Discipline - Oncology - Fundeni Clinical Institute
- List of academic staff
- Brief medical and research history of the Department
- Description of medical activities
- Description of educational and research activities
- Useful information for students
- Useful information regarding postgraduate courses
- Useful information for Ph. D candidates
- 5-10 keywords that describe subdomains of interest for research activity
- Most representative research projects
- Most significant scientific papers
Assistant Professor | Croitoru-Cazacu Irina Mihaela, PhD | tenured |
Professor | Croitoru Adina Emilia, PhD | tenured |
In the Fundeni Clinical Hospital, now Fundeni Clinical Institute, the Radiology Deparment was founded in 1960 by Prof. Dr. Corneliu Butnaru, who was the Head of the Department until his retirement in 1994; following him, Prof. Dr. Serban Al. Georgescu took over as Chief until 2007; since 2007, the clinical, teaching and research activity of the Department is coordinated by Prof. Dr. Ioana G. Lupescu.
The activity of the Radiology Department includes almost all areas of diagnostic, being especially focused on the abdominal imaging: hepato-bilio-pancreatic, reno-urinary, gastrointestinal tract disease, imaging in oncology (particularly hepatocellular carcinoma on liver cirrhosis, reno-urinary tumors, pediatric oncology, oncohaematology, prostate cancer), imaging for organ and tissue transplantation (renal, hepatic, bone marrow); other areas of interest have been and are represented by cardio-vascular imaging, imaging of miastenia gravis, imaging in vasculo-degenerative diseases of the CNS, senology imaging, developping of minimmally invasive interventional radiology techniques targeted on abdominal pathologies especially in oncologic patients.
Until 1990, the Fundeni Clinical Hospital was the basis of postuniversitary education, after which it was integrated in the university rotation for students. In the years 1991 and 1992, the first optional courses of medical imaging for students were held here; in 1990-1991, the Department hosted the first formation training course in Computed Tomography for Radiology specialists, to obtain the CT certification, and in 2001-2002, the first Magnetic Resonance Imaging formation course in Romania, coordinated by Dr. Ioana G. Lupescu, in order to obtain the MRI certification. Ever since, both these training classes – CT and MRI – have contributed to the formation of more than two thirds of all CT and MRI users in Romania (specialists with the respective official certifications).
In the Angiography and Interventional Radiology Division, there have been developped minimally invasive procedures for abdominal pathologies, particularly concerning hepato-bilio-pancreatic disease, gastro-intestinal tract pathology and hepatic transplantation. Fluoroscopy, ultrasonography and CT-guided interventional maneuvers have been developped.
The Radiology and Medical Imaging Department has been the headquarters for the SRIM- Romanian Radiology and Medical Imaging Society since 1990.
The Fundeni Radiology Department was the first film-less imaging service in Romania, totally digitalized (in 2000-2001), connected to an internal network for post-processing and exporting images and equipped with a PACS installation for storing and transmitting images.
The clinic’s staff has done numerous scientific papers and posters for international and national congresses, conferences and symposiums and has written many articles published in Romania and abroad, and has contributed with relevant medical images to conceiving various treatises, monographs and practice guides for medical imaging.
The number of patients undergoing a radio-imagistic examination every year is around 45.000.
The radiological and imaging techniques used in the department are:
- CT: spiral/helical technique, assessing renal and hepatic transplant donors and recipients, CT-enterography, CT-colonography, CT-enteroclysis, CT angiography, CT urography, low dose CT, CT evaluations adapted for children, cardio-CT, and CT guided interventional techniques;
- MRI: any usual technique, assessing hepatic transplant donors and recipients, hepato-biliary morpho-functional studies with specific cellular contrast (eg.Primovist), MRCP, MR hepatic elastography, multiparametric MR for prostatic adenocarcinoma, MR-enterography, MR-angiography, whole-body-MR, MR evaluations adapted for pediatric use, MR-spectroscopy, cardio-MR;
- Visceral angiography and minimally invasive therapeutic interventional procedures with applications in the hepato-biliary pathology and in hepatic transplantation;
- Fluoro-, echo- or CT-guided interventional maneuvers (biliary, urinary, abdominal, thoracic etc.);
- B-mode and Doppler ultrasonography, both diagnostic and therapeutic
- Senology imaging (ultrasonography, mammography, MRI)
- Conventional radiographic examinations and examinations with positive CM (digestive tract and urinary tract);
