Discipline - Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine - Elias Emergency University Hospital
- List of academic staff
- Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine history
- PRM Clinical Activity
- PRM Research Activity
- Recently Finalised Funded Research Projects
- Selected Published Scientific Work
Professor | Berteanu Mihai, PhD | tenured |
Lecturer | Dinu Horatiu, PhD | tenured |
Lecturer | Iliescu Alina Nela, PhD | tenured |
Lecturer | Dumitru Violeta Luminita, PhD | tenured |
Assistant Professor | Savulescu Simona Elena, PhD | tenured |
Assistant Professor | Popescu Marius Nicolae, PhD | tenured |
The World Health Organisation’s (WHO) definition of Rehabilitation is: "The use of all means aimed at reducing the impact of disabling conditions and at enabling people with disabilities to achieve optimal social integration."
The definition of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (official European and International name of the specialty abbreviated -PRM) by the Section of PRM of the Union Europeenne des Medecins Specialistes (UEMS) is "an independent medical specialty concerned with the promotion of physical and cognitive functioning, activities (including behaviour), participation (including quality of life) and modifying personal and environmental factors. It is thus responsible for the prevention, diagnosis, treatments and rehabilitation management of people with disabling medical conditions and co-morbidity across all ages."
The Department of Rehabilitation Medicine in Elias University Hospital (EUH) was founded in 2003, at the same time with the Medical Rehabilitation Research Center (MRRC), combining clinical practice with scientific research in disability and rehabilitation. Since 2008, the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine is an UEMS European Board Certified Training Center for PRM doctors.
The Department of Rehabilitation Medicine of EUH has 35 beds for inpatients with major disabilities and serves also outpatients, treating more than 2000 patients per year. Our patients are mainly adults with disabilities due to neurological (stroke, traumatic brain and cord injuries) and musculoskeletal conditions. The clinical practice in Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine in our department includes:
- clinical, functional, psychological diagnosis.
- rehabilitation interventions, by individually tailored rehabilitation programmes, using also physical therapy and physical modalities, as well as cognitive optimisation and speech therapy.
- advanced rehabilitation technologies for evaluation, functional diagnosis and therapy for disability reduction and functional compensation
Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine – PRM - includes a multidisciplinary team working side by side with the person with disabilities, rebuilding his or her life, in all aspects: physical, psychological, social aspects, including interventions on environmental factors.
PRM principles include reducing and prevention of complications and disabilities.
We have a comprehensive approach on PRM research, based on the integrative International Classification of Functioning –WHO model of human functioning.
Our areas of interest in research are: human motion and ergonomics, spasticity and pain, assistive technologies and rehabilitation robotics, cognitive rehabilitation and speech disorders therapy, biofeedback and sensing systems, balneology, health education and scientific education of young healthcare specialists. Therefore, we completed and are at present involved in several national and international research projects in health care and PRM technology.
We strive to develop and to implement into clinical practice scientific knowledge effective to reduce functional loss, impairment, disability and pain, to improve the individual’s capacity and performance in interaction with the environment, to enhance quality of life, in terms of evidence based rehabilitation medicine.
We wish to use our research’s outcome also in order to improve Health Education and Ergonomics.
Our research activity includes:
- clinical studies on various health interventions in PRM for motor deficits, pain and spasticity, new tools for rehabilitation medicine, clinical, functional and psychological diagnosis and therapy, as well as prophylactic interventions.implementation of new technologies and research results in clinical practice, doctoral studies in PRM (Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine).
- interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary team work in national and international funded projects in advanced rehabilitation technology.We have been awarded the Diploma of "Ambient Assisted Living J.P. Award finalist" conferred in 2011 by the AAL Forum 2011, for the Project Is-Active.
- dissemination of research results: oral communications and poster presentations at national and international congresses and conferences, and other scientific events related to physical and rehabilitation medicine and technologies, national and international publications: 32 fulltext and 11 abstract works in ISI journals and ISI proceedingsand 36 papers in important international journals indexed in other international important databases and also 5 national invention patents.
Educational Activity:
The higher educational activity of the PRM department addresses medical students, phD students, resident physicians, as well as physical therapy students and medical assistant students and involves:
- theoretical courses of physical and rehabilitation medicine.
- practical training in physical and rehabilitation medicine.
- evaluation of teoretical knowledge and practical skills in physical and rehabilitation medicine.
