Discipline - Drug Industry and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology

Associate Professor Radulescu Flavian Stefan, PhD tenured
Head of works Hincu Lucian, PhD tenured
Head of works Craciun Petru, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Cioaca Maria-Daniela, PhD tenured

Initially, in 1928, Drug Industry and Pharmaceutical Biotechnologies discipline was organized at the Faculty of  Pharmacy in Bucharest by creating  the Medicinal Chemicals Industry Conference, led by Professor Alexander Mavrodin.

Since 1948, Medicinal Chemistry Industry discipline is part of the industrial sector, preparing pharmacists for drugs factories in Romania, for research and for education.

In the academic year 1951-1952, Medicinal Chemicals Industry discipline massed in the Organic Chemistry discipline, the resulting discipline beeing headed  by Professor Al. Mavrodin

In 1966, the discipline is reestablished in the initial version, standalone, being headed by Professor Dumitru OALeleanu until 1990.

From 1990 to 1995, head of the chair was Associate Professor Gh. Zuchi. In 1993, the discipline has expanded its field of activity and received the title of  Drug Industry and Pharmaceutical Biotechnologies. Between 1995-2000 it was led by Professor D. Lupuleasa.

Along time, along with heads of discipline, here have worked: Lecturer Dr. Mary-Agnes Dumitru, Assistant Lecturer Bianca Tache, laboratory analyst Ioana Burghelea aso.

Currently, the acdemics staff consists of: Professor dr. Adrian A. Andries, Associate Professor Dr. Flavian St. Radulescu, Lecturer dr. Lucian Hincu and Assistant Lecturer dr. Daniela Maria Cioaca and laboratory analyst Cameliea Ion.

  1. Development of solid or semisolid formulas for poorly soluble pharmaceuticals;
  2. The study of in vitro release profiles, using experimental compedia devices, the development of biorelevant in vitro test conditions, correlations in-vitro / in-vivo, evaluation of pharmacokinetics profiles, dosing in biological fluids;
  3. Evaluation of the biopharmaceutical properties of chemical entities with potential therapeutic activity;
  4. Obtaining pharmacologically active proteins by biotechnological processes;
  5. Genotyping studies, as part of personalized medicine.


Course Topics

Part I

Pharmaceutical Biotechnologies

  1. Introduction

Section I

Fermentative Biotechnologies

  1. General notions of fermentative biotechnologies
  2. Pharmaceutical fermentative biotechnologies

Section II

Genetic Biotechnologies

1. The flow of genetic information2. Recombinant DNA Technology3. Recombinant Human Insulin4. Interferon

  1. Other drugs obtained by recombinant DNA technology

Part II

The management of the industrial drug production

Section I

  1. Development of a drug (design, production and implementation of the pilot phase)
  2. Industrial production of the drug. Pharmaceutical companies
  3. Elements that generate quality product; Equipment qualification and validation of manufacturing processes

Section II

  1. Rules of good practice in manufacturing and evaluating the pharmaceutical products
  2. Classification and evaluation of variations in composition and process for the industrial pharmaceutical products
  3. Design and analysis of pharmaceutical quality

Part III

Industrial Pharmaceutical Technology

  1. Materials used for the conditioning drugs
  2. Materials used for the construction of the machinery used in drug industry
  3. Corrosion and corrosion protection methods

Practical Work Topics

Part I

Pharmaceutical Biotechnologies

  1. Introduction
  2. Genetic Biotechnologies. The study of nucleic acids
  3. Expression and purification of proteins of pharmaceutical interest

Part II

Industrial Plants

  1. The reactor
  2. Mechanical Operations
  3. Hydrodynamic Operations
  4. Thermal Operations
  5. Other Operations

Part III

Technological processes for industrial production of pharmaceuticals (Tolbutamide, sodium saccharin, Hydrochlorothiazide, Lidocaine, salicylic, metamizole sodium, Paracetamol, Oxichinolul, Clorquinaldolul, nicotinic acid and derivatives, Trimethoprim, methyl p-hydroxybenzoate, Iodiseptul, ascorbic acid etc.)