- Digestive endoscopic maneuvers under fluoroscopic guidance (mixed team gastroenterologist-radiologist)
Classes (Courses and WS) for Medical School Students, since 1991: 3 to 5 series per year in the Romanian speaking module, and for the English speaking module since 2007 (2 series per year in the last two years);
Formation of residents between 1962 and 1965, then after 1990 - permanently, an average of 40 Radiology residents (first to last year) in the last 10 years
Postgraduation continuous medical education
Training classes that started in our Radiology Department, unique in Romania when they started (CT, MRI, breast imaging)
- Optional course of Medical Imaging for students and residents - 1991 and 1992;
- CT certification course (since 1992);
- MRI certification course (since 2001-2002)- Ioana Lupescu, R.Capsa;
- Senology Imaging certification course (since 2002-M.Lesaru);
- Radiology training classes to prepare the radiology specialty exam (since 1962);
- Intensive, interactive teaching courses in imaging novelties (Ioana Lupescu, R.Capsa, E.Preda), in interventional radiology (M.Grasu, R.Dumitru), digital technology applications etc.;
- Teaching courses for residents and young radiology specialists in Summer and Winter Schools;
- Formation classes for nurses in conventional radiology, CT and MRI (G.Popa, Cristina Dumitrescu);
Teaching classes destinated for other specialties:
Teaching Class for neurologists - basic Neuroimaging (2 hours since 2000) - weekly case discussions;
Teaching Class on Cardiovascular imaging (since 2004), for Cardiology residents;
The Radiology Department is distinguished with the title of "Excellence Center" of CNCSIS (The National Council of Scientific Research in Upper Education) of the Education Ministry since 2001, for performance in education and research.
The most important areas of interest in research have been represented by: pre-/ and post- hepatic or renal transplantation imaging; evaluating cirrhotic liver nodules through noninvasive imaging techniques using CT and MR; inflammatory and tumoral reno-urinary pathology; inflammatory and tumoral pathology of the pancreas; tumoral and inflammatory pathology of the gastro-intestinal tract, oncohematology imaging.
Developping new non-invasive imaging techniques, since 2001, for the first time in Romania: MR colangio-pancreatography (MRCP), MR-urography (MRU), MRI evaluation of cranial nerves; CT and MR evaluation pre- and post- renal or hepatic transplantation; cerebral diffusion, dinamic examinations with paramagnatic contrast, using cellular-specific MR contrast agent: Kupffer cells (SPIO) and hepatocytes (Gd-BOPTA-Multihance, Gd-EOB-DTPA-Primovist), cerebral MR spectroscopy (in cerebral deposition diseases); CT-angiography (CTA) and MR-angiography (MRA) evaluation for large vessels - aorta, SVC, IVC, pulmonary circulation, supra-aortic trunks, Willis polygon, peripheral arteries); neuro-degeenrative and cerebral vascular pathology (both ischaemic and haemorrhagic) ; miastenia gravis; onco-haematology (lymphomas and leukemias); introducing new protocols: CT-urography, CT-enterography and CT-colonography, MR-elastography, multiparametric MR evaluation for abdominal viscera (liver, pancreas, Kidney), prostate and uterus.
Development of research cores, previously not approached in our country: molecular and functional imaging; pediatric neuroimaging; minimally invasive interventional radiology for hepato-bilio-pancreatic applications; developping non-invasive imagistic diagnosis in pericardial and cardiac pathologies (CT angiography of coronary arteries, cardio-MR); MR-spectroscoy.
The scientific and research activity of the medical staff within the Discipline of Radiology and Medical Imaging Department has been rewarded with numerous prizes and honorable mentions (over 75) at national congresses and conferences, at Radiology francophone congresses (JFR), at ECR and ESGAR Congress.
For the Romanian speaking module the theoretical class entails:
14 classes of 2 hours each and 14 practical workshops of 2 hours each /student series
C1-Introduction to Radio-imaging
C2- Radioimaging techniques for the thorax and mediastinum
C3- Thorax 1- techniques, radiological and sectional anatomy
C4- Thorax 2- radio-imaging semiology 1
C5- Thorax 3- radio-imaging semiology 2 and cardio-vasculary imaging
C6- Digestive 1-techniques, radio-imaging anatomy and semiology
C7- Digestive 2- digestive tract syndromes
C8- Imaging of hepato-bilio-pancreatic pathologies
C9- Renal 1: techniques and radio-imagistic anatomy
C10- Renal 2 : radioimagistic semiology and syndromes
C11- Skeletal 1: techniques and radio-imagistic anatomy
C12- Skeletal 2 : semiology and osteo-articular syndromes
C13- Basic notions of imaging in senology (1 hour) and basic pediatric radiology (1 hour)
C14- Pelvic imaging (1 hour) and basics of Neuroradiology (1 hour)
Bibliography : Radiologie si Imagistica Medicala- manual pentru incepatori (redactor S.A.Georgescu), Editura Universitara Carol Davila, 2009, ISBN: 978-973-708-379-1.
