Discipline - Clinical Laboratory - Hygiene of Nutrition

Professor Pogan Ana Corina, PhD tenured
Professor Morosan Elena, PhD tenured
Professor Udeanu Denisa-Ioana, PhD tenured
Associate Professor Mititelu Magdalena, PhD tenured
Associate Professor Pop Anca-Lucia, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Opritescu Sinziana, PhD fixed term

In 1966, in the Department of Biological Chemistry, a new discipline was founded with the title of Sanitary Chemistry for students in the fourth year at the Faculty of Pharmacy. The objective of it corresponded with the necessity of well-trained specialists, both theoretically and practically, regarding the activity of clinical analysis laboratories and in the health food control.

Between 1966 and 1971 Sanitary Chemistry Course management was provided by Associate Professor PhD Matilda Rosetti-Coltoiu.

Between 1971 and 1990, the Head of Discipline was Professor PhD Stefan Tiberiu Tamasdan. In 1972, he modified the name into Medical Health Chemistry.

Starting 1990, the department responsability belonged to Professor PhD. Denisa Mihele.

In 1992, the title of the Medical Health Chemistry Discipline was changed in Clinical Laboratory and Health Chemistry.

After a period of time, the title was changed in Clinical Laboratory. Alimentation Hygiene.

In 1996, Imunology was introduced, a new subject taught in the fourth year of study.

Since february 2011, the Head of Discipline is Professor PhD Ana-Corina Ionita.

Clinical Laboratory course is prepared for fourth year students – first semester, 2 hours per week with 3 hours of practical work. The aim of the course is the study of clinical laboratory analysis used in the diagnosis and monitoring of different pathological situations and therapies..


  • Ionita A.C., MoroAYan E., Udeanu D.I., Mititelu M., 2015 – Medical Biochemistry, revised second edition , Ed. Printech, Bucuresti, ISBN 978-606-23-0503-1
  • Ionita A.C., MoroAYan E., Udeanu D.I., Mititelu M., 2015 – Medical Biochemistry, Ed. Printech, Bucuresti, ISBN 978-606-23-0350-1

Alimentation Hygiene course is prepared for fourth year students– second semester, 2 hours per week with 3 hours of practical work. The course includes  general notions of nutrition, dietotherapy in different fiziopathological situations and information about alimentation safety. Aspects regarding the analysis and the control of aliments are studied during the practical works. .


  • Ionita A.C., MoroAYan E., Udeanu D.I., Mititelu M., 2015 – Nutrition and Dietotherapy, Ed. Printech, Bucuresti, ISBN 978-606-23-0406-5
  • Mihele D., Dogaru E., Udeanu D.I., 2011, "Physico-chemical analysis of aliments", ISBN 978-973-8932-64-7

Imunology optional course is prepared for fourth year students, with 1 hour per week. The aim of the course is to explain the functionality of the immune system, which is extremely complex with many actual multidisciplinary applications in life sciences domain.


  • Ionita A.C., Dogaru E., Udeanu D.I., Mititelu M., 2012, "Imunology. Lecture notes", Ed. Printech, Bucuresti – ISBN 978-606-521-812-3


Within the specialty of Clinical Pharmacy there is a module prepared for first year Clinical Laboratory residents. The speciality of Pharmaceutical Laboratory has theoretical and practical Clinical Laboratory and Alimentation Hygiene modules in its accademic curriculum, in each of the three years of study.


Ionita A.C., MoroAYan E., Udeanu D.I., Mititelu M., 2015 – Medical Biochemistry, revised second edition, Ed. Printech, Bucuresti, ISBN 978-606-23-0503-1

Ionita A.C., MoroAYan E., Udeanu D.I., Mititelu M., 2015 – Nutrition and Dietotherapy, Ed. Printech, Bucuresti, ISBN 978-606-23-0406-5

Mihele D., Dogaru E., Udeanu D.I., 2011, "Physico-chemical analysis of aliments", ISBN 978-973-8932-64-7

Postgraduate courses are aimed for pharmacists, doctors and biologists. They are coordinated by the discipline members in different periods of the year over two weeks:

