016.
  • Guidelines for implementation of the National Programme for Prevention, Surveillance and Control of Tuberculosis – 2015.
  • Harrison – Principles of Internal Medicine, vol 1+2, 14 edition, 2nd edition in romanian– Teora 2003.
  • sleep studies
  • noninvasive ventilation
  • bronchology
  • respiratory rehabilitation
  • smoking
  1. E-learning draft for pulmonologists, European Social Fund Operational Programme Human Resources Development 2007-2013, Priority no. 3 "Increasing adaptability of workers and enterprises", Key Area of Intervention 3.2 "Training and support for enterprises and employees to promote adaptability" Project Title: "Quality health care for pulmonary medicine through professional training and organizational flexibility", Contract no. : HRD / 81 / 3.2 / S / 58451
  2. European project - Leonardo da Vinci Partnerships Programme - Project Introducing Standards of the best practical for the patient's medical Alpha-1 antitrypsin wits inherited Deficiency in Central Eastern Europe
  3. Draft ERS - COPD AUDIT
  4. Fl. Mihălţan, B.Dautzenberg Prize d'implantation de l'experience oxygenotherapie en Roumanie-à domicile Cardif / Institute for Lung Diseases M.Nasta 1992
  1. Mihaltan FD, Antoniu SA, Ulmeanu R. Asthma and pregnancy: therapeutic challenges. Arch Gynecol Obstet. 2014;. DOI 10.1007/s00404-014-3342-1 PubMedID: 25033716, ISSN 0932-0067
  2. Mihaltan, E. Jeler-Romanian lesson from Screening of Sleep Apnea and patients with Obesity Hypoventilation Syndrome- ATS San Francisco- Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2016: 193;A4181
  3. Ulmeanu R, Mahler B, Ulmeanu DI; Stoica R, Tofoleanu D, Cordos I, Leonte D, Halic E, Macri A, Mihaltan FD, Marica C, Constantin N, Diagnosis ”surprise”- Obstructing Tracheal Lipoma ( a rare tarcheal tumor aggravating cause in a moderate COPD), ScienceMED, vol.2, n1, 2011,81-86. ISSN 2039-4632, ISBN 978-88-7587-600-5,
  4. Ana-Maria Zaharie, Florin D. Mihaltan, Cristian Popa, Oana C. Deleanu, Ruxandra Ulmeanu -Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency - Do We Really Understand It? Case Presentations–ATS San Francisco-Am J Respir Crit Care Med 193;2016:A1576
  5. Ruxandra Ulmeanu,A.M.Zaharie,J Chrostowska Wynimko,O.C. Deleanu,F.D. Mihaltan-Alplha 1 Antitrypsin Deficiency in Romania-First Steps (Results of First Three Years of Screening)-ATS San Francisco- Am J Respir Crit Care Med 193;2016:A1574
  6. Ruxandra Ulmeanu,R. E Nedelecu,D.I Ulmeanu, F,D, Mihaltan-Airways Tumors and Endoscopic Electrocautery –Curative and Palliative benefits- ATS San Francisco- Am J Respir Crit Care Med 193;2016:A3400
  7. Left pulmonary agenesis, late diagnosis”Oana Deleanu, Natalia Patrascu, Ana Maria Nebunoiu, V. Vintila, Ruxandra Ulmeanu, F.D. Mihaltan, Pneumologia vol 59- nr 4/2010, pg 217-221, ISSN 2067-2993, magazine indexed in "PubMed", CNCSIS B+, cod 483, PMD 21365805
  8. Oana Deleanu, Fl. Mihaltan, Daniela Reisz, Voicu Tudorache, Stefan Mihaicuta „What's new in the interpretation of polysomnography after staging a revised manual of sleep in adult? Benchmarking ”, Pneumology vol 60- nr 1/2011, pg 14-20, ISSN 2067-2993, magazine indexed in "PubMed", CNCSIS B+, cod 483
  9. Oana Claudia Deleanu, Andra Elena Malaut, Ana Maria Nebunoiu, Miruna Mihaela Micheu, Florin Dumitru Mihaltan Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome and arterial hypertension – a complicated relationship? The role of controlling blood pressure values in patients with OSAS / Sindromul de apnee in somn de tip obstructiv si hipertensiunea arteriala - o relatie complicata? Rolul controlului valorilor tensionale la pacientii cu SASO"., Pneumologia vol 63- nr 1/2014, pg 36-43, ISSN 2067-2993, revista indexata in "PubMed" si SCOPUS, membra COPE
  10. Florin Mihaltan, Oana Deleanu, Ruxandra Ulmeanu, Roxana Nemes „Does non invasive positive pressure ventilation in stable COPD have a role?”;Pneumology, vol.61, nr.3/2012, p 183-187 ISSN 2067-2993