All classes in pdf format are archived on CD and are available
For the English speaking module the theoretical course entails:
14 classes of 2 hours each and 14 practical workshops of 2 hours each /student series
C1-Introduction to Radio-imaging -1 course
C2-C5- Radio-imaging of the thorax and mediastimum-4 courses
C6-C7- Digestive tract- 2 courses
C8-Liver, biliary tree and pancreas imaging-1 course
C9-C10- Imaging of the reno-urinary tract and retroperitoneum-2 courses
C11-C12-Osteoarticular system imaging-2 courses
C13- Breast imaging (1 H) and pediatric imaging (1H) -1 course
C14- Fundamentals in pelvic imaging (1H) and introduction to neuroradiology (1H)-1 course
Bibliography. All the courses are stored in pdf format on CD or memory stick
Radiology and Medical Imaging -for beginners, University « Carol Davila »Publishing House, 2009
www.learningradiology.com, www.auntminnie.com, http://radiopaedia.org
Duration: 3 days/semester, addressed to 3rd - 4th year radiology residents and young specialists
Course content: theoretical notions refresher course in "Whole Body" CT and current and particular clinical cases discussion
Duration: 3 days/semester, addressed to 3rd - 4th year radiology residents and young specialists
Course content: theoretical notions refresher course in "Whole Body" MR and current and particular clinical cases discussion
Duration: 3 days/semester, addressed to 4th year radiology residents, attendings and senior attendings
Course content: theoretical notions refresher course in current CT and MRI multiparametric techniques in hepato-bilio-pancreatic pathology and current and particular clinical cases discussion
- BREAST IMAGING (courses included in the training programs for obtaining complementary studies certificates)
Duration: 4 weeks/3 courses/year, addressed to radiologists (specialists and seniors)
Course content: theoretical courses, practical demonstrations, case discussion
Duration: 3-5 days, addressed to attending physicians
Course content: theoretical courses, practical demonstrations, case discussion
- Local organizer for ESOR ASKLEPIOS COURSES (2012, 2015) and ERASMUS SNC II COURSE (2013). Between the 4th and 5th May 2017, ESOR ASKLEPIOS Course in Emergency Radiology was held in Bucharest
Bibliography for entrance exam – Radiology Ph.D
- Contrast agents used in radio-imaging. Contrast agents types, area of use. Incidents, accidents, adverse reactions and their treatment. Contraindications for using iodinated contrast agents.
- Radio-imaging diagnosis of inflammatory and tumoral pathology of the lungs and pleura.
- Radio-imaging of the mediastinum. Medistinal and cardiac disease semiology.
- Radio-imaging diagnosis of aortic and pulmonary artery disorders.
- Radio-imaging diagnosis of medical and surgical emergencies of the digestive tract.
- Radio-imaging diagnosis of focal liver lesions. Radio-imaging diagnosis of biliary tract and pancreatic disorders.
- Radio-imaging diagnosis of tumoral and non-tumoral lesions of the uro-genital tract.
- Radio-imaging diagnosis of osteoarticular inflammatory and tumoral lesions.
- Radio-imaging of the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord): technique. Normal findings. Semiology.
- Radio-imaging diagnosis of tumoral and non-tumoral disorders of the CNS.
Bibliography (minimum and mandatory)
- Romanian Society of Radiology and Medical Imaging– Radiology and Medical Imaging. Study guide for specialty training – Vol I, Vol II, (editor Dudea SM), Medical Publishing Bucharest, 2015, 1271 pages, ISBN: 978-973-39-0797-8
- Imaging in organ transplantation.
- Multiparametric MRI in hepato-bilio-pancreatic ,
- reno-urinary tumors and prostate carcinoma.
- Oncology imaging-varia.
- Imaging in inflammatory/tumoral disorders of the digestive tract.
- Imaging in Miastenia Gravis and vasculo-degenerative disorders of the brain.
- Molecular imaging.
- Cardiovascular Imaging.
- Personalized Imaging.
