Discipline - Pharmaceutical Botany and Cell Biology

Professor Dinu Mihaela, PhD tenured
Professor Ancuceanu Viorel-Robert, PhD tenured
Associate Professor Olaru Octavian-Tudorel, PhD tenured
Associate Professor Hovanet Marilena-Viorica, PhD tenured
Associate Professor Anghel Adriana-Iuliana, PhD tenured

Ever since the opening of the first School of Medicine and Pharmacy in Bucharest (1855), Botany has been included among the scientific subjects taught to students, first for both those in medical school and those in pharmacy school, then only for the pharmacy students. Francisc Pruyinski, Hoffman Ulrich, Constantin Hepites, Dimitrie Grecescu, Mihail Vladescu, Marcel Brindza, Theodor Solacolu, Paul Stanescu, Traian Savulescu, Gheorghe Herman, Alexandru Juracek, D. Gr. Constantinescu (Foulon prize) Radu Zitti, Silvester Ioseph-Mihael Forstner, Apostol Ionica, Aurel Gheorghiu, Felicia Stefanescu, Doina Radu, Elena HaALieganu, Maria Alexandru, Mihai Stamanichi, Marcela Untaru, Mihaela Amblard and Madelena Palade had been members of the teaching staff for a shorter or a longer time within the discipline and had conducted various research.

Molecular and Cellular Biology is a relatively new worldwide discipline, introduced in the mid-XXth century, but it’s value is currently acknowledged in numerous universities around the world. It has been taught in the Pharmacy Faculty, first as an optional subject in the early 1980s, then elective and now mandatory. It was initially limited to the plant kingdom, but now includes all kinds of lifeforms, viewed from a pharmaceutical perspective..

  • Pharmaceutical Botany course (2 semesters, Ist year) includes basic knowledge of botany taught from a pharmaceutical perspective (although it has a general character, the focus is on plant species with medicinal uses and concepts relevant to pharmaceutical practice).
  • Cellular and Molecular Biology course includes basic knowledge of these branches of biology, also taught from a pharmacological perspective (the relevance of various concepts to biotechnology therapy and epidemiology).
  • The elective course of Pharmaceutical Law (1 semesster, IInd year, Associate Professor Robert Ancuceanu PhD.), acquaints students with basic concepts of Law, with examples from the pharmaceutical field and introduces the main areas covered in the pharmaceutical field.
  • The post-graduate course "Regulatory affairs in the pharmaceutical field" (2 weeks, Associate Professor Robert Ancuceanu PhD.) is designed for those interested in the pharmaceutical field (pharmacists, physicians, chemists, biologists etc.) and includes main concepts and regulations of the regulatory affairs field, regarding the medicine. The course is offered each year, usually in the last 2 weeks of March.
  • The post-graduate course "Variations of marketing authorisation" (1 week, Associate Professor Robert Ancuceanu PhD.) is designed for the same target audience who works (would like to work) in the regulatory affairs field. The course is offered each year, during November.
  • herbs
  • microscopy
  • phytochemistr
  • plant extracts
  • tests on plant cells
  • tests on crustaceae (Artemia, Daphnia)
  • computational biology
  • pharmacy law
  • pharmaceutical ethics
  1. PN-II-PT-PCCA-2013-4-1953/199/2014. Developing a herbal drug with topical administration in allergic dermatoses. - Project manager: Professor Mihaela Dinu PhD.
  1. PN-II-PT-PCCA-2013-4-1572 (Contract. No. 161 /2014) (acronym SALIFEROVEG): Studies on the correlations between soil-plant-aliment-human in order to develop a food supplement high in vegetal iron - Project manager: Associate Professor Robert Ancuceanu PhD.
  1. PN-II-CT-RO-ZA-2014–18-1-8-BM/2016 "New synergic biomaterials for anticancer therapy", Bilateral cooperation programme Romania – South Africa: 2016 - 2017, partner Nelson Mandela University, Port Elizabeth, South Africa - Project manager: Associate Professor Octavian Tudorel Olaru PhD.
  1. Dinu M., Olaru O.T., Dune A., Popescu C.V., Nițulescu G.M., Ancuceanu R.V., The Obtaining and Characterization of a Rich-phenolic Extract from Amaranthus hypochondriacus L., Revista de Chimie, Bucuresti, 2016, 67(5), p. 880-883, ISSN 0034-7752, Impact Factor 0,693
  2. Dinu M., Ancuceanu R.V., Rădulescu V., Ilieş D.C., Munteanu C., Aramă C., A Comparative Morphological and Chemical Study of the Seeds from Trigonella foenum graecum (L.) and T. caerulea (L.) Ser. Species, Farmacia, 61(6), 2013, p 1069 – 1081, ISSN 0014-8237, Impact Factor 2012: 0,578 (autor principal).
  3. Ancuceanu R, Dinu M, Hovaneţ MV, Anghel AI, Popescu CV, Negreş S. A Survey of Plant Iron Content-A Semi-Systematic Review. Nutrients. 2015; 7(12):10320-51. ISSN: 2072-6643, Impact Factor 3.270, http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4690087/
  4. Ancuceanu R, Neagu M. Immune based therapy for melanoma. Indian J Med Res. 2016; 143(2):135- 44. doi: 10.4103/0971-5916.180197. ISSN: 0971-5916. Impact Factor 1.446, http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4859123/
  5. Olaru, O.T., Niţulescu, G.M., Orţan, A., Dinu-Pîrvu, C.E. Ethnomedicinal, phytochemical and pharmacological profile of anthriscus sylvestris as an alternative source for anticancer lignans (2015) Molecules, 20 (8), pp. 15003-15022. (Impact factor = 2.46)
  6. Olaru, O.T., Venables, L., Van De Venter, M., Nitulescu, G.M., Margina, D., Spandidos, D.A., Tsatsakis, A.M. Anticancer potential of selected Fallopia Adans species (2015) Oncology Letters, 10 (3), pp. 1323-1332. (Impact Factor= 1.48)
  7. Ancuceanu R, Dinu M, Arama C, Wight loss food supplements Adulteration and multiple quality issues into products of Chinese origin, FARMACIA. 2013; 61:1, 28-44.
  8. Ancuceanu R.V., Aramă C., Neagu A.F., Dinu M., Hovanet M.V., Olaru O.T., Popescu C., Anghel A.I., Ascorbic acid is virtually degraded in dried herbal products – an hplc assessment of six plant species, Farmacia, 63(5), 2015, p. 745-750, Revistă cotată ISI; ISSN 0014-8237, ISSN 2065-0019 (on- line); Impact Factor 2014: 1,005
  9. Hovaneț M.V., Marinaş I.C., Dinu M., Oprea E., Chifiriuc C.M., Lazăr V., , The phytotoxicity and antimicrobial activity of Amorpha fruticosa L. leaves extract, Romanian Biotechnological Letters (ISI, FI = 0.404), 20(4), 2015, p. 10670-10678, http://www.rombio.eu/rbl4vol20/14.pdf;
  10. Anghel A.I., Ilie M., Olaru O.T., Dinu M., Ancuceanu R.V., Istudor V., Hptlc qualitative and quantitative detection ofsterols in species of the Portulaca genus from Romania, Farmacia, 63(5), 2015, p. 697-699, Revistă cotată ISI; ISSN 0014-8237, ISSN 2065-0019 (on-line); Impact Factor 2014: 1,005.