Discipline - Oral Health and Community Dentistry

Professor Dumitrache Mihaela Adina, PhD tenured
Associate Professor Sfeatcu Ionela Ruxandra, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Lambescu Dan Gabriel, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Caramida Mariana, PhD tenured
Assistant Professor Dumitrascu Loredana Cristina, PhD tenured

Oral Health and Behavioral Sciences discipline was founded in 2003 after its separation from Community and Preventive Dentistry. The new discipline has appeared instead of the Perfecting II, of dentists, a discipline that also included the course destined for the students from the Faculty of Medicine. Later, in 2014, the Behavioral Sciences discipline was separated from it and became the Oral Health and Community Dentistry discipline.

In 1996, in addition to the discipline activity with the Faculty of Dental Medicine students, work from College of Prevention also appeared, which functioned within the faculty until 2002-2003 academic year.

The discipline was managed until 2003-2004 academic year by Associate Professor Dr. Cuculescu Marian. Between 2004 and 2007 the management was assured by Senior Lecturer Dr. Moraru Ruxandra. Since 2007, the discipline is managed by Associate Professor Dr. Dumitrache Mihaela Adina.

Currently, the discipline operates its activity for sixth year students of the Faculty of Dentistry. The students have exams each semester, with 4 academic credits. For the first year students, the discipline organises two optional courses ( Introduction in Medical Deontology and Applied Sociology in Dental Medicine), that have over 150 students each year. There is also an optional course for the forth year students (Methodology of achieving the undergraduate license).

The members of the discipline have participated in the exams for admission and undergraduate license of the Faculty of Dentistry students, in the exams for specialization and also for the posts of Lecturer, Assistant Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor ( at our University or others) and for different examination steps of the doctors wanting to achieve PhD.

Medical activity description

Within our discipline, the students perform specific medical procedures for Community Dentistry: oro-dental status evaluation by determining indices of caries, periodontal indices, plate indices, assesing the level of knowledge, attitudes and behaviors towards oral health, assesing the caries and periodontal risk, education for oral health in communities.

Students are trained on specific research methods and stages of a promotion program for oral health and health education strategies in specific communities of preschool, school and high school students.

Basic course – sixth year – first semester (series 3) and second semester (series 1 and 2)

  1. The definitions and determinants of oral health. Objectives and W.H.O. recommendations - 1h
  2. Relation between life quality and oral health – 1 h
  3. Planning and stages of oral health programs - 2 h
  4. Aspects of oral health programs implemented in collectivities - 2 h
  5. Epidemiological investigations. Classification, stages - 2 h
  6. Applications of epidemiological surveys in oral health. Medical statistics - 2 h
  7. Medical sociology- 2 h
  8. Epidemiology of dental caries and caries risk assessment- 2 h
  9. Epidemiology of periodontal disease and oral cancer, prediction methods- 2 h
  10. Clinical indices of evaluation of oral status and treatment necessity- 2 h
  11. Scale of assessment of quality of life – oral health association - 2 h
  12. Classification of preventive strategies depending on the time of surgery - 2 h
  13. Classification of preventive strategies based on the populaion segment- 2 h
  14. Approaches to promoting oral health - 2 h
  15. Goals and stages of health education- 2 h
  16. Educational methods used in oral health - 2 h
  17. Sanogenous message in health education - 2 h


  1. Pine C, Community Oral Health, Wright, Oxford, 2000
  2. Comes, C , Ionescu Sabina. Scientific Research Methodology, Ed Cerma , Bucuresti, 2005
  3. Dumitrache M.A, Sfeatcu IR , Buzea CM, DumitraAYcu LC, Lambescu DG : "Concepts and trends in oral health" ; Editura Universitara "Carol Davila", Bucuresti, 2009, ISBN 978- 973-708-382-1
  4. Dumitrache A, Moraru R, Dumitrascu, L, Behavioral Sciences, Lecture notes, Ed. Cerma, Bucuresti, 2005
  5. Hanganu, C, Danila I, Community Dentistry, Ed Tehnica –info, Chisinau, 2002
  6. Lupu I, Zanc, I, Medical Sociology, Editura Polirom, Iasi, 2000
  7.  Moraru, R, Dumitrache, A, Comunication and education in oral health,Ed. Cerma Bucuresti, 2002
  8. Sheiham, A,1998, Integrating strategies for improving oral health and general health, World Health,October,28-29
  9. Timis Teodora, Oral health – essential determinant for quality of life:, Ed. Performantica, Iasi, 2005
  10. WHO Basic epidemiology, Geneva 1993, www.who.org


