Discipline - Gastroenterology and Hepatology - Elias Emergency University Hospital
- List of academic staff
- Brief history of the discipline
- Medical activity
- Description of education and research activity
- Useful information for students
- Postgraduate courses
- 5-10 key words that describe areas of interest for research
- 5 of the most significant research projects
- Up to 10 of the most significant scientific work
Professor | Saftoiu Adrian, PhD | tenured |
Associate Professor | Ionescu Elena-Mirela, PhD | tenured |
Lecturer | Tieranu Cristian George, PhD | tenured |
Assistant Professor | Gologan Serban Ion, PhD | tenured |
Assistant Professor | Arbanas Tudor, PhD | tenured |
Assistant Professor | Andrei Mihai, PhD | tenured |
Established in 2003 as a basis for Fundeni Gastroenterology Clinic under the coordonation of Prof. dr. Mircea Diculescu, it becomes in 2009 the Elias Gastroenterology Clinic and later the Elias Universitary Hospital of Emergency Discipline in the Deparment 5 Clinical Education of the Faculty of Medicine from ’Carol Davila’ University of Medicine and Pharmacy.
In 2016, it has 5 academic staff with contracts of indefinite duration. Since 2009, forth year students from the Faculty of Medicine are trained in the Gastroenterology module, while in the 2015-2016 academic year 3 series of students are teached. Outside the education process in theoretical and practical components, students were also trained constantly in scientific research, by participating in the students scientific events: every year licence works are carried out by final year students.
Since 2003, residents are trained in the Gastroenterology specialty and in the special modules organised for other specialties. In the last years, 7 PhD have finished their doctorate studies based on the research activity performed in the Discipline. Research projects carried out in the Discipline have been anually valued by publishing articles in national and international specialty magazines and by participating at national and international scientific manifestations.
The Elias Gastroenterology and Hepatology department has a recent history, being founded 13 years ago under the leadership of Professor Mircea Diculescu, and with the majority of doctors who work here being trained by the Fundeni Gastroenterology Clinic team. Currently, the medical activity is provided by a total of 9 doctors, among which five academics and one dedicated to research..
The medical activity focuses on the complex approach of digestive emergencies, taking them from the emergency room and solving them in conjunction with the surgical and medical clinics within the hospital; Also, our team is involved in solving digestive emergencies that occur in hospitalized patients in other wards, but also for endoscopic diagnosis evaluation of patients from surgery, internal medicine, oncology etc.
Our ward has a total of 45 beds, some of which are dedicated for 1 day hospitalization mainly useful for biological treatment or complex endoscopic therapy. Treatment of complications of liver cirrhosis and diagnosis and staging of digestive neoplasms represent the main areas of chronic pathology in our clinic. Neoplastic digestive diseases screening is also one of the areas of interest of the doctors in the clinic.
The scientific research is an important component of the Elias Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Endocopy Clinic activity. The research team is represented by 5 academic staff (Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer, 3 Assistant Lecturer) and two researchers. The scientific research activity has been valued by scientific research papers based on grants or contracts with CNCSIS in the National Plan for Research – Development and POSDRU grants for young PhD and post-doctoral researchers, clinical studies sponsored by pharmaceutical companies. Valorification of research results was done by publishing articles in national and international journals indexed ISI and CNCSIS B/B+, communications in the form of oral presentations and posters at national and international scientific manifestations, drafting chapters in monographs and treaties of specialty.
Education activity is achieved through preparation and teaching courses and practical works for forth year students of the Faculty of Medicine from ’Carol Davila’ University of Medicine and Pharmacy in the Gastroenterology module, coordination of license works, guidance and training gastroenterology, internal medicine, diabetes and metabolic diseases residents. The course work for students is supported in Gastroenterology Course drafted by the clinic team.
The training for Gastroenterology residents requires clinical activity, gastroenterological emergencies, ambulatory, training in diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopy as well as general ultrasound, using modern equipment and accesories.
- Gastroesophageal reflux. Reflux esophagitis.
- Functional esophageal pathology.
- Esophagus neoplasm.
- Functional dyspeptic syndromes.
- Chronic gastritis.
- Gastroduodenal ulcer.
- Benign tumors of the stomach.
- Gastric cancer.
- Postoperative gastric sufferings.
- Digestion and intestinal absorption.
- Chronic diarrhea.
- Dysenzymatic enteropathies and gluten enteropathy.
- Crohn’s disease and ulcerative and hemorrhagic colitis.
- Malabsorption syndrome.
- Irritable colon. Chronic constipation.
- Colon polyps.
- Colon cancer.
- Intestinal diverticulosis.
- Etiopathogenesis and pathophysiology of exo- and endocrine pancreatic insufficiency.
- Acute pancreatitis.
- Chronic pancreatitis.
- Pancreatic cancer.
- Cholecystitis and acute angiocolitis.
- Litiaza biliara
- Biliary ducts tumors.
- The sufferings of post-cholecystectomy.
- Portal hypertension syndrome.
- Hepatic encephalopathy.
- Viral acute and drugs hepatitis.