Available infrastructure:
- Gait Analysis Lab
- Cardio Pulmonary Exercise Testing Lab
- Neurophysiology Lab: Nerve Conduction Velocity Electromyography, Biofeedback
- Musculo Skeletal Ultrasound Lab
- Repetitive Magnetic Stimulation Lab
- Equipment for Therapeutic Exercise and Physical Modalities
Proiecte finanțate finalizate recent:
- Integrated System for Characterization, Monitoring, and Assisted Training of Human Locomotion” – CAMONAL. PNCD II – Capacități. Contract nr. 82089/01.10.2008 External link: http://www.camonal.sportscience.ro
- „Inertial Sensing Systems for Advanced Chronic Condition Monitoring and Risk Prevention” – IS-ACTIVE. Partnership in Ambient Assisted Living Priority Domains. External link: http://www.is-active.eu/category/consortium, / 2009-2012
- ”Advanced Rehabilitation Technology” – MSC ART– European Master (Erasmus) (2011 – 2014)
- Cost Office TransDomain Action „European Network for NeuroRehabilitation” – TD1006 (2011 – 2015)
Proiect finanțat aflat în derulare:
· “3-D Mechatronic Reality System for Rehabilitation Learning in Real and Virtual Integrated Environments” – RELIVE, PNII. (2012 – 2016), Contract nr. 190/2012.
- „White Book On Physical And Rehabilitation Medicine In Europe”, European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS) Section of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine – Professional Practice Committee 2006. Coautor M Berteanu. http://www.euro-prm.org/docs/white_book_v_5_2.pdf
- „The Field of Competence of the Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine physicians” PART ONE. European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS). Section of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine – Professional Practice Committee. Ed. by Nicolas Christodoulou Alain Delarque Enrique Varela Donoso. Ed. 2014, ISBN: 978-9963-2061-2-4 – coautor M. Berteanu
- „Principii de reabilitare medicală la pacientul critic. Mihai Berteanu, Luminita Dumitru, Alina Iliescu, Cristina Berteanu. Capitol in Recomandări şi Protocoale în Anestezie, Terapie Intensivă şi Medicină de Urgenţă, Ed. by:Săndesc D., Bedreag O., Păpurică M., Ed. Mirton, Timisoara, 2009, pag. 787-795
- „Biofeedback-ul electromiografic – baze neurofiziopatologice și aplicația în recuperarea medicală. Berteanu M. Universitara „Carol Davila”2006. ISBN 13: 978-973-708-148-3
- „Recuperarea Medicală – Probleme majore -curs pentru studenți medicină generală. Berteanu M. Universitară „Carol Davila” Bucuresti 2006.ISBN 13: 978-973-708-026-4.
- „Tratat de Reabilitare Pulmonară”.Ed. by Tudorache VM, Mirton Timişoara 2009 – coautori 4 capitole – M Berteanu, L. Dumitru, A. Iliescu
- „Electromyography in Rheumatology”. Berteanu M. In „Textbook of Physiotherapy”. by L Pop. Ed Med Univ. „Iuliu Hatieganu” Cluj, 2006, p129-133. ISBN 973-693-153-6.
- „Biofeedback”. M Berteanu. In „Textbook of Physiotherapy”. by L Pop. Ed Med Univ. „Iuliu Hatieganu” Cluj, 2006, p121-125.ISBN 973-693-153-6.
- „Leziunile de nervi peiferici si investigatia EMG in afectiunile ortopedico-traumatice”. Berteanu M. chapt. III.32. In „Patologia Aparatului Locomotor”. by Dinu Antonescu. Tratat, vol. 1. ed. Medicala. 2006. pag 755-763.ISBN 973-39-0559-3
- „Semiologie Ortopedică”.Coordinated by:M.Nicolescu,authors: R.Radulescu, M.Berteanu, L.Ojoga,Florina Ojoga,C.Huszar,Indra Mihaita,C.Carstoiu.EditUniv Carol Davila 2003
Articole în reviste științifice:
- „Position paper on PRM and persons with long term disabilities”. P. Takac, J Petrovicova, K. Stibrant Sunnerhagen, V. Neumann, A. Vetra, M. Berteanu, N. Christodoulou. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med 2014;50:453-64.
- „UEMS – Position Paper. New Technologies designed to improve functioning: the role of the physical and rehabilitation medicine physician.” A. Giustini, E. Varela, M. Franceschini, J. Votava, M. Zampolini, M. Berteanu, N. Christodoulou. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med 2014;50:579-83.
- „Generalised and regional soft tissue pain syndromes. The role of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine Physicians. The European perspective based on the best evidence”. A paper by the UEMS-PRM Section Professional Practice Committee. A.Oral, E.M. Ilieva, A.A. Kucukdeveci, E. Varela, R. Valero, M. Berteanu, N. Christodoulou. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med 2013;49:535-49.
