Center for Counseling and Career Orientation

Under the National Education Law no. 1/2011, with subsequent amendments and completions, based on the Order of the Minister of National Education no. 650/2014 - Framework methodology regarding the organization and functioning of career guidance and counseling centers in the higher education system in Romania, amended by the Order of the Minister of Education and Scientific Research no. 3070/2015;

With the approval of the Board of Directors and by the decision of the Senate of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Carol Davila" in Bucharest, on 01.10.2016 the Career Guidance and Counseling Center of UMFCD is established, hereinafter referred to as the Center for Psychological, Educational and Professional Counseling.

Counseling directions:

Psychological counseling - involves personalized support in overcoming situations that may affect the student experience throughout the university studies - support for self-knowledge, stress management, emotional difficulties, etc.

Educational counseling - identifying one's own learning style, identifying the learning strategies of each student, choosing master's studies, etc.

Career / professional counseling - planning the career path of students and / or graduates in order to - identify professional interests and skills through specific testing; assistance in writing motivation letters, personal portfolio, CV; preparation for a job interview; support in making a career decision and creating a career plan; identifying opportunities to develop the necessary skills and competencies in the labor market, etc.

Other services in the area of ​​activity such as - workshops, working groups, informing.

For appointments or other information please use the e-mail address:

C.C.P.E.P. Team


Career / Professional Counselor


Referent - Secretary


 All services are offered free of charge!