On 4 June 2024, UMFCD received the award: “Excellence in Human Resources in Research”, granted by the European Commission to higher education institutions, research and development institutions that respect the principles outlined in the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers, thus creating favourable working conditions and a
Admission Results – Medicine – English Program (.pdf)
Admission Results – Dentistry – English Program (.pdf)
Contact media: Radu Rotaru rrotaru@its.jnj.com 0747 295 639 Hackathon4Health has reached its 6th edition, being the most important health hackathon in Romania, which aims to generate innovative ideas with real impact in the field of health.  Registration takes place between 6– 23 October 2022, 23:59, on the dedicated platform of the event, https://hackathon4health.ro/  Johnson &

Opening of the 2022-2023 Academic Year

Under Law No. 1/2011 – National Education Law, Law 55/2020, Common Order of Ministry of Health and Ministry of Education No. 5196/1756/2021, of Government Emergency Order No. 99/2021 and of the CDUMP Charter, the following are adopted: Courses Within the CDUMP Faculties / Doctoral School, the courses will take place as much as possible with
Taking into account the examination regulations of the Bachelor exam – written part on digital media, please check by 18.08.2021 the accuracy of your data in the table received on your institutional e-mail address. Please contact us at com.digitale@umfcd.ro if you have not received the email or notice any mistakes in your name or your