Part IV

  1. Technological flows for obtaining pharmaceutical forms of drugs in enterprises.
  2. Pilot station

Selective Bibliography

Alberts B., Johnson Al., Lewis J., Raff M., Roberts K., Walter P., Molecular biology of cell, Garland Science, Taylor & Francis Group, New York, 2002;

Andries A.A., Lupuleasa D., Oteleanu D., Zuchi Gh., Hancu L., Sultana Nita, Cazacincu R.,  Procese tehnologice de obtinere industriala a unor substanALe farmaceutice, Ed. Universitara Carol Davila, Bucuresti, 2006;

Constantinescu D., Vaireanu D. I., Maior Ioana, Stiinta materialelor, Ed. Matrix Rom, Bucuresti, 2004;

Aiache J.-M., Beyssac E., Cardot J.-M., Hoffart V., Renoux R., Inistiation a la connaissance du medicament, Elsevier Masson SAS, 2008;

Couper J.R., Penney W.R., Fair J.R., Walas S.M., Chemical process equipment, Elsevier, 2005;

Jurcoane Stefana, Biotehnologii, Ed. Tehnica, Bucuresti, 2000;

Kimball N., Glossary of biotechnology terms, CRC Press, 2002;

Klefenz H., Industrial pharmaceutical biotechnology, Wiley, 2002;

Leucuta E. Sorin, Tehnologie farmaceutica industriala, Ed. Dacia, Cluj-Napoca, 2001;

Muntean Marcela, Ghizdavet AL Z., Proiectarea fabricilor, Ed. Matrix Rom, BucureAYti, 2003;

Mitrea Niculina, Lupuleasa D., AndrieAY A.A., Enoiu Milica, Biotehnologii utilizate in prepararea medicamentelor, Ed. Medicala, BucureAYti, 2002;

Popovici Iuliana, Lupuleasa D., Tehnologie farmaceutica vol. I-III, Ed. Polirom, IaAYi, 1997;

Scriban R. Biotechnologie Ed. Technique & Documentation, Lavoisier, Paris, 1993;

Walsh G., Biopharmaceuticals, Wiley, 2004;

***Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Encyclopedia, Third Edition, William Andrew Publishing, Norwich, NY, USA, 2007;

*** Farmacopeea Romana, Editia a X-a, Ed. Medicala, Bucuresti, 1993;

*** European Pharmacopoeia , Ed.8.0, Directorate for the Quality of Medicine & Health Care (EDQM), Council of Europe, Strasbourg, France, 2013;

*** The United States Pharmacopeia, The United States Pharmacopeial Convention, 12601 Twinbrook Parkway, Rockville, MD 20852, 36, 2013.

1.Ways of standardizing the production of drugs

Selective Bibliography

Andries A.A., Lupuleasa D., Oteleanu D., Zuchi Gh., Hancu L., Sultana Nita, Cazacincu R.,  Procese tehnologice de obtinere industriala a unor substante farmaceutice, Ed. Universitara Carol Davila, Bucuresti, 2006;

Aiache J.-M., Beyssac E., Cardot J.-M., Hoffart V., Renoux R., Inistiation A la connaissance du medicament, Elsevier Masson SAS, 2008;

Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Encyclopedia, Third Edition, William Andrew Publishing, Norwich, NY, USA, 2007;

LeucuALa E. Sorin, Tehnologie farmaceutica industriala, Ed. Dacia, Cluj-Napoca, 2001;

Muntean Marcela, Ghizdavet Z., Proiectarea fabricilor, Ed. Matrix Rom, BucureAYti, 2003;

***Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Encyclopedia, Third Edition, William Andrew Publishing, Norwich, NY, USA, 2007;

*** Farmacopeea Romana, Editia a X-a, Ed. Medicala, Bucuresti, 1993;

*** European Pharmacopoeia , Ed.8.0, Directorate for the Quality of Medicine & Health Care (EDQM), Council of Europe, Strasbourg, France, 2013;

*** The United States Pharmacopeia, The United States Pharmacopeial Convention, 12601 Twinbrook Parkway, Rockville, MD 20852, 36, 2013.

