Discipline - Microbiology, Parasitology and virology
- List of academic staff
- Brief history of discipline
- Description of medical activities
- Useful informations for students
- Useful informations for postgraduates
- Keywords
- 5 most representative papers
- 10 most signifiant scientific papers
Associate Professor | Manolescu Loredana-Sabina-Cornelia, PhD | tenured |
Lecturer | Solomon Madalina, PhD | tenured |
Lecturer | Coculescu Bogdan-Ioan, PhD | tenured |
The Microbiology, Parasitology and Virology Discipline in the Faculty of Midwifes and Nursing was created to study the underlying causative infectious diseases: bacteria, viruses, parasites and fungi. Our students, are, upon completion of studies, the first health professionals who come into contact with these pathogens. In the microbiological diagnosis, virological or parasitological, nurses, midwives and dental technicians sometimes have to harvest, transport and process the infectious pathological products, some important biological risk. If this step is not performed correctly entire diagnosis is completely compromised. If this step does not meet the criteria for biosafety, the risks increase for health professionals involved.
The discipline has two teachers with expertise in microbiology, parasitology and virology, primary care physicians, who have worked and are working in these areas with patients and are able to instruiasa future health professionals for any specialty. The Discipline has its location in “Cantacuzino” National Research Institute, an institute with tradition in microbiology, immunology, virology, parasitology, mycology and vaccinology, unique in the country. It's a huge opportunity for our students to get in contact with top researchers and can see various materials unique in Romania (bacillus cultures diphtheria, anthrax, Leptospira, Bordetella pertussis, etc.). Students learn important skills in diagnosis, prevention and control of infectious diseases.
Microbiology laboratory. Presentation of equipment, devices, materials. Protection measures. Sterilization and disinfection methods.
Harvesting, transporting, seeding pathological products: Sputum, tracheobronchial aspirate, blood, CSF, pus, urine, genital secretions, ear, eye. Smears. Colorations. Microscopic examination. Culture media.
Identification based on characters culture, biochemical and metabolic. Susceptibility testing to antibiotics and chemotherapeutic agents. DST, MIC and MBC.
Ag-Ac side. Agglutination, hemagglutination. ELISA, IF, RFC, RSN, IDR.
Laboratory diagnosis of infections by microorganisms of the genera Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, Escherichia, Klebsiella, Proteus, Shigella, Salmonella, Haemophilus Bordetella, Corynebacterium, Listeria, Bacillus, Clostridium, Mycobacterium, Chlamydia, Mycoplasma, Treponema.
Laboratory diagnosis of infections caused by protozoa (Entamoeba hystolitica, Giardia duodenalis, Trichomonas vaginalis, Toxoplasma gondii etc.). Diagnostic de laborator in fascioloză și tenioze (Fasciola hepatica, Taenia solium, Taenia saginata, Diphyllobothrium latum, Hymenolepis nana etc.). Laboratory diagnosis of hydatid disease, ascariasis, enterobioza, strongiloidosis, trichinosis, toxocariasis, trichuriasis.
Isolation and identification of viruses steps. Sampling, transport, processing, labeling, record. The cell culture. Isolation in cell culture. The main types of cytopathic effect.
Laboratory diagnosis of herpes infections, sexually transmitted virus diseases and Maternal-Fetal Syndrome (TORCH), respiratory viral diseases, hepatitis A, B, C, D, E, HIV / AIDS infection papillomaviruses.
Laboratory diagnosis of infections with Candida, Cryptococcus, Aspergillus.
Introducere în studiul microbiologiei medicale. Şcoala românească de microbiologie. Noţiuni de morfologie. Structuri bacteriene obligatorii si facultative. Taxonomie. Principalele genuri bacteriene implicate în patologia umană.
Fiziologia bacteriană. Creşterea, multiplicarea, distrugerea, metabolismul, respiraţia, fiziologia bacteriană.
Acţiunea factorilor fizici şi chimici asupra bacteriilor. Efectul bacteriostatic şi bactericid. Sterilizarea, dezinfecţia, asepsia, antisepsia.
Genetica, ereditatea bacteriană, genotip şi fenotip. Cromozomul bacterian, elementele extracromozomiale. Plasmidele, mutaţiile, variabilitatea genetică bacteriană. Transferul de material genetic şi recombinarea.