Optional course – first year – Applied Sociology in Dental Medicine – Associate Professor Dumitrache Mihaela Adina

  1. Psychosocial approaches to health and oro-dental diseases. Health dimensions, illness as deviant. Cultural meanings of health and disease - 2 h
  2. Lifestyle and health. Dental disease risk factors: diet, smoking, alcohol and drugs -2h
  3. Social stratification and health status. Poverty and inequality in access to health services -2h
  4. Social influence. Theories and models of attitudinal change- 2h
  5. Persuasion in Dental Medicine-  2h
  6. Emotions and heath status. Psychosocial aspects of anxiety to dental treatment- 2h
  7. Mass media and oral health- 2h


  1. Dumitrache, Adina, Moraru, Ruxandra & Dumitrascu, Loredana. (2006). Behavioral sciences. Lecture notes. Bucuresti: Editura Cermaprint.
  2. Dumitrache, Mihaela A., Sfeatcu, Ionela R., Buzea, Corina M., Dumitrascu, Loredana C. & Lambescu, Dan G. (2009). Concepts and trends in oral health. Bucuresti: Editura Universitara Carol Davila.
  3. Germov, John. (1998). Second opinion: an introduction to health sociology. Melbourne: Oxford University Press
  4. Giddens, Anthony. [1989](2000). Sociology, Third Edition. BucureAYti: Editura Bic All.
  5. Hanganu, Stela Carmen and Danila Ioan. (2002). Community Stomatology. Chisinau: Editura Tehnica-Info.
  6. James, Veronica si Gabe, Jonathan (eds.). (1996). Health and the Sociology of Emotions. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
  7. Lupu, Iustin & Zanc, Ioan. (1999). Medical Sociology. Theories and applications. Iasi: Editura Polirom.
  8. Moraru, Ruxandra & Dumitrache, Adina, (2003). Communication and education in oral health. Bucuresti: Editura Cerma.
  9. Oltean, Dumitru. (1996). Preventive Dentistry. Bucuresti: Editura Anotimp.
  10. Radulescu, Sorin M. (2002).Sociology of health and disease. Bucuresti: Editura Nemira.

Optional Course – first year – Course Introduction in medical deonthology – Senior Lecturer dr. Sfeatcu Ionela Ruxandra

  1. Health ( with reference to oral- dental health), essential coordinate for human existence and social progress.- 2 h
  2. The concept of quality of life and its involvement in dentistry. Evaluation Tools.- 2 h
  3. Onservation chart: forensic and ethical document. Patient informed consent, a necessity for medical activity. Iatrogen pathology.
  4. Doctor- patient relation. Patient rights and obligations of medical staff. Presentation of the ethics code of the dentist.- 2 h
  5. Responsability and truth in medical practice, with refference to dentistry. Ethical implications in clinical research and laboratory - 2 h
  6. Perspectives on cloning: ethical, legal and religious considerations. Genetically modified organisms, a controversed technology. Euthanasia and assisted suicide, an issue of medical ethics? Bioterrorism, a problem of contemporany society.- 2 h
  7. Case studies on research in dental medicine: ethical and social aspects, risks and benefits, confidentiality, results. - 2 h.