  1. Pharmacogenomics and personalized medicine

Selective Bibliography

Alberts B., Johnson Al., Lewis J., Raff M., Roberts K., Walter P., Molecular biology of cell, Garland Science, Taylor & Francis Group, New York, 2002;

Cristea Aurelia Nicoleta, Farmacie clinica, vol. I, Ed. Medicala, Bucuresti, 2015;

Cristea Aurelia Nicoleta, Tratat de farmacologie, Ed. Medicala, 2013;

Cristea Aurelia Nicoleta, Farmacologie generala, Ed. Didactica si Pedagogica, 2011;

Cristea Aurelia Nicoleta, Farmacie clinica, vol. II, Ed. Medicala, Bucuresti, 2012;

Kimball N., Glossary of biotechnology terms, CRC Press, 2002;

Klefenz H., Industrial pharmaceutical biotechnology, Wiley, 2002;

Popovici Iuliana, Lupuleasa D., Tehnologie farmaceutica vol. I-III, Ed. Polirom, Iasi, 1997;

Scriban R. Biotechnologie Ed. Technique & Documentation, Lavoisier, Paris, 1993;

Walsh G., Biopharmaceuticals, Wiley, 2004;

*** Farmacopeea Romana, Editia a X-a, Ed. Medicala, Bucuresti, 1993;

*** European Pharmacopoeia , Ed.8.0, Directorate for the Quality of Medicine & Health Care (EDQM), Council of Europe, Strasbourg, France, 2013;

*** The United States Pharmacopeia, The United States Pharmacopeial Convention, 12601 Twinbrook Parkway, Rockville, MD 20852, 36, 2013.

