Discipline - Pediatrics - Fundeni Clinical Institute

Professor Colita Anca, PhD tenured
Associate Professor Popa Delia Codruta, PhD tenured
Head of works Stoica Cristina, PhD tenured
Head of works Radu Letitia Elena, PhD tenured
Head of works Serbanica Andreea Nicoleta, PhD tenured
Head of works Diaconu Adriana, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Jardan Cerasela, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Marcu Andra-Daniela, PhD fixed term

Pediatric Clinic in Fundeni with having a long tradition and recognized as a Center of Excellence of pediatrics in Romania, was founded in 1959 under the leadership of  Professor Ion Nicolau MD, corresponding member of the Romanian Academy. Later in the period 1961 - 1993, the team of young doctors, under the guidance of the Head of Clinic - Professor Gheorghe Goldis MD, member of the Academy of Health Sciences, is the main working group with particular interest in pathology onco - hematology and nephrology pediatric becoming one of the leading medical schools for specialization of many generations of doctors. Mr. Professor.

Arion Constantin Virgil, member of the Academy of Health Sciences, with an impressive scientific career, Chief of Pediatrics Clinic between 1994 - 2011, continues the remarkable development and improvement of medical activity and teaching by setting up the Department of Bone Marrow Transplantation ( first bone marrow transplant in 2001).

Mrs. Professor  Anca Colita led the discipline since 2012, expanded in scientific research by participating in numerous studies and research projects in national and international which involved both students and residents and introduced in the current medical practice the transplantation from non-relatives donor (2013) and haplotransplantation (2016).

Pediatric Clinic Fundeni includes 3 sections.

In Divisions I and II are cared for patients with particular haematological malignancies (acute / chronic leukemias, lymphomas, myelodysplastic syndromes, histiocytosis syndromes hemo-phagocytic) and non-malignant (congenital or acquired anemia, thrombocytopenia / trombocytopathies, neutropenia, clotting disorders) and gastroenterological disorders (liver, gastritis, autoimmune, collaboration with the Center of Liver Transplantation Fundeni).

In Division I there is the biggest national center for care of children and adolescents with Thalassemia and the only Comprehensive Center for Diagnosis and Treatment of Patients with Hemophilia accredited since 2015 European in Romania (along with the Hematology Clinic Fundeni).

In Pediatry Clinic Fundeni are diagnosed and treated annually more than 100 new cases of hematologic malignancies, the clinical highest national addressability.

Section II includes the Department of Pediatric Bone Marrow Transplantation performing all transplant procedures at the highest standards. Department of Gastroenterology provide pre and post liver transplant care.

Section III provides integrated treatment of children with kidney disease, acute and chronic renal failure and renal transplantation (clinical nephrology and dialysis), systemic lupus erythematosus, etc. Pediatric Clinic Fundeni has a capacity of 111 beds for continous hospitalizations, and a daycare department.

Medical teaching activity taking place in the Pediatric Clinic Fundeni, addresses students of the 5th  year of the Faculty of Medicine in U.M.Ph. "Carol Davila", residents in pediatrics and other specialties in whose curricula clinical training in pediatrics are provided (allergy and clinical immunology, infectious diseases, pediatric surgery, diabetes and metabolic diseases, epidemiology, medical genetics, medicine family, emergency medicine, nephrology, neonatology, pediatric neurology, pediatric psychiatry) and primary researchers and medical specialists and pediatricians who specialize in hemato - oncology, bone marrow transplantation and nephrology.

For the students in the 5th year of study, the discipline Pediatrics is mandatory, courses and internships pediatric curriculum are organized according to U. M. Ph. "Carol Davila". The curriculum is consistent with national and international standards, ensuring the acquisition by students of knowledge and skills essential in the pediatric field. The topics and programming of courses and practical activities are displayed before the s beginning of each module. During an academic year there are 2 sets of training with teaching in Romanian and one series of training entirely in English. Practical work for students consist of daily visits to hospitalized patients in clinics of pediatrics Fundeni, discussing cases (history, clinical examination, positive and differential diagnosis, treatment, complications, evolution, prognosis). For students, the research consists of individual studies finalized by development of bachelor’s degrees.