- Medinet – metropolitan medical network (1999-2004)
- Imaging assessment of liver morphology and functional liver reserve – virtual planning method in liver surgery and liver transplantation (2002-2004)
- Prosonohep – CEEX programme 2006 – Research programme "Non-invasive diagnosis and prognostic markers for hepatocellular carcinoma in focal nodular lesions in liver cirrhosis" – 2006
- PC-3617. 3D integrated anatomic model imaging of nervous tracts (Diffusion Tensor Imaging) - diagnostic instrument and treatment 3DDTI, 2008
- Counseling programme for students and practice in imaging and radiology, POSDRU/161/2.1/G/136326, 8 mai 2014 (duration 18 months)
- Partnership for a successful career in medical specialities involved in renal pathology. POSDRU/161/2.1/G/135802, 2014 (duration 18 months) – long term expert for counseling and career guidance. UMF « Carol Davila », Bucharest. Counseling and career guidance for students in the target group of the project
- Developing competencies in transplantation. Beneficiary : Medical Sciences Academy of Romania, 02.2015-31.12.2015 – long term expert in POSDRU/186/3.2/S/155295 project
- Imagistica in patologia chirurgicala hepato-bilio-pancreatica.Ioana G Lupescu,in TRATAT DE CHIRURGIE HEPATO-BILIO-PANCREATICÃ SI TRANSPLANT HEPATIC, coordonator Irinel Popescu, Editura Academiei Romane, 2016, cap 3, 38 pag, www.ear.ro. Proiect POSDRU/186/3.2 /S/155295-Dezvoltarea competentelor in transplant.
- Tomografia computerizata si rezonanta magnetica cardiaca, Ioana G. Lupescu, Razvan Al. Capsa, pag. 192-218, in Cardiologie Clinica, Editura Medicala Callisto, (sub redactia Eduard Apetrei) ISBN-13: 978-606-8043-18-0, 2015.
- Radiologia Cordului si vaselor sanguine, Ioana G. Lupescu, Silviu Sfrangeu, pag 509- 543, 548-563, 582-585 si Radiologia gastrointestinala si abdominala Ioana G. Lupescu, Zoia St. Stoica, pag 598-610; pag 666-704, in Radiologie Imagistica Medicala, (sub redactia Prof.S.M. Dudea) vol I, Editura Medicala, 2015, vol. I. ISBN 978-973-39-0798-5.
- Imagistica CTsiIRM Ioana Gabriela Lupescu, R.Capsa, G.Popa, C.Nicolae, in Tratat de Urologie sub redactia I. Sinescu, G. Gluck, vol I, Editura Medicala 2008, cap 4 (5.5), pag 383-506. ISBN 978973-39-0655-1/ 978-973-39-0656-8.
- Radiologie si Imagistica Medicala- manual pentru incepatori sub redactia S.A.Georgescu, autori-R.Al Capsa, SA Georgescu, Ghe.Goldis, M.Lesaru, Ioana G.Lupescu, C.Zaharia,. Coautori- Mirela Boros, Cristina Dobromir Angheluta, G.A.Popa, et al. Editura Universitara Carol Davila, 2009, ISBN: 978-973-708-379-1. Diploma Salonului de carte universitara, 2009.
- Rezonanţă Magnetică hepato-bilio-pancreatică. Ioana Lupescu şi Dragoş Cuzino, Editura Universitară “Carol Davila”, Bucureşti, 2003, pag 1-213. ISBN:973-7918-24-X.
- Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors: Retrospective Analysis of the Computer-Tomographic Aspects.Ioana Lupescu, M. Grasu, Mirela Boros, C. Gheorghe, M.Ionescu, I. Popescu, V. Herlea, S. A.Georgescu. J Gastrointestin Liver Dis. 2007, Vol.16, No 2, 147-151. ISSN 1842-1121.
- Spiral Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Angiography Evaluation in Budd Chiari Syndrome. I.G.Lupescu, C. Dobromir, G. A. Popa, L. Gheorghe, S. A. Georgescu. J Gastrointestin Liver Dis. 2008 Vol.17 (2): 223-226. ISSN 1842-1121.
- Tissue Specific MR Contrast Media Role in the Differential Diagnosis of Cirrhotic Liver Nodules. Ioana Lupescu, R.A.Capsa, Liana Gheorghe, Vlad Herlea, S.A. Georgescu. J Gastrointestin Liver Dis. 2008, Vol.17 (3): 341-346. ISSN 1842-1121.
- Update in Cranio-cerebral Lymphomatous Imaging DiagnosisEmi Marinela Preda; Anca Lupu; Ioana Gabriela Lupescu. Maedica A Journal of Clinical Medicine, 2012, 7 (4), 378-380. ISSN: 1841-9038.
- Focus on pulmonary embolism imaging: where are we?Cristina Dumitrescu, R.A. Capsa, Ioana Gabriela Lupescu. Transl. Med. Res 2014;3-4(19):78-83.ISSN:2392-7232.
- Structured MRI report in prostate cancer using the PIRADS criterias: the bridge between the imagist and the clinician. Ioana G.Lupescu, G.A.Popa, G.Gluck, I.Sinescu, Revista Română de Urologie, 2015, 14 (1), 5-12. ISSN: 1223-0650.