Discipline: Drug Industry and Pharmaceutical Biotechnologies

Nr.crt. Topics Bibliography
1. The bioavailability of drugs. Bioequivalence. assessment of bioavailability Popovici I, Lupuleasa D, Tehnologie farmaceutica, vol. I, editia a III-a, Editura Polirom, Iasi, 2011, pag.223-229.
2. Making medicines pilot phase Popovici I, Lupuleasa D, Tehnologie farmaceutica, vol. I, editia a III-a, Editura Polirom, Iasi, 2011, pag.106-110.
3. Industrial quality assurance of medicines Popovici I, Lupuleasa D, Tehnologie farmaceutica, vol. I, editia a III-a, Editura Polirom, Iasi, 2011, pag.190-198.
4. Developing a new medicine Popovici I, Lupuleasa D, Tehnologie farmaceutica, vol. I, editia a III-a, Editura Polirom, Iasi, 2011, pag.85-104.
5. Parameters for the evaluation of the in vitro dissolution profile Mircioiu C, Miron D, Radulescu F, Mircioiu I, Anuta V. Elemente de biofarmacie si farmacocinetica, vol. I - Fundamente, Editura Universitara „Carol Davila", Bucuresti, 2008, pag.21-33.
6. Caracteristici ale cailor de administrare Mircioiu C, Miron D, Radulescu F, Ghiciuc C, Mircioiu I. Elemente de biofarmacie si farmacocinetica, vol. I - Fundamente, EdituraUniversitara„Carol Davila", Bucuresti, 2008, pag.65-72.
7. Correlations in vitro / in vivo Mircioiu C, Miron D, Radulescu F, Mircioiu I, Anuta V. Elemente de biofarmacie si farmacocinetica, vol. II - Evaluari comparative si corelari, EdituraUniversitara „Carol Davila", Bucuresti, 2008, pag.119-130.
8. Equipment qualification and validation of the manufacturing processes Popovici I, Lupuleasa D, Tehnologie farmaceutica, vol. I, editia a III-a, Editura Polirom, Iasi, 2011, pag.223-229.
9. Compartmental pharmacokinetic models Mircioiu C, Miron D, Radulescu F, Mircioiu I, Anuta V. Elemente de biofarmacie si farmacocinetica, vol. I - Fundamente, Editura Universitara „Carol Davila", Bucuresti, 2008, pag.95-105.
10. Dissolution kinetics and metrics Mircioiu C, Miron D, Radulescu F, Mircioiu I, Anuta V. Elemente de biofarmacie si farmacocinetica, vol. I - Fundamente, Editura Universitara „Carol Davila", Bucuresti, 2008, pag.10-20
  • biopharmaceutical properties;
  • biorelevant conditions;
  • dissolution / in-vitro release;
  • correlations in-vitro / in-vivo;
  • biotechnological processes;
  • genotyping.
  1. Proiect PN II, PCCA tip 2, nr. 28/2014, titlu: Nouă platformă interactivă şi colaborativă adresată forurilor de reglementare, mediului academic şi industriei pentru dezvoltarea medicamentelor bazată pe Sistemul de Clasificare Biofarmaceutică, perioada de desfășurare 2014-2016, director proiect Prof.Dr. Dumitru Lupuleasa.
  2. Proiect IDEI, PCE, nr. 25/2013, titlu: Screeningul in vitro al limitărilor biofarmaceutice și al consecințelor farmacocinetice / farmacodinamice pentru oxime, perioada de desfășurare 2013-2015, director proiect Acad.Prof.Dr. Victor A. Voicu.
  3. Proiect PN II, PCCA tip 2, nr. 126/2012, titlu: Noi combinaţii complexe ale unor lantanide cu proprietăţi antitumorale şi utilizarea lor in design-ul şi dezvoltarea de noi medicamente, perioada de desfășurare 2012-2015, director proiect Dr.Sultana Niță.
  4. Proiect PNCDI II nr. 41-053/14.09.2007, titlu: Evaluarea polimorfismului genetic ca sursă a variabilității răspunsului terapeutic la medicamentele cu metaboliți activi, perioada de desfășurare 2007-2010, director proiect Acad.Prof.Dr. Victor A. Voicu.
  5. Proiect PNCDI II nr.41-049/14.09.2007, titlu: Dezvoltarea investigației farmacogenomice pentru personalizarea terapiei medicamentoase în boala cardio-cerebro- vasculară, perioada de desfășurare: 2007-2010, director proiect Prof.Dr. Ioan Axente Guțiu.
  1. Munteanu AC, Uivarosi V, Andrieș A. Recent progress in understanding the molecular mechanisms of radioresistance in Deinococcus bacteria. Extremophiles 2015;(19)4:707-719.
  2. Ciolan DF, Minea A, Andries AA, Nicoara AC, Radulescu FS, Miron DS. The influence of compendial cells design and experimental setup on the in-vitro similarity of ketoconazole topical creams. Farmacia 2015;63(6):865-871.
  3. Nita S, Andries AA, Patron L, Radulescu F, Albulescu R, Beteringhe A, Vintila M, Rusu N. Synthesis, Physico-Chemical and Toxicological Characterization of New Complexes of Lanthanides (III) with Ampiroxicam and Lornoxicam. Revista de Chimie 2015;66(10):1659-1662.
  4. Voicu V, Rădulescu FȘ, Medvedovici A. Relationships between the antidotal efficacy and structure, PK/PD parameters and bio-relevant molecular descriptors of AChE reactivating oximes: inclusion and integration to biopharmaceutical classification systems. Expert Opin Drug Metab Toxicol. 2015;11(1):95-109.
  5. Voicu V, Sârbu C, Tache F, Micăle F, Rădulescu FȘ, Sakurada K, Ohta H, Medvedovici A. Lipophilicity indices derived from the liquid chromatographic behavior observed under bimodal retention conditions (reversed phase/hydrophilic interaction): Application to a representative set of pyridinium oximes. Talanta. 2014;122:172-9.
  6. Voicu V, Rădulescu FȘ, Medvedovici A. Toxicological considerations of acetylcholinesterase reactivators. Expert Opin Drug Metab Toxicol. 2013;9(1):31-50.
  7. Mircioiu C, Voicu VA, Ionescu M, Miron DS, Rădulescu FȘ, Nicolescu A.C. Evaluation of in vitro absorption, decontamination and desorption of organophosphorous compounds from skin and synthetic membranes, Toxicol Lett. 2013;219(2):99-106.
  8. Voicu VA, de Leon J, Medvedovici AV, Rădulescu FȘ, Miron DS. New insights on the consequences of biotransformation processes on the distribution and pharmacodynamic profiles of some neuropsychotropic drugs. Eur Neuropsychopharmacol. 2012;22(5):319-29.
  9. Nita S, Andries AA, Patron L, Albulescu R, Rădulescu FȘ, Tanase C, Vintila M. Analytical and toxicological characterization of new Co(II) coordination compounds used for antiinflammatory oxicams Drugs. Revista de chimie 2011;62(5):549-553.
  10. Andrieș AA, Cioacă DM, Axente GI, Oprea I, Rădulescu FȘ, Georgescu AM. Detection of Cyp2d6*6 allele by real time polymerase chain reaction in Romanian population. Farmacia 2010;58(3):353-61.