- „Inflammatory arthritis. The role of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine Physicians. The European perspective based on the best evidence”. A paper by the UEMS-PRM Section Professional Practice Committee. A.A. Kucukdeveci, A.Oral, E.M. Ilieva, E. Varela, R. Valero, M. Berteanu, N. Christodoulou. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med 2013;49:551-64.
- „The role of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine Physicians. The European perspective based on the best evidence”. A paper by the UEMS-PRM Section Professional Practice Committee. A.Oral, E.M. Ilieva, A.A. Kucukdeveci, E. Varela, R. Valero, M. Berteanu, N. Christodoulou. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med 2013;49:565-77
- „The role of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine Physicians. The European perspective based on the best evidence”. A paper by the UEMS-PRM Section Professional Practice Committee. E.M. Ilieva, A.Oral, A.A. Kucukdeveci, E. Varela, R. Valero, M. Berteanu, N. Christodoulou. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med 2013;49:579-93.
- „Spinal pain management. The role of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine Physicians. The European perspective based on the best evidence”. A paper by the UEMS-PRM Section Professional Practice Committee. R. Valero, A.Oral, E.M. Ilieva, A.A. Kucukdeveci, E. Varela, M. Berteanu, N. Christodoulou. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med 2013;49:715-25.
- „Local soft tissue musculoskeletal disorders and injuries. The role of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine Physicians. The European perspective based on the best evidence”. A paper by the UEMS-PRM Section Professional Practice Committee. R. Valero, A.Oral, E.M. Ilieva, A.A. Kucukdeveci, E. Varela, M. Berteanu, N. Christodoulou. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med 2013;49:727-42.
- „Shoulder pain management”. The role of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine Physicians. The European perspective based on the best evidence”. A paper by the UEMS-PRM Section Professional Practice Committee. R. Valero, A.Oral, E.M. Ilieva, A.A. Kucukdeveci, E. Varela, M. Berteanu, N. Christodoulou. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med 2013;49:715-25.
- „Musculoskeletal perioperative problems. The role of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine Physicians. The European perspective based on the best evidence”. A paper by the UEMS-PRM Section Professional Practice Committee. E. Varela, Valero, A.Oral, E.M. Ilieva, A.A. Kucukdeveci, M. Berteanu, N. Christodoulou. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med 2013;49:753-9.
- „Role of the physical and rehabilitation medicine specialist regarding children and adolescents with acquired brain injury”. E. Varela-Donoso, H. Damjan, S. Munoz-Lasa, R. Valero-Alcaide, V. Neumann, M. Chevignard, M. Berteanu, C. Nicolas. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med. 2013 (ISI article)Apr;49(2):213-21. Epub 2013 Apr 5. (Impact Factor of 2,06)
- „A Position Paper on Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine Programmes in Post-Acute Settings. Special Report”. Anthony B. Ward,Crhristoph Gutenbrunner, Alessandro Giustini, Alain Delarque, Veronika Fialka-Moser, Carlotte Kiekens, Mihai Berteanu, Nicolas Christodoulou. J Rehabil Med 2012; 44: 289-298.(ISI article)
- „Using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health in assessing moral damages”. Andrei Nanu, Diana Georgescu, Diana Bulgaru, Mihai Berteanu, Crina Radulescu. Rom J Leg Med [20] 77-82 [2012], DOI: 10.4323/rjlm.2012.77 (ISI article)
Surse biliografice (selecție):
- The White Book of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine in Europe”-(UEMS) – Romanian translation coordinated by Prof. Dr. Mihai Berteanu, 2006.
- „Braddom’s Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation”– Romanian translation coordinated by Prof. Dr. Mihai Berteanu, 2015.
- „World Report on Disability” (WHO) – Romanian translation coordinated by Prof. Dr. Mihai Berteanu, 2012.
- „The Field of Competence of the Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine Physicians” PART ONE. European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS). Section of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine – Professional Practice Committee. Ed. by Nicolas Christodoulou Alain Delarque Enrique Varela Donoso. Ed. 2014, ISBN: 978-9963-2061-2-4
- „Biofeedback-ul electromiografic –baze neurofiziopatologice și aplicația în recuperarea medicală”. Berteanu M. Universitara „Carol Davila”2006. ISBN 13: 978-973-708-148-3
- „Recuperarea Medicală – Probleme majore -curs pentru studenți medicină generală”. Berteanu M. Universitară „Carol Davila” Bucuresti 2006.ISBN 13: 978-973-708-026-4.
- „Tratat de Reabilitare Pulmonară”, sub redacţia Tudorache VM, Mirton Timişoara 2009