Discipline - Hematology (Clinic and Laboratory) - Fundeni Clinical Institute

Professor Coriu Daniel, PhD tenured
Lecturer Dobrea Camelia Marioara, PhD tenured
Lecturer Ursuleac Iulia, PhD tenured
Lecturer Tatic Aurelia, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Bratu Denisa, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Crisan Ana Manuela, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Grigore Andra, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Cirstea Mihaela, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Georgescu Georgeta Daniela, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Bardas Alexandru, PhD tenured

The Hematology and Bone Marrow Transplant Center (HBMTC) of Bucharest is the oldest and largest medical unit with this capability in Romania. It comprises four departments which were established one after the other: the Hematology Clinic, the Laboratory for Special Hematologic Analyses, the Stem Cell Bank and Bone Transplant Unit.

Previous heads of the discipline include 6 individuals: Acad. Prof. Dr. Constantin T. Nicolau – founder of the Hematology clinic in 1951 (the first in the country) and several transfusion and conservation centers, he was the first hematology professor in Romanian higher education; Senior Lecturer Dr. Emil Popescu – who modernized Romanian hematology; Senior Lecturer Dr. Elena Butoianu – continued the modernization process and promoted research in the field of chronic myeloproliferative diseases; Acad. Prof. Dr. Stefan Berceanu – designer of the current clinic in Fundeni Hospital (1976), with a unique organizational structure comprising a clinical area with 153 beds – the largest in the country – together with 8 highly specialized laboratories; Prof. Dr. Dan Colita, a member of the Medical Sciences Academy – a founding member of the bone marrow transplant compartment (2000); Prof. Dr. Coriu Daniel – the current head of the Center, ensures that the clinic is run according to international standards, and is modernizing the laboratories of the Center, promoting new lines of investigation such as proteomics and molecular genetics.


The Hematology and Bone Marrow Transplant Center of I.C. Fundeni Hospital comprises:

  • The Department of Adult Hematology with three clinical sections (156 beds), the compartment of Acute Leukemias (20 beds) functions in section two
  • The Bone Marrow Transplant Department (section four) – 12 sterile rooms
  • The Department for outpatient procedures
  • Stem Cell Bank
  • The Department of Specialized Hematological Analysis Laboratory, which includes the Cytology and Cytochemistry, Hemopathology, Hemostasis, Cytogenetics and FISH, Cell Cultures, Proteinology and Hemoglobinopathy, Molecular Biology, and Flux Cytometry laboratories
  • Clinical Studies
  • Research laboratory

Specialized medical assistance includes the diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of the following pathologies: congenital (thalassemias) and acquired anemias; hereditary (hemophilias) and acquired hemorrhagic syndromes; Hodgkin’s and non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas; acute and chronic leukemias; myelodysplastic syndromes; multiple myelomas and amyloidosis.

We are the only healthcare unit in Romania capable of providing complex patient management for hematologic diseases including: high performance diagnosis, treatment according to international standards, including to following bone marrow transplants - autotransplant, related or non-related allogeneic transplant, hapoidentical transplant.

Our center deals with 14 000 hospitalizations / year and 6000 outpatient procedures / year.

80% of these patients have malignant diseases.

The Hematology and Bone Marrow Transplant Center doubles as a teaching location for the Faculty of Medicine UMF Carol Davila and runs expansive programs, both for students and for medical residents or specialists that wish to pursue the various specialized courses related to the clinical hematology or laboratory.

The infrasturcture dedicated to didactic activities includes:

  • the clinical sector – 153 beds, plus 27 beds in the Bone Marrow Transplant Unit
  • the laboratory sector-  8 specialized laboratories for hematologial analysis
  • an amphitheatre with 150 seats (belonging to the Fundeni Clinical Institute)
  • a lecture room with 30 seats (belonging to HBMTC)
  • a microscopy room with 15 seats  (belonging to HBMTC)

Didactic activities include:

  • courses for 4th year students from the Faculaty of General Medicine (5 series per year)
  • courses for medical professionals: each year 12 courses for medical professionals take place at the Hematology Clinic of Fundeni, focusing on aspects of clinical hematology or laboratory
  • Clinical Hematology and Laboratory courses for residents: the hematology clinic of Fundeni provides 2 courses for residents: one covers topics in clinical hematology and the other is about hematological laboratory.