Relaţii microorganism-gazdă. Flora microbiană normală a corpului uman. Definirea patogenităţii şi virulenţei. Bacterii saprofite, comensale, patogene, fenomenul de parazitism bacterian. Multiplicare, invazivitate, toxigeneză. Exotoxine; antitoxine, anatoxine și endotoxine. Structuri bacteriene implicate în patogenitatea speciilor/tulpinilor bacteriene. Etapele unei infecţii bacteriene
Substanţele antimicrobiene: definiţie, efecte bacteriostatice şi bactericide. Clasificarea substanţelor antimicrobiene. Rezistenţa bacteriilor la substanţele antimicrobiene, tipuri de rezistenţă. Elemente practice aplicative privind determinarea prin metode moderne a prezenţei rezistenţei la substanţele antimicrobiene.
Rezistenţa naturală (nespecifică) a organismului uman. Bariere fiziologice. Apărarea nespecifică. Inflamaţia. Fazele procesului inflamator.
Imunitatea specifică dobândită în mod pasiv sau activ. Organizarea sistemului imun. Organele centrale şi periferice, localizare, structură şi rol. Celulele implicate în răspunsul imun, origine, evoluţie, tipuri şi funcţii. Citokinele.
Antigenele. Antigenicitate, imunogenicitate. Evoluţia antigenelor în organism.
Răspunsul imun umoral. Răspunsul imun celular. Evoluţie, receptori, cooperări celulare în răspunsul imun.
Anticorpii: structură, funcţii. Clasele de imunoglobuline. Reacţii antigen anticorp. Hipersensibilitate, definiţie, tipuri de HS prin mecanism umoral (I, II, III) şi celular (IV.
Vaccinuri, definiție, clasificare, utilizare în prevenirea și controlul bolilor infecțioase
Caractere generale ale paraziţilor. Morfologie, ciclul biologic, patogenie, principalele manifestări clinice, profilaxie şi diagnostic în cazul infecțiilor produse de Protozoare: Entamoeba hystolitica, Entamoeba gingivalis, Giardia duodenalis, Trichomonas tenax, Trichomonas vaginalis; Sporozoare: Toxoplasma gondii și paraziții din genul Plasmodium. Morfologie, ciclul biologic, patogenie, principalele manifestări clinice, profilaxie şi diagnostic in cazul infecţiilor produse de Trematode şi Cestode: Fasciola hepatica, Taenia solium, Taenia saginata, Diphyllobothrium latum, Hymenolepis nana și Echinococcus granulosus; Morfologie, ciclul biologic, patogenie, principalele manifestări clinice, profilaxie şi diagnostic in infecţiile produse de Nematode: Ascaris lumbricoides, Enterobius vermicularis, Strongyloides stercoralis, Trichinella spiralis, Toxocara spp. și Trichuris trichiura.
Generalitati despre virusuri, Taxonomie virala. Structura virusurilor. Ciclul replicativ viral. Particularitati de transmitere, patogenie, principii de diagnostic, profilaxie in infectii cu virusuri din familiile: Rhabdoviridae; Papovaviridae; Herpesviridae; Orthomixoviridae ( virusurile gripale - variabilitatea, tulpini pandemice, epidemice); Hepadnaviridae (VHB); Flaviviridae (VHC), Picornaviridae (VHA); Caliciviridae (VHE) si virusoidul VHD. Noutăți în tratamentul hepatitelor.
Infectia HIV/SIDA. Celule tinta, cai de transmitere, grupe de risc, patogenie. Evolutia, stadializarea infectiei HIV/SIDA la adult/ în pediatrie.Profilaxie.
Fungi cu importanţă medicală. Caractere morfologice, de cultură, structură antigenică, patogenie, tipuri de infecţii, tratament, profilaxie, în infecțiile produse de genurile Candida, Cryptococcus și Aspergillus.Agenţii etiologici ai infecţiilor fungice sistemice. Infecţii intraspitaliceşti: riscul de infecţie, localizări, microorganisme implicate, măsuri de prevenire şi control.
CURS OPTIONAL: SINDROMUL T.O.R.C.H., adresat studentilor din anul III. Cuprinde informatii despre bolile infectioase ce pot afecta produsul de conceptie pe perioada sarcinii.
- Diagnosticul de laborator în microbiologie. MI. Popa, Ed. Infomedica, 2004 (ediție online 2010). www.microbiologie.ro
- Diagnosticul de laborator în microbiologie. MI. Popa, Ed. Renaissance, 2014.(editia a II-a)
- Carte de lucrari practice- Microbiologie, GL Popa, Ed. Renaissance 2014
- Parazitologie Medicală. GL Popa, Ed. Renaissance, 2014 (ediția a II-a) www.microbiologie.ro
- Virusologie medicala, C Cernescu, Ed Medicala 2008
- Microbiologie farmaceutica, GL Popa, Ed Renaissance 2008
The postgraduate course organized by our discipline: TORCH - Diagnostic Laboratory; Coordinator Professor dr. Mircea Ioan Popa; Responsible Lecturer Dr. Loredana Manolescu.
