Discipline - Neurosurgery - Bucharest Emergency University Hospital

Professor Iacob Gabriel-Barbu-Ioan, PhD tenured
Associate Professor Teleanu Daniel-Mihai, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Urian Flavius Iuliu, PhD fixed term
Assistant Professor Onciul Razvan, PhD fixed term

Emergency Medical Teaching Hospital of Bucharest's Neurosurgery Clinic was founded in December 1993 with two professors:

  • Head of the Clinic Prof. A.I. Constantinescu, MD,
  • PhD and Assistant Professor  Iacob Gabriel, MD, PhD.

Subsequently, through an exam there were accepted in the department's staff the following:

  • Assistant Professor Patrascu Paul, MD, PhD
  • Assistant Professor Craciun Mihai, MD, PhD
  • Lecturer Teleanu Dan, MD, PhD
  • Assistant Professor Moisa Horatiu MD, PhD (tel. 0757452105 – person in charge)

Nowadays, the Emergency Medical Teaching Hospital of Bucharest's Neurosurgery Clinic is part of the Neuroscience department 6 of UMPh CAROL DAVILA BUCHAREST, being led since 2007 by University Lecturer Dr. Iacob G; having nowadays as collaborators:   Lecturer Dr. Teleanu Dan and Teaching Assistant Moisa Horatiu – doctoral candidate.

The Clinic's concerns:

  • oragnizing courses and the implementation of researches done for the students of the Faculty of Medicine during their Neurology traineeship, for those who study Physiokinetotherapy, for doctors of General Medicine, resident physicians from other specialties.
  • making of the graduation thesis (dissertation) and PhD. thesis
  • participating in the examination committee for promotion of specialised doctors and consultants in the Neurosurgery specialty
  • presenting of their experience gained from taking care of the patient in national and international scientific conferences, in published scientific papers, in scientific researches
  • there were approached different topics of cerebral and spinal tumoral pathologies, degenerative pathology, traumatology, vascular malformations, infections,  but especially of functional neurosurgery (involuntary movements, pain) in which Prof. Dr. A.I. Constantinescu was known for the cerebral biopsy and Prof. Dr. Iacob Gabriel was known for the implementation of deep cerebral electrodes.