  • Natural antioxidants in nutrition
  • Apitherapy and bee products
  • Alimentation Safety
  • Antioxidants based food supplements
  • Therapeutic value of marine food resources
  • Bee products and their applications in therapy
  • Naturist dietotherapy
  • apitherapy
  • nutritional supplements from vegetal or marine sources
  • natural products with antimicrobial activity
  • endogenous lipid mediators and for synthesis
  • developing new diagnostics methods

Projects under the coordination of the discipline members as directors or official:

  1. Bilateral project Romania-Russia nr. 04-4-1121-2015/2017, NIPNE – JINR, "SANS and SAXS investigations of composite polymers (protocol 4407-4-15/17)"
  2. Project PN 09-11-01-08 -program NUCLEU, Contract nr. 48/31.10.2013 – Theme: "Nonclinical studies to develop a new compound with antimicrobial activity against multidrug-resistant microorganisms"
  3. Scientific research program 16057/19.06.2014 – Clinical studies regarding the use of dermo-cosmetic and hygiene products with bee material in therapy (2014-2016)
  4. Scientific research program Nr. 91/01.09.2015, "Clinical trial of an original herbal product with antioxidant activity"(2015)
  5. CNCSIS TD 92/2008 – Pharmacological and biochemical research on new synthesis prostaglandines
  1. Cioates Negut C., Stefan-van Staden R.I., Ungureanu E.M., Udeanu D.I., Stochastic sensors designed for assessment of biomarkers specific to obesity, Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 128 (2016) 280–285, (FI=3,164)
  2. Magdalena Mititelu, Teodor Octavian Nicolescu, Corina Ana Ionita, Florica Nicolescu - "Study of Heavy Metals and Organic Polluants From Some Fisches of Danube River", Journal of Enviromental Protection and Ecology 13, No 2A, 2012, 869-874  (IF=0,259)
  3. Mititelu, T.O. Nicolescu, C.A. Ionita, F. Nicolescu - "Heavy Metals Analisys in Some Wild Edible Mushrooms" , Journal of Enviromental Protection and Ecology 13, No 2A, 2012, 875-879 (IF=0,259/2012)
  4. Tanase C., Cocu F., Draghici C., Caproiu M.T., Negut C., Udeanu D.I., 2016, „Acylated Prodrugs of PGF2α Analogues", Revista de Chimie, 67(1), 20-25. (FI=0,956)
  5. Corina Ionita, Magdalena Mititelu, Elena Morosan – "Analysis of heavy metals and organic pollutants from some Danube river fishes", Farmacia, Vol. 62, 2, 2014, 299-305 (IF=1,251/2013)
  6. Magdalena Mititelu, Corina Ionita, Elena Morosan, Research regarding integral processing of mussels from Black Sea, Farmacia, Vol. 62, 3, 2014, p. 625-632 (IF=1,251/2013)
  7. Tanase C., Negut Cioates C., Udeanu D.I.*, Ungureanu E.M., Hrubaru M., Munteanu C.V.A., Voicu Petrache S., Cocu F., Ionita A.C., "New oleamide analogues with potential food- intake regulator effect", Revista de Chimie, 2014, 65, 7, 768-773 (FI=0,956)
  8. Petrache Voicu S., Udeanu D.I.*, Dinischiotu A., Ionita A.C., 2014, „The influence of two synthesised prostamides on oxidative stress induced in RAW264.7 macrophage murine cell line", Farmacia,  62, 3, 504 – 513 (FI=1,251)
  9. Lakkis Z., Mihele D.E., Nicorescu I., Vulturescu V., Udeanu D.I., 2012, "The antimicrobial activity of Thymus vulgaris and Origanum syriacum essential oils on Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pneumoniae and Candida albicans", Farmacia, 60, 6,857-865 (FI=0,578)
  10. Udeanu D.I., Ionita C., Dogaru E., Mihele D., Cocu F., Vulturescu V., Iancu C., 2011 – "The potential antioxidant role of two new synthesized prostamides on human hepatocellular liver carcinoma cell line (HepG2)", Farmacia, 59, 5, 611-623 (FI=0,669)