The education of postgraduate refers to training resident doctors and medical specialists and primary pediatricians and other specialties in orderto gain knowledge for every level of training, both in terms of theory (lectures, case presentations) and practical ( clinical and laboratory internships).

Regarding research, this reflects the progress in the Pediatric Clinic of the many projects of medical research, clinical trials and doctoral studies, and the results are presented as conferences / abstracts / posters / articles within the important congresses and national and international magazines ISI / BDI indexed.

Pediatric Clinic Fundeni has close interdisciplinary collaboration with all clinics, laboratories and specializations in Fundeni and with other medical institutions in Bucharest and the country, with prestigious clinics and institutes abroad. The team of doctors of the Department of Pediatrics Fundeni actively participate in developing national protocols for diagnosis and treatment in the most important national professional societies and educational projects of U.M.Ph. "Carol Davila" and the College of Doctors.

Syllabus for Discipline Pediatry , 5th year

Internship duration: 8 weeks

Course topics – 2 hours / day, 5 days/week:

No.  Course Title
1. Problems of diagnosis and treatment in pediatrics; Pediatric vaccination recommendations
2. Growth and development
3. Nutrition and diet
4. Congenital heart disease
5. Genetic metabolic disease
6. Upper respiratory infections; Bacterial pneumonia
7. Newborn (normal weight, premature dismature)
8. Pathological newborn
9. Deficiency Pathology (MPC, deficient anemia, deficient rickets, tetany)
10. Asthma; recurrent wheezing
11. Bronchiolitis, pneumonia, atypical interstitial pneumonia
12. Heart failure
13. Aplastic anemias
14. Acute and chronic glomerulonephritis
15. Nephrotic syndrome
16. Urinary tract infections
17. Acute and chronic renal failure
18. Haemolitical anemias
19. Bleeding disorders (thrombocytopenia / pathies, vasculopathy, coagulopathies)
20. Adolescent Medicine (obesity, behavioral disorders, abused, drugs)
21. Simple acute diarrheal disease, acute dehydration syndrome
22. Long-term diarrheal diseases. Malabsorption syndromes
23. Infant and child jaundice
24. Chronic hepatitis / cirrhosis
25. Shock
26. Leukemias
27. Lymphomas, solid tumors
28. Chronic juvenile arthritis, Lupus erythematosus, Acute rheumatismal arthritis
29. Congenital and acquired immunodeficiency syndromes
30. Cardio-pulmonary resuscitation
31. Acute intoxications


Practical activities run daily in the clinic after finishing the classes. The absences will be recovered during afternoon patient visits or guards.


  • Partially written multiple choice exam
  • Final exam: oral and practical + written multiple choice


