Discipline - Oncological radiotherapy - Medical Imaging - Coltea Clinical Hospital, Bucharest Emergency Clinical Hospital

Professor Verga Nicolae, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Bucur Liliana Antoaneta, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Savencu Olivian, PhD fixed term

The Discipline was founded in 1996 as a result of division of the Radiology Department of Colţea Hospital. It was managed by Prof. Dr. Ion Florea (1996 - 2010)  and by Assoc. Prof. Nicholas Verga (2010 – present).

The medical activities are radiotherapy and medical imaging.

Medical imaging.
Medical imaging, the base of the act of radiation treatment, serves both diagnosis and radiotherapy planning, discipline has a rich collection of paraclinical investigations (CT, MRI, PET-CT, scintigraphy) that belong to our patients.

We purchased an eFilm 3.1 workstation  by means of which we examine, analyze, make mergers of images, reconstruction of 2D and 3D imaging.

The radiotherapy that we practice is an activity in which we benefit from the competition of the department of medical oncology and other hospital wards and laboratories, which allows the practice of a customized medical act that targets the entire body, integrated in the entire hospital medical activity.
For radiotherapy practice we have two linear accelerators and Brachytherapy HDR unit, simulator.


It is also the first clinic in the country and one of the few in Europe to offer to residents the opportunity to complete the information obtained from the collection of imaging investigations with clinical and paraclinical investigations of hospital records and hence with virtual simulation and design of radiological  treatment plans for 3D, IMRT, IMPT, brachytherapy using OnQ rts® 2.1 and matRad open source software from the Massachusetts General Hospital.
The educational activity is being conducted in two stages, in the primary one they are taught the basics in radiophysics, radiochemistry, radiobiology, radioprotection, imaging and radiotherapeutic technology and general oncology in accordance to the curriculum this stage.

In the second stage, the radiotherapy residents, under the direction of teachers, have clinical activity participating in the complete algorithm of the diagnosis, staging, preparing the treatment of general and radiological plan (targeting the affected equipment and systems), associated oncological treatments,  posttherapeutic recovery of the patient, control and monitoring him/her with specialists in the field.
For this, the clinic has a collection of diagnostic, therapeutic and monitoring guides, electronic documentation and our discipline’s courses.

Moreover, we participate in the exchange of residents with radiotherapy clinics from Romania and abroad (Erasmus).
Within our discipline, residents from other specialties as pulmonology, medical oncology, etc, complete their training.

Regarding the research activity, our discipline is involved in several research projects in the following areas: optical coherence tomography imaging, use of laser for treatment and opto-acoustic analysis, use of lasers of high power from the ELI-NP platform for the production of protons beams, experiments that use different beams of accelerated particles (protons, carbon, helium), the behavior of living matter in strong electromagnetic fields and in ionized environments, nanotechnology, radiochemistry, radiobiology of high speed, data mining in large databases, e -Learning etc.

Given the degree of specialization required for the radiotherapy activity, education is made within the activity of postgraduate training, the students are involved only as participants of the radiotherapy group  founded by residents and posted on Facebook.

Postgraduate courses held by our discipline’s teachers have as theme matters of interest regarding the high incidence cancers (cervical cancer, lung cancer, gastric cancer, etc.), palliative care and oncology therapeutic indications.

Although we have no PhD students at the moment, directions in which we focus our attention in the doctoral school are those who approach our research themes cited above.

  1. Med Nuclotron Project – Comparative and complementary dosimetry, elements of radioprotection used in applications of the hadrons beams in Medicine and and Biology, IUCN Dubna, Russia – Lab High Energy, ICPE – Advanced Researches S.A., Bucharest University, 2004 – 2006
  2. Biomateriale nanogranulare MAGNETITE 2-DEOXI-D-GLUCOZA cu utilizare in diagnosticul tumorilor maligne, 2004-2007
  3. The dosimetry, radiobiology and radiotherapy with accelerated protons beam. Theme: The development of the tools and methods of diagnosis and therapy of hadrons beams in medicine, 2001-2010
  4. Experimental studies of secondary effects behind interaction between carbon ions or protons beams with biologic or biologic like targets, 2008
  5. Investigations of mechanisms and regularities of DNA double strand breaks introductions and reparations in peripheral human blood lymphocytes under exposure by ionizing radiation with different physical characteristics. Theme: Research of biological activity of heavy charged particles with different enegies, 2009-2011

Nr. Crt. Titlu lucrare publicată Autori Publicaţie Anul publicării
1. Absorbed dose distributions using the isodensitometric method for exposures with filter employed for mammographies Scarlat, F; Scarisoreanu, A; Verga, N; Romanian Reports in Physics 2013
2. Advantages of laser photoacoustic spectroscopy in radiotherapy characterization Popa C., Verga N., Patachia M., Banita S., Matei C., Dumitras D. Romanian Reports in Physics 2014
3. Cancer treatment with hyperthermia Sardari, Dariush; Verga, Nicolae; 2011
4. Evaluation of Physical Parameters for Laser-Driven Clinical Hadron Beams Scarlat, F; Scarisoreanu, A; Verga, N; Scarlat, Fl; Vancea, C; Journal of Intense pulsed Lasers and Applications in Advances Physics 2014
5. Eze protontherapz: proposed feasibilitz plan Verga, N; Ursu, I; Craciun, Liviu; Mirea, DA; Vasilescu, R; Cata-Danil, Gh; Groza, Andreea; Ganciu, M; Scarlat, F; Stan, CA; Romanian Reports in Physics 2014
6. Implementing BNCT through the use of an electron accelerator Zarma S.F., Mirea D.A., Busca I., Poroschianu M.N., Verga N. Romanian Reports in Physics 2014
7. Ionization Chamber Dosimetry for Conventional and Laser-Driven Clinical Hadron Beams Scarlat, F; Scarisoreanu, A; Badita, E; Vancea, C; Calina, II; Scarlat, Fl; Verga, N; Journal of Biosciences and Medicines 2015
8. Magnetic nanoparticles for magneto-resonance imaging and targeted drug delivery Neamtu, J; Verga, N; Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures 2011
9. Optical coherence tomography in oncological imaging Verga N., Mirea D.A., Busca I., Poroschianu M.N., Zarma S.F., Grinisteanu L., Anica A., Gheorghe C.A., Stan C.A., Verga M., Vasilache R. Romanian Reports in Physics 2014
10. Residual radioactivity induced by protons and 12C ions in biomedical materials Mihailescu A., Verga N., Popovici M.A., Strasser L., Filipescu D., Cata-Danil G.H. Romanian Reports in Physics 2011