- Chronic hepatitis.
- Liver cirrhosis and its complication.
- Primary biliary cirrhosis.
- Primary sclerosing cholangitis. Hemochromatosis. Wilson’s disease.
- Alcohol-induced liver pathology.
- Hydatid cyst and benign tumors.
- Liver cancer.
- Acute and chronic peritonitis.
- The upper and lower gastrointestinal bleeding.
- Notions of digestive endoscopy
- Notions of abdominal ultrasound
- Notions of ERCP
- News in the peptic digestive pathology (8 hours) (general and internal medicine specialists and primary care physicians)
- Physiopathological peculiarities in Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GRD)
- Therapeutic attitude in H.pylori infection
- Actual treatment of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GRD)
- pylory infection in peptic digestive pathology
- Functional digestive pathology in practice (12 hours) (general and internal medicine specialists and primary care psysicians)
- Physiopathological peculiarities in GRD
- Acute abdominal pain
- Probiotics
- Food behavior in functional digestive pathology
- Physiopathology of functional digestive diseases
- Syndrome of bacterial pollution of the small intestine
- The role of anxiolytics in functional digestive pathology
- News in chronic intestinal inflammatory bowel diseases (8 hours) (gastroenterology and internal medicine specialists and primary care physicians)
- Food diet in chronic intestinal inflammatory bowel diseases
- Therapeutic strategy in inflammatory bowel diseases
- Endoscopic diagnosis of inflammatory bowel diseases
- The role of abdominal ultrasound in inflammatory bowel diseases
- Diagnosis and treatment in pancreatic afflictions (8 hours) (gastroenterology and internal medicine specialists and primary care physicians)
- Score values in acute pancreatitis
- Pancreatic endocrine tumors
- Imaging aspects in chronic pancreatitis
- Pancreatic cystic tumors – diagnostic algorithm – prognosis.
- Digestive bleeding;
- Colorectal neoplasm;
- Gastric neoplasm;
- Hepatic neoplasm;
- Pancreatic neoplasm;
- steatohepatites;
- inflammatory bowel diseases;
- irritable bowel syndrome;
- Antithrombotic medication and upper gastrointestinal bleeding;
- Syndrome of bacterial pollution in inflammatory bowel diseases;
- Genomic instability in malignant and premalignant colorectal lesions ;
- Evaluation of clinica land histological correlations between microscopic colitis and irritable bowel syndrome;
- Relationship between major thalassemia – HCV infection and therapeutic and pronostic implication of association of the two disorders.
- Andrei, S Gologan A Stoicescu ME. Ionescu, T Nicolaie T, M Diculescu.Small intestinal Bacterial owergrowth Syndrom Prevalence in Romanian Patients with Inflammatirz Bowe Disease.Current Health Science Journal 2016 42(2): 151-6.
- EM Ionescu, T Nicolaie, Gologan SI, Mocanu A, Ditescu C, Arbanas T, Stoicescu A, Teiusanu A, Andrei A, Diculescu M, Ciocirlan M. Opportunistic colorectal cancer screening using colonoscopy. Comparative results between two historical cohorts in Bucharest, Romania. J Gastrointestin Liver Dis 2015; 24 (2):171-176.
- EM Ionescu, M Ciocirlan, T Nicolaie M Diculescu. New perspective for detecting colorectal neoplatic lesions bz cytogenetic biomarkers in average risk patients.J Gastrointestin Liver Dis 2015; 24 (2):84-85.
- Andrei M, Nicolaie T, Stoicescu A, Teiusanu A, Gologan S, Diculescu M. Intestinal microbiome, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth and Inflammatory Bowel Diseases – what are the connections ?Current Health Sciencies Journal 2015; 41(3):197-203.
- EM Ionescu, T Nicolaie, A-M Ionescu, G Becheanu., Fl Andrei., M Diculescu., M Ciocirlan. Predictive cytogenetic biomarkers for colorectal neoplasia in medium risk patients. J Med. Life 2015; 8(3): 398-403
- A Teiusanu, M Ionescu, S.Gologan, A Stoicescu, M. Andrei, T. Nicolaie, M Diculescu. Dietary therapy impact for cirrhotic patients with hepatic encephalopathy. Jurnalul de chirurgie 2012; 8(3): 373-8, cod CNCSIS 449
- Ionescu M Ciocirlan T Nicolaie, M Diculescu, Nuclear Division Index – useful cytogenetic marker in advaced adenoma and colorectal cancer prediction- partial results J Gastrointestin Liver Dis 2012; 21 (2):108.
- T Nicolaie, C Ditescu, S Gologan, M Ionescu, M Popa The implications of epigenetic factors in premalignant lesions of the digestive tract. J Gastrointestin Liver Dis 2012; 21 (2):87.
- M Ionescu, M Ciocirlan, G Becheanu,T Nicolaie C Ditescu, A Teiusanu, S Gologan, T Arbanas, M Diculescu,. Nuclear Division Index may predicNeoplastic Colorectal Lesions.Maedica2011; 3 (6):173-178.