  1. Approach to diagnosis and treatment of enuresis in children
  2. Monitoring predialitic stage chronic renal failure in children
  3. Urinary tract infections in children
  4. Hemolytic anemia in children - clinical and paraclinical diagnosis
  5. Emergencies in blood - pediatric oncology
  6. Indications of pediatric bone marrow transplantation
  • onco - hematology
  • acute leukemias
  • lymphomas
  • bone marrow transplantation
  • hemophilia
  • thalassemia
  • kidney failure
  • collagen disorders
  • dialysis
  • gastroenterology
  1. Optimisation of diagnosis and treatment of acute leukemias and myelodysplastic syndromes in children. (Ottimizzatione dei percorsi diagnostici e curative delle leucemie infantile complesse) Project in cooperation with the International Institute GASLINI Gianina, Genoa, Italy, (L. 212/92 Romania 12- C/ES5-05/05)
  2. End-of-life Decision Making: Competency and Autonomy of Children and Adolescents in Pediatric Oncology decision making processes. Comparative research study between Switzerland and Romania, partially funded by FNSNF, Division IV NPR, NO. 406740_139283/1,
  3. Molecular monitoring of accepting the hematopoietic stem cell graft. Impact analysis of chimerism in allogeneic transplants with mielo-conditioning and nonmieloablative regimens (TCSH) – Project CEEX 48/2005
  4. Optimizing therapeutic strategies based on the biological characteristics of malignant cells in acute leukemia in children (LACRO-2006) – Project CEEX 76/2006
  5. The value of molecular typing of HLA profiles to optimize the selection of donor hematopoietic stem cell allografts and to initiate Romanian National Registry of donors. Project CEEX 75/2006
  1. Leucemia acuta limfoblastica la copil. Colita Anca, Colita Andrei. Editura Universitară Carol Davila,București, 2014, ISBN: 978-973-708-737-9
  1. Combined procedure of vascularized bone marrow transplantation and mesenchymal stem cells graft – an effective solution for rapid hematopoietic reconstitution and prevention of graft-versus-host disease. Coliţă A, Coliţă A, Zamfirescu D, Lupu AR. Med Hypotheses. 2012; 79(3):302-3. doi: 10.1016/j.mehy.2012.05.014. Epub 2012 Jun , IF – 1,05
  1. Fludarabine, low-dose cyclophosphamide and rabbit antithymocyte globulin allowed stable engraftment after allogeneic peripheral blood stem cell transplantation for poly-transfused dyskeratosis congenita patient: case report. Coliţă A, Tanase A, Varady Z, Coliţă AD, Arion C. Transplant Proc. 2013;45(7):2849-53. doi: 10.1016/j.transproceed.2013.02.137. IF -0,95
  1. Triggers for driving treatment of at-risk patients with invasive fungal disease. Drgona L, Colita A, Klimko N, Rahav G, Ozcan MA, Donnelly JP. J Antimicrob Chemother. 2013;68 Suppl 3:iii17-iii24. doi: 10.1093/jac/dkt391. IF – 5,34
  1. Metode de epurare extrarenală la copilul cu Insuficienţă renală cronică. Cristina Stoica. Editura Mustang, Bucureşti, 2011, 100p, ISBN 978-606-8058-66-5, cod CNCSIS 327. (1 citare în: Anemia la copilul cu boală cronică de rinichi. Revista Medicina Modernă. 2011. ISSN 1223-0472, cod CNCSIS 475 B+)
  1. Left Ventricular Mass and Diastolic Dysfunction in Children on Dialysis. Poster – Adrian Catalin Lungu, Ana-Maria Viziniuc, Alexandra Niculae, Iulia Constantinescu, Ovidiu Constantin Limoncu, Ioana Ghiorghiu, Mihai Gafencu and Cristina Stoica. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 31 (Supplement 1): i328–i340, 2016 doi: 10.1093/ndt/gfw179.41,ISSN 0931 – 0509, 53th ERA-EDTA Congress – Vienna – 21-24 May 2016
  1. Anti-Factor H Autoantibody–Associated Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome – first case in Romania treated with Eculizumab – Poster – Adrian Catalin Lungu, Raluca Teleanu, Cristina Stoica, Pediatric Nephrology, September 2015, Volume 30, Issue 9, pp 1543-1730, DOI 10.1007/s00467-015-3158-7,  ISSN: 0931-041X (Print) 1432-198X (Online), http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00467-015-3158-7. 48th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Society of Pediatric Nephrology – Bruxelles, Belgium – 3-5 Sept 2015
  1. Genotypic and Phenotypic Correlations in β Thalassemia Major. Diaconu A, Bălan G, Neamțu T, Duțescu M, Plăiașu V, Marcu AM, Vultur H, Constantin M, Ungureanu MI, Bălăceanu A. The 1st Congress of the Romanian Association of Laboratory Medicine, 20-22 mai 2015, Sighişoara. Revista Romana de Medicina de Laborator, Supliment la vol.23, Nr.1, martie 2015, cotata ISI (IF 2013: 0.171), S86.
  1. The new chelation regims and follow-up the children with beta-thalassemia major by ultrasound screening in clinical practice. A Bălăceanu, A Diaconu, C Diaconu, C Costache, G Nicolae.. Cardiovascular Therapeutics ISSN 1755-5914. ISI, IF 2.353. 3rdWorld Heart Failure Congress of The World Heart Failure Society in association with Turkish Society of Cardiology Working Group of Heart Failure, 29 nov – 02 dec 2012, Istanbul, Turcia
  1. Primary malignant fibrous histiocytoma of the right ventricle: case report and review of the literature. Bălăceanu A, Mateescu D, Diaconu C, Sărsan A. Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine, 2010, vol. 29, no4: 655-658. ISI; IF (2010) 1,246. ISSN 1550-9613