An important accomplishment for the didactic activities relating to hematological laboratory was the establishment of a microscopy room, with new microscopes and a digital image acquisition system, providing better learning opportunities.

Currently, the Hematology and Bone Marrow Transplant Center at Fundeni has the necessary infrastructure and premises to conduct scientific research in the domain of hematology. We have a modern basis for diagnosing and monitoring hematological diseases. This center is unique in Romania due to its complexity, the quality of its equipment and its highly trained, specialized personnel. We have specialists in the domains of molecular biology, flux cytometry, cytogenetics/FISH, hematopoiesis and cell culture, hemostasis, hemopathology, and cytology/cytochemistry of proteins. We directly implicate students and doctoral students in our research activity

The most important equipment:

  • Cytology laboratory: optical and fluorescent microscopes, immunohistochemistry and cytochemistry; Sysmex XN analyzer (eXcelleNce); Olympus microscopes with a videocamera and microphotography system; Jouan CO2 incubator and Heraeus CO2 incubator, Nachet Alpha inverted microscope;
  • Flow Cytometry laboratory: a Becton-Dickinson FACScan (4 colors) and a Beckman Coulter Navios flow cytometer (10 colors and 3 lasers)
  • Cytogenetics and FISH laboratory: Olympus BX61 microscope with GenASIs Spectral platform for MultiColor Karyotyping; Zeiss microscope and Meta Systems platform for karyotyping.
  • Molecular Biology laboratory: Applied Biosystems - VERTI 96 well Thermal Cycler; Spectrophotometer Nanodrop 1000; Applied Biosystems - GeneAmp PCR System 9700; BioCApt System; Roche-Light Cycler 1.5; Roche Light Cycler 480 II; Access to the service for next generation sequencing - MiSeq second generation machine (Illumina).
  • Proteins and Hemoglobin Study laboratory: Spectrophotometer, Electrophoresis Systems, Machine fluid high performance chromatography (HPLC), Nefelometer Dade Benhring; Western blotting System BIO- RAD;
  • Hemostasis and Thrombosis laboratory: Chrono-Log Aggregometer; Automatic coagulation analyzer AMS Bherin, Stago, IL9000, CRONOLOG; TEG5000 Thrombelastograph Hemostasis Analyzer system.

Research directions:

  • the domain of molecular biology and the study of proteins in thalassemias, multiple myeloma, hereditary and primary amyloidosis, chronic myeloid leukemia, acute leuckemias and lymphomas -the domain of hematopoietic stem cells, mesenchymal cells

The research process is facilitated by existing partnerships with well-known research Centers: Institutul National de Biologie si Patologie Celulara "Nicolae Simionescu", Institutul Cantacuzino; Institutul Politehnic Bucuresti, Tennessee University Graduate School of Medicine, Human  Immunology and Cancer Program (HICP), USA; Institute of Genetics and Neurology, Cypress; Mannheim molecular biology laboratory, University of Heidelberg, Germany; European LeukemiaNet; Bone Marrow Transplantation, University of Regensburg, Germany; The Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.

We have created within the Hematology Center a nucleus of clinical studies, and we believe that, in order to stimulate these, patients must be advised to enroll in clinical studies.

Clinical research: -in the domain of multiple myeloma, primary amyloidosis, leukemias, malignant lymphomas and other hematological diseases.