  1. Codul Deontologic al Medicilor din Romania, Colegiul Medicilor din Bucuresti, Editura Medicala
  2. Codul deontologic al medicului dentist, Colegiul Medicilor Dentisti din Romania. Monitorul oficial al Romaniei, partea I, Nr. 408/18.06.2010
  3. Astarastoae V, Almos TB. Responsabilitatea juridica medicala in Romania. Editura Polirom, 2000
  4. David D. Metodologia cercetarii clinice. Editura Polirom, 2006
  5. Azoicai D. Etica cercetarii clinice. O prioritate in medicina bazata pe dovezi. Revista Romana de Bioetica, vol. 1, nr.2, 2003
  6. Vulpoi C, Ungureanu G, Stoica O. RelaALia medic-pacient. Educatie terapeutica si implicatii bioetice. Revista Romana de Bioetica, vol. 5, nr. 2, 2007
  7. Wiliams JR. Dental Etics Manual. Federatia Dentara Internationala, 2007.
  • oral health profile,
  • promotion programs,
  • education for health,
  • oral health
  1. Youth Community –based Oral health Learning Model. Erasmus Project+, KA-2, Strategic Partnerships for Youth, nr. referinta 2014-2-RO01-KA205-013237
  2. Social Economy Development Proiect cofinantat prin Fondul Social European prin Programul Operational Sectorial  Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007-2013,, Investeste in oameni" contract nr POSDRU166/6.1/S/ 144089
  3. Professional counseling for medical students and practical program in medicine and dental medicine domains - Proiectu POSDRU 139881
  4. Educational project in schools from "Smile Romania" campaign, 2013
  5. Evaluation of knowledge level in health – towards teens and adults from Bucharest in order to increase patient compliance to therapeutic interventions - Proiect Tineri cercetatori 33898/11.11.2014

« Concepts and trends in oral health »
Authors : Mihaela Adina Dumitrache, Ionela Ruxandra Sfeatcu, Corina Mona Buzea, Loredana DumitraAYcu, Dan Gabriel Lambescu, Editura Universitara "Carol Davil", Bucuresti, 2009, ISBN 978- 973-708-382-1.

« Behavioral Sciences. Lecture notes»
Authors : Adina Dumitrache, Ruxandra Moraru, Loredana Dumitrascu
 Editura Cerma, BucureAYti, 2005, ISBN 973- 87013-6-8

« Communication and education in oral health »
Authors : Ruxandra Moraru, Adina Dumitrache (cap. IV.1-IV.7)
 Editura Cerma, 2003, ISBN 973-9266-67-3.

,,Caries experience in schoolchildren in Bucharest, Romania: The PAROGIM study". Cristian Funieru, Svante Twetman, Elena Funieru, Adina Mihaela Dumitrache, Ruxandra Ionela Sfeatcu, Cristian Baicus. Journal of Public Health Dentistry 2013;73(3). http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/jphd.12039/abstract. Impact Factor: 1.209.

„Oral health education of schoolchildren though audio-visual methods". Loredana Dumitrascu, Adina Mihaela Dumitrache, Ruxandra Ionela Sfeatcu, Lucian Podoleanu, Elena Podoleanu. 3rd Intenational Conference on E-health and Bioengineering-EHB 2011, 24-26 nov Iasi, Romania. IEEE Proceedings paper NY, USA.  978-1-4577-0292-1

„Life quality associated with oral health at Bucharest school students", Mihaela Adina Dumitrache, Cristian Comes, Elina Teodorescu, Loredana Dumitrascu, Marian Cuculescu, Ecaterina Ionescu, Revista Romana de Bioetica, Iasi, volumul 7, Nr. 4, oct -dec 2009 - ISSN 1583-5170. Factor de impact 0,48

,,Study on risk factors of dental caries in a lot of school students in Bucharest (1)". Cristian Funieru, Ruxandra Ionela Sfeatcu, Elena Funieru, Mihaela Raescu, Loredana Ivan, Adina Mihaela Dumitrache. Revista Romana de Stomatologie 2015;LXI(1):29-33. ISSN1843-0805

,,Efficiency of Cognitive Technique in Reducing Dental Anxiety". Authors: Mihaela Adina Dumitrache, Valentina Neacsu, Ionela Ruxandra Sfeatcu. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 2014. 2014;194: 302-306. Elsevier 1877-0428. ISSN 1877-0428

„Relaxation and systematic desensitization in reducing dental anxiety" Authors: Valentina NeacsuIonela Ruxandra SfeatcuNicoleta MaruMihaela Adina Dumitrache. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 127, 22 April 2014, Pages 474–478, indexat Elsevier, Science Direct, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.sbspro.2014.03.293

,,Oral healthcare of preschool children – study of parents' knowledge"Authors: Ruxandra Sfeatcu, Adina Dumitrache, Ana Petre, Constantin Daguci, Mircea Lupusoru, Nicoleta Maru. Medicine in evolution 2013;XIX(2):406-409, ISSN 2065-376X .