- microbiology
- virology
- parasitology
- mycology
- serology
- 2013-2017 FP7-HEALTH-2013-INNOVATION-1, Human cystic Echinococcosis ReseArch in Central and Eastern Societies-HERACLES, Grant agreement no: 602051
- 2008-2013 Project for the development of the Research Department (Colentina CDPC), the highest profile structure attached to a hospital. This department was fully financed with structural funds. Parasitology department responsible, conf. Dr. Popa
- 1999-2013 International Grant NIH 2P30 AI3611-06 -creating a center for clinical virology study of HIV / AIDS - collaboration between Baylor College of Medecine Texas Children's Hospital, Houston, USA and the Institute of Virology "St. S. Nicolau", Bucharest, romanian project manager Prof. dr. Simona Ruta, lecturer dr. L Manolescu – member.
- 2005-2007 Project NET INK/107-880 project manager GVC Italia, romaniam project manager, Loredana Manolescu.
- 2010-2013 Postdoctoral school project POSDRU / 89 / 1.5 / S / 64 109, project co-financed from the European Social Fund through the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resources 2007-2013, between 2010 -2013, project entitled: HIV resistance profile STRAINS OF ASSETS In Romania, postdoctoral researcher Loredana Manolescu.
- Manolescu L; Dragodan A, Urethral Swab used in Diagnossis of Human Papilloma Virus Infection among Men Seeking Routine Evaluation, Journal of Human Virology & Retrovirology, 2015, ISSN: 2373-6453JHVRV, DOI: 10.15406/jhvrv.2015.02.00066
- Popa GL, Tanase I, Popa CA, Mastalier B, Popa MI, Cretu CM. Medical and surgical management of a rare and complicated case of multivisceral hydatidosis; 18 years of evolution. New Microbiol. 2014;37:387-391 IF=1.667
- Piccoli L, Bazzocchi C, Brunetti E, Mihailescu P, Bandi C, Mastalier B, Cordos I, Beuran M, Popa LG, Meroni V, Genco F, Crețu C. Molecular characterization of Echinococcus granulosus in south-eastern Romania: evidence of G1-G3 and G6-G10 complexes in humans, Clin Microbiol Infect. 2013;19(6):578-582 IF=4.54
- Manolescu L, Marinescu P. World Biomedical Frontiers. ISSN: 2328-0166. Infection and Immunity. 2014 March (6): Sex differences in HIV-1 viral load and absolute CD4 cell count in long term survivors HIV-1 infected patients from Giurgiu, Romania. Rev Romana Med Lab. 2013;21(2):217-224. DOI:10.2478/rrlm-2013-0010.
- Temereanca A, Ene L, Mehta S, Manolescu LSC, Duiculescu D, Ruta S. Transmitted HIV drug resistance in newly diagnosed, treatment-naive Romanian patients. J Med Virol. 2013;85(7):1139-47, IF= 2.217
- Manolescu LSC, Temereanca A, Ruta S. HIV-1 Circulating Subtypes In Romania. Romanian Archives of Microbiology and Immunology. 2013;72(2):128-134
- Stavri Henriette, Bucurenci Nadia, Ulea Irina, Costache Adriana, Popa Loredana, and Popa Mircea Ioan. Use of recombinant purified protein derivative (PPD) antigens as specific skin test for tuberculosis. Indian J Med Res. 2012;136:799-807 IF=1.85
- Manolescu L, Marinescu P. HBV and neurological impairment in HIV-infected patients. Journal of the International AIDS Society.2012;15(Suppl 4):18434, IF=3.936
- Stavri H, Ulea I, Radu DL, Gheorghiu Branaru M, Moldovan O, Bogdan MA, Tudose C, Raileanu M, Duiculescu D, Ene L, Olar V, Ionita C, Popa GL, Popa MI, Brennan PJ. Serodiagnosis of Environmental Mycobacterial Infections. J Microbiol Methods. 2011;86,3:283-290 IF=2.086
- Manolescu L, Temereanca A, Diaconu CC, Ruta S. Correlation between resistance profile and immunosuppression in heavily treated HIV-1 infected Romanian patients. Romanian Biotechnological Letters. 2011;16 (4):6439-49, factor de impact 0.152