  • Classification
  • The Hemogram in medical practice
  • Megaloblastic anemias
  • Hypochromic anemias
  • Hemolytic anemias (HA): extracorpuscular causes
  • Hemolytic anemias (HA): intracorpuscular causes
  • Acute leukemias
  • Chronic lymphoproliferative syndromes
  • Malignant lymphomas
  • Histological aspects of lymphomas
  • Chronic myeloproliferative syndromes
  • Hemostasis - explorations
  • Thrombocytopenic purpuras
  • Disseminated intravascular coagulation
  • Hemophilias
  • Von Willebrand disease

Bibliography: course handouts


  1. MANAGEMENT OF FEBRILE NEUTROPENIA IN HEMATOLOGIC PATIENTS for specialists and MDs in clinical hematology and laboratory, biologists working in hematology laboratories
  2. MOLECULAR BIOLOGY IN HEMATOLOGIC DISEASES: FROM THEORY TO PRACTICE for specialists and MDs in clinical hematology and laboratory, biologists working in hematology laboratories
  3. ANEMIC SYNDROMES: CURRENT METHODS OF DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT for specialists and MDs in clinical hematology and laboratory, biologists working in hematology laboratories
  4. ACUTE LEUKEMIAS: CURRENT ISSUES AND PERSPECTIVES for specialists and MDs in clinical hematology and laboratory, biologists working in hematology laboratories
  5. CHRONIC LYMPHOPROLIFERATIVE SYNDROMES AND HODGKIN’S DISEASE: CURRENT DIAGNOSTIC METHODS AND TREATMENT STRATEGIES for specialists and MDs in clinical hematology and laboratory, biologists working in hematology laboratories
  6. HEMORRHAGIC SYNDROME: DIAGNOSIS AND CLINICAL MANAGEMENT for specialists and MDs in clinical hematology and laboratory, biologists working in hematology laboratories
  7. MONOCLONAL GAMMAPATHIES: CURRENT METHODS OF DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT for specialists and MDs in clinical hematology and laboratory, biologists working in hematology laboratories
  8. HEREDITARY AND ACQUIRED BONE MARROW FAILURE SYNDROME. RISK OF CLONAL EVOLUTION TOWARD MALIGNANCY for specialists and MDs in clinical hematology and laboratory, biologists working in hematology laboratories
  9. CHRONIC MYELOPROLIFERATIVE DISEASES: CURRENT METHODS OF DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT for specialists and MDs in clinical hematology and laboratory, biologists working in hematology laboratories
  10. THROMBOTIC DISEASE: NEW ASPECTS OF DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT for specialists and MDs in clinical hematology and laboratory, biologists working in hematology laboratories

Regarding doctoral studies admission in September 2016, the following places are available:

Number of places
Tuition-free/scholarship Tuition-free/without scholarship With tuition
1 0 6




  1. Compendiul de specilitati medico-chirurgicale. Volumul I si II pentru concursul national de rezidentiat 2016. Sub redactia: EDITURA MEDICALA REZIDENTIAT.
  2. Actualitati in Medicina Interna. Sub redactia: Leonida Gherasim. Ioan Alexandru Oproiu. EDITURA MEDICALA 2015. Pg 765-785.
  • molecular biology
  • immunophenotyping
  • genetics
  • FISH
  • stem cells
  • bone marrow transplane
  • thalassemias
  • hemophilias
  • thrombophilias
  • leukemias
  • lymphomas
  • myelomas
  • amyloidosis

Annual research projects:

  1. Framework Package6 (FP6): European LeukemiaNet 2004 - 2010
  2. Proiect de Cercetare European LeukemiaNet / European Science Foundation; 2010 - 2014
  3. Proiectul de cercetare EUTOS for CML ( European Treatment and Outcome Study for CML). 2007 – 2014
  4. Programul Cercetare de Excelenta. CEEX # 49  "Screening-ul si diagnosticul prenatal al beta talasemiei – o  problema de actualitate in medicina preventiva: Fondarea unui registru national pentru supravegherea bolilor genetice"; Perioada: 2005–2008: Institutia Coordonatoare: UMF „Carol Davila"
  5. Programul Cercetare de Excelenta. CEEX #  74 ; "Interactiunea micromediului hematopoietic medular cu celula  maligna din mielomul multiplu, relatia dintre productia celulara si bolile prin tulburare de conformatie a proteinelor monoclonale";  Perioada: 2006–2008:  Institutia Coordonatoare: UMF „ Carol Davila"
  6. Program National de Cercetare – PN II 41-045: „ Studiu complex privind caracterizarea determinantilor genetici pentru stabilirea corelatiei genotip- fenotip la pacientii cu talasemie intermediara"; Perioada: 2007–2010: Institutia Coordonatoare: UMF „ Carol Davila
  7. Program National de Cercetare– PN II 41-087: „Monitorizarea moleculara a oncogenei hibrid BCR-ABL in leucemia mieloida cronica (LMC) prin REAL TIME cantitativ: Fondarea registrului national pentru pacientii cu LMC"    Perioada: 2007–2010:  Institutia Coordonatoare: UMF „ Carol Davila"
  8. Registrul EUREKA al EuropeanLeukemiaNet (ELN): Colectarea prospectiva a datelor privind profunzimea raspunsului molecular in Leucemia mieloide cronica (CML) tratata cu inhibitori de tirozin-kinaza (TKI). Perioada 2016-2019: Centrul de Studiu CML din Jena, Germania
  1. Hepatic amyloidosis resulting from deposition of the apolipoprotein A-I variant Leu75Pro

Coriu D; Dispenzieri  A; Stevens FJ; Murphy CL; Wang  SC; Weiss DT; Solomon A


  1. A molecular basis for nonsecretory myeloma

Coriu D; Weaver K; Schell M; Eulitz M; Murphy CL; Weiss DT; Solomon A

BLOOD, 104 (3): AUG 1 2004; 829-831 17.

  1. Scanning of beta-globin gene for identification of beta-thalassemia mutation in Romanian population

Talmaci R; Traeger-Synodinos J; Kanavakis E; Coriu D; Colita D; Gavrila L


  1. Amyloid contained in the knee joint meniscus is formed from apolipoprotein A-I

Solomon A; Murphy CL; Kestler; Coriu D; Weiss DT; Makovitzky J; Westermark  P

ARTHRITIS AND RHEUMATISM, 54 (11): NOV 2006; 3545-3550

  1. Laparoscopic subtotal splenectomy in hereditary spherocytosis – To preserve the upper or the lower pole of the spleen?

Vasilescu C; Stanciulea O; Tudor S; Stanescu D; Colita A; Stoia R; Coriu D; Colita A; Arion C


  1. Budd Chiari syndrome and V617F/JAK 2 mutation linked with the myeloproliferative disorders.

Smira G, Gheorghe L, Iacob S, Coriu D, Gheorghe C.

J Gastrointestin Liver Dis. 2010 Mar;19(1):108-9 14

7 . „In situ” mantle cell lymphoma associated with hyaline-vascular Castleman disease.

Dobrea C, Mihai M, Dănăilă E, Găman A, Coriu D, Ursuleac I.

Rom J Morphol Embryol. 2011;52(3 Suppl):1147-51

  1. Bortezomib in systemic AL amyloidosis: a single center experience.

Coriu D, Badelita S, Talmaci R, Dobrea C, Dogaru M, Ostroveanu D, Crisan M.

Amyloid. 2011 Jun;18 Suppl 1:148-50.

  1. Identification of second generation tyrosine kinase inhibitors relevant mutations in a cohort of
  2. chronic myeloid leukemia patients treated in a single center in Romania.

Kinga Tatar,  Rodica Talmaci,  Dumitru Jardan,  Maria Damian,  Adriana Coliță,  Hortensia Ioniță, Daniel Coriu.

Rev Romana Med Lab. 2011;19(3): 279-287

  1. Real-time qPCR for assessment of minimal residual disease in acute myeloid and lymphoid leukemia.

Dumitru Jardan,  Rodica Talmaci,  Cerasela Jardan,  Daniel Coriu,  Anca Colita,  Andrei Colita, et al.

Rev Romana Med Lab. 